kiranye melalui BBT ni ler kita bleh tahu bln tu kita ovulate atau tidak yer... |
senang sketkan sbb dah ada thread khas utk BBT nih
sbb ramai yg nak tau so sana sini dok tny
tp kalu dah ada tread nih........senang sket nk refer |
Originally posted by mix_chinese at 28-6-2006 03:20 PM
betul gak tu,, mmg balik ni nak beli thermometer tu..
cuma tak paham yg nie..
Jika baby boy mmg leh tau sbb dah ovulate based on chart.. tapi mcmana nak tau sehari sebelum ovulation? sedan ...
Ohh...hehehe ha ah cian liz koci pun tak kasi tau...ini semua base on exp kita buat chart dan observation kita sediri. Selalu bila koci tengok suhu koci dah turun 36.14C normally suhu koci akan turun minimum pada keesokkan harinya dalam 36.04-36.07C...so masa suhu dah turun sampai 36.10-36.17C ni get ready ajelah lagipun it is advisable tu have intercourse at alternate day...nak pulun pun bleh jugak tapi make sure pulun on the right day lah... :pmuka: |
Originally posted by an4zaara at 28-6-2006 03:23 PM
kiranye melalui BBT ni ler kita bleh tahu bln tu kita ovulate atau tidak yer...
Yer boleh kalau takde dip dalam graph tu takdelah ovulation that cycle...confirm by my gynae... |
koci....ikut pengalaman kocikan.....time period dgn sblm period normal suhu koci brapa? |
Originally posted by oghang_kedah at 28-6-2006 05:33 PM
koci....ikut pengalaman kocikan.....time period dgn sblm period normal suhu koci brapa?
Nak senang boleh tengok BBT koci paste kat page 1 ...
Selepas period/sewaktu periof ~ 36.2-36.4C
Ovulation day ~ 36.04-36.06C
Lepas ovulation ~36.4-36.9C
Roughly laa...pattern lebih kurang sama aje every months...just used ur exp n observation...lama2 bleh faham cycle sendri... |
thats why BBT chart nie kalau boleh you buat continuously for 3 mths in order u nak understand macam mana you punya cycle and bila u ovulates and so on. so it'll be easier utk u plan wether u want a baby girl or baby boy.
So keep on charting and you will understand your body more. |
Originally posted by an4zaara at 28-6-2006 03:23 PM
kiranye melalui BBT ni ler kita bleh tahu bln tu kita ovulate atau tidak yer...
yes zaara. as i explained earlier in the other thread. doesn't mean that if every month you have your period you are ovulating because there is a cycle which you do have your period but you are not even ovulating  |
Originally posted by mix_chinese at 28-6-2006 03:09 PM
Koci.. kalai chart tu maybe liz boleh buat tapi yang mucus tu sumer belum niat nak tgk lagi.
Liz takyah rasa ngeri... its nothing much actually pasal discharge yg keluar tu mcm normal discharge dimana sometimes you akan ada white discharge lbh kurang jer. cuma beza pada warna. pasal discharge yg keluar masa you ovulating tu berwarna putih telur mentah.
nak bezakan dari normal discharge you boleh tgk dr bentuk yg terbentuk di panties kalau line memanjang mcm biasa ada tanda pada panties you then its not ovulation mucus yg keluar. but if berbentuk bulat setompok and you terasa wet than usual then its your ovulation mucus. the way yg explain earlier tu adalah cara utk u bezakan normal discharge and ovulation discharge. so when you are ready u can try. |
Originally posted by koci at 28-6-2006 07:02 PM
Nak senang boleh tengok BBT koci paste kat page 1 ...
Selepas period/sewaktu periof ~ 36.2-36.4C
Ovulation day ~ 36.04-36.06C
Lepas ovulation ~36.4-36.9C
Roughly laa...pattern lebih kur ...
thanks koci:tq::tq: |
Originally posted by aylin at 29-6-2006 08:07 AM
thats why BBT chart nie kalau boleh you buat continuously for 3 mths in order u nak understand macam mana you punya cycle and bila u ovulates and so on. so it'll be easier utk u plan wether u want ...
:tq::tq: aylin |
Bulan ni mcm tak jumpa pulak dip dlm graph merah ni..The lowest BBT is 36.2 pada 10 day of cycle..Tak ovulate ke aku bulan ni? Ni BBT merah..
hari ke 11~ 36.2, hari ke 12~36.3, hari ke 13~36.3, hari ke 14~36.3, hari ke 15~36.5, and today hari ke 16~ 36.4..Tapi kan, semalam & hari ni breast sakit..tu tengah ovulate ke? |
Originally posted by koci at 27-6-2006 04:15 PM
...bila u tahu ur ovulation day is coming boleh intercourse sama ada sehari sebelum ovulation day (for baby girl) on the day of ovulation (for baby boy) atau setelah ovulated day (suhu spik ...
"bila u tahu ur ovulation day is coming" so that means, this BBT requires attention for 2-3months the most rite? from previous to current chart, we'll be able to detect the exact ovulation day then?
does ovulation day falls on the same day each month?
still in the process of learning and understanding  |
Originally posted by Hane at 29-6-2006 11:49 AM
"bila u tahu ur ovulation day is coming" so that means, this BBT requires attention for 2-3months the most rite? from previous to current chart, we'll be able to detect the exact ovul ...
Yup its true it requires you to keep on charting for 3 consecutive months to know exactly or predict when you are ovulating. With regards to ovulation day it could varies by few days due to hormon changes this assumption could be use if your period is regular. however if your period is irregular it gonna be a bit difficult to predict exactly when you are ovulating as you cycles period may varies which sometimes it could be 20 days and the other month it gonna be 27 days or even 30 days and it may requires you to chart more then 3 mths in order for you to understand your own cycle it could be for 6 cycle / month only then u will know how is your cycle trend.
Ovulation day could varies for one particular person to the other you could be ovulating at day 10th 15th or even 20th (assumption) but if you already familiar with the BBT charting later on it souldn't be a problem to you. |
Originally posted by merahjambu at 29-6-2006 11:49 AM
Bulan ni mcm tak jumpa pulak dip dlm graph merah ni..The lowest BBT is 36.2 pada 10 day of cycle..Tak ovulate ke aku bulan ni? Ni BBT merah..
hari ke 11~ 36.2, hari ke 12~36.3, hari ke 13~36.3, ha ...
merah susah nak cakap actually but you only at day 15th maybe you'll be ovulating at day 20th. so just keep on charting if there is no dip T in your chart when u already had ur period for the next cycle maybe then you can conclude that you are not ovulating for that particular month. |
hari nie nessa baru hari ke 25...suhu masih lagi 36.7....tapi ada kuar brownish.... |
Originally posted by aylin at 29-6-2006 12:20 PM
Yup its true it requires you to keep on charting for 3 consecutive months to know exactly or predict when you are ovulating. With regards to ovulation day it could varies by few days due to hor ...
thanks again aylin.. Hane dah beli thermometer, but haven't started charting yet.. i think i start on new calendar, 1st july 
now, my task is to download BBT chart heheee.. right away  |
today cik P menjengah.. So liz kena ambil clomid esok.
Jumpa dr fauziah 12day period. Itu utk apa.. check telur ke?? |
Originally posted by mix_chinese at 29-6-2006 12:43 PM
today cik P menjengah.. So liz kena ambil clomid esok.
Jumpa dr fauziah 12day period. Itu utk apa.. check telur ke??
liz yes dia nak check keadaan telur dan size. kalau dah cukup besar dia mungkin akan bg injection utk pecahkan telur and u boleh bersama lepas tu. tapi kalau sebelum tu nak bersama pun boleh tapi jgnlah esok nak chcek up malam nie you bersama. maybe u boleh bersama on day 10th  |
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