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Author: mamakcute

All About Expressway

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 22-10-2006 09:26 PM | Show all posts

AKLEH is the country? first intra-urban highway, and was envisioned as a solution to the traffic congestion along Jalan Ampang caused by the rapid development in the Ampang and Hulu Kelang vicinity.

AKLEH spans 7.9 km, and starts eastward from Jalan Sultan Ismail to the riverbanks of Sungai Klang and Sungai Ampang and ends at Taman Ampang Utama in Ampang.

AKLEH provides a three lanes carriageway in each direction from Jalan Sultan Ismail interchange to Dato? Keramat interchange. From Dato? Keramat interchange to Ampang interchange, there is a two lanes carriageway in each direction.

Having taken into account the travel pattern of vehicles in the area, five interchanges were built to help achieve the most efficient traffic flow. The interchanges are located at Jalan Sultan Ismail, Jalan Tun Razak, Dato? Keramat, Jalan Lingkaran Tengah 2 (MRR2)and Ampang. We also provide direct access from Ampang to KLCC carpark via KLCC tunnel located at KM1.2 (west bound).
AKLEH caters to all vehicles, inclusive of cars, taxis, buses, light commercial vans as well as medium sized lorries. However, lorries carrying dangerous cargoes, lorries exceeding 40 tonnes, motorcycles and bicycles are not permitted on the highway.

The construction works commenced in December 1996 and was completed on 15 December 2000. The highway was opened to public on 17 May 2001 and toll collection ensued on 1 June 2001.

With AKLEH, the long travelling time spent during peak hours within the city was greatly reduced from hours to minutes. It provided motorists with an alternative route, and enabled them to make better use of their precious time.


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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 22-10-2006 09:29 PM | Show all posts


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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 22-10-2006 09:31 PM | Show all posts

Emergency telephones are installed at every 500m intervals to provide means of communication between motorists and the control centre. A state-of the-art TCSS using Varible Messages Signs (VMS), Close Circuit Televisions (CCTV) and Vehicle Detection System (VDS) has been installed to enhance the safety of road users.

PROLINTAS also provides hotline and 24 hours patrolling team as an added service for highway users.

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 22-10-2006 09:34 PM | Show all posts



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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 22-10-2006 09:36 PM | Show all posts



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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 22-10-2006 09:39 PM | Show all posts


Besraya has determined that safety and friendly service for road users is the utmost important. With this in mind, the organization will maintain a core of experienced staff to serve to the needs of the road users. Please refer to the respective pages for more information.


Petrol Station

There are two (2) petrol stations located along the Besraya Highway ...


Rest & Service Area

This service is extended towards the preparation and maintenance of our Rest and Service Areas (RSA) ...

Besronda Team

The highway shall be technically maintained to standard to ensure safety for road-users ...

Toll Collector

Inline with providing a quality service to our road users, the toll collector shall be continuously trained ...

Touch n' Go Service Counter

The Touch 'n Go System and Smart Tag System are available at all toll plaza along the Besraya Highway...


Public Transportation

The Besraya Highway represents one of the southern hubs of public transportation ...

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 22-10-2006 09:41 PM | Show all posts

21 June 2006


Opening Of Ramp D

From KL / Seri Kembangan to Balakong

(Traffic Management Scheme Stage 5)


On the 21st June 2006 , Besraya (M) Sdn Bhd officially opened Ramp D (from KL / Seri Kembangan to Balakong) of the Balakong Interchange to traffic. The opening of Ramp D will allow users traveling from Kuala Lumpur / Seri Kembangan to travel directly from the Besraya Highway towards Balakong, bypassing much of the congestion in front of the Mines Shopping Fair.  Motorists headed towards the Mines can still use the existing road.


This brings us one step closer towards the completion of the construction works at the interchange, which are well underway towards meeting the targeted completion by end of August 2006.

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 22-10-2006 09:43 PM | Show all posts


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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-10-2006 08:40 AM | Show all posts

Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia (LLM) adalah badan berkanun yang telah dipertanggungjawab untuk melaksanakan program-program penswastaan lebuhraya tol diseluruh negara. Selain pelaksanaan penswastaan lebuhraya baru, LLM juga bertanggungjawab untuk mengawalselia semua lebuhraya yang telah beroperasi untuk memastikan bahawa syarikat konsesi sentiasa memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik kepada pengguna-pengguna lebuhraya.

Mengikut peruntukan Akta 231, Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia, objektif penubuhan LLM ialah untuk merancang, merekabentuk, memaju, mengendali dan menyenggara rangkaian lebuhraya yang moden serta lengkap dengan segala kemudahan dan keperluan yang akan:-
i. Mengadakan suatu sistem pengangkutan jalanraya yang cepat, selamat dan cekap untuk negara secara keseluruhannya;
ii. Menghubungkan kesemua pekan utama yang sedia ada serta kawasan yang mempunyai
potensi pembangunan ekonomi, budaya dan sosial serta perpaduan negara; dan
iii. Membolehkan suatu sistem pengangkutan jalanraya awam antara badan yang berkesan di adakan diseluruh negara.
iv. untuk melatih kakitangan dan seterusnya memajukan kepakaran mereka dalam semua aspek yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan, pengendalian dan penyenggaraan lebuhraya.

Menurut peruntukan Seksyen 11(1) Akta Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia (Perbadanan) 1980, fungsi LLM ialah:-
i. Menyelia dan melaksanakan rekabentuk, pembinaan dan penyenggaraan lebuhraya-lebuhraya, sebagaimana yang ditentukan oleh Kerajaan.
ii.Menyelia dan melaksanakan rekabentuk, pembinaan dan penyenggaraan kawasan-kawasan rehat dan lain-lain kemudahan yang difikirkan perlu disepanjang lebuhraya;
iii. Memungut tol daripada pengguna-pengguna lebuhraya dan lain-lain bayaran dari kemudahan-kemudahan di sepanjang lebuhraya;
iv. Merancang dan menjalankan penyelidikan untuk memastikan penggunaan lebuhraya yang cekap dan lain-lain kemudahan di sepanjang lebuhraya dan pada amnya melakukan apa-apa juga perkara untuk memajukan lagi dan menggunakan dengan wajar lebuhraya dan lain-lain kemudahan di sepanjang lebuhraya.

KETUA PENGARAH : Y.Bhg. Dato' Ir George George


Wisma Lebuhraya,
Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia,
KM 6 Jalan Serdang - Kajang
43000 Kajang,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 03-87373000 (10 talian)
e-mail : [email protected]
(u/p: Pengarah Pentadbiran)


[sumber maklumat :dicabut daripada kertas kerja semasa Persidangan Strategik Kementerian Kerja Raya pada Jan 2003]

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-10-2006 08:42 AM | Show all posts



Lebuhraya Khusus KL ? KLIA sepanjang 42.2 km ini bermula dari Bulatan Kampong Pandan/Jalan Tun Razak hingga ke KLIA melalui Putrajaya, Cyberjaya dan akan beroperasi dengan sistem tol terbuka. Perjanjian Konsesi telah ditandatangani pada 22 Oktober 1997. Walaubagaimanapun kerajaan telah menangguhkan dahulu pembinaan lebuhraya ini.

Pihak kerajaan telah mengarahkan syarikat konsesi untuk melaksanakan dahulu pembinaan lebuhraya dari Bulatan Kg. Pandang hingga ke Putrajaya dan menangguhkan bahagian dari Putrajaya ke KLIA. Dalam skop pembinaan lebuhraya bahagian ini telah dibahagi kepada dua seksyen. Pihak kerajaan akan membiayai kos pembinaan seksyen 1 iaitu dari Bulatan Kg. Pandang hingga ke Taman Teknologi (13 km) dan juga Persimpangan Bertingkat Putrajaya manakala syarikat konsesi akan membiayai kos pembinaan di seksyen 2 iaitu dari Taman Teknologi hingga ke Putrajaya (13 km). Lebuhraya ini mempunyai dua lorong sehala iaitu 3 km bermula dari Kg. Pandan hingga ke Jalan Lapangan Terbang Extention dan 3 lorong sehala dari Jalan lapangan Terbang Extention hingga ke Putrajaya iaitu 23 km. Dua buah plaza tol akan dibina iaitu di ch.4+000 (Kuala Lumpur mainline toll plaza) dan Putrajaya (ramp toll plaza).

Terdapat 5 buah persimpangan bertingkat dibina sepanjang jajaran lebuhraya bahagian ini iaitu-:

i) Kampung Pandan Round About
ii) Salak South (East West Link)
iii) Kuchai Lama
iv) Lebuhraya Shah Alam
v) Putrajaya Link

Didalam skop baru yang dirundingkan untuk dimasukkan dalam perjanjian ?upplementary agreement? Persimpangan Bertingkat Lebuhraya Shah Alam akan dimasukkan dalam skop pembinaan oleh syarikat konsesi. Persimpangan Bertingkat Salak South akan dipinda dengan menggugurkan ?amp? masuk yang menghala ke Kuala Lumpur dari Lebuhraya KL-Seremban dan Lebuhraya Baru Pantai. ?amp? keluar arah selatan yang menghala ke Lebuhraya KL-Seremban juga digugurkan.

Pengguguran ramp-ramp tersebut adalah bagi menyelaraskan dengan projek SMART (Stormwater Managemant And Road Tunnel)

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-10-2006 08:46 AM | Show all posts

Gambar Kemajuan Projek

[ Last edited by  mamakcute at 23-10-2006 12:44 PM ]

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-10-2006 08:51 AM | Show all posts



Tujuan utama pembinaan Lebuhraya K ajang SILK adalah menangani masalah kesesakan lalulintas di Kajang serta kawasan persekitaran Balakong, Semenyih, Bangi, Sungai Long dan Sungai Chua. Selain membantu mengatasi masalah kesesakan lalulintas, ianya mempermudahkan laluan ke Putrajaya, Cheras, Semenyih, Sungai Long dan Bangi. Di samping itu juga, ia berupaya membawa potensi pembangunan yang pesat di sepanjang koridor Lebuhraya Kajang SILK.

Lebuhraya Kajang SILK menghubungkan antara lebuhraya-lebuhraya utama: Lebuhraya KL-Seremban, Lebuhraya Sungai Besi, Lebuhraya Cheras-Kajang, Lebuhraya Kajang-Seremban (masih dalam pembinaan) dan lebuhraya cadangan Lebuhraya Lembah Klang Selatan di samping mengurangkan masa perjalanan di antara bahagian Utara dan Selatan Kajang. Secara amnya ia menyediakan pemanduan yang lancar melalui Kajang dari Kuala Lumpur, Cheras, Sungai Long dan Balakong, selain itu ke Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA), Putrajaya, Semenyih, Bangi dan Seremban.

Fakta Teknikal

? Lampu jalan di keseluruhan jajaran
? 11 persimpangan bertingkat
? Sistem bayaran elektronik Touch ? Go dan SmartTag
? Sistem kawalan trafik dan paparan maklumat berkomputer
? Rondaan 24 jam oleh pasukan SILK Ronda
? Bantuan kerosakan untuk memastikan keselamatan dan keselesaan pengguna

Plaza Tol

? Plaza Tol Sungai Balak
? Plaza Tol Sungai Ramal
? Plaza Tol Bukit Kajang
? Plaza Tol Sungai Long

Persimpangan Bertingkat

1. Persimpangan Bertingkat Balakong (Exit 1801)
2. Persimpangan Bertingkat Sungai Long (Exit 1803)
3. Persimpangan Bertingkat Kajang Perdana (Exit 1804)
4. Persimpangan Bertingkat Kajang Prima (Exit 1805)
5. Persimpangan Bertingkat Jalan Reko (Exit 1806)
6. Persimpangan Bertingkat Sungai Ramal (Exit 1807)
7. Persimpangan Bertingkat Country Heights (Exit 1808)
8. Persimpangan Bertingkat Uniten (Exit 1809)
9. Persimpangan Bertingkat UPM (Exit 1810)
10. Persimpangan Bertingkat Sungai Balak (Exit 1811)
11. Persimpangan Bertingkat Sungai Chua (Exit 1812)

Lebuhraya Beroperasi Sepenuhnya

3 daripada 4 buah Plaza Tol dan sebahagian besar jajaran Lebuhraya Kajang SILK telah dibuka kepada lalulintas dan telah dirasmikan oleh Menteri Kerja Raya Malaysia, Y.B. Dato? Seri S Samy Vellu pada 15 Jun 2004. Manakala baki jajaran bermula daripada Persimpangan Bertingkat Sungai Long ke Persimpangan Bertingkat Kajang Perdana telah di buka kepada lalulintas pada 17 Disember 2004. Kini Lebuhraya Kajang SILK telah beroperasi sepenuhnya bagi mengurangkan kesesakan lalulintas di kawasan Kajang.

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-10-2006 08:52 AM | Show all posts


Sila hubungi nombor-nombor berikut sewaktu kecemasan di lebuhraya berkenaan:

Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia (LLM)  1800-88-7752
Lebuhraya Utara - Selatan (PLUS) 1800-88-0000
Jambatan Pulau Pinang (PBSB) 04-3980000
Lebuhraya Utara Selatan Hubungan Tengah (ELITE) 03-50311153
Laluan Kedua Malaysia - Singapura (LINK) 07-2788000
Lebuhraya Kuala Lumpur - Karak (MTD) 09-2330100  
Lebuhraya Kulim - Butterworth (KLBK) 04-3986969  
Lebuhraya Seremban - Port Dickson (SPDH) 06-6323060
Lebuhraya Shah Alam (KESAS) 03-56337188
Lebuhraya Cheras - Kajang (GRAND SAGA) 03-90750505
Lebuhraya Damansara - Puchong (LITRAK) 03-56329222
Lebuhraya Sungai Besi (BESRAYA) 1-800-880999
Lebuhraya Bertingkat Ampang (PROLINTAS) 03-42523122
Lebuhraya SPRINT  03-79602000
Lebuhraya Hubungan Timur Barat (METRAMAC) 03-91732020
Lebuhraya Shahpadu  03-33420564
Lebuhraya Baru Pantai (NPE) 1-300-881010
Lebuhraya Sistem Linkaran Kajang (SILK) 1-800-881977
Lebuhraya Pantai Timur (Fasa 1) 09-5479111
Lebuhraya Koridor Guthrie (GCE) 03-60385052

[ Last edited by  mamakcute at 23-10-2006 08:53 AM ]

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-10-2006 09:03 AM | Show all posts

Upgrading Jalan Damansara


Lebuhraya SPRINT was officially opened on 28th June 2001, six months ahead of schedule, offering motorists a smoother flow than before and indirectly eased the congestion on the local roads.

As some readers may know, construction of the highway commenced in late 1998. The construction provided many job opportunities and helped boost other industries while it contributed towards the nation's economic recovery.

Due to the rapid development in our country especially in the Klang Valley, Sprint noticed that there had been a tremendous increase in traffic on Jalan Damansara, emerging from the eight developments in the western Kuala Lumpur like Sg. Buloh Baru, Bukit Lanjan and Damansara Perdana to name a few. Today, traffic volume along Jalan Damansara has increased from 150,000 to 180,000 vehicles per day.

Imagine if nothing was done to upgrade and improve Jalan Damansara?

Motorists will continue to experience congestion having to stop at 7 traffic lights from Kayu Ara to KL and 4 traffic lights from KL to Kayu Ara. The traffic light junctions were mostly 4-phased, taking longer waiting time hence increasing travel time.

Undoubtedly the Damansara Link was an existing road. But with Damansara Link comes the widening of lanes and elimination of the 7 traffic light junctions replaced with 6 multi-tiered interchanges providing for smoother travel. To achieve this requires capital.

The toll collection however for Damansara Link is only one way. Motorists heading to KL would enjoy all the benefits and facilities the highway has to offer. And while tolling is from KL towards Kayu Ara, SPRINT has, for the first time in the country, provided a 2-lane, parallel toll-free road for the convenience of inter-residential travel. Motorists has the option to use the tolled or toll-free road.

Sprint would like to assure motorists that in spite of numerous comments from the public, motorists opting for the toll-free road are not worse off than before. Before Jalan Damansara was upgraded and widened, the journey from KL to Kayu Ara took 30 minutes with four traffic light junctions which were mainly 4-phased. With the toll-free road, the travel time is much faster although there are equal number of traffic lights but with lesser signalized phase as the main line traffic now travels on the tolled road. Hence less waiting time, reducing the traveling time if compared to Jalan Damansara before.

As in any new road opening, we noticed there were some confusion on the first few days after the opening of Lebuhraya SPRINT. However, with time, we believe motorists will quickly adjust to the system. SPRINT would also like to urge the motorists to play their role in ensuring smoother travel by following the directional signages, keeping to the speed limit and practicing good driving manners.

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-10-2006 09:04 AM | Show all posts


Works Minister Dato? Seri S. Samy Vellu officially opened the Penchala Link on February 16, 2004. This third link under the Sistem Penyuraian Trafik KL Barat Sdn Bhd (SPRINT) was opened for traffic at 2.00pm on the same day.

With the opening of Penchala Link, SPRINT has now completed its package of three links to disperse traffic congestion in the western part of Kuala Lumpur. Two other links, namely the Damansara Link and Kerinchi Link were opened in 2001.

The Penchala Link connects Lebuhraya Damansara ? Puchong (LDP) at Kg Sungai Penchala to SPRINT Highway (Kerinchi Link) via an interchange at Mont Kiara. It has three interchanges, namely the Penchala Interchange, Taman Tun Dr Ismail (TTDI) Interchange and Mont Kiara Interchange. The Penchala Link is expected to ease the traffic in the western part of Kuala Lumpur, as it serves as an alternative route to the currently congested Damansara Link.

This new highway is expected to be a catalyst for development in the western part of Kuala Lumpur such as developments around Kota Damansara, Bukit Lanjan (Mutiara Damansara, Damansara Perdana, Sunway Damansara), Kampung Sungai Penchala, Sungai Buloh, TTDI and Bandar Utama.

These areas will now have a direct connection to the Kuala Lumpur city centre, Segambut, Selayang, Jalan Duta, Jalan Kuching (in the northern KL) and to Sungei Besi, Cheras, Nilai and Seremban (in the southern part of KL).

Generally, the Penchala Link connecting other routes as follows:

This new highway is unique in a sense that it comes with a 710m twin-bored tunnel under a heavily forested area of Bukit Kiara that separates Kampung Sungai Penchala and Mont Kiara. In other words, the tunnel is located between TTDI Interchange and Mont Kiara Interchange. It is the only tunnel in the urban highways in Malaysia, and with three lanes on each bound; it is definitely the widest and set to become another landmark for Kuala Lumpur.

Apart from its aesthetic value of Moorish designs on both portals, the tunnel also come with many safety features such as Intelligent Transportation System, which included 10 CCTVs and Variable Sign Messages. In addition, three cross passages for emergency escape (at every 175 metres), intelligent lighting, air quality detectors, infrared heat detectors and ventilation fans are among other fascinating features for this state-of-the-art tunnel.

This new alignment reduces travel time from West KL (Sri Damansara) to central KL by 10km, or estimated 15 to 20 minutes, compared to the existing congested routes. The tunneling method was chosen to avoid the loss of greenery and to preserve the environment and wildlife habitat.

The RM420 million link, inclusive of RM150 million for the tunnel, was constructed in August 2001 and is completed in February 2004 or six months ahead of schedule. There is a critical need for the Penchala Link as is estimated that the population in the western part of Kuala Lumpur will increase by 318,000 from year 2000 to 2008.

Also present during the opening ceremony were Deputy Minister of Land and Cooperative Development Dato? Dr Tan Kee Kwong, SPRINT Chairman Tuan Haji Ir Yusoff Daud and Director General of the Malaysian Highway Authority Dato? Ir George George.

[ Last edited by  mamakcute at 23-10-2006 09:09 AM ]

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-10-2006 09:07 AM | Show all posts

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-10-2006 09:10 AM | Show all posts

The critical link between MRR I and MRR II to relieve city congestion

The Kerinchi Link is the critical intermediate ring road between MRR I and MRR II, needed to relieve city congestion by allowing motorists yet another ring road to bypass inner city roads.

The 11.5km Kerinchi Link comprises of Jln Bukit Kiara, the existing East-West Link that connects to Cheras and the proposed Kuala Lumpur North East Expressway.

The Kerinchi Link strategically connects the Federal Highway (at Angkasapuri) in the south to the planned Kuala Lumpur North East Expressway in the north and takes north-south bound traffic off Jalan Tun Razak, Jalan Istana and Lebuhraya Mahameru, thereby reducing congestion on MRRI.

In addition, this new link enables commuters to avoid secondary roads like Jalan Universiti, Jalan Maarof and Jalan Dato' Abu Bakar that are currently used as through routes to the Federal Highway, although they were never designed for such heavy traffic flow. Once the Kerinchi Link relieves the pressure of these residential roads, residents of Kerinchi, Bangsar and Section 17 will enjoy much safer and smoother traffic conditions.
The Kerinchi Link has 5 interchanges at Jalan Duta, Mont Kiara, Sri Hartamas, Intan and Kerinchi.

The Kerinchi Link of Lebuh Raya SPRINT is the first in Malaysia to feature a double -decker structure. The north-bound (to PJ) traffic travels on the lower deck and the south-bound (to KL) travels on the upper deck.

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-10-2006 09:14 AM | Show all posts


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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-10-2006 09:16 AM | Show all posts

Joint Emergency Response Drill At Penchala Tunnel, Sprint Highway


Sistem Penyuraian Trafik Kuala Lumpur Barat Sdn Bhd (SPRINT) holds a joint emergency response drill at the Penchala Tunnel on September 10 2006 to gauge the effectiveness of the Emergency Response Procedure involving SPRINT staff and relevant authorities.

The exercise, held for the first time since the opening of Penchala Tunnel in 2004, is also joined by Shell Malaysia? haulier companies, The Fire and Rescue Department, the Royal Malaysian Police, and the Civil Defence Department.

The drill is based on a scenario involving a diesel-laden tanker, which is hit by a car. The first car is then hit by another car, and the latter is caught into fire. A car driver is also trapped and there is possibility of the fire spreading into the tanker.

However, the incident is quickly detected by SPRINT traffic controller who is working round the clock through closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras installed inside the tunnel. The traffic controller then immediately informs the relevant authorities.

According to SPRINT Operation Manager, Nor Azman Ishak, the drill is carried out as to identify the efficiency and weakness in handling accident in the 710-metre tunnel.

?ccident in the tunnel, especially involving fuel and chemicals can be very dangerous. Therefore, we want all the parties involved to know what to do when such thing happens. This is to save lives which are at stake,? said Nor Azman.

?ur tunnel is equipped with up-to-date safety equipment to enable to handle such situation, ? he added.

However, the two-hour fire drill did not affect the traffic flow as highway users from both sides can still use unaffected side of the twin tunnel. The exercise ends with a post mortem to identify areas for improvement.

[ Last edited by  mamakcute at 23-10-2006 09:17 AM ]

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mamakcute This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-10-2006 09:18 AM | Show all posts
Gambar - Gambar Lebuhraya


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