Daging landak....... (dan berkenaan lain-lain haiwan)
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wehh.. lembu, kerbau, ayam dengan ikan tak cukup-cukup ke nak makan sampai kena makan boya ? |
Reply #52 cak!'s post
huhuu.... tengok cmni tak sanggup lak nk mkn..... |
Originally posted by cak! at 17-4-2008 07:38 PM
tgk kat page 2..kupia yg post..
c) buaya:
- yang menghalalkannya: Malik, Syafi'e dan sebahagian yang lain. Inikerana ia termasuk di dalam soidul bahr. Oleh itu tentulah iaterkandung di dalam ayat surah al-Maidah:96 tersebut.
- yang mengharamkannya: Abu Hanifah dan sebahagian lain. Ini kerana iatermasuk di dalam binatang buas, lalu termasukdi dalam kategori bintangbuas bertaring.
Kata Ibn Baz: masalah ini adalah ijtihadiyyah dan perbahasannya luas,namun yang lebih ahwat (berhati-hati) ialah meninggalkan daripadamemakannya; mengambil kira khilaf yang wujud disamping langkahberjaga-jaga mengelakkan larangan.
Macamana buaya boleh termasuk dalam soidul bahr?
Imam Syafi'i ada merekodkan hadith sahih berkaitan ini (di perenggan akhir di bawah), tapi macamana buaya yang hidup di darat dan di sungai (bukan di laut) dikategorikan sebagai soidul bahr?
Al-Maaidah [96]
أُحِلَّلَكُمْ صَيْدُ الْبَحْرِ وَطَعَامُهُ مَتَـعاً لَّكُمْ وَلِلسَّيَّارَةِ وَحُرِّمَعَلَيْكُمْ صَيْدُ الْبَرِّ مَا دُمْتُمْ حُرُماً وَاتَّقُواْ اللَّهَ الَّذِىإِلَيْهِ تُحْشَرُونَ
Dihalalkan bagi kamu binatang buruan laut dan makananyang didapati dari laut, sebagai bekalan bagi kamu (untuk dinikmatikelazatannya) dan juga bagi orang-orang yang dalam pelayaran; tetapi diharamkanatas kamu memburu binatang buruan darat selama kamu sedang berihram. Oleh itu,bertakwalah kepada Allah, yang kepadaNya kamu akan dihimpunkan.
Water Game (Binatang Buruan Laut)
Sa`id bin Al-Musayyib, Sa`id bin Jubayr and others commented on Allah'sstatement;
[أُحِلَّ لَكُمْ صَيْدُ الْبَحْرِ]
(Lawful to you is (the pursuit of) water game...) that it means, what oneeats fresh from it, while,
(And its use for food) what is eaten dry and salted. Ibn `Abbas said that`water game' refers to what is taken from water while still alive, while,
(and its use for food) refers to what the water throws ashore dead. Similarstatements were reported from Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, Zayd bin Thabit, `Abdullahbin `Amr, Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari, `Ikrimah, Abu Salamah bin `Abdur-Rahman, IbrahimAn-Nakha`i and Al-Hasan Al-Basri. Allah's statement,
[مَتَـعاً لَّكُمْوَلِلسَّيَّارَةِ]
(for the benefit of yourselves and those who travel,) as food and provisionfor you,
(and those who travel, ) those who are in the sea and traveling along thesea, according to `Ikrimah. Other scholars said that water game is allowed forthose who fish it from the sea, as well as, when it is salted and used as foodfor travelers inland. A similar statement was reported from Ibn `Abbas, Mujahidand As-Suddi and others. Imam Malik bin Anas recorded that Jabir bin `Abdullahsaid, "Allah's Messenger sent an army towards the east coast and appointed Abu `Ubaydah bin Al-Jarrah as their commander, and the army consisted of three hundred men, including myself. We marched on until we reached a place where ourfood was about to finish. Abu `Ubaydah ordered us to collect all the food forour journey, and it was collected in two bags of dates. Abu `Ubaydah kept ongiving us our daily ration in small amounts from it, until it was exhausted.The share of each of us used to be one date only.'' I (one of the narrators from Jabir) said, "How could one date suffice for you'' Jabir replied,"We came to know its value when even that finished.'' Jabir added,"When we reached the seashore, we saw a huge fish which was like a small mountain. The army ate from it for eighteen days. Then Abu `Ubaydah ordered that two of its ribs be affixed in the ground. Then he ordered that a she-camelbe ridden, and it passed under the two ribs (forming an arch) without touching them.'' This Hadith was also collected in the Two Sahihs. eMalik recorded that Abu Hurayrah said, "A man asked Allah's Messenger, `O Allah's Messenger! We go to sea and carry little water with us. If we use it for Wudu', we get thirsty, so should we use seawater for Wudu'' The Messenger of Allah said,
Buaya boleh hidup di dua perairan, di muara sungai, banyak telah dibuktikan bawah buaya juga sering melintas laut... wallahu'alam...
Ibn Baz telah menjelaskan persoalan ini luas adalah lebih baik meninggalkannya... |
Reply #64 mnm77's post
setahu aku mazhab maliki jer yang boleh makan dua alam tu. |
Adehhh.... buruk lantaknya!
Badak berendam, cucur badak, taik itik tak nak try ke? Yg ni confirm bersih, suci dan halal! |
Reply #67 kupia's post
bleh plak ko p pecaya benda2 cmtu..dgn mat indon plak tuh.. |
aduiii dgn ghoper yg comei mcm ni ..idak le teman sanggop...sila sila.... |
Reply #74 kupia's post
leh jd otomen ke kalo mkn bende neh.....:eek: :eek: |
Reply #77 indah1285's post
bukan jadi otomen... jadi buaya darat. |
Hadis Ibnu Umar r.a katanya:
Nabi s.a.w pernah ditanya mengenai dhab. Baginda menjawab dengan bersabda: Aku tidak memakannya tetapi aku tidak mengharamkannya
Nombor Hadis Dalam Sahih Muslim [Dalam Bahasa Arab sahaja]: 3598 |
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