Reply #59 GAMEOVER's post
ikut Wiki..si Niki/Jessica/Tracy ada lg satu identity....Gina....huh...
tp power x tahu lg... |
Balas #62 ct_subang\ catat
power Niki ni mmg bertukar2 ke ikut identiti dia erk..
siap boleh buat frozen org.... |
Reply #55 adrenalina's post
same erre..abis ar..stadi  |
Reply #62 ct_subang's post
gina tu bukan yang dia tetibe jadik gatal yang time DL mati s2 tu ke? ke len? boleh je frozen kan org tu power dia dah develop..ade2 je diorg ni..linderman camne leh ade balek? wat about him? hallucination? |
Reply #60 Paco_de_lucia's post
hmmm... betul betul betul... kalo ikutkan ati mmg jam tu gak nk tgk pas donlod tp time tadak ar cume tgk sesikit jer pastu bc komen2 korang ni yg wat aku lg xsabo nk tgk! |
aku tak paham yg Claire tu..skrg dia jadik immortal ke hape?yg dlm mimpi tu, villains dia=tracy/nicky, black guy yg potong kepala claire, mamat2 baru(dalam cell) yg diperkenalkan dlm pilot tu,aku prasan kensei ade skali.
dan lagi satu maya dgn mohinder..aku rasa watak2 dua ekor nih mmg da bole di singkirkan dari HEROES. bosan gile. si maya tu da mmg patut mampos sejak last season lagi..annoying btul.
episode aritu pon tunjuk yg sylar ni x mkn otak org
tp die mcm mncari sesuatu di celah2 otak
ur brain disgusting haha |
Balas #68 Ax\ catat
tu la..
sylar cari suis matikan feeling/deria sentuhan claire..
so claire kalu kena rogol atau cedera xkan rasa apa2...
kesian kan... |
Reply #69 nashrudean's post
kene rogol jugak ko nk sebut |
Reply #68 Ax's post
aku rasa mmg mcm tu kekdahnya die dapatkan kuasa...study otak orang...tu sbb die blh tau the true potential of claire's power.... |
Reply #72 kalchi's post
sape name speedster ni
yek yek oo je potret monalisa pon die curik hahahhaa  |
Reply #69 nashrudean's post
*batukbatuk*rogol ke bende len?*batukbatuk*
ko ni 
heroes ni kene donlod sume tengok sekaligus..kalo tak memang xpuas ati..tapi kalo dah donlod tak tengok curious gile..huhu.. |
I love the part when Sylar was about to cut Elle's brain, lpas tue Elle x leh tahan and jerit and bust into electricity energy or whatever you wanna call it. lol. Pdan muke Sylar, dier ingat dier bleh potong sume org punye kpale mcam tue je. Haha.
I seriously SOOO cuak tho at that scene biler Sylar buat cam tue. Btul2 ingat dorang akan bunuh Elle punye character. I'm glad they didn't. She's like my one of my favourite character really. Can't wait to see what they gonna do with her character next. I love Kristen Bell!
Nikki punye new alter-ego was awesome. But that's mainly cause of Ali Larter's amazing performance. I love this girl as well. |
kalchi..mane ko dpt pic2 tu..? |
gabriel ni nmpk skema je... huhuh.. |
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