"What's this? Chuck's date & Blair's date, a mother and son.
And Nate & Blair are ex's,
And Nate and the mother are in the book club?
Now ther's are novel plot twists.
blair kan, ble dia in love dia akan wat satu mke typical "in love" dia..or shud i say muke signature "in love" dia..muke yang same dia wat ble dia belakon jadi ali kat house..time dia in love ngan house..chommel bile dia wat muke tu..so pure..so innocent.. tak macam the b*atch blair..hehe
Reply #78 barney's post & Reply #76 timeoutzone's post
ha'ah..jenny lah tu :eek:
taktahu lagi ape kisah d sebalik mende tu..mungkin drg nak folo buku jugak sikit.eek.kalu aku lebey baek la vanessa tu..tak tgk ke make up dia ala2 mini goth