Originally posted by buiscasey at 20-12-2008 04:03 PM 
tp kalakar kan... inspirasi dia nak dapat tempat ketiga... hehhe...
ketiga ke kedua ek.. lupa.. dah berzaman tgk citer ni.. tp mmg best giler lah....
ketuga sebab adiah kasut tu nombo 3 |

Akeelah and the Bee
Cerita "Feel Good" yang agak klise mengenai seorang budak mendapat keyakinan bila masuk pertandingan mengeja "Spelling Bee"
Terasing ?
You know that feeling
where no matter what you do
or where you go
you just don't fit in?
I don't know the word for that.
Alienation, estrangement...
Naw, those ain't right.
But there's gotta be a word for it,
because that's how I feel all the time.
Our deepest fear is not
that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we
are powerful beyond measure.
We ask ourselves
'Who am I to be brilliant,
talented and fabulous? '
who are you not to be?
We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same."
You know that feeling
where everything feels right?
Where you don't have to worry
about tomorrow
or yesterday,
but you feel safe and know
you're doing the best you can?
There's a word for that feeling.
It's called love.
Filem yg bagi aku inspirasi
The Pursuit of Happiness - Will Smith
Erin Brockovich - Julia Robert
50 first date - Adam Sandler
Korang rasa ada tak filem seram atau filem perang yang memberi inspirasi kepada kita? |
hitamputih posted on 16-12-2008 09:18 AM 
- seorang yg genius tp agak 'out-of-the-box' dr
aku rasa lbh 10 kali aku tonton film nie....filem dr kisah benar yg mmberi inspirasi..
byk filem kisah benar,namun filem ini mmbuka minda...
"manusia yg nmpk bodoh sbnrnya lbh bijak dr manusia yg nmpak bijak tp sbnrnya bodoh.."
itulah motivation quote yg aku dpt dr filem nie...
jkkkj posted on 16-8-2013 01:07 AM 
Korang rasa ada tak filem seram atau filem perang yang memberi inspirasi kepada kita?
Baru tengok kat Astro Ceria = Roket Kertas pasal budak yang kudung masuk pertandingan pasal penerbangan.
Tapi dah cari nak download tapi tak leh huhuhu.Citer Kuartet Merdeka pun tak dapat cari lagi..
jkkkj posted on 16-8-2013 01:07 AM 
Korang rasa ada tak filem seram atau filem perang yang memberi inspirasi kepada kita?
Rescue Dawn
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