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Author: tomz

Peluang Kerja di Australia or NewZealand

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Post time 11-11-2009 06:56 PM | Show all posts
58# nour2001  erm..aku pernah ada experience terasa dilayan 3rd class citizen. agaknya sbb dorang tgk aku pakai tudung, ye la..tak ikut gaya hidup dorang..dorang ingat dorang ni pun banyak bagus sang ...
plja2117 Post at 11-11-2009 14:20

ahh..sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience..setakat ni ai belum lagi alami bad experience dealing with locals walaupun ai pun start pakai tudung lepas 9/11..haha terbalik lah pulak..some people bukak takut no..not once the 'stralian' harassed me or give me that dirty look.touch wood hope nothing happen in the future too.the way i see it, deols takutkan benda yg baru..islam or muslim is viewed like some sort of mysterious sect an unknown kita kena tunjukkan kat deols we are just the same like them..cuma tak minum beer je lah, meet them on the street, smile and greet, they will reply..don't caused trouble be a law abiding citizen/resident..i never asked to be treated special sbb ai tau ai ni bukan penduduk asal negara ni.., macam jugaklah kat malaysia or mana2 negara pun..they have to protect the locals first..

kalaulah muslim tu dianggap 3rd class citizen, why then thousands of muslim still come to australia?.that doesnt' stop them from coming are free to practice your religion, you still can build masjid provided it is in an area where there is huge demand and agreed upon by locals and the follow the rules same like others..should not be any problem..ok there are few cases where the locals totally rejected the idea of having masjid even a islamic school..that is very unAustralian to me..where is the fair go?.

at least here you don't get discriminated in terms of salary wise unlike some middle eastern countries..there if you are white you are considered God..for same position there will be division of salary based on the where you come from..kalau dari western country of course you'll get top dollar, then the non gc(gulf country) countries (like egypt), lastly the asian..totally unfair but hey what can you do? sabo if you feel you are unfairly treated? then you have the ACCC that can help you..

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Post time 11-11-2009 07:04 PM | Show all posts
tambah..bab omputeh diagungkan2 ni..sgt setuju...paling haku benci white bogans on the dole..or those claim disability pension even though they are physically fit to go to work..hubby encountered this 'special species' on daily he loathed seeing this bogans coming to him asking for medical cert to avoid going to work interview..shittyooo..but the govt is too lenient on them i think..kalau haku jadi pm habis derang ni aku kerjakan..

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Post time 11-11-2009 08:51 PM | Show all posts
aku pun tak paham bab mengagungkan omputih kat mesia ni. tgk omputih ingat bagus sgt, tgk omputih ingat teror giler. kat uni depa ni melalak lebih. NATO sentiasa = No Action Talk Only. mmgla presentation best sbb speech very smooth. bebudak Asians/international ckp english pun as second language so speech tak cemerlang but board presentation ternyata kite kalahkan derang.

aku nyer member2 oz ramai jer yg dah ada degree tapi masih bergantung on the dole. cacat betul la! kita kat mesia berhempas pulas belajar nak keje, depa ni boleh lepas dpt degree goyang kaki. ini kes nak goyang kaki by choice yer.

red tak pakai tudung so tak de pengalaman mcm tu first hand. but red selalu berjalan pegi small towns where they seldomly encounter outsiders, esp kalo ku sorang je asian dr member2 lain. ada la org tgk2 but takat tu jele. never too much...

takpe kawan2, kita stay strong tinggal di tempat org. bumi Allah ni luas. mana2 pun insya Allah ada rezeki dariNya.

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Post time 12-11-2009 11:39 PM | Show all posts
Tak de sape ke nak amik translator BM-English kat Aussie atau NZ? Sueyyy la aku amik pengajian kat universiti kos ni translation, kat M'sia bukan de pasaran pon, damn shitt...

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Post time 13-11-2009 11:26 AM | Show all posts
Tak de sape ke nak amik translator BM-English kat Aussie atau NZ? Sueyyy la aku amik pengajian kat universiti kos ni translation, kat M'sia bukan de pasaran pon, damn shitt...
genot Post at 12-11-2009 23:39

ya salammm...yg kamu ambik kursus ni buat apa..sekarang ni kat sekolah2 biasa pun depa ada subject bahasa indonesia as 2nd language..keja apa yg nak guna translator BM BI ni ye?..haku pun no idea lah..takleh tukar course ke?

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Post time 13-11-2009 12:02 PM | Show all posts
ya salammm...yg kamu ambik kursus ni buat apa..sekarang ni kat sekolah2 biasa pun depa ada subject bahasa indonesia as 2nd language..keja apa yg nak guna translator BM BI ni ye?..haku pun no idea  ...
nour2001 Post at 13-11-2009 11:26

hahaha... tu la, kos ni xda spesifikasi pong.... tapi nak wat cam mana, aku dah grad dah terpaksa aku patah balik n try amik masters kos lain... M'sia memang xde kos2 yang sesuai, kos universiti terhad... orang yang amik kos atau bidang kritikal untung la, kami yang dr pure art ni yang jadik hampasss, nak kuar xleh... huhuhu...

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Post time 13-11-2009 03:31 PM | Show all posts
hahaha... tu la, kos ni xda spesifikasi pong.... tapi nak wat cam mana, aku dah grad dah terpaksa aku patah balik n try amik masters kos lain... M'sia memang xde kos2 yang sesuai, kos un ...
genot Post at 13-11-2009 12:02

kawan aku amik course english literature..memang limited peluang keje. klau tak silap batch dia paling gempak dapat keje ngan UN. yang lelain ramai jadik cikgu aje la...

tapi rasanya nak jadik translator ramai kott takde degree pun, amik aje course kat pusat bahasa. pastu kat situ kan ada networking dorang..sape2 yang mcm best student tu dapat la kontrak2 penterjemahan..translate website la, annual report la, iklan la, etc. yang penting kena ada network & kabel, semua masyhukkk..  

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Post time 15-11-2009 11:51 AM | Show all posts
yay! meriahkan lagi topik ni dgn perbincangan anda semua...

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Post time 16-11-2009 09:51 AM | Show all posts
jah.. kamu ni tak tau ke mat salleh ni pun reti makan nasi..beras belacan berlambak kat supermarket..bab 3rd class citizen tu cuba cerita sikit mcm mana tu layanan dia? nak tau jugak lah sbb  ...
nour2001 Post at 9-11-2009 11:31

nour, sangat setuju..

as for myself, tak rasa pon kena layan 3rd class citizen. janji ada pengalaman dan pengetahuan..mana mana pon bulih hidup unless lah kalau dok buruk sangka ngan semua org memang susahlah...aku pakai tudung pi interview ngan semua mat salleh / locals for one position. aku dapat position tuh. tak dak pon kena layam cam 3rd class citizen. in fact diaorg thoughtful sangat bila ada party ka...jamuan ka mesti make sure bagitau mana aku bulih makan / minum dan mana yg tak bulih. bukanlah nak belagak ka nak mendabik dada cuma nak prove yang tak semua oghang experience yang negative saja....kat negara mana pon akan wujud oghang ignorant dan jahat....bukan sebab bangsa dia....ka agama dia pon.....sebab mindset and life choice... alaaa kat mesia pon berlambak oghang gini yang kalu ada power sikit..dah ghasa dia duduk tinggi melangit dan layan oghang bawahan cam sampah.....dan hidup penuh buruk sangka...terhadap oghang lain.. ini pendapat akulah....lain oghang plainlah pendapat dia..sekian terima kasih

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Post time 16-11-2009 10:08 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by mallanhead at 16-11-2009 10:10

Salam semua. Lama tak mencelah.

I think diskriminasi ni ada kat mana2. Kat Msia tu pun menimbun diskriminasi. Cuba tgk tawaran kerja. Setengah2 tu siap tulis, Mandarin/Chinese speaking preferable or Bumiputra only. Tak ke tu diskriminasi. Kat Australia ni kalau di tulis gitew, mmg lah siang2 kena sound. Bila merantau, be generous with your smile. Ye lah kkdg rasa mcm org tak betul asyik tersenyum. Tp masyarakat kat Australia ni kalau tgk kita muka peramah mmg diaorg akan balas balik 'ramahan' kita.

Peluang pekerjaan pulak, oil n gas kat Western Australia. Kalau berminat google ttg ni, Gorgon Oil n Gas.

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Post time 26-11-2009 06:21 PM | Show all posts
i was in melben before....

cuma sedih sebab takde sesapa pun highlite pasal weird business hour kat sana
ada ke....queen market tu tutup kol 2pm...totally closed on wednesday...huh!!!
lagik terukss dr swiss .....huhuhu

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Post time 26-11-2009 07:40 PM | Show all posts
71# my-alja

alamak, sorry la alja.. lupa nak mention. dah assimilate dgn lifestyle sini.  

aussie ni mmg business culture dia strictly from 9am to 5pm including shopping malls, except friday sbb late nite shopping.
late night la sgt. sampai kul 9pm jer.

try live here masa peak summer...pukul 5 dah tutup kedai. tapi maghrib kul 9.30pm.
time tu mmg mati kutu xtau nak buat ape. hahaha

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Post time 26-11-2009 11:32 PM | Show all posts
i was in melben before....

cuma sedih sebab takde sesapa pun highlite pasal weird business hour kat sana
ada ke....queen market tu tutup kol 2pm...totally closed on wednesday...huh!!!
lagik teruk ...
my-alja Post at 26-11-2009 18:21

ohh..sudah kelambatan..sian kat kamu..
memang kebanyakan pasar besar kat vic business hour tu lain macam sikit..tak leh samakan swiss dgn oz..rasanya swiss tu lebih maju dari oz ni..huhu..

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Post time 30-11-2009 08:21 AM | Show all posts
ohh..sudah kelambatan..sian kat kamu..
memang kebanyakan pasar besar kat vic business hour tu lain macam sikit..tak leh samakan swiss dgn oz..rasanya swiss tu lebih maju dari oz ni..huhu..
nour2001 Post at 26-11-2009 23:32

memang tak terbanding dgn swiss...
cuma setahu antara europe country yg plg tak frenly
tak sangka OZ...pun sama gak, hour dia

and susah nak carik souvenior shop kat city....4 kali pusing kat city tu
satu pun tak jumpa....berbeza dgn NZ kann, memang very tourist frenly...

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Post time 30-11-2009 08:29 AM | Show all posts
71# my-alja

alamak, sorry la alja.. lupa nak mention. dah assimilate dgn lifestyle sini.  

aussie ni mmg business culture dia strictly from 9am to 5pm including shopping malls, except friday ...
redsinner Post at 26-11-2009 19:40

yup....terkujat gak sebenarnya, takde sorang pun highlite benda nie...

1st time drive dr airport ke city, pemandangangnya lain macam sket...
semua rumput2 kering....very flat and bored....jalan2 besar dan sunyi sepi on sunday...

ada jumpa satu signboard ke geelong, teringin kat u....

dan i pergi gak ke kawasan perumahan baru, yg agen2 kat malaya duk jual
huhuhu....nasib baik tak gatal tangan beli ka(memang takde $$ kann),
lepas tengok kawasan tu....terus tertutup hati.....berkecamuk perasaan i masa tu
betul ke nie melben...yg org duk citer2 tu........hubby tanya, cemana?
i said.....kalo camnilah kawasan perumahan dia....along the way cam serabut sgt...
hahhaha....kansel the plan nak pi sana lah....

tapi keesokkan harinya, i pergi area arah phillip island, baru nampak lovely...
south yarra valley is nice.....

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Post time 30-11-2009 09:43 AM | Show all posts
memang tak terbanding dgn swiss...
cuma setahu antara europe country yg plg tak frenly
tak sangka OZ...pun sama gak, hour dia

and susah nak carik souvenior s ...
my-alja Post at 30-11-2009 08:21

adalah kat swanston street, berdekatan dgn flinders st station ada 2 kedai souvenirs.

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Post time 30-11-2009 12:02 PM | Show all posts
yup....terkujat gak sebenarnya, takde sorang pun highlite benda nie...

1st time drive dr airport ke city, pemandangangnya lain macam sket...
semua rumput2 kering....very flat and bored....ja ...
my-alja Post at 30-11-2009 08:29

ala alja..baru je pi satu housing dev dah put off ke nak dok oz..hehe..biasalah kalu tempat baru tu macam tu lah rupa dia..serupa jugak kat malaysia, lama2 ok lah..banyak lagi housing area samada old or newly developed yg cantik2...lagi satu don't come to certain place with high expectation kalu tak sesuai dgn citarasa memang lagu tu..adatlah no such thing as perfect place to live..hampir2 tu adalah..camtu jugak melbourne ni, ada jugak flaws dia..walaupun oz ni flat n boring, haku suka je tempat ni..this is my home, my kids place of birth..
toksah compare oz n europe, haku pun tak pernah pi lagi europe tu, so takleh sgt nak banding2 ni..cumanya skarang ni lah ramai plak european especially the pommies migrate sini.,.why? because of her laidback and relax attitude...if you think oz is not your place, sure neighbour sebelah NZ ada..hehe..haku pun suka kalau dpt dok NZ, bersih, nice scenery,..org2nya as friendly as ozian..

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Post time 30-11-2009 12:28 PM | Show all posts
77# nour2001

ermmm....why ur post sound so defensive
salah ke i bagi my komen on the place that i went....
u tak suka sebab tu ur place...i have nothing against you

kalo org bole kutuk m'sia kaw-kaw...w/pun tempat tumpah darah sendirik
pun kita rasa OK...tak salah kalo org kutuk negara lain, yg sound soo gud
w/pun tak semua rasa camtu....part of human experience lah kannn
napa nak rasa cam i kutuk ur country plak.....

yup....maybe i pergi sana wt high expectation, dgr citer macam2
but maybe gak...sebab i dah pernah duk negara lain sebelum nie
so i bole kata, tu my personal experience gaklah....tak kisahlah u setuju atau tidak...

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Post time 30-11-2009 12:53 PM | Show all posts
oh pls not really being defensive lah..

jangan terasa lah pulak dgn my comment tu..maybe jugaklah pasai i live in oz and i love this place heaps..sbb tu mcm terasa jugak your automatically terasa terpanggil tuk bagi comment camtu...harap jgn ambik hati sgt comment i tu..maaf le kalau buat you rasa tersinggung..

haku pun kadang2 kutuk jugak oz ni..

i know you have lived in far modern and richer country than you may have different view and perspective about you give your comment based on what you have experienced at other countries..lain negeri lain lah caranya..


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Post time 30-11-2009 01:09 PM | Show all posts
oh pls not really being defensive lah..

jangan terasa lah pulak dgn my comment tu..maybe jugaklah pasai i live in oz and i love this place heaps..sbb tu mcm terasa jugak your  ...
nour2001 Post at 30-11-2009 12:53

yess u are...but i accept worries

i just being frank for what i felt.....i dun expect to see the country is so dry like that
hehhe...jgn marah k...memang dry pun kannn

cam my pren duk brisbane nie duk kutuk m'sia bcos of our beloved mosqitoes...
memang btol pun kann....apa pasal plak i nak marah2...dah memang btul
i pun tak suka dgn cuaca yg sgt panas kat sini...wish dpt cuaca cam melben, prefect
my kids suka sgt esp bila pi phillip island.....along the way, memang cantik...kat yarra valley

maybe bila dah byk sgt sogokkan maklumat, u punya imginasi gone perfect
and i tell u, my pren yg baru pindah sana dr swiss.....duk brisbane, really have hard time to adjust
themselves....hahahhaha...but according to the wife, brazillian is dying to come and stay in OZ...
so somehow, the way i see it now......kehidupan i kat sini dah selesa ikut my level kat sini
so i tak nampak the point to move out from the country anymore....
time to focus on something else, i guess.....but for my hubby, still an option...kalo dia nak
quit dr kehidupan sekarang....who knows, one fine day....i would be ur neighbour

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