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Author: CARI-MRO

Bawa Anak Syndrome Down Pergi Menoreh, Berhimpit Tidur Dalam Kereta Sorong

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Post time 9-12-2021 05:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Samerosie at 9-12-2021 05:53 PM
KIM.K replied at 9-12-2021 04:26 PM
Folate pathway in chromosome 21 major cause of DS

Kena buat genome sequencing kot noh nak detect  ...

Based on your so called expertise ke google?  Ds or austism is not an inherited disease macam thalassemia.  Normal people has 46 chromosomes, DS has extra 1 chromosome (trisomy 21).  You can only know after benda dah terjadi, not before.  Apart from translocation/mosaic ds, there is no way to find out if parents are carriers of Trisomy 21.  Translocation DS pula they dont look like typical DS person muka macam orang normal tapi ada some or severe learning disabilities.  Only buat blood test baru can confirm ada ds.

You can do genetic testing on embryos to find out if has genetic abnormalities if you do ivf, otherwise through amniotic fluid test during pregnancy.  Of course the cost is a bomb so not many parents can afford it.  Plus the negative risk of doing the amniotic test.  The other way is monitoring the fetal growth and physical markers via ultra sound.

If you have history of ds in families then one can assume there is a possibility but dna test, no. Most of the time DS happens by chance.  It used to be thought that due to mothers advanced maternal age so women are advised to have kids before 35 but now more younger mothers have children with DS.

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Post time 9-12-2021 05:22 PM | Show all posts
Tak leh ke kalau kahwen tu kalau kewangan takde& tak mampu
hold dulu utk dpt anak ????

bukan tolak rezeki
tapi nak yg terbaik bg anak

kalau acah2 konon tak tolak rezeki dgn beranak bayk2
tapi anak2 tak dpt bju yg elok,makanan tak berkhasiat,mainan tak mampu beli,dia nak belajar pun kau takde duit(semua dgn sedekah org)..pastu tak leh bwk jenjalan bg anak gembira..plg tak leh blah..anak bru sekolah rendah kau suruh dia tolong kau niaga jimat duit hired org..tak pun kau suruh dia g pasar jual brg..buat apa kalau ade anak acah2 tak tolak rezeki kalau anak tu dijadikan camtu...kesiannnnn.....sebb tu kalau tak mampu..tak perlu la ade anak

aku memg benci tgok mak ayah suruh anak kerja kecik carik duit..memg benci...tak kisah la alasan..tak abis2 tak mampu kena faham..bla..bla..bla..TAK MAMPU KENAPA ADA HATI BERANAK YE??????

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Post time 9-12-2021 05:43 PM | Show all posts
entah lah... meols hati hitam ni just nak kata, selagi belum mampu, jangan kahwin, kalau dah terkahwin, jangan pancut dalam, atau pergi klinik keluarga gomen tu, mintak pasang iud perancang tu, atau boleh je mintak kondom kat klinik gomen kalau tak mampu beli kat 7E. Ikut nak sedapppp je tapi belum mampu, yang hidup susah nanti anak tu jugak, hujung-hujung salahkan masyarakat tak bantu...walhal benda boleh je elak dari awal, kalau duduk berdua, cukup je rm1200 duduk kawasan kampung tu.. cukup sangat..

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Post time 9-12-2021 05:45 PM | Show all posts
naina replied at 9-12-2021 05:06 PM
Weii sama lah. Bank mil i tapi mil tak reti picit2 ATM kan. Adakah kita biras?? Hahaha usia pun de ...

Confirm dak biras i lelakibil i neh reja kluaq masuk lokap. Berak dia wangi hokeh

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Post time 9-12-2021 05:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gideoncross replied at 9-12-2021 03:57 PM
Yahampun, gji $1000 tpi hutang lbih dri $1000, dia hutang apa tu? Seramnya klau jdi bini llaki cam ...

Hutang kereta. Tapi sebab tak layak dia guna nama abang sorang lagi sebagai penjamin. So dia bayar la bulan2 kat abang dia. Lepastu dia beli kereta kontrol.hutang jugak. Adalah member sekerja dia cakap dia ni gaji rm1000 je tapi belanja macam orang gaji rm4k gituhh. Itulah mak mertua pun tak agak2 nak nikahkan dia semata2 suruh dia berubah ada tanggungjawab. Haishhh.

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Post time 9-12-2021 06:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah tau tak mampu, awat la kawen, siap 2 anak lg. Ni tahun depan tiba2 ada adik lg.

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Post time 9-12-2021 06:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by keane.somewhere at 9-12-2021 06:07 PM
KIM.K replied at 9-12-2021 04:26 PM
Folate pathway in chromosome 21 major cause of DS

Kena buat genome sequencing kot noh nak detect  ...

Meols baca kurang Folic Acid start dari bawaan nenek belah mak
....maksudnya nenek dia kurang ambil Folic Acid atau Mak dia tak absorb Acid Folic tu sebab gangguan genome tu...lebih kurang gitu la

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Post time 9-12-2021 06:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
caprut replied at 9-12-2021 03:11 AM
Problem solved ke?

Bergantung. Kalau problem nye terpaksa bawak anak oku pergi tempat kerja. Maybe dgn elaun tinggi boleh hantar anak ke pusat jagaan oku utk kos transportation, yuran etc. Walaupun ada kemungkinan parents yg mcm ni take advantage.

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Post time 9-12-2021 06:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keane.somewhere replied at 9-12-2021 06:05 PM
Meols baca kurang Folic Acid start dari bawaan nenek belah mak
....maksudnya nenek dia kurang ambi ...

Telur dia masa membahagi tak divide kromosom sama banyak
Ni berlaku sebelum conceive
Sperma pun boleh berlaku macamni

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Post time 9-12-2021 06:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Minami2013 at 9-12-2021 10:34 AM
hareeeesah replied at 9-12-2021 03:10 AM
ada je kes orang bagi bantuan untuk anak tapi mak pak selfish yang pakai dok berabih, anak tak dij ...

Agree. Kat oversea setiap anak ada allowance sampai umur 18 tak silap. So i baca ada parents yg beranak byk sbb boleh guna duit allowance anak2 je dah cukup utk support keluarga. Ambik kesempatan tu mmg berlaku.

Cuma, for average income earner yg ada anak oku. Dgn living cost yg tinggi ni, mmg fikir 10 kali if nk berhenti kerja. Anak2 oku ni special need. Ini utk parents yg betul2 syg anak. Bkn parents yg suka buat anak tp tak cakna.

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Post time 9-12-2021 07:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Samerosie replied at 9-12-2021 05:13 PM
Based on your so called expertise ke google?  Ds or austism is not an inherited disease macam thala ...

I would assume your level headedness based on primordial inheritance which only faraid materials for basic concience

Geneticist interprets all genomic defaults before coming to endgame
If you blame conception after 35yo prone to DS, same context with blaming the mother of folate deficiency relates to genetic error in the womb
DS can happen to embryo up to 3 mons foetus

Theres still numerous medical causes narrowing to DS and stimuli to genes encoding folate utilization e.g adrenal problems, stress, radiation. Anything you can do prehand having a baby. Family history would be significant scripts

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Post time 9-12-2021 08:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
naina replied at 9-12-2021 11:24 AM
Yer. Mak mertua aku sibuk nak carikan jodoh untuk anak jantan bongsu dia. Gaji rm1000 tapi komitme ...

Beraninya u ckp gitu dkt MIL u. Tapi bgs la u ckp sbb mmg so unfair tau mentality mcm MIL u tu. What is the guarantee that her son will change once he gets married. Kalau lg membiawak camne..naya je anak dara org

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Post time 9-12-2021 08:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Samerosie at 9-12-2021 08:58 PM
KIM.K replied at 9-12-2021 07:44 PM
I would assume your level headedness based on primordial inheritance which only faraid materials f ...

Admit je lah kau googled and quoted that line from a 1999 year paper.  Using jargons will not make you look smart nor right for that matter.  Considering kau konon terpaling in scientific research ni, i am surprised kau refer to a paper that is 20 yrs old.

Folic acid deficiency or reduced folate metabolism is a preconception to causing down syndrome birth. Tak payahlah nak quote papers, senang gini  esok2 bila kau dah kawin, umur lak lebih 35 tahun kau nak ber-anak, the obyn will counsel you, tapi spital swasta la tak tau la kau mampu ke tak kan.  Lepas tu kau tanya doctor tu eh doctor kan boleh buat gnome test tengok parents yg ada carrier DS ni.  Lepas tu tunggu je la doctor tu laugh at your face.  Kalau spital kerajaan kau kena maki je la dah tua2 pun nak beranak.

By the way tak pyh dah reply i lepas ni sebab i know apa you akan ckp dan selalunya will end up with you throwing tantrum.


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Post time 9-12-2021 09:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Samerosie replied at 9-12-2021 08:50 PM
Admit je lah kau googled and quoted that line from a 1999 year paper.  Using jargons will not make ...

Benda basic macam folic acid pun bimbo macam hang nak cabar sangat apatah lagi scientific papers
Biasa orang baru2 belajar medic merendah diri tak bendul pembaris sekolahkan orang tak tentu hala

Ada recent papers yang discredit folate deficiency, stress and radiation attributions to DS ke?
Then shut your stupid mouth. Take your fundamental literacy elsewhere
You dont make any good research paper without biomedical proficiency

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Post time 9-12-2021 11:12 PM | Show all posts
keane.somewhere replied at 9-12-2021 05:05 AM
Meols baca kurang Folic Acid start dari bawaan nenek belah mak
....maksudnya nenek dia kurang ambi ...

Tidaklah, jika camtu tak perlu membazir 700 ratus dollars lebih buat genetic test masa me Pregnant..

Sebab tak pernah miss makan folic asid.

Still 12 minggu pregnancy dah kena buat genetic test sebab usia 39 tahun first baby.. Potensi tinggi untuk ds bak kata My doctor.

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Post time 9-12-2021 11:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MoneyMatters replied at 9-12-2021 08:14 PM
Beraninya u ckp gitu dkt MIL u. Tapi bgs la u ckp sbb mmg so unfair tau mentality mcm MIL u tu. Wh ...

Haha. Berani lah sebab masa tu kitorang mmbwang dengan Kak ipar sekali. Kak ipar tu kakak sulung. Dia pun benci perangai adik bongsu tu. Siap bodoh2 kan lagi. So dia pun cakap camtu..i pun cakap camtu jugaklah sokong. I cakaplah umpama kita jaga anak perempuan kita elok2, didikan elok cukup solat,puasa, ada education kerja elok ustazah lagi, tibe2 nak kawenkan dengan orang macam tu. Yihhh!

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Post time 9-12-2021 11:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
naina replied at 9-12-2021 11:29 PM
Haha. Berani lah sebab masa tu kitorang mmbwang dengan Kak ipar sekali. Kak ipar tu kakak sulung.  ...

Syukur kak ipar u berfikiran normal. Mmg kesian kalau dpt laki spesis biawak kan. Baiklah single dr dapat laki gini

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Post time 10-12-2021 12:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
faraway1 replied at 9-12-2021 11:12 PM
Tidaklah, jika camtu tak perlu membazir 700 ratus dollars lebih buat genetic test masa me Pregnant ...

Tapi yg kena ni muda lagi ..DS ni banyak faktor....Macam forummer atas tu cakap masa pembelahan cell tu terlebih kromosom

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Post time 10-12-2021 12:40 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 10-12-2021 12:42 AM

oh bless them

actually , sapa sapa pegawai kesihatan pemulihan yang managed anak ni ( kalau parents dia refer anak ke hospital lah ) , dia sebenarnya boleh bantu parents anak with  Down Syndrome tu , belajar bahasa and macam macam ikut pace dia dalam situasi yg paling paling alami and natural.

U know, if someone could teach the mom sedikit sebanyak adik yg ada DS tu bahasa and et , wow kiranya parents ni dalam serba kekurangan kita lihat tapi berada dalam siatuasi alami yg palin sesuai ajaq anak depa yg DS tu macam ikut pace and jika DS tu tak teruk.

just they need satu nasihat je dari pegawai perubatan pemulihan,  like OT , ke etc.
actuallyu dlm situasi yg kita lihat sebegini, ada  banyak opportunities ni.

semoga ALlah berkati family ni dengan rezeki ketabahan, kesabaran, ilham and etc.


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Post time 10-12-2021 12:58 AM | Show all posts
keane.somewhere replied at 9-12-2021 11:31 AM
Tapi yg kena ni muda lagi ..DS ni banyak faktor....Macam forummer atas tu cakap masa pembelahan ce ...

Yes ada peratus sekian umur peratus potensi berapa untuk ds, dan usia cam hampir 40 an peratus lebih tinggi..

So makna walaupun muda masih ada potensi carry anak ds cuma risiko kurang bandingkan yang lebih berusia.

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