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Author: CARI-HBZ

Individu Dakwa Rozita Ibrahim Guna Ilmu Hitam Untuk Kekal Cantik? – ‘Orang Yang Ada Ilmu Makrifat, Ilmu Kebatinan, Melihat Dia Pasti Akan Tahu’

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Post time 27-6-2024 02:49 PM | Show all posts
Manusiabesa replied at 27-6-2024 01:52 PM
Anak pempuan dia pun xsuci mana yach. Sama je MO mcm mak dia, mk dia yg ajar dia. Skrg tayang ruma ...

Ngekek ahhh... muka periuk tefal hang bagi.

Memula dulu meols layan la jugak lelama prasan humble brag nyer tu trus meols pangkah. Sama je pe-el mak ngan anak.

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Post time 27-6-2024 02:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
HappyGumbira replied at 27-6-2024 01:37 PM
Chuols, iols ada tnampak video dia urut muka dia lalulang kat feed ig ios. Serius tak tahu apa org ...

kannnn...pdhl 60an org tua kt kg lg nmpk muda..masa dia apaki purdah dlu ada speku ckp muka dia rosak time tu..mcm nk caya je gosip tu

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Post time 27-6-2024 02:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shahirakay replied at 27-6-2024 02:46 PM
tapi kan ada one time dulu dia pakai purdah, orang speku rawatan aesthetic gone wrong

aahh i ingt time dia pakai purdah
mmg semua speku gitu

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Post time 27-6-2024 02:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
annehuda replied at 27-6-2024 09:31 AM
teringat plak dulu die ni kan penah pakai purdah sekejap. konon dah insaf la lepas tu ada poremer sp ...

Dgr nya mmg begini
Cucuk2 gone wrong
Hence the purdah
Org yg selalu deal dgn dia bgtau

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Post time 27-6-2024 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Edited by stania83 at 27-6-2024 03:06 PM

tak berasas sebab ilmu dia pasal kesihatan dan kecantikan secara alami tiptop/ muka dia mmg dah cantik tengok aliffsyukri hensem
tapi kalau cucuk tu biasajeee.orang marhaeln pon ramai yg buat pon

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Post time 27-6-2024 03:26 PM | Show all posts
akaq speku dia gi betulkan muka mana2 yg patut, cam botox or even filler or even laser.......... maafkan jika tersalah. ada jer procedure yg boleh buat muka jd flawless, hydration, cucuk vit C bagi macam2 lah
opkos tak buat locally rasanya buat procedure ms kat overseas.
orang banyak duit apa pun leh buat kan.
anyway, oke la dia sb penting dia jaga kecantikan due to her career (business kecantikan dan kesihatan). klu rupa mak lampirr sapa jer nak beli produk .. asal jgn guna duit orang lain

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Post time 27-6-2024 03:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lanacondor replied at 27-6-2024 12:50 PM
Merepek je yg tukang fitnah. Mcm tu kategori cantik ke? Depan2 kerepot jugak la. Skg ni pakai apps j ...


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Post time 27-6-2024 03:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by lightheaded67 at 27-6-2024 06:12 PM
ketambangkang replied at 27-6-2024 09:49 AM
zmn skrg dh x payah ilmu hitam lah der...maria farida, che ta, ezurin tu contohnya

acik thalia
tp yelah, utk umo sheol, letopan le jua. pmakaian style, maybe bnyk lepak dgn org muda kot, jd terikut gitu. aiol mcm okey kt anak she, zis yati tu

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Post time 27-6-2024 03:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ok la bagi umur baya2 tu takde la wow..makin kurus makin baju ketat singkat ber’cap..berhoodie..sluar pun ketat…ntah la abg aji malas nak nasihat kot bini kan kaya raya..muka sepattern dgn menantu tang pipi

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Post time 27-6-2024 05:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tapi aku rengsa skit dia tua2 ni berfesyen dan berpusing kaki terbuka macam orang muda. Geli Lerr nenek. Ok je dia nak bergaya tapi biar padan laaaaa. Sebelum ni memang dia tipikal nenek2 badan chubby boyak baju pun loose2 tudung sarung je. Lepas kurus terus transform macam model. Dia kalau buat content video view kawasan pun dia punya teruja tu gedik macam orang muda. Adoiiii geli.

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Post time 27-6-2024 05:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Entah la u olls. I mmg x layan tt dia. Overclaim semua. Baik buat hospital je sbb semua baik pki produk dia. Khannnn

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Post time 27-6-2024 05:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nal cantik kena ada duit.. ulang suara kena ada duit

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Post time 27-6-2024 05:27 PM | Show all posts
baru2 ni ada org cadangkan aku pi berubat dgn nenek nih..
pantas aku jawab..aku rela pi hospital dari hadap benda mengarut.

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Post time 27-6-2024 05:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Filler, silikon, botox mendonia, itu le ilmu kimia yang mana kedut boleh tegang, yang layut boleh ke atas.

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Post time 27-6-2024 05:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Beauties at 60
Bonda rozita
Puan Sri Yati Ratu Biru
Normala Samsudin
Dia org ber3 ni mmg in their own league ya

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Post time 27-6-2024 05:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Keri si anak tu, elok la rupa utk seorang laki walau bukan macho2. Ada la iras elok2 muka mak dia. So, aku pecaya juga genek gene nenek ni. Gene + cocok + supplement tradisonal + spplmnt moden+ makan berkualiti + exercise = nek bonda rozita ibrahim

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Post time 27-6-2024 05:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cucuk botox je kan...

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Post time 27-6-2024 06:01 PM | Show all posts
teringat dlu kt bebenang mne yg spill the tea.. terjumpa kt airport pkai purdah.. bertembung kt surau airport muka bengkak kesan inject2 gitu..
x logik aku rs bila dh berusia kemain tinggi tulang pipi ko tu..

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Post time 27-6-2024 06:09 PM | Show all posts
content utk viral kan sheols leteww

alah tapayah guna bomoh2 la...apa susahhh, pi aje le aesthetic clinic, cocok sana, cocok sini

berlambak aiih kat mesia nehh


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Post time 27-6-2024 08:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dia ni kalau promote product mcm terpaling perfect terpaling mujarab bunyiknya sambil menekan nekan sangat2 sangat bagus gitu jd yih plak dh la mahey

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