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Author: rami_ayyash

Golongan Homoseksual/ Gay Muslim (merged: Muntz, spinning_gasing)

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nur_amin This user has been deleted
Post time 5-12-2005 11:25 PM | Show all posts
* Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas raddhiallahuanhu berkata : 'Apabila seorang homoseks mati
tanpa bertaubat ia akan berubah bentuk menjadi seekor babi di dalam kuburnya".

* Larangan juga difokuskan kepada dua orang lelaki yang berbaring bersama tanpa
mengendahkan aurat masing2x...
* Katil haruslah dipisahkan pada umur 10 tahun...supaya tidak berbahaya kepada
tingkahlaku 2 orang yang telah dewasa yang tidur bersama secara sunyi diri...perlu
disediakan rumah 3 bilik, 1 untuk anak-anak lelaki dan 1 lagi untuk anak perempuan..
bertemu dengan budak umur 10 tahun secara bersunyi diri dan berdua-duaan juga turut dilarang...
* Ahli Fuqaha' mengatakan bahawa; " Seorang pemuda janganlah dibiarkan tidur
bersendirian dengan orang yang tidak dikenali atau perempuan . Terutamanya jika ia
adalah seorang yang kacak. Walaupun kemungkinan tidak berlaku apa-apa , tetapi
secara umumnya lelaki/perempuan meminati pemuda sedemikian yang kemudiannya
boleh bertukar menjadi salah laku.
* Para intelek tentang seks mengatakan bahawa pada satu peringkat umur, lelaki
menyintai dirinya sendiri dan segala anggotanya adalah disayanginya. Lantas ia
menghiasi dirinya. Ia tetap berfikir yang diri nya tetap kacak. Orang yang
memujinya/menghargainya dianggap sebagai menyukainya.Kemudian datang satu
tempoh apabila ia tertarik kepada sesama jantinanya...
* Ahli Psikologi pula berpendapat ibu bapa perlu menentukan arah pembentukan
keghairahan seksual anak nya jika tidak... kecacatan akan terpendam di dalamnya
dan akan mewujudkan hubungan seksual yang songsang..
*Peliwat juga dikategorikan sebagai seoarang yang lemah syahwat kerana melakukan
seks dengan cara yang salah 'Kitabul Fikh 'Alal Mazahaib Arba'a'.
* Hazrat Ali Radhiallahu Anhu berkata bahawa orang yang dengan rela hati menjadikan
diri nya  sebagai objek dan terus menyesuaikan nya untuk beberapa waktu , Tuhan akan
meletakkan atasnya rangsangan nafsu sebagaimana perempuan sebagai cara hukuman
dan sebagai perempuan yang berkeinginan untuk menunaikan rangsangan seksual
mereka oleh lelaki dan memuaskan mereka...begitu juga cara lelaki sedemikian, yang
telah menjadi bahan aktiviti seksual dengan rela hati , akan dijadikan menderita kepada
rangsangannya secara berkekalan, yang memuaskannya, walaupun secara rasionalnya



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Post time 6-12-2005 10:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nur_amin at 8-11-2005 06:27 PM
Sesungguhnya...banyak persoalan yang tak terjawab tentang masalah homoseksual ini...
perlu berpandukan kepada Al-Quran dan akal fikiran yang waras bagi mengatasi segala
permasalahan yang timbul  ...

tak silap dalam Quran pun ader diceritakan pasal golongan "pertengahan". rasanya mgkin mereka yg celaru seks ini yg dimaksudkan? who knows kan? sbb ayat2 Allah byk yg kita takleh tafsir macam alif lam miim dsb.

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Post time 7-12-2005 09:51 PM | Show all posts

'Gay weddings' become law in UK  
Perkahwinan sesama jantina telah menjadi undang undang di UK bermula pagi Isnin yang lalu (Oct 5, 2005). Sebanyak 1,200 majlis telah pun disahkan, mengikut perkiraan yang siarkan di BBC News. Ramainya menyokong walaupun mendapat tentangan dari pihak gereja. Malah peniaga peniaga sendiri telah mula mengeluarkan produk bertemakan perkahwinan sesama jantina ini.

Hundreds of gay couples are preparing to form civil partnerships in the coming weeks as the law changes after decades of campaigning.

At least 1,200 ceremonies are confirmed as being scheduled already, according to figures from councils compiled by the BBC News website. Registrars are preparing for the first ceremonies, with couples permitted to register from Monday morning. Campaigners says the law ends inequalities for same-sex couples.

The first ceremonies under the Civil Partnerships Act can take place in Northern Ireland on 19 December, followed by Scotland the next day and England and Wales on 21 December.

Under the law, couples who want to form a partnership must register their intentions with local councils. Unlike marriages, the signing of the legal partnership papers does not need to happen in public.

Hundreds of couples are expected to go ahead quickly, with Brighton conducting 198 ceremonies before the end of the year. Overall, the city has taken 510 bookings for the coming months, thought to be the highest in the country.

Other cities which have seen strong interest include London, Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle and Edinburgh.

Meg Munn, minister for equality, said the government expected 4,500 couples to get "partnered" in the first year.

"This is an important piece of legislation that gives legal recognition to relationships which until now were invisible in the eyes of the law," Ms Munn told the BBC News website.

"It accords people in same-sex relationships the same sort of rights and responsibilities that are available to married couples.

"We know there are people who have been together maybe 40 years and have been waiting for the chance to do this kind of thing, because of the important differences it makes to their lives.

"They have the same concerns as married couples - tenancy, ownership, pensions and inheritance."

Alan Wardle, of gay campaign group Stonewall, said the importance of the change should not be underestimated.

"Our view is that civil partnerships are transformative for the lives of individual couples and their rights, but also for society more generally.

"Society now legally recognises gay relationships for the first time.

"It's a big day but 21 December, when the first partnerships take place, will be even bigger because that will see gay and lesbian people removing discrimination."

But a spokesman for the one of the UK's major Christian groups told the BBC they believed same-sex couples should not get the same rights as married couples.

"If you transport something unique, like marriage, into a different context, there's always a cost. And the cost here is in terms of reduction of marriage and the undermining of it," Don Horrocks of the Evangelical Alliance said.

Reticent councils

Retailers are already beginning to cash in on the new partnerships.

A range of "Mr and Mr" and "Mrs and Mrs" cards will hit Asda supermarkets this week. And sets of "Darling, Dearest, Queerest" embroidered towel and soaps went on sale at Superdrug stores on Friday.

Meanwhile, three short advertisements were published in the Births, Marriages and Deaths columns under the heading Civil partnerships in Monday's Times newspaper. The heading is a new addition to the paper, which has carried family announcements for nearly 221 years.

Campaigners have focused on councils which have been equivocal about the new law. Bromley in south-east London had initially planned not to offer public ceremonies. Lisburn in Northern Ireland also overturned a proposed ban.

Ms Munn said any councils dragging their feet needed to comply with the both the spirit and letter of the law.

"The legislation requires that every authority must offer a civil partnership. The basic level of that is a simple signing of a register - some couples may just want that alone.

"But if any councils are saying they won't allow [public] ceremonies, for couples who want that kind of celebration, then it's time they came into the 21st century."

Ulasan: Salah satu tanda akhir zaman - berleluasanya penerimaan kaum homo yang mendapat kecaman dan hukuman azab dari Tuhan seperti kisah nabi Luth. Di UK yang kononnya maju dan bebas, penerimaan mereka kini termaktub dalam undang undang yang pastinya akan mengundang bencana dan pengajaran dari Tuhan. Pihak agama rasmi gereja pun gagal memberikan kesan. Inilah akibat tandusnya rasa ketuhanan dan kehambaan dalam masyarakat yang kononnya maju dan bertamadun ini. Majlis perkahwinan yang sepatutnya suci murni kini tercalit kotor dengan perkahwinan sesama jantina yang secara jelas di kecam tuhan serta melanggar tabie manusia sendiri.

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Post time 7-12-2005 09:53 PM | Show all posts
Allah Sumber Bahagia

Allah Taala adalah sumber bahagia
Ini bukan semua orang yang boleh merasa
Ini hanya dapat dirasa oleh jiwa yang bertaqwa
Berdoa sahaja sudah rasa sedap
Sekalipun belum tentu dikabulkan doa

Bercakap-cakap dan berbisik-bisik dengan Tuhan
Sudah terasa lazatnya
Bermunajat dengan-Nya terasa indahnya

Allah Taala terasa dekat
Tapi tidak berantara dan bercara
Ia terasa ada di mana-mana
Tapi tidak ada di sana
Kita terasa sangat Ia bersama kita

Semuanya tidak bercara
Tuhan dirasakan sangat diperlukan
Masya-Allah indahnya bertuhan
Rahmat-Nya dan kurniaan-Nya seperti dirasakan
Sama ada yang nyata mahupun yang tidak nyata

Setiap detik dia mengurniakan
Allah! Allah! Allah!
Besarnya erti hidup bersama Tuhan
Tuhan adalah hidup mati kita

Tuhan adalah segala-galanya
Jangan lupakan Tuhan!


Abuya Syeikh Imam Ustaz Haji Ashaari Muhammad At - Tamimi:love::love::love:

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Post time 12-12-2005 11:59 AM | Show all posts
saya ada kekeliruan di sini .. pertama, adakah ianya sekadar perasaan atau ianya telah melibatkan perbuatan ?!!

jika ianya satu perasaan semulajadi, spt contoh ; ghairah memandang sesama lelaki, maka ianya jadi kpd hukum bagaimana lelaki memandang wanita dgn ghairah dan ia harus mengelakkan dari melihatnya . Dlm masa yg sama masyrakat/teman2  harus memberi support.

apapon , kunci utamanya adalah beriman kpd Allah . jika semua beriman, gejala nih tak wujud.


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nur_amin This user has been deleted
Post time 12-12-2005 12:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by no0rm at 12-12-2005 11:59 AM
saya ada kekeliruan di sini .. pertama, adakah ianya sekadar perasaan atau ianya telah melibatkan perbuatan ?!!

jika ianya satu perasaan semulajadi, spt contoh ; ghairah memandang sesama lelaki, ...

Aper lah kau ni... kau tanya soalan ker? kenapa bagi jawapan...kalau macam tu
baik tak payah tanya soalan...:agr:
tapi betul la jawapan kau tu hukumnya sama juga macam memandang wanita dengan
bernafsu...tu la penderitaan jiwa yang ditanggung oleh lain
tak tahu...hanya tahu mengata sahaja...

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nur_amin This user has been deleted
Post time 12-12-2005 05:42 PM | Show all posts
Sebenarnya aper yang saya taip tentang persoalan homoseksual ni adalah
bersumberkan daripada sebuah buku Bahaya Homoseks (Liwat) oleh Mufti Muhammad
Zafeeruddin dan terjemahan Abu Irsyad
...kalau saya tak beritahu anda mesti
ingat saya yang buat rekaan cerita sendiri !
... saya kagum dengan buku ni
sebab isinya begitu menarik dan banyak info yang tak pernah baca atau tahu...

sebab dalam buku ni dikatakan seorang amrod (lelaki yang kacak) adalah
dikategorikan sebagai wanita di mana ia akan menerima pelbagai godaan daripada wanita mahupun lelaki...itu sebabnya dia kena menutup aurat dan menjaga perhubungan...

Dalam buku ini juga...dinyatakan Hafiz Ibnu Hajar Rahmatullahu Alaihi merekodkan :
Sufian Tsauri rahmatullahualaihi sedang memasuki bilik air untuk mandi sebaik sahaja
beliau melihat pemuda amrod ini beliau berkata jauhkan ia segera dari sini dan beliau
menyatakan ; " Daku menganggap bahawa terdapat 1 syaitan pada wanita tetapi daku
melihat 10 syaitan ada pada amrod.
Ditekankan juga berwaspada apabila berbual-bual dengan pemuda amrod, meletakkan
mereka di saf di bahagian belakang, Sabda Rasullullah S.A.W jika mencium pemuda amrod
dengan bernafsu seperti berzina dengan ibunya sebanyak 70 kali...,
kezaliman ke atas manusia, kekejaman ke atas makhluk ciptaan Allah s.w.t,
melanggar sunatullah, mengubah hikmah ilahi, ratapan bumi ke atas golongan ini,
riuh rendah di kalangan malaikat dan di dalam neraka terhadap golongan ini, 2 orang
pelaku berganti-ganti menjadi api neraka bagi membakar diri masing2x, hilang perasaan
malu pada diri pelaku homoseks, laknat kekal Allah s.w.t terhadap golongan ini di dunia
dan akhirat, risiko penyakit, berakhirnya generasi manusiadan kemusnahan, hilangnya
akhlak yang baik, larinya para isteri pelaku homoseks, perkahwinan wanita dengan
maknyah, mencadangkan supaya hukuman dilakukan seperti dilanyak dengan gajah,
bakarnya pada api, dicampak pada tempat tinggi, dipenjarakan di dalam tempat yang
busuk supaya ia terbunuh disebabkan oleh keracunan bau, jangan sekali-kali mencintai
amrod atau membenarkan mereka untuk datang menghampiri kerana akan menganggu
jalan kerohanian terutama utk mendekati Allah s.w.t, kejijikan khidmat tukang urut lelaki
dalam berduaan, berhias dikalangan lelaki, dan terakhir saranan supaya golongan ini
banyak mengingati mati supaya segera untuk kembali ke pangkal jalan

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nur_amin This user has been deleted
Post time 12-12-2005 05:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Abuyazid at 7-12-2005 09:51 PM

'Gay weddings' become law in UK  
Perkahwinan sesama jantina telah menjadi undang undang di UK bermula pagi Isnin yang lalu (Oct 5, 2005).  ...

Mereka ni la yang memperkenalkan perkara-perkara yang pelik kepada org Islam yang
tak mengerti apa-apa ni kalau tak der iman pasti terikut...sesiapa yang merestui
perkahwinan sesama jantina pasti sudah menjadi pengikut syaitan...Pernah terbaca
tentang sejarah Greek dan Rom , apabila menuju kepada kemuncak kejayaan negara
tokoh falsafah seperti Socrates, Aristotle, Alexender The Great, Julius Caesar telah
disebutkan  sebagai pengamal homoseks...:hmm: tak semua budaya org barat boleh
dijadikan contoh yang baik kepada kita...

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Post time 12-12-2005 05:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nur_amin at 12/12/2005 05:42 PM
Sebenarnya aper yang saya taip tentang persoalan homoseksual ni adalah
bersumberkan daripada sebuah buku Bahaya Homoseks (Liwat) oleh Mufti Muhammad
Zafeeruddin dan terjemahan Abu Irsyad

info yang berguna...... :tq:

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nur_amin This user has been deleted
Post time 13-12-2005 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Saya nak posting maklumat yang saya perolehi berkenaan dengan Maknyah ....bertujuan bagi
melengkapkan topik ni ,sesiapa yang berminat nak baca silakan yang tidak minat
just ignore it!

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nur_amin This user has been deleted
Post time 13-12-2005 06:43 PM | Show all posts
In Malaysia, the medical profession and the academic
community generally accept the definition of transsexuals as that
espoused by Western scholars. The term 憈ranssexuals

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nur_amin This user has been deleted
Post time 13-12-2005 06:44 PM | Show all posts
The majority of the respondents (about 72%) had thought that they were female when theywere small. About 23% had thought that they were both male and female when they were small. Sixty-eight
per cent reported that they had played only with female toys,
29% played with both male and female toys, and 3% played with
only male toys. Eighty-two per cent reported that when they were
small they had played the female role, 17% played both male
and female roles and only 1% had played the male role. About 68%
had only girls as their childhood playmates, 31% had both female and male playmates, while just 1% had only male playmates.
Many of the respondents (about 52 %) who had felt that they were
female when small also played with only female toys and adopted the
female role when playing.
Most of the respondents (81%) came from 慴ig

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nur_amin This user has been deleted
Post time 13-12-2005 06:46 PM | Show all posts
Dreams and sexual fantasies
The majority of the respondents (92%) dreamt and saw themselves in their sexual fantasies as female and their partner as male.
Sexual practices
The study shows that the majority of the respondents would not allow their boyfriends to masturbate them (76%) or to do oral sex on them (88%). They also would not do anal sex on their boyfriend (93%) or
on other people (66%). However, some respondents allowed other
people to masturbate them (53%) or do oral sex on them (60%).
Some also penetrated other people (34%). The reason given by
these respondents was that their clients wanted them to do so.
More than half of the respondents did masturbate themselves (58%). The percentage of respondents who allowed their boyfriends to
masturbate them and to do oral sex on them was higher for those
who masturbated themselves compared to those who did not
masturbate themselves.
Personal happiness
Of the total number of respondents, 71% of the respondents felt
that they did not have any conflict with their religion while 29% felt
that they had.78% of respondents who had not undergone a sex
change operation said that they would have the surgery if their
religion permitted it, while 22% said that they would not do so even if their religion permitted.
About 89% of the respondents said that they were happy even
though they had not undergone the sex change operation. As explained earlier, most of the respondents in this group said
that they had promised their parents, for religious reasons, that they would not undergo the operation in return for their acceptance of
their transsexual status.
The respondents added that that they had accepted, since they were small, that their religion does not permit them to have the sex change operation. This also explains why a large number of them had
accepted their penis and did not hate it.
Although 89% of the respondents said that they were happy not to
have the sex change operation, about half of the respondents
(51%) said that they would be happier if they had
the operation. These respondents would undergo the operation if
their religion permitted. Overall, 78% of the respondents would undergo the operation if their religion permitted them to do so. It seemed
that the respondents

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nur_amin This user has been deleted
Post time 13-12-2005 06:47 PM | Show all posts
Mak nyahs in Malaysia basically share the same characteristics as
transsexuals in other partsof the world (Kuiper and Cohen-Kettenis,
1988; Johnson and Hunt, 1990; Leavitt and Berger, 1990; Tsoi, 1990; Coleman et al., 1992; Doorn et al., 1994). Research has shown that
the transsexual phenomenon cannot be adequately explained by
social factors. Likewise, this research could not pinpoint any specific
causal social factor orfactors. Transsexualism could be a more
complex phenomenon that needs the explanation ofbiological and
environmental factors as well as social factors.
Muslim transsexuals in Malaysia, who form the majority in the
transsexual community, share similar characteristics to transsexuals in other parts of the world. However, due to their religious beliefs many of them have accepted the fact that they are not allowed to have the sex change operation. Islam does not accept transsexualism,
as stated in the Hadith. For example, the Hadith in Sahih Bukhari
(Vol. 7, Bk. 72, No. 774) stated that:
Narrated Ibn 慉bbas:
The Prophet cursed effeminate men and those women who
assumethe manners of men,
and he said, "Turn them out of your houses."
The Hadith in Sunan Abu-Dawud, (Bk. 32, No. 4087) stated that:
Narrated Abu Hurayrah:
The Apostle of Allah cursed the man who dressed like a woman and
the woman who dressedlike a man.
Muslim mak nyahs are essentially non-entities in Malaysian society,
and they have been brought up with this belief. Although many of the Muslim mak nyahs felt that they would be happy or happier if they
underwent the sex change operation, they are reluctant to do so.
They believe that if they have the sex change operation, nobody will
carry out the burial ritesfor them when they die, as they are not
considered as females andneither are they accepted as males. Some even believe that their soul will float aimlessly when they die if they
have the operation because their bodies will not be what God
originally gavethem. As Islam is the official religion in Malaysia,
their beliefs are substantiated by the enforcement of the religious
edicts by the police and the Islamic authority. As explained earlier,
the mak nyahs can becharged for indecent behaviour, which includes
cross-dressing or behaving like a female,
under the Minor Offences Act 1955 or under the Syariah Law.
Although this has not discouraged the mak nyahs from cross-dressing, many would not have the sex change operation for fear of their
religion. This also explains why many of them have accepted having a penis.It was found that some of the older and elderly Muslim
mak nyahs have reverted back to wearing male clothing even though they cross-dressed full time when they were younger.
When asked why they did so, they said that it was because they
wanted to be buried as a Muslim male when they die, since Islam
does not recognise transsexuals even though they may have
undergonethe sex change operation. However,they revealed that,
at heart,
they still felt like a woman.Muslim mak nyahs are influenced to a large extent by their religion. To many of them, cross-dressing and the
deep feeling that they are female are enoughfor them to have the
identity of transsexuals. They have accepted that they are
transsexuals who, unable to have the sex change operation,
will retain a penis, even though this is not part of the female
identity.As for the non-Muslim mak nyahs, they share similar
transsexual characteristics to their Muslim counterparts. Since there
are no official restrictions imposed on them, as there are on their
Muslim counterparts, many do lead the life they want, including going
for the sex changeoperation if they can afford it, though their
religion may not accept transsexualism.
They also have fewer problems with their family members compared
to their Muslim counterparts. Occasionally, they are caught by the
police during their raids for indecent behaviour under
the Minor Offences Act 1955. This does not deter them from
cross-dressing or going for the
sex change operation.
In conclusion, it can be said that mak nyahs who are Muslim, who form the majority of the transsexual population in Malaysia, are generally influenced by their culture and religion, which shape their identity. They consider themselves to be transsexuals who have accepted that they are female at heart, but who may not go for the sex-change
operation and do not mind the presence of their penis.
Education and Action Plans
As this research was being carried out, other practical projects were
being implemented to help the transsexual community.
Using part of the research funds, the writer organised
a four-day seminar to train about 100 transsexuals as peer
educators. This was the first national transsexual seminar in Malaysia.
The writer had the collaboration of her co-researcher and
the organisation, IKHLAS. The seminar was intended to empower and give awareness to transsexuals on health issues related to them,
including HIV/AIDSawareness. It was also intended to make them
aware of their legal, religious and social position in society, and how
they could help themselves to improve their living standard, since
many of them were sex workers.
Part of the findings of the research was also conveyed to them.
Before choosing the venue for the seminar, an informal discussion
with the representatives from the Islamic Department
of each state in Malaysia was carried out to obtain their consent for
holding the event, and their co-operation in not raiding the seminar
venue, since the Islamic religion does not recognise
transsexuals. Representatives from some states did not turn up.
Eventually, it was decided that Cameron Highlands would be the best place to hold the seminar due to its strategic
location and also the co-operation from the Pahang Islamic
department. As the seminar was being funded with the Ministry of
Science, Technology and Environment research grant,
the police and Islamic religious authority co-operated and did not
interfere although they did turn up to observe.
Some of the research funds were used to organise a one-day
dialogue session between the representatives of the mak nyah
community, representatives from the police headquarters,
the Islamic religious authority and the social welfare department, in order to clear up misunderstandings between them. The session also
paved the way for more open communication
between the relevant groups in future. After the dialogue session had taken place, the policerepresentative invited the lawyers, who
voluntarily represented the transsexuals and
personnel from IKHLAS, to his office for further discussion.
A follow-up to the first dialogue session was held to further improve
the relationship between the transsexuals, and the police and Islamic
authorities. This was also funded from the research grant.
The research has generated interest from the local newspapers and
magazines. They have reported favourably on the transsexual
community. Findings from this research have been used to create
awareness among the Malaysian people of the transsexual
phenomenon. Forums have been organised by local
non-governmental organisations to highlight the issue on sexuality
that has always been a taboo subject in Malaysia.
With the remaining research funds, workshops were organised to
train 慻uides

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nur_amin This user has been deleted
Post time 13-12-2005 06:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nur_amin at 13-12-2005 06:44 PM
The majority of the respondents (about 72%) had thought that they were female when theywere small. About 23% had thought that they were both male and female when they were small. Si ...

Minta maaf banyak-banyak kesilapan yang tidak disengajakan...:stp:
tak berapa kemas tapi saya harap anda masih dapat membaca dan
memahaminya... for next time i dont want to  posting a long
message like this again :stp::gila:

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nur_amin This user has been deleted
Post time 13-12-2005 07:09 PM | Show all posts
:stp: jika anda tak puas hati dengan posting saya, saya bersedia utk
menerima apa-apa kritikan...saya janji lain kali tak buat lagi...

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Post time 14-12-2005 12:49 AM | Show all posts
I have no problems with your long post (don't read it !) but it troubles me when you apologized, for what ? berani buat beranilah tadah...:kant:

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Post time 14-12-2005 06:04 PM | Show all posts
Allah swt dah jadikan 2 jenis lelaki dan perempuan,sejenis juga yg dia suka.....kurang iman kot.kaunseling je cara sesuai tak boleh terlalu agresif...

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Post time 25-12-2005 09:39 PM | Show all posts
aku rasa bukan masalah kurang iman atau apa.. sbb bagi aku itu ialah naluri semulajadi. cuma aku membangkang sekiranya naluri itu digunakan utk membuat maksiat melakukan hubungan seks sejenis.

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Post time 25-12-2005 09:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nur_amin at 12-12-2005 12:52 PM

Aper lah kau ni... kau tanya soalan ker? kenapa bagi jawapan...kalau macam tu
baik tak payah tanya soalan...:agr:
tapi betul la jawapan kau tu hukumnya sama juga macam memandang wanit ...

ini satu persoalan yg menarik. adakah sama berdosa melihat aurat wanita pada lelaki heterosexual dgn melihat aurat lelaki pada lelaki homoseksual? aku rasa ini sesuatu yg menarik utk dibincang.

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