Tentang rasul - aku rasa sebab keadaan, mungkin kalau sekarang ada Rasul, ada di kalangan perempuan, tapi itu cuma hipotesis jer lah...tentang nabi, walahualam, kita tak tahu berapa jumlah nabi sebenarnya...mungkin ada yang perempuan, mungkin tidak (kalau ada orang yang ada lebih maklumat sila betulkan)...
Apa yang saya rasa jarang diperjelaskan dalam pengajaran Islam ialah konsep Free Will, atau kebebasan memilih yang diberi kepada manusia... (saya pernah baca sekali lalu debat antara Al-Ghazzali dan filosuf zaman dia - masa tu ada diperbincangkan tetapi lepas tu jarang sekali...) jadi ada manusia yang meletakkan tanggungjawab ini kepada orang lain (kerana tidak tahu dan tidak mahu mengambil tahu), dan ada juga yang mengambil kesempatan daripada kejahilan orang (dan juga kesempatan daripada kuasa yang dipegang) untuk kepentingannya sendiri...
Isu-isu ini ada diperkembangkan oleh filosuf barat tetapi malang sekali tidak ada sintesis antara pengetahuan dari barat dan filosuf arus perdana Islam...
M- |
thebest This user has been deleted
Originally posted by antiQue at 12-12-2003 02:33 PM:
Setiap manusia tu mungkin sukakan kecantikan, tetapi tarikan kecantikan wanita dan lelaki itu mungkin berbeza, effectnya pada lelaki dan wanita juga mungkin berbeza. Bila kita lihat surah An-Nur, A ...
saya kurang setuju maksud zinnah itu bergantung kepada wanita. Adalah salah kalau seorang wanita mengatakan rambut saya bukan zinnah, kerana saya tidak secantik mana...kerana Dalam alquran telah jelas menyuruh kaum wanita memakai tudung.Pemahaman itu dapat kita faham dengan perkataan KHIMAR. Mungkin Antique memahami alquran dengan mengguna kan terjemahan B. English.Terjemahan alquraan mampu menolong kita memahami alquran. Tetapi ianya jauh sekali mampu membantu kita untuk menafsirkan alquran.
kalau kita buka kamus bahasa Arab. kita akan dapati kamus Bahasa arab akan menerangkan kepada kita.perkataan KHIMAR adalah APA YANG MENUTUPI KEPALA. kita dapat tahu apa maksud dari penerangan kamus B.arab itu. ianya adalah tudung... Maka tidak ada persoalan dimana perkaan kepala atau rambut didalam Alquran yang dipersoalkan oleh antique.
maksud ayat alquran dalam surah nur ayat 31. labuhkan tudung mereka(perempuan)hingga kedada mereka. |
thebest This user has been deleted
Originally posted by antiQue at 12-12-2003 02:33 PM:
Setiap manusia tu mungkin sukakan kecantikan, tetapi tarikan kecantikan wanita dan lelaki itu mungkin berbeza, effectnya pada lelaki dan wanita juga mungkin berbeza. Bila kita lihat surah An-Nur, A ...
saya kurang setuju maksud zinnah itu bergantung kepada wanita. Adalah salah kalau seorang wanita mengatakan rambut saya bukan zinnah, kerana saya tidak secantik mana...kerana Dalam alquran telah jelas menyuruh kaum wanita memakai tudung.Pemahaman itu dapat kita faham dengan perkataan KHIMAR. Mungkin Antique memahami alquran dengan mengguna kan terjemahan B. English.Terjemahan alquraan mampu menolong kita memahami alquran. Tetapi ianya jauh sekali mampu membantu kita untuk menafsirkan alquran.
kalau kita buka kamus bahasa Arab. kita akan dapati kamus Bahasa arab akan menerangkan kepada kita.perkataan KHIMAR adalah APA YANG MENUTUPI KEPALA. kita dapat tahu apa maksud dari penerangan kamus B.arab itu. ianya adalah tudung... Maka tidak ada persoalan dimana perkaan kepala atau rambut didalam Alquran yang dipersoalkan oleh antique.
maksud ayat alquran dalam surah nur ayat 31. labuhkan tudung mereka(perempuan)hingga kedada mereka. |
Orang yang beriman takkan banyak soal. Kalau diperintah tutup, maka kenalah tutup. Tak payah nak cari sebab itu ini.
Macam khinzir, kenapa haram? Sebab Allah kata haram. Sebabnya, tak dibagitau. Tak de pulak orang Islam kecoh nak makan khinzir. Tapi bila tudung, macam-macam pendapat di korek untuk bagi boleh tak pakai tudung. |
Saya rasa antique ni paham bahasa Arab sedara... sebab kan ke satu topik tu dia ngajar bahasa Arab... http://forum.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=71251
>>>Tetapi ianya jauh sekali mampu membantu kita untuk menafsirkan alquran.
Kalau macam tu orang yang tak faham bahasa Arab tak leh tafsirkan (tafsir bukan terjemah, ada bezanya) Quran? Bukankah itu bertentangan dengan sifat egalitarian Islam?
Ni ha saya jumpa pasal tudung, mungkin antique boleh beri komen...
By Qazi Faez Isa
A member of the provincial assembly of the NWFP has introduced a
resolution requiring that wearing a veil should be made compulsory
for every girl above 12 years of age (Dawn, May 2). Without citing
any Quranic text in support of the resolution, Pir Muhammad Khan of
Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal assumes that Islam ordains the veil for
If God directs women to veil their faces, then Muslims have no option
but to abide by this command. But if on the other hand our Benevolent
Creator has not imposed any such injunction, no man can impose it. An
attempt to add to the commands of God Everlasting is an abomination
and completely unacceptable in Islam. No matter how well intentioned
a man may be such desire cannot be substituted for God's law and it
is not permissible to diverge from the truth.
God commands to judge among them by what Allah has revealed, and
follow not their vain desires, diverging away from the truth that has
come to you. To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear
way (5:48). And again in the chapter entitled 'The Clear Evidence'
(Al-Bayyinah) after referring to the purified pages of the Quran, God
the Eternal tells us that the Quran contains right and straight laws
(98:3) thereby removing any discretion to add or subtract therefrom.
Those advocating the veiling of women do so by prescribing the hijab.
Hijab is the Arabic word for 'veil' and may also be used to describe
a screen, cover(ing), partition, division, mantle, curtain, drape or
divider. The word hijab appears seven times in the Quran, five times
as hijab and twice as hijaban. Let us commence by examining each of
these verses wherein the term hijab or hijaban appears in the Holy
The term hijab is used as a barrier or screen separating the dwellers
of Paradise from the dwellers of Hell in verse 46 of Surah Al-Araf.
How to behave in the Prophet's (pbuh) house is contained in verse 53
of Surah Al-Ahzab, which states that when you ask for anything you
want, ask them from behind a screen (hijab). Forgetting the time for
prayer and the imagery of (the sun) hidden in the veil (hijab) (of
night) is used in verse 32 of Surah Sad. The term hijab is used as an
analogy in verse 5 of Surah Fussilat; those who have not opened to
the truth say - "Our hearts are under veils from that to which you
invite us; and in our ears is deafness, and between us and you is a
screen (hijab)".
In the Surah which follows (Ash-Shura, verse 51) the Creator informs
us that He does not speak to any human being unless by Revelation, or
from behind a veil (hijab). God places an invisible veil (hijaban)
between the Prophet (pbuh) and those who do not believe in the
Hereafter (verse 45 of Surah Al-Isra). Maryam (Mary), the most
revered amongst ladies, placed a screen (hijaban) from them when God
sent His Ruh to her, we are told in verse 17 of the Chapter of the
Quran named after this great lady.
In none of the aforesaid seven verses the word hijab is used to
indicate a dress code for a Muslim lady. Allah the Merciful in His
Infinite Wisdom did not use the word hijab for women's apparel or
dress code but Man did and having done so insinuated the veil. These
men use the word (hijab) out of context, and in a context that God
Himself does not, and then its meaning (veil) is applied to women's
dress, a meaning that the Creator does not.
The application of the word hijab to women's attire is all the more
surprising since the Quran uses specific terms to describe what is
appropriate dress and such description does not use the word hijab.
The word khomoorehenna is used in verse 31 of Surah An-Nur to
describe how women should dress. In this verse God requires women to
conceal their bosoms with a cover. The term khomoorehenna is derived
from the word khumar (plural khimar) and could be a shirt, shawl,
blouse or any other covering. Again the verse stipulates the covering
of the bosom and not the face, head or the hair. The word used is
juyubihinna, derived from the word jayb (plural juyub), meaning
bosom. If the intention of the Creator was to impose the veil there
was nothing stopping Him from mentioning the face and the veil in
this verse. But the verse does not use the Arabic word for face
(wajh, wujah, qubul), head (raas) or hair (shaar) nor uses the word
veil (hijab).
The aforesaid verse may also suggest that the face should not be
covered since women may not show off their adornment except that
which is apparent. If there is any part of the human body which in
the words of the Quran is apparent it is the face. The face is
required to be exposed since through the nose one breathes and
smells, from the mouth one breathes, drinks and eats, through the
eyes one sees and from the ears one hears. Both sight and hearing is
impaired if the eyes or the ears are even slightly covered. Eating or
drinking is also not possible if the face is covered and eating and
drinking are not practised in a closet. The use of the veil
constitutes a difficulty and our Merciful Creator tells us that He
has not placed in religion any difficulties (22:78).
The only other verse specifically dealing with women's attire is
verse 59 of Surah Al-Ahzab. This is addressed to the Prophet (pbuh)
and he is directed to tell your wives and your daughters and the
women of the believers to draw their jalabib over their bodies. The
word jalabib is the plural of jilbab and means a shirt, covering or a
cloak. The question arises whether the meaning of this word (jalbib /
jalabib) can be extended to mean covering the face or being veiled.
Clearly not, because God, the Wise, would have used words stating so,
after all if the ocean were ink for the Words of my Lord, surely, the
ocean would be exhausted before the Words of my Lord would be
finished (18:109). Again the context in which the word (jalabib) is
used excludes such possibility.
Women are told to cover their bodies so that they should not be
molested and that they should be known. If a woman's face is veiled
she cannot be known. The only apparent part of the body by which
everyone is distinguished and recognized or known is the face. All
other methods of identification whether by finger or genetic printing
or retina examination are only possible with the aid of extraneous
There is not a single verse in the entire Quran that requires women
to veil their faces. The Holy Quran is significantly silent. In fact
the above cited verses may be interpreted to even mean that a veil
may not be used, because these verses stipulate that women must be
apparent and known and if their faces are concealed by veils they are
neither apparent or known. Even in present day strictly veiled Saudi
Arabian society, the true faith is witnessed during the Hajj, when no
face can be concealed. If the Hajj is an exception, as the veil-lobby
contends, it is inexplicable and a contention that is not supported
by the words of the Quran.
The beauty and majesty of the Quran is limitless. Through it God,
Most Kind and Most Gracious, tells us that the intention of the
believer is very important. O children of Adam! We have
bestowed 'libas' (clothing or raiment) upon you to cover yourselves
and as an adornment; and the raiment ('libas') of righteousness, that
is better (7:26). And the only judge of the raiment of righteousness
is our Creator. The matter is therefore taken away from man's
nitpicking ways and laid for consideration before the Master of the
Highest Kingdom.
Those who want to blacken the faces of women and reduce them to mere
objects must remember that God the Omnipotent directs believing men
to lower their gaze (24:30). If women were veiled there would be no
need for men to lower their gaze. The Commandment to lowering one's
gaze is often brazenly flouted. Would it then not be more appropriate
to legislate for affixing blinkers on men's eyes, like those on a
mule or donkey, rather than having the effrontery to put rags on the
faces of 12-year old-girls?
[ Last edited by marquez on 12-12-2003 at 09:41 PM ] |
>>>Orang yang beriman takkan banyak soal...
Apa buktinya? Sedangkan dalam pepatah melayu pun ada kata, kalau tak bertanya sesat jalan...
Maaflah saudara, saya rasa kita perlu bertanya, dan memahami sendiri apapun yang melibatkan diri kita, terutamanya dalam bidang agama.... kalau percaya buta-buta, tanpa bertanya cemana kita nak tahu betul tidak?
Memang ada benda yang kita tak perlu tanya, contohnya benda-benda metafizikal (seperti apa Tuhan, bentuk Tuhan dsb), tetapi benda yang straightforward macam tudung ni kita perlu bertanya dan mencari penjelasan dan bukti...
Di akhirat nanti kita yang bertanggungjawab pada perbuatan kita... dan kita tidak boleh menyalahkan orang lain kerana kita sudah diberi kebolehan memilih (free will)...
tapi kalau nak tibai ikut je terserahlah... ini cuma pandangan saya...
M- |
thebest This user has been deleted
memang betul orang yang tak tahu B. Arab tidak boleh mentafsir Al-quran.
seperti seorang Doktor. hanya dia saja yang berhak untuk membedah seorang pesakit. orang lain tidak berhak. |
Originally posted by marquez at 12-12-2003 09:51 PM:
>>>>>>Orang yang beriman takkan banyak soal...
Apa buktinya? Sedangkan dalam pepatah melayu pun ada kata, kalau tak bertanya sesat jalan...
Maaflah saudara, saya rasa kita perlu bertanya, dan memahami sendiri apapun yang melibatkan diri kita, terutamanya dalam bidang agama.... kalau percaya buta-buta, tanpa bertanya cemana kita nak tahu betul tidak?
Memang ada benda yang kita tak perlu tanya, contohnya benda-benda metafizikal (seperti apa Tuhan, bentuk Tuhan dsb), tetapi benda yang straightforward macam tudung ni kita perlu bertanya dan mencari penjelasan dan bukti...
Di akhirat nanti kita yang bertanggungjawab pada perbuatan kita... dan kita tidak boleh menyalahkan orang lain kerana kita sudah diberi kebolehan memilih (free will)...
tapi kalau nak tibai ikut je terserahlah... ini cuma pandangan saya...
Buktinya? Rukun iman ada 6. Beriman kepada Allah, Rasul, Al-Quran, Malaikat, Kiamat, dan Qada' dan Qadar.
Saya tak tibai, tapi saya yakin Al-Quran memerintahkan wanita memakai tudung seperti yang diterangkan dalam hadith. Macam yang awak kata, ia straight forward, tapi kenapa awak masih terpusing-pusing?
[24.31] Katakanlah kepada wanita yang beriman: "Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya, dan memelihara kemaluannya, dan janganlah mereka menampakkan perhiasannya, kecuali yang (biasa) nampak daripadanya. Dan hendaklah mereka menutupkan kain kudung ke dadanya, dan janganlah menampakkan ......
Hadis riwayat Aisyah RA, bahwasanya Asma binti Abu Bakar masuk menjumpai Rasulullah dengan pakaian yang tipis, lantas Rasulullah berpaling darinya dan berkata: 揌ai Asma, seseungguhnya jika seorang wanita sudah mencapai usia haid (akil baligh) maka tak ada yang layak terlihat kecuali ini, |
Yes Ibnur, that's a very good post!!! Saya malas nak layan thread & cuma suka baca saja but your post memang COOL!!! |
thebest This user has been deleted
Terjemahan alquraan mampu menolong kita memahami alquran. Tetapi ianya jauh sekali mampu membantu kita untuk menafsirkan alquran.
terjemahan alquran jauh sekali tidak mampu membantu kita untuk menafsirkan alquran |
seek1u This user has been deleted
so apa kesimpulan citer ni..:bg: |
seek1u This user has been deleted
Hehe..letih aku baca thread ni..kekke
Yag aku nampak..ialah pertikaian antara laki ngan pompuan..hehe
Pompuan mempertikaikan kenapa mereka tak leh jd pemimpin..w/pun mereka FIKIR..mrk layak..
LAki pulak memberikan point2 merk..kenapa mereka harus terus jd pemimpin..kekeke
Cam thread emansipasi wanita la..ekkekek..yg berlaku kat europe tahun 60an dulu..
Pompuan rasa die dah sama taraf ngan laki pasal dah pandai dan ada propesion sekarang..
w/pun after ni , pompuan sure akan marah ngan pendapata ku ni..takpelah..aku bukan nak gaduh..cuba nak menghuraikan apa yg sebenonya berlaku disini..
Aku rasa isu tudung kat thread ni hanya watak tempelan saja..watak utama nya ialah mengapa pompuan tak jd pemimpin..hehe..
betulkan niat kownag dulu.lagi satu..kalau pikirkan logik..mmg sumer ownag ada lojik..
pasal tu pasal lateral thinking ..aku mmg kuang setuju hehe..
okla..letoh aku melalut..sape yg terasa ..sowi ek..hehe..i mean no harm..
hanya bagi pandangan..sori kalau ia meaningless atau useless..:bg: |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 12-12-2003 11:03 PM:
Yes Ibnur, that's a very good post!!! Saya malas nak layan thread & cuma suka baca saja but your post memang COOL!!!
Salam Cik Baiduri. Lama tak sembang. Maaf zahir & batin. Selamat Hari Raya yang ke 2 minggu. |
Originally posted by 蝯z坞悬衻 at 2003-12-13 05:13 AM:
Hehe..letih aku baca thread ni..kekke
Yag aku nampak..ialah pertikaian antara laki ngan pompuan..hehe
Pompuan mempertikaikan kenapa mereka tak leh jd pemimpin..w/pun mereka FIKIR..mrk layak.. ...
Tak de niat aku nak jadi pemimpin, kalau setakat nak bertekak laki pompuan. Cuba hang baca hadis ni
Hadis riwayat Aisyah RA, bahwasanya Asma binti Abu Bakar masuk menjumpai Rasulullah dengan pakaian yang tipis, lantas Rasulullah berpaling darinya dan berkata: 揌ai Asma, seseungguhnya jika seorang wanita sudah mencapai usia haid (akil baligh) maka tak ada yang layak terlihat kecuali ini, |
seek1u This user has been deleted
bagusla camtu..aku nak pastikan thread ni tak terdivert..tu je niat aku :bg: |
macam biasalah, babi org melayu tak makan tapi arak diorang minum so macam tu jugalah org yg pertikaikan pakai tudung... |
Originally posted by ibnur at 2003-12-13 07:40 AM:
Salam Cik Baiduri. Lama tak sembang. Maaf zahir & batin. Selamat Hari Raya yang ke 2 minggu.
My reply:-
Salam Ibnur. Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Maaf zahir & batin. Masih belum terlambat lagi sebab kita masih berada di bulan Syawal. BTW, lama tak nampak Ibnur online & Ibnur dah jarang lepak kat Religion. |
Originally posted by kyas at 2003-12-2 03:17 PM:
Errr memakai tudung bukanker tidak wajib, tetapi setiap helai rambut tu bila dilihat orang setiap hari adalah dosa kecil so bila dikumpul kumpul ianya menjadi banyak so ..banyaklah jumlah dosanyer ..so sbb tu diharuskan memakain tudung ..errr am I right ?? |
Salam Mia,
Tak sangka Mia lepak kat Forum MM. How's your day? Actually, saya nak masak roasted chicken tapi terlepak kat sini. Mesti kena marah emak ni sebab saya cakap saya nak masak roasted chicken utk makan tengahari. Okay, I have to go Mia.
See you. Have a nice weekend. |
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