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Author: GhostWalking

[Tempatan] Nurse dakwa diskriminasi kerana isu aurat UPDATE Pg1 Damai Disimbah Cat!

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Post time 5-12-2015 11:40 PM | Show all posts
Bukan dalam artikel itu terang2 pihsk hospital suruh remove arm stocking walau dah potong lengan pendek. Motif yang suka mencerca tak baca habis. Saya syak management hospital ini taraf kimak jah. You go girl

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Post time 6-12-2015 02:55 AM | Show all posts
Untuk jururawat beragama Islam pula, kata Regina, pakaian yang ditetapkan iaitu berseluar panjang, kemeja pendek dan boleh memakai anak tudung.

Bila puak kafir membuat garis panduan berpakaian buat yang berugama Islam. Dari ulamak membincangkan hak mencelup celup sang suami ada lebih baik bincangkan dan perjuangkan pemakaian staff Muslim.

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Post time 6-12-2015 05:55 AM | Show all posts
cmf_conan replied at 4-12-2015 05:20 PM
hospital mana tu? byk je dah hospital swasta yg nurse2 dorang pakai baju lengan panjang..
doktor bo ...

hospital damai   

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Post time 6-12-2015 05:57 AM | Show all posts
mongoose_kidz replied at 5-12-2015 10:22 PM
pkai lengan pjg boleh
tp time prosedur mmg kena sinsing baju smpai siku paling kurang...
pas siap  ...

apa lanjiao paria punya hospital?  


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Post time 6-12-2015 06:40 AM | Show all posts
Hospital Damai tu owned by sapa? India ke?

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Post time 6-12-2015 08:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Setau aku kalau x dtg 2 hari berturut2 bukan boleh buang terus pun.. Nk buang staff byk procedure dia tu psl byk co lebih suka pilih dera mental sampai berenti sendiri dr terminate org...kalau betul keling paria ni just issue surat berenti after 2 days dia x dtg tanpa wrning letter, sessi kaunseling seterusnya dia x berubah still buat perangai memonteng lepas tu issue ni di bawa ke big boss atau board of directors utk decide dia patut dibuang then u have a case utk saman those go for it....jgn kasi org buli2 sesuka hati

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Post time 6-12-2015 09:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
CrowneGlory replied at 6-12-2015 12:40 AM
Setau aku kalau x dtg 2 hari berturut2 bukan boleh buang terus pun.. Nk buang staff byk procedure di ...

amik pekerja senang nak buang tu susah

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Post time 6-12-2015 09:47 AM | Show all posts
--kalau masalah disipline blh jadi juga...
--masalah jarum2 halus ketuanan melayu duk cucuk nak laga2 kaum pun ade juga- sape tak kenal ayahanda PPIM ni

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Post time 6-12-2015 09:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kenapa pengurusan mcm klinik swasta bodoh2 rumah kedai je? mana boleh buang tnpa warning letter dan disoal siasat HR pelbagai.
klinik bodoh2 pun ada sesi warning2 dgn staff yg buat hal

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Post time 6-12-2015 10:09 AM | Show all posts
Bukan masalah disiplin, jururawat dakwa dihalang bertugas

KUALA LUMPUR, 6 Dis — Jururawat yang dipecat daripada sebuah hospital swasta dekat sini mendakwa tidak terlibat dengan masalah disiplin, sebaliknya beliau dihalang bertugas seperti biasa.

Naziah Sauni Samat berkata kenyataan pengurus kewangan dan pentadbiran Hospital Damai, Regina Sundram itu tidak tepat dan cuba menutup kesalahan sendiri.

“Saya tidak datang kerja sebab dia sendiri yang tidak benarkan saya datang kerja. Saya ada rakaman semua itu yang mendakwa dia akan jadikan saya boneka jika saya datang kerja.

“Saya datang kerja, dia suruh balik. Hari saya datang dengan lengan panjang, dia suruh saya duduk tepi, jangan buat kerja apa-apa sampailah saya berlengan pendek dengan sarung lengan,” katanya ketika dihubungi ProjekMMO semalam.

Jururawat itu diminta mengulas kenyataan Regina yang mendakwa dia dipecat kerana tidak hadir bekerja selama dua hari tanpa sebab.  

“(Disebabkan itu) kami anggap dia secara tidak langsung sudah berhenti kerja. Dia diberhentikan bukan kerana pakai pakaian lengan panjang.

“Mengikut akta buruh, sekiranya pekerja tidak hadir bekerja lebih dari dua hari bekerja, boleh dikira telah berhenti,” katanya kepada portal Malaysiakini semalam.

Naziah, 24, mula berkhidmat di Hospital Damai, Hulu Kelang sejak 1 September lalu. Beliau mendakwa dihalau dari tempat kerja dari 24 hingga 26 November lalu.

Menurutnya, beliau kemudian ditahan kerja dari 27 hingga 29 November tetapi kembali bertugas pada esoknya dengan pakaian lengan pendek dan bersarung lengan.

Jururawat itu berkata beliau kemudian diminta membuka sarung lengan berkenaan jika tidak mahu diberhentikan kerja.  

Ketika dihubungi portal popular itu, Regina juga dilaporkan berkata pengurusan hospital sudah memberi penjelasan bahawa pemakaian seragam berlengan panjang memang tidak dibenarkan.

“Kami tidak melanggar akta yang telah ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, malah peraturan pemakaian seragam berlengan pendek dibuat untuk mengelak jangkitan kuman pada pesakit dan memudahkan kerja,” beliau dipetik berkata.

Menurut Regina lagi, pihak hospital turut memberikan ruang kepada Naziah untuk berfikir sama ada untuk meneruskan kerja di situ atau berhenti sendiri.

Namun, tambahnya, Naziah datang bekerja dengan memakai sarung lengan dan ia melanggar peraturan pemakaian hospital tersebut.

Menjelaskan perkara berkenaan, Naziah berkata Regina sudah melihatnya berpakaian lengan panjang sejak pertengahan September tetapi hanya membangkitkan masalah itu pada November.

Katanya, pengurusan atasan hospital itu sudah memberikan kebenaran kepada beberapa jururawat untuk berlengan panjang asalkan kos tambahan baju seragam ditanggung sendiri.

“Ketua jabatan sudah menghubungi Regina, mengatakan saya dan kawan dibenarkan memakai lengan panjang.

“Pada masa itu Regina sendiri kata ‘boleh’, dengan syarat lebihan kos baju lengan panjang ditanggung sendiri,” katanya.

Pada Jumaat lalu, Naziah tampil di sidang media anjuran Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia dengan mendakwa diberhentikan kerja kerana enggan mengenakan seragam berlengan pendek.

“Saya telah dimarahi dan dihalau dari hospital berkenaan, malah saya juga tidak boleh mendapat pekerjaan baharu kerana Sijil Perakuan Amalan Tahunan saya ditahan oleh pihak hospital itu dan terikat dengan kontrak selama setahun,” katanya seperti dilaporkan Bernama.

Dakwanya lagi, dia turut dilarang memasuki kawasan hospital dan tidak dibenarkan melakukan sebarang tugas sekiranya tidak mengenakan baju berlengan pendek.

“Pihak pengurusan juga memberikan amaran bahawa saya akan dikenakan kompaun sebanyak RM5,000 kerana melanggar kontrak,” tambahnya.

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Post time 6-12-2015 10:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gigahertz replied at 6-12-2015 09:22 AM
amik pekerja senang nak buang tu susah

Bimbos2 x tau je boleh komen sesuka hati...hakikatnya nk buang pekerja bukan senang...jari lebih laju dr otak

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Post time 6-12-2015 10:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
R2D2 replied at 6-12-2015 10:09 AM
Bukan masalah disiplin, jururawat dakwa dihalang bertugas

KUALA LUMPUR, 6 Dis — Jururawat yang d ...

Regina drama queen pariah sudah biarla ular yg hidup... Jgn kasi dorg belit n buli...U go girl..

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Post time 6-12-2015 10:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sakai ni cari la keje lain..

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Post time 6-12-2015 10:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Badut.Sarkas replied at 6-12-2015 10:32 AM
Sakai ni cari la keje lain..

knp kata die sakai.... die pertahan hak die....
kan terang2 tulis takleh cari keje lain... psl terikat kontrak tu seme.....

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Post time 6-12-2015 10:39 AM | Show all posts
yang aku faham dari kes ni..nurse ni bagitau dia tak dibenarkan pakai sarung tangan/berbaju lengan panjang ketika bertugas. dia buat jugak so management tak bagi dia buat kerja. insubordination berlaku apabila dia melanggar arahan hospital utk tidak berlengan panjang. so basically hospital dah mengiyakan apa yang jururawat ni bagitau, iaitu dia dah melakukan insubordination - direct consequence apabila dia melanggar arahan hospital. Main issue yg jururawat ni bawak adalah pasal aurat, dan basically hospital mengiyakan benda itu iaitu tak boleh berlengan panjang, bukan tak boleh tutup aurat, sedangkan lengan tu adalah aurat.

Legit je kes minah ni.

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Post time 6-12-2015 10:40 AM | Show all posts
Lack of logic in nurse’s short-sleeves complaint

Gerard Lourdesamy:
The constitution does not prescribe any sort of dress code, Islamic or otherwise. Neither does the constitution say that we are an Islamic state or that Islamic law is superior to the constitution.

This is a simple industrial relations dispute. The claimant can go to the Labour Department or the Industrial Relations Department and lodge a complaint. There is no need for the Malaysian Muslim Consumers Association (PPIM) to muddy the waters by harping on race and religion.

Soon the Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and atheists will have their own consumer associations as well. What has religion got to do with consumer protection?

Dr Patricia A Martinez: Something troubles me. There is a lack of logic in this ‘uproar’ and ‘grievance’.

If the nurse was in fact rolling up her sleeves as she claims, then she was in fact showing her aurat, which means that she had no problem doing so.

But now she is claiming that she wanted to be modest and is being sacked for that. So which is it?

If she had consistently rolled up her sleeves to the hygienic short-sleeved length required, then she surely would have no problem wearing the short-sleeved uniform?

Which makes one wonder why she did not. In which case, she breached the rules. And as such, her employers have every right to terminate her.

Aries46: “Prior to her dismissal, she said, the hospital did not state that long-sleeved uniforms were not allowed.”

What matters is what was said prior to her appointment - was she allowed to use a long-sleeved uniform? This is simply a matter of hospital rules and there are specific reasons for this.

If Naziah Sauni Samat had reservations about her uniform due to her religious needs, she should have sorted it at the time of her appointment instead of defying the management afterwards, which amounts to insubordination.

Since she contends that it is allowed in Kuala Lumpur Hospital, why did she seek employment where short-sleeves is disallowed?

Pisasu 7: Any management will not sack a hardworking person, you have every right to wear clothes according to your belief, so look for a place that suits you rather than other way around.

Or work in a department where you don't come into contact with people at all.

Pemerhati: Let us assume that everything that Naziah and her backers PPIM say is true and the hospital is guilty of discrimination against her because she wore the Islamic dress. She and her backers are angry because of the discrimination.

Now look at how more than 10 million non-Malays have been discriminated against because they are not Malays and Muslims for about half a century and millions have migrated because of that.

The original agreement in 1957 was that the Malays because of their backwardness would have special privileges for 15 years to help them to catch up with the other races.

But that agreement has been changed and in its place we now have apartheid-like discrimination against the non-Malays.

On closer examination it would appear that Naziah and PPIM are in the wrong as they have not complied with the rules and regulations of the employer which all employees are required to follow and there is no discrimination unlike that suffered by the non-Malays.

Aryan: Naziah, you as nurse will have to interact with all types of patients, both male and female. You are expected to serve them irrespective of your religious belief and theirs.

If you are not up to the rigours of this profession go and find some other job. Dress codes in a hospital have a purpose and have to be followed.

If government hospitals allow long sleeves, they are certainly breaching fundamental principles of infection control. Many hospitals do not allow doctors to wear the white coats in the ward for risk of infection.

Many doctors do not wear tie either for the same reason. In any case, white coat and tie serve no useful function as a dress in the medical field.

The present hospital uniform actually serves no purpose. Nurses wear the uniform from home to the hospital and then back to the home. They carry the infectious material from outside into the hospitals and carry the germs back to their home.

Nurses should be banned from wearing uniforms out of the hospital. When they are working, they should wear scrub suits which must be removed before leaving the hospital.

It should be the responsibility of the hospital to ensure these infected scrub suits are properly laundered for reuse. Under no circumstances should the scrub suits be taken home.

Anon1: Religion must give way to professionalism, ethics, code, hygiene, safety measures, etc.

If one insists that their work conditions offends their religion and beliefs, there is only one option available; quit the job and find one that is compatible with your religion and beliefs.

My personal opinion is that our obsession with religion is getting out of hand. Don't kill, don't rape, don't steal and don't defecate at your neighbour's (or victim's) property and you should get along fine.

Otherwise, our government would not have passed all those repressive laws and would have left everything to God.


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Post time 6-12-2015 10:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ellejo replied at 6-12-2015 09:57 AM
kenapa pengurusan mcm klinik swasta bodoh2 rumah kedai je? mana boleh buang tnpa warning letter dan  ...

last2 tersepit gak
yindia ckp berbelit tu....

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Post time 6-12-2015 10:58 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 6-12-2015 11:03 AM

eh you all..yg hospital kompang sangat tu - tip top sangat ke INFECTION CONTROL TEAM dia?

kat UK ada  hospital yg benarkan menutup aurat bertudung  tapi bila mai theatres - ada yg strict juga , so students  ada yg kreatif ambil kain yg steril tutup aurat - tu pun dia buat jugak  dan pihak theatres tak lah halau budak ni keluar ni UK ni....okay je pun...

so i nak tanya hospital kompang ni - TIP top sangat ke infection control team hampa like the  NHS - ke baru la ni tergocoh nak buat infection control team ke? atau dah wujud?

kat hospital  in the uK  dia bagi pakai baju lengan 3/4 atau angkat paras sikiu bila jumpa patients etc....tapi bebenda ni depa  tengok so and so jugak...cuma depa efficient bila critical issues like ade contagious infection ke in the ward, like swine flu...or TB ...tu depa jaga yg critical kena kompang depa kompang,jarang aih hospital  yg tak critical hal lengan ni dok kompang setengah batu

i rasa elok jugak hospital re consider atau buat policy yg jelas.

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Post time 6-12-2015 11:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
R2D2 replied at 6-12-2015 10:40 AM
Lack of logic in nurse’s short-sleeves complaint

Pariah2 kokesen belaka yg komen...

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Post time 6-12-2015 01:09 PM | Show all posts
HR pariah rupanya. betina pariah ni memang beli belit kuat drama. kat opis aku ramai la spesis macam ni. mmg bermasalah. taichi kerja takyah cerita la....tak masuk drama malas kerja lagi.....mmg tahi sikit betina pariah ni

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