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Author: aurorae

[MERGED] Pengalaman menghantar anak ke sekolah cina

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 Author| Post time 16-1-2012 04:53 PM | Show all posts
semalam my doter citer 1 of her classmate last year (bumiputera iban) dah tukar sekolah lain. dalam  ...
heidi04 Post at 13-1-2012 09:28

    heidi, mengikut Rayyan, semasa dia berada di darjah 6, tinggal 2 orang saja pelajar melayu untuk seluruh darjah 6.  Bermula darjah 4, seorang demi seorang bertukar ke sekolah kebangsaan.  Parents kena kental jiwa nak bertahan di sekolah cina ni.

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 Author| Post time 16-1-2012 04:55 PM | Show all posts
sorry..xingat plak nk jengah forum nie
busyy..almaklumlah dh start hwork sek ank.. y ...
lizs Post at 16-1-2012 01:10

    seronoknya kelas tu, kelas malam ke?   I dulu tersilap masuk kelas, yg lebih untuk pelajar sekolah jadi memang tak boleh masuk sebab diaorang sangat cepat menghafal perkataan baru.

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Post time 18-1-2012 11:12 PM | Show all posts
Reply 782# aurorae

tq heidi
yer la aurorae..
ada sorang tu pelajar sdg mngu spm..mmg expert hafalan..kami y dh kerja ni terkial2
mcm2 vokal nada y keluar..

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Post time 18-1-2012 11:26 PM | Show all posts
Reply 781# aurorae

mm..mcm gituh rupe nyer..
mybe parents tkut result anak jd comot dgn kegagalan bbrpe subject..
aurorae..ank i di Nuri hwork mandarin boleh tahan banyak..
buku mandrin ada 4buku tebal (sblah pagi shj belum tmsuk creative kids sblah ptg)
i selak2 tgok mmg xpaham then i xth lak tahap advance ker ape..
tp ada sorang parents cina ada lihat buku2 nuri mandrin ank i..
scr kebetulan anak dia pun sama umur anak i y sama2 tuityen math kumon..
then pendapat dia..mandrin nuri mmg terbaikk!!
ok ni result spelling this month anak i di creative kids nuri sblah ptg..
spelling Mastery Mandarin Nuri mrkah --> 0/5
spelling English 3/5
esk Ejaan Bacaan pula..

kesilapan i mmg xingat nak ajar anak buat latihan menulis stroke cina
y english pun xde i ajar..errr kesilapan besar btul
harap2 parents kt sini jgn lalai mcm sy yer eheh3..

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2012 10:37 AM | Show all posts
I hope to be one of the pioneers in this

1Malaysia: Raise multilingual kids
PROF DR FATIMAH MOHAMED ARSHAD, Director, Institute of Agricultural and Food Policy
Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor
[email protected]
HAVING multilingual children is the answer to the social integration that we desperately seek. Without a
doubt, Bahasa Malaysia unites the races but not necessarily integrates them.
Integration requires more than just speaking in one language; it needs understanding and appreciating
cultural differences and similarities. Rooted in each culture is the answer to prejudices and
misconceptions that one harbours against another.
The "segregation" in our political and social life by ethnicity is still rampant though there are areas where
we are one. 1Malaysia is truly an appropriate semantic -- be it in meaning and intention. What's lacking
is how it should be done.
One small step that may lead to a giant advantage is to teach our children the languages that we have in
the country. Children, unlike adults, are fast learners. They are able to master five or more languages.
Currently, our children can master at least two languages (among Malays) and three (among Chinese and
Indians). The Malays are at a disadvantage here as they only know their mother tongue and English,
while their counterparts can master their native language plus Bahasa Malaysia and English.
So, going from three to five languages is no big deal.
Language is more than just a window to knowledge; it's a gateway to appreciating the diversity of
cultures, religions and ways of life.
These languages, for instance Arabic, Chinese and Hindi/Tamil, are as old as their history. They are the
institutional memories of each culture embedded in the vocabularies and semantics. Yet, we deny our
children these rich languages when they are there in our lives every day.
A mono-view of culture is closing the opportunities of exploring minds and paradigms. Opening up this
spectrum to young minds will teach them that diversity is a way of life. It enriches their minds, and seeds
of understanding and appreciation are planted at an early age.
With this exposure, facing a multi-ethnic environment will not be an alien experience later in their adult
life. They will be able to assimilate easily and there will be fewer prejudices. Networking will no longer
be tough for them. With this skill, they, too, will become agile workers or professionals in the
international arena.
The role of languages in breaking down prejudice cannot be underrated. Why a certain behavioural
pattern is prevalent in an ethnic group can be explained if we understand their culture.
Biases, misunderstanding and most of all, ignorance, can be minimised while promoting integration
naturally. This can be done by introducing these languages at school with ease and minimal cost.
Inculcating inter-racial understanding at a young age is the best investment towards racial integration in
this country.
1Malaysia: Raise multilingual kids
1 of 2 2/8/2011 9:06 AM
Diversity, as in nature, means simply richness -- like our multicultural society in Malaysia. It is a rich
fabric of cultural heritages and histories. But this beauty is yet to be tapped.
Our plural mix of ethnic groups, which should be seen as wealth, appears as an incurable boil every now
and then, depending on the health of our economy, and most important of all, the political game played
by politicians.
Has any one asked why, after a half century of independence, few of us are able to speak the languages
of our ethnic counterparts (with the exception of Malay language), when we could have mastered them
easily with will?
It's hard to believe that after staying together in one house for more than 50 years, the Chinese and Tamil
languages sound strange to the Malays' ears. The tones of these languages may sound familiar, but most
Malays don't have a clue what they mean. This is a sad loss, even if one hides under the disguise of
Diversity in ethnicities/culture and languages is our unique asset. It should be used to spread our wings
to the east and west of the globe.
Each language has its own market. Some foreigners have pointed out that Malaysia is not capitalising
fully on its unique strength of multi-ethnicity.
That is, Malaysia has Chinese-speaking entrepreneurs to conquer business in China, Indian-speaking
businessmen to invest in India, and English-speaking professionals to enter into the world market. And
the country's Islamic image is an edge in the Middle East.
It's good to have this kind of specialisation, but these are not integrated.
Let's plant the seeds of integration in our children now by taking the baby step of teaching them to be
multilingual in a one Malaysia environment.
Write to the Editor for editorial enquiry or Sales Department for sales and advertising enquiry.

© 2010 NST Online. All rights reserved.
1Malaysia: Raise multilingual kids

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2012 10:39 AM | Show all posts
Reply  aurorae

mm..mcm gituh rupe nyer..
mybe parents tkut result anak jd comot dgn kegagalan b ...
lizs Post at 18-1-2012 23:26

    lizs ...  too early la, my kids spelling masa mula2 tadika cina pun pernah dapat 0/5 juga.  Kita kena sama2 belajar dan  pantau, itu je.

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Post time 17-2-2012 09:10 AM | Show all posts

now dah almost 2 months my daughter kat chinese kindy. tolak cuti CNY and long weekend tu..ala kira sebulan setengah je la...hehe this time...what should we expect anak kita boleh buat ye?
so far yg i tgk...teacher dia still ajar diorang utk master alphabets and number lagi utk BM and english. then ada reading sikit. yg BM tu i nampak dah start ajar sukukata tp english xde pulak nampak dia ajar phonics level 2. part mandarin tu..i xleh kata ape la...dah x paham mende. hehehe. tp since last weeks dah nampak la dia tulis nama sendiri and date sendiri kat worksheet for all languages. dah takde teacher dia cop lagi dah....
so what should we expect by end of 2 months?

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 Author| Post time 22-2-2012 05:33 AM | Show all posts

now dah almost 2 months my daughter kat chinese kindy. tolak cuti CNY and long weekend tu. ...
cute_cupid Post at 17-2-2012 09:10

    tahniah dah bertahan selama 2 bulan ... sebenarnya time ni tengok personaliti anak tu

saya bagi contoh  ...  anak pertama by the time masuk kindy cina dah pandai membaca english melayu, jadi dia cepat belajar semua benda baru dalam mandarin.  Kat rumah tiap2 hari baca dan praktis sebut perkataan2 baru, sampaikan saya pun ikut sama belajar

anak bungsu, tak kenal A B C langsung masa masuk tadika Cina.  Bulan2 pertama tu memang excited habis la nak hafal ABC, dan suprised juga, semua perkataan mandarin yg baru belajar pun dia hafal, bersama2 ejaan  english dan melayu.   Rasanya sebab otak dia masih banyak ruang nak isi, dia hafal semua dari muka surat pertama buku teks tu.  Cuma masih belum pandai membaca ikut ejaan, semua main hafal je.   

anak tengah (no 3),, dah tau ABC masa masuk, tapi belum pandai membaca.   Jadi masa ni dia discover macam mana nak mengeja, memang cepat la english dan melayu.   Cuma agak lemah dalam penghafalan mandarin.  Saya tak sedar pun kecuali bila  bila dia dapat 0/5 untuk ejaan pertama mandarin pada bulan April .     Jadi mulai hari tu, saya memang tolong dia menghafal setiap simbol perkataan mandarin tu,

So I guess setiap anak lain tahap kemajuan dan penguasaan mereka.  Jangan bandingkan anak kita dengan anak orang lain, you pantau aje dan by april,   sekolah anak saya dah mula uji ejaan.  Masa tu baru boleh nampak tahap penguasaan anak jadi saya  bantu mana yg boleh.

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Post time 5-3-2012 11:28 AM | Show all posts
tahniah dah bertahan selama 2 bulan ... sebenarnya time ni tengok personaliti anak tu

aurorae Post at 22-2-2012 05:33

nak tak nak kena bertahan jugak la...dah bayar lebih seribu masa nak register hari tu. kopak mak dia! hahahahatapi i tengok dia pun dah x nangis2 nak buat homework...byk dulu masa mula2...bercinta betul nak siapkan 1 page writing. LOL

my daughter dah kenal ABC tp x pandai baca lagi..sebab masa 4yo tu memang tadika dia x ajar. dia pulak bila i nak ajar kat rumah boleh pulak cakap 'hey...teacher cakap tak payah bace lagi la mama!'. adoi aii...ragam budak2 ni memang susah dijangka...

last week ada ujian character mandarin..xtau la cemana result belum dpt lagi. teacher dia pun bila i tanya...cakap anak i ni ok je...tekun belajar etc..xtau la. tgk la lagi sebulan 2 cemana.

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 Author| Post time 5-3-2012 04:44 PM | Show all posts
'hey...teacher cakap tak payah bace lagi la mama!'. adoi cute_cupid Post at 5-3-2012 11:28

    comelnya dia cakap macam tu ... kalau anakku la, tak jadi marah, terus  kena gomol habis-habisan .... L

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 Author| Post time 6-3-2012 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Perkembangan Sarah, dia dapat jadi wakil sekolah untuk pertandingan poem bahasa Cina bagi kategori murid bukan Cina.

Beberapa hari lepas, dia dipilih oleh guru besar naik ke pentas dan baca dialog perbualan dalam bahasa cina, masa perhimpunan sekolah.  Sarah ni jenis bersungguh-ungguh, kalau diberi tugas, dia buat dengan sehabis sempurna.

Alhamdulillah, anak pertama Rayyan berjaya dalam akademik dan dapat mewakili sekolah untuk pertandingan sains, Sarah pula walau sederhana je akademiknya,  wakil sekolah untuk acara sukan dan bahasa.  Mudah-mudahan adik2 mereka Basel dan Habel pun boleh menonjol di sekolah Cina selepas ni.

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Post time 6-3-2012 05:04 PM | Show all posts
dah lama x masuk forum dok baca la jgk... so skrg cnfirm parents tgh bz utk daftar darjah 1 untuk anak yg lahir thn 2006...i pun tgh confius ni either nak masukkan jgk SJK(C) atau nak g SK je...huhuhu...tanya anak dia cakap nak sekolah melayu coz dia cakap sekolah cina tu x halal...emmm poning i pun quite risau la jgk bila pk kan homework yg akan dtg utk sekolah rendah la masa kindergarten pun terkial2 nak tolong dia.tapi laoshi dia cakap he's capable to go to chinese he hv more than 100 vocab means that chinese character yg dia dah kenal.skrg tgh try baca sentence & buat ayat.he can do it but tau2 je la bdk lelaki....tahap kemalasan&mencari alasan tu kdg boleh mndatangkan "hangin",hehehe:@

so sis semua...should i go for chinese school? actually i dah register on line pun for SJK(C)  A since last yr& already chop at the school 1st day of march(really excited,hehehe), but then the kindergaten's laoshi said that A is not ok,she suggest SJK(C)  B, so i pun go to SJK(C)  A to do the cancellation. now have to re-think before nak "kemaskini" online registration either teruskan SJKC B or SK je.....2 kali pk mmg nak terus register SJKC B je coz dia dah blajar banyak bila pk 4-5 kali pasal homework coz tgk SK punya pun kdg poning....huhu tu yg makes more difficult to make the decision...

so any suggestion...any clues...any hopes...frm all of u..hehehe.tq

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Post time 8-3-2012 12:42 PM | Show all posts
Reply 791# aurorae

wahh..terror laa sarah nie..!!
today i reg sek cina..
mm..sedey, kena dtg hari len coz i xcomplete doc (bil api) belum ada..
sbb i baru beli rumah baru, so rumah y baru ni belum dpt bil api air..
so tgu bil bln ni smpai..baru i bolehh gi reg..
mmg sedey..dari pagi i beratur dh la barisan mcm ular huh3...
hope bil cpt2 smpai..i nak trus reg segera

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2012 01:56 PM | Show all posts
dah lama x masuk forum dok baca la jgk... so skrg cnfirm parents tgh bz utk daftar darjah  ...
Achoo_zikris Post at 6-3-2012 17:04

    alahai Achoo, lama tak dengar kabar berita .... thanks la mengingatkan pasal registration tu sebab si Habel  pun dah hampir terlupa nak register ni.  al maklumla maknya dah masuk   umur opah-opah.  Last register anak sekolah cina, tahun 2009 dulu.   Baca je entry achoo ni, cepat2 sms ayahnya remind pasal registration tu.

Kenapa achoo ragu2 nak hantar anak ke sekolah cina?  Adakah sebab hw berlambak  tu saja?  Husband macamana, dia tegas nak hantar atau dia pun ikut je apa yg achoo fikir baik?   Jawab dulu soalan ni.

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2012 02:16 PM | Show all posts
rasa nak buat index la anak2 sekolah cina dalam thread ni, senang nak rujuk kalau ada sesiapa yg bermasalah ke.   Kalau dah update nanti, saya letak kat muka depan.

Sila2 PM atau reply kat sini-  Nama/Nick anak, Tahun lahir, Tadika Cina+others, SJKC.  

My children:  
Rayyan 1996 Tadika English(umur 5 tahun), Tadika Islam(6 tahun), Tadika Cina (6 tahun, 6 bulan terakhir), SJKC Pulai, Johor

Sarah  2001  Tadika Cina(5,6 tahun), Fardhu Ain(6 tahun), SJKC Woon Hwa,  SJKC Pulai, Johor

Basel  2003   Tadika Islam(5 tahun), Tadika Cina + Fardhu Ain (6 tahun), SJKC Pulai, Johor

Habel  2006   Tadika Cina(5,6 tahun), Fardhu Ain(6 tahun)

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2012 02:17 PM | Show all posts
Reply  aurorae

wahh..terror laa sarah nie..!!
today i reg sek cina..
mm..sedey, kena dtg har ...
lizs Post at 8-3-2012 12:42

    bil tu penting sebab sekolah nak utamakan mereka yg tinggal berdekatan dulu

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Post time 8-3-2012 03:08 PM | Show all posts
Reply 794# aurorae

salam sis....bkn ragu2 cuma kecut perut jer...hehe(mcm lbh kurang jer kan)...actually my husband kata "dah bdk tu dia blajo tadika cina masukkan je la sjkc" then i takes time jgk nk wat decision,mostly decision made by myself coz my husband not here...habis semua org i tanya...ari2 masuk forum sedih x de org reply...huhuhu...last2 i just nekad i will send my son to sjkc jugak...yela mcm x berbaloi plak dah abis duit ber hinggit2...penat ank i mengingat chinese character tu...kelam kabut i nk cari pinyin&maksud utk dia smpai i pun terterror dgn mandarin ni...hehehe yg basic je la apa yg dia blajar kt kindergarten tu...doa2 byk2 agar pilihan i ni tepat so skrg ni just go for it & tawakkal+berusaha....apa yg penting..kerjasama (hehehe)

so sis wish me luck & insyaallah sok nak g register kt sjkc B tu coz td pg dah kemaskini on line...harap2 no prob with that...aminnn

sis dah g register?how is he masa kindergarten ni?

ank i siap mintak helicopter with remote control  bila dah darjah 1 kt sjkc nnti...ya ammpunnnn...

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Post time 8-3-2012 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Reply 793# lizs

  lizs...sjkc mana tu smpai gitu skali nak register, ramai sesangat org?dia bukak 1 masa je ke?...masa i g register kat sjkc A tu x de org lgsung pun...x tau sok ni nk register kat sjkc B...nnti i update bila dh g sok..

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2012 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Reply  aurorae

habis semua org i tanya...ari2 masuk forum sedih x de org reply...huhuhu...
...Achoo_zikris Post at 8-3-2012 15:08

    oh oh I'm so sorry ...  tak tau apasal CARI tak alert me bila ada forumer tulis dalam thread ni, sebab kalau thread lain2 yg I jadi pembuka, selalu je dapat notice.

My husband tak pergi register pun semalam, balik rumah baru sedar tarikh tu patutnya semalam.   Tak apalah, hari ni baru nak pergi.

Anak Achoo lelaki eh?  Dia macam keberatan nak ke sekolah Cina, sama la macam anak sulung saya dulu asyik tanya je kenapa mesti masuk sekolah cina.  Anak2 lain dah tak bertanya, mungkin sebab abang dah masuk, jadi by default memang kena masuk.  Achoo kena banyak2 bersabar dan tegas dalam hal ni,  sama macam kita tak bagi anak ke kedai sorang2 walaupun dia mampu.  

Insyaallah saya yakin anak Achoo boleh buat, cikgu dia sendiri dah bagitau kan.   Achoo sendiri nampak ambil berat dan cuba belajar, itu dah sangat bagus, you are way better than me.   Saya dulu takat baca buku2 tadika anak je.

Bila anak dah masuk sekolah rendah, dan saya tak boleh bantu sendiri, baru saya cari bantuan dari luar.   Tapi Achoo tengoklah nanti, macamana pencapaian anak masa darjah 1.  Sekolah anak2 saya, masa darjah 1 lebih banyak salin semua karakter yg cikgu tulis/ dah ada dalam buku latihan.  Jadi cuma perlu banyak masa nak buat, tapi belum betul2 menguji keupayaan.   Insyaallah, masa ni saya boleh bantu lagi dengan merujuk pada buku2 latihan dan buku teks dia je.  Kalau kena jawab soalan pun, semua karakter yang diperlukan ada dalam tu.

saya banyak menggunakan bantuan website  untuk mencari makna/buat ayat  bagi karakter yg diberi.  Ni salah satu site favourite saya, kita boleh lukis karakter yg dikehendaki.  Kalau anak boleh dapatkan ejaan pinyin lagi senang nak bantu.

Google translation dan Cari dictionary pun banyak membantu.

Masa anak masuk darjah 4 nanti, ada cabaran baru.  Yg tu achoo kena masuk tanya 4 tahun lagi.  ;)

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Post time 9-3-2012 10:54 PM | Show all posts
Reply 798# Achoo_zikris

yer la..i bawa memorondum pembelian rumah  lawyer kuarkan..ishh xlaku lak..
huh! kena tgu..bil
SRJK c paling best kt daerah pasir gudang sejak thn 1983 xsilap kot..
SRjK Masai, johor.. best student..cikgu2 cemerlang eheh3..
so khamis i pergi, jumaat kawan i pergi dh fully so kwan i buat rayuan PPD dpt jauh sket dr Srjk Masai..
Srjk chee tong megah ria, Masai..
tp i rase rse mcm tpnggil pula nk ke chee tong sbb sek nyer baru n cantik nk tgu anak  pun best selesa parking luas

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