hai semua...
rehat untk mkn tengahari kjp...kol 2pm smbung gik kursus...
nak stori sikit psl last nite.
wow...happening sgt2 last nite... jgn jeles...
btw really like to thanks mumi,shy,ceca, belle,manggis.
they really take care of me smpai jumpa Hapiz...
thanks uols ireally enjoy last nite...
dpt jumpa Hapiz yang best sekali...
until now sya msh ingat lagi pipi gebu Hapiz yg terasa ingin dicubit2...hehehe
eeeee geram...
i observe Hapiz really hormat org tua...
entah berapa kali dia "shake my hand"...and he said, next time jumpa lg"Aunty"
Hapiz... fist time nengok i terus panggil aunty... hahaha..but ilike it...
Hapiz are really the best...
lepas jumpa dia bertambah2 lg minat i...
And tahniah coz Awan Nano juara last nite di Hot Fm zone... Tahniah KPH...
Itu saja sya nk merapu disini hari ni...coz tak cukup masa...
Gambar2 tungguuuuuu....
Sekali lagi thank sto every body yg accept me in the group...
hai semua...
rehat untk mkn tengahari kjp...kol 2pm smbung gik kursus...
nak stori sikit psl last ...
mmbs Post at 12-4-2011 13:22
hi mmbs......happy that u've met Hafiz and happy jugak coz lepas jumpa Hafiz minat kat dia bertambah.....hehehe.....almost sumer yg dah jumpa dia cakap camtu.....nice to know u too!! harap2 satu hari nanti leh jumpa ko jugak....huhu....i'm suppose to go to kuching this weekend but terpaksa cancelled pasal tiket belon and hotel dabes.....huhu