Hilangkan tanda hitam di celah ketiak, pangkal peha dan alur2 punggung
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me still tak dapat2 lagik sabun nieh....  |
Reply #853 ilyvmZ's post
bunga ros... rasa bosan lak asik bunga tulip ja  |
ari nih...samapai ler agaknya sabun tuh.... balik blh try trus.... |
yan pon minat le nk tau psal produk nie...
nk selak blkg2 cm mls jer...
somebody please help me...tq  |
Reply #852 ilyvmZ's post
kak nani
saya dh transfer rm32 kt mybank
nnti check pm ye....  |
kt gune gk oldmaster
tp pas bape ari ade cm ruam lak kat pelipat lengan n kat ketiak (bkn celah ketiak)
rs cm tak sesuai je so kite stop la pakai..
tp bnde tu ade lg..
tak taw ape mslhnye.. |
Originally posted by melati-putih at 20-11-2007 11:50 AM 
me still tak dapat2 lagik sabun nieh....
saya masih tak drive ke cheras lagi
tapi insyaallah now i am on hols
saya akan pergi jumpa melati okay
i will call you soonest --
maaf kerana postponed tu --
but i will see you --
thanks |
kak nanie....brape rengget lak body stone nie??? dr ari tue lagik curious nak tau |
hi kak nanie..it was nice talking to u just now..
tak sabarnye nak jumpe and dapat sabun tu..
excited gile..huhu
lupe nak ckp tadi..get well soon!
[ Last edited by ara-xtian4eva at 20-11-2007 03:32 PM ] |
Originally posted by hantamal at 20-11-2007 10:58 AM 
la ada plak aku naip tadi tuhh....ahhh x pe laaaa.....banyak sket testi aku kann
soon hantamal punya wpm 100 wpm!! --
sebab practice sokmo --  |
Originally posted by archerfahid at 20-11-2007 03:29 PM 
kak nanie....brape rengget lak body stone nie??? dr ari tue lagik curious nak tau
check your pm
ahhhh lama kita tak sembang ye archer!!!! |
Originally posted by ej177 at 20-11-2007 02:57 PM 
kt gune gk oldmaster
tp pas bape ari ade cm ruam lak kat pelipat lengan n kat ketiak (bkn celah ketiak)
rs cm tak sesuai je so kite stop la pakai..
tp bnde tu ade lg..
tak taw ape mslhnye..
ohh i will pm you okay ---
thanks for brought that up -=- |
Originally posted by ilyvmZ at 20-11-2007 03:38 PM 
thanks...errr ara --
saya punya lidah masih berbelit --
elok elok demam dah surut sikit now panas balik !!
bila nak sebut nic you tadi --- haha --
gurau aje --
saya masih demam l ...
nak belanja? bole xde hal..i belanje air kosong je..suruh choq tu belanje makan.. hehe
xdela..anything u want to eat i will belanja u..cakap je nak mkn kat mane..chewah..
looking forward for your call/sms.. |
blh pm psl old master ni? |
Originally posted by hide at 20-11-2007 03:52 PM 
blh pm psl old master ni?
hide --
check your pm --
thanks - |
Originally posted by ara-xtian4eva at 20-11-2007 03:43 PM 
nak belanja? bole xde hal..i belanje air kosong je..suruh choq tu belanje makan.. hehe
xdela..anything u want to eat i will belanja u..cakap je nak mkn kat mane..chewah..
looking forward fo ...
haha... macam macam budak sebijik ni --
ahh choq kata no problemo
kecil tapak tangan -- boeing 747 dia tadahkan -
*teringat hari tu saya TERbawa kek kukus kat restaurant tu -
kena makan sorok2 lak tu - ishhh --
okay we shall keep in touch --
sunday - set! |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki