[BRF] Istana Bawang 16 - Meghan vs Buckingham , still !! ...Lilibet who ?
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hmmmm, cheap promo!
so.. he is no royal la kan? lagi bagus
Kudos Obamas!
Semua org pun tau the Harkles ni worthless on their own..
I rasa Charles mmg bapak dia, saja jer bangkitkan perkara ni nak bagi org tertunggu-tunggu his memoir tu...
Mna lilibeth ni...sampai ke sudah x dak gambarnya
snazzydaisy replied at 20-8-2021 07:54 AM
hmmmm, cheap promo!
Real father as in the true colour kot.. kalau lain bapa heols akan kata biological father.
Btw nak komen skali yg psl title christening tu, royal expert tu my guess is scabies tu
snazzydaisy replied at 20-8-2021 08:02 AM
Hahaha...yang nie sumpah lawak
Kebodohan sangat bila harry kawin minah meglan ni kau banyak pilihan lah harry tapi minah ni jugak kau buat bini sekarang hadaplah
Post time 26-8-2021 04:33 PM
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Deme kata skrg 50 page, thread dah kena solex .. betui ke kome ?
Post time 26-8-2021 04:35 PM
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snazzydaisy replied at 20-8-2021 07:56 AM
Royal christening for baby Lilibet has been denied by the palace.
Rasain lorrr ..
Nak privacy sgt kekunun
Nak jadi marhaennn sgt kunun
Rasain lorrr
Post time 26-8-2021 04:39 PM
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snazzydaisy replied at 20-8-2021 08:02 AM
Sapai sudah ye takde gmbr lilibeth... .tergezut dgn level privacy mekgan ...ataupun baby mmg sik wujud
Post time 26-8-2021 04:43 PM
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snazzydaisy replied at 20-8-2021 07:54 AM
hmmmm, cheap promo!
He elehhh... Ape bende laaa harry ..
Sapa la nak baca memoir dia ..
Kalau si Harry ni is a bastard, mesti dia takkan mengaku punye, sure tak rela kena removed from LOS.
Scabies = Scooby = RR wannabe
Harry ada sketchy bio dad, anak2 dia pula ada sketchy existence!
adakah "The Firm" taknak bersubahat dlm christening anak patung???
Misteri sungguh laaaa adik si Archie ni, hebat bersembunyi kalah penjenayah!
Sampai bila nak bergantung kat PR to manipulate the truths?
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Patrick Christys: 'Meghan and Harry are back... by unpopular demand'
WHAT IF Diana faked her death to get away from the RF?
Translation (Ger-Eng):
Magically moved with the times. The picture shows with the so-called morph technique like the queen of hearts as 60 years could look like.
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Post time 27-8-2021 08:50 AM
From the mobile phone
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snazzydaisy replied at 27-8-2021 02:10 AM
WHAT IF Diana faked her death to get away from the RF?
Tak kan laaa fake the death ?
Ataupun RF nak tukar identity dia supaya pap x ikut ... ..
Tapi klu she live somewhere else and change identity sooner or later people will know jugak kann