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'Rumah Sembang Pasemboq Utara V146'
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Johnny Depp’s lawyer is a 37yr old unmarried, beautiful woman called Camille Vasquez.
Right now she’s one of the most famous people in the world bcs of her attitude in court.
This woman is like a shark! She’s strong, very intelligent, exudes confidence and power.
I love the fact that she’s also stylish, warm and has a charming smile.
In my country, a 35yr old single woman should go and have children as there’s no husband.
That’s all she should aspire for.
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Just a thought...
A couple things that don't sit well...
It appears none of Amber Heard's friends that stayed in the penthouses with her and Johnny are still friends (per their deposition testimony).
Amber Heard wanted 3 penthouses of the 5 at the time of the TRO and demanded them within days.
Elaine has been with Amber since around the time of the TRO (I think... but at least the time of divorce) as there are videos with her in the background.
It appears somewhat obvious that Elaine threw the case in the final days of the trial. Amber's rebuttal witnesses were off the charts Ludacris. Her counsel left very little time to fix issue's leaving Johnny's counsel with more then 10 hours above their own in the table in the final days. Elaine's "15 minutes of fame" statements on so many of Johnny's witnesses on the last couple days was odd. Elaine's closing arguments were just everywhere and so wild that she was admonished 3 times. She was practically scalding the jury. In the end, she left 6 minutes for rebuttal to Camille's 39 minutes.
Later, it's rumoured Elaine was found Crying in the bathroom. This could be for many reason's....but....
All this leads me to believe that all of the above may have been in on the hoax for a long time... including Elaine and the hoax is why Amber is no longer friends with those that were in the penthouses. But, why didn't they change their testimony? Because, if they did, they would be committing perjury at that point.
I think it was Johnny's counsel that brought together a well thought out case that, in the end, lowered Amber's counsel's defenses and made them realize how the hoax is truly affecting Johnny and how millions, the world over, stand behind him. Camille and Ben Chew's closing arguments and Camille's rebuttal was truthful, powerful, honest and very heartfelt. It was phenomenal!
Discloser: I'm not saying anything above is factual knowledge or accusations on my part to any parties involved... but, merely things I've noticed and opinions I've concluded as a result.
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Nk update perkembangan slps nov msk opis hr ni |
Partner apply cuti 3 mgg direct |
Setiap nov cuti dia mst akan ambik cuti |
Covid-19: 1,323 kes baharu, empat kematian direkodkan
DIANA AZIS | | 31 Mei 2022

Sebanyak empat kematian direkodkan dengan satu daripadanya merupakan kematian di luar hospital atau ‘brought-in-dead’ (BID). - Foto Bernama
SHAH ALAM - Sebanyak 1,323 kes baharu Covid-19 direkodkan pada Isnin menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan jangkitan wabak tersebut kepada 467,925 kes setakat ini.
Menerusi laporan portal CovidNow pada Selasa, dua daripada kes baharu yang dilaporkan adalah kes import.
Portal itu turut melaporkan, sebanyak empat kematian direkodkan dengan satu daripadanya merupakan kematian di luar hospital atau ‘brought-in-dead’ (BID).
Ini menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan kematian disebabkan pandemik itu kini sebanyak 35,669 orang daripada 4.4 juta kes positif Covid-19 yang dikesan di negara ini
Data tersebut turut melaporkan sebanyak 23,779 kes masih aktif atau atau 95.8 peratus daripadanya merupakan individu dikuarantin di rumah dan 15 pesakit berada di Pusat Kuarantin dan Rawatan Covid-19 (PKRC).
Dalam pada itu seramai 954 pesakit Covid-19 ditempatkan di hospital dengan 32 pesakit dimasukkan ke unit rawatan rapi (ICU).
Setakat ini sebanyak 1,935 kes sembuh baharu dilaporkan menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan kes sembuh di negara ini sebanyak 4,445,611.
Artikel Penuh : https://www.sinarharian.com.my/a ... kematian-direkodkan
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lps kaka sahur tunggu subuh sat lps tu terus tumbang.. asben ajak pi klinik pun kaka mamai. 
nasib baik tak hilang. takut ada yg masuk bilik je.
nov beli coklat sampai rm300+.
byknya nov....
mgkn tunggu semua dah abis belajar kot boleh pegi lg.
masa tu nov pun dah ada co-pilot.
owh nov eh yg pm.
kaka pasan dr smlm tp tak klik lg kt pm.
belom sempat nk baca.
yg mcm nov tunjuk tu tp tetap kena isi content.
tak hujan nov. panas berbahang je 2-3 hari ni.
novelloverzz replied at 30-5-2022 07:00 PM
uishh bela ayam dkt flat
pes time dgr ni
Aah ada yg bela. Kaka pun tak tau sapa yg bela. Ada dengar bunyi ayam berkokok.
Yg nmpk ada carpet tu tmpt budak2 main waktu ptg. Arah ke kiri lg la kt situ ada yg bela ayam. Yg tanam mcm² pokok pun ada. Nmpk bumbung merah sikit tu sek men anak kaka |
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Edited by sfhzuraz at 31-5-2022 12:28 PM
klu ikutkan keta myvi biru tu tak nmpk sebelum ni sb ada pokok mangga. minggu lps pihak management dah tebang pokok mangga. yg tinggal 1 je skrg ni. |
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