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Author: sarah82

[Persahabatan] Social Chit Chat 6

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Post time 17-8-2022 10:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 21-7-2022 11:24 PM
miso soup tu masin la jgk. sushi zanmai punya miso mcm kurang lemak gitu. ada seaweed n tofu sikit ...

Ola mj! How r u doin'? Hrp sihat2 adja.

Hr tu je rajin mj. Lps tu mls. Semlm den buat egg + avocado salad, masuk dlm wrap je. Plg senang sbb hanya rebus telur 3 bijik.

Nmpk salad lak lg byk dr inti, heh.

Avocado ni sbnrnya den x baper suka. I mean i read that it is good for your health but i don't really like the taste. An acquired taste kot. If on its own, mmg x gerak la. Have to eat it with something, like eggs, or chicken or anything else to mask the taste.  But i still have like one and a half bijik lg avocado ni ha. Maybe kena buat guacamole kot.

Hehe, 3MAD yg ada Eric mmg suka ngat tgk, sbb resipi dia mudah. Sambil tgk tu sambil boleh imejin what i should substitute some of the ingredients with. Tp imejin je. Nk buat tu kena tunggu R mood mai.  

Mod @adila39 tu rajin diet weh, mau x biola. Den ni mkn ikut mood. Bila xde selera, lapar pun minum susu je.

Thx for sharing about the whales. Good one! I remember reading about whales when i was 15, from an encyclopedia. Sambil imejin mcmana la klu tgk in real life this humongous mammal kan, mesti rasa gerun pun ada. Mmg ada bbrp types of whales, yg famous yg den ingat orca, humpback, beluga, blue whale and sperm whale. Whale nkn krill eh, den plak mkn krill oil dulu, br ni start balik but dah habis and blm beli lg. Den ambik pun as per doc's advice dulu. Agaknya sbb tu kot size den mcm ke arah whale nye size nih,

Rasanya Japan yg active hunt whale ni. Smpai skrg rasanya tp spesis yg dia hunt tu den lupa nama. Whales pun syg offspring dia kan? Yet manusia ada je yg dera or buang babies. Rasanya ada spesis whale yg rupa mcm dolphin ni. Den x tgk lg drama tu. Byk dah den ketinggalan pun, haiya. Mj tgk tu je ke? Ke ada lain?

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Post time 18-8-2022 05:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 17-8-2022 10:57 PM
Ola mj! How r u doin'? Hrp sihat2 adja.

weiii lama tak borak sini.. busy betul chuolsss! how are u? sakit tgn tu dah ok tak? i sihat2 je, busy pun sbb keluar masuk rumah htr bdk2 ni gi sek n training..
aaah, avocado ni i selalu mkn dlm bln ramadan je. time sahur la, buat smoothie. half avo, susu full cream dgn date syrup. date syrup ni beli kat mbg outlet.

tp skrg mcm dah tepu minum avo smoothie ni. ada sebiji dlm freezer sbb rindu nk minum tp mls nk buat sbb sirap kurma tu dah hbs.
mlm ni last epi for extraordinary lawyer woo tu.. so sad x dpt tgk kang tae oh tu lg.. no more whale talks anymore.. whale facts pun dh x byk, dah finale mlm ni

tgh nk hbskan kdrama shooting stars. baru kat epi10. lawak jgk drama ni awal2 masa hero nakkan heroin tp ego tinggi. at least ada 3 pelakon penthouse dlm drama ni, ahakss
kang ada yg i gi selak2 tgk 3MAD nnt.. i suka tgk sbb diaorg ni ada mcm2 sayur.. hujung2, i tetap la mkn nasi, telur dadar n sambal je.


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Post time 18-8-2022 07:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 17-8-2022 10:40 PM
Ohhhhh alaaaa i terlupaaaa....hmm avocado ni fav i...lemak lemak juicy sedapnyaaaa..actually i pen ...

ada ja laa tp bertenggek kat benang igers n bloggers sana kat bod personaliti media sosial.. seminggu sekali kat bod asia latin mania sbb nk menjoyah psl kdrama pilihan hihii

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Post time 20-8-2022 12:33 PM | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 18-8-2022 05:10 PM
weiii lama tak borak sini.. busy betul chuolsss! how are u? sakit tgn tu dah ok tak? i sihat2 je,  ...

bila den masuk je, nmpk benang ni kat bwh2, hehehe. agaknya mmg kita je kot yg nyembang sini

today kengkonon nak p walk jap kt luar lps subuh. tp the bed has more pull! plus pg ni pun gelap je, lg la a winning point for the bed. Xpala, let's give it a try ptg krg haha.

ada jual eh date syrup? kalau blend terus kurma dgn susu, it it too heavy? i wanna try this donna hay's brownies recipe which uses dates as the sweetener and also for texture, but the thing is, i haven't got my oven fixed. i have a fairly new microwave with the convection function, but i haven't try baking anything using it yet. maybe because i am a bit sceptical baking cakes using the microwave, because long ago, this was like, really long ago, i found that cakes baked in mocrowave tend to be dry in texture compared to the ones in oven. so, i don't know whether this is still true today, cos u know, technology improves over time right? but with this in mind, i might try to use the microwave oven to bake sometime in the future, yeah. then if it is as good, it can be an excuse not to buy a new oven (cos my mom and sis are like, against me fixing it, and lean more towards buying a new one).

abih dah extraordinary lawyer tu eh? den ni kalau kena tgk online mmg ada bercinta sikit. maybe because i am infront of my laptop most of the time doing work and whatnot, that i prefer to watch any entertainment on tv instead? nowadays, i spend whatever free time i have listening to podcasts, so yeah, a contributing factor to how i am so behind in catching up with the current dramas. i wanted to give shooting stars a shot after u mentioned it, but i haven't gotten around to do it yet.

anyhoo, what's the latest about that injured boy during football? is he still playing? what's ur plan for the weekend? i just wanna laze around but i don't think it is possible because my parents are coming next week, most prolly mid-week, so i gotta get my hse in order


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Post time 20-8-2022 12:43 PM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 17-8-2022 10:40 PM
Ohhhhh alaaaa i terlupaaaa....hmm avocado ni fav i...lemak lemak juicy sedapnyaaaa..actually i pen ...

ola mod! biasa mod nih, mementang la kite ni marhaen sajork, nk reply pun x ingat dah ye, hehehe. no worries lah. whenever ada masa, then we'll try to catch up.

so, what's for breakfast today? u know, for someone who is not on a diet, i mean, a particular diet, i find yours is interesting, and i'd like to know whether the diet is effective. so, i hope u don't mind sharing it with us, u know, if it works, then others can follow it too. utk kebaikan sejagat juga whatchu doin' with adam today?

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Post time 20-8-2022 12:50 PM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 17-8-2022 10:40 PM
Ohhhhh alaaaa i terlupaaaa....hmm avocado ni fav i...lemak lemak juicy sedapnyaaaa..actually i pen ...

lupa lak, yg psl nk jual sanwic or roll tu kan, i think if the taste and portion is good, i think ppl won't mind paying a bit more for it. Besides, the ingredients shld reflect the price as well. if u use high quality ingredients, then it's a given that the price is a lil higher than normal, right? take for e.g., o'briens. it is quite pricey for a sandwich, i mean, for me that is, but i still buy it, becos it's yummy and healthy and x kedekut inti. in fact, i just had sun dried tomato ciabatta yesterday and it cost me rm26. pricey but yeah, sekali-sekala, y not indulge.

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Post time 20-8-2022 01:32 PM | Show all posts
mannnnn, I just got a text from a colleague, wanting to discuss work right now. am a bit annoyed cos heyyy, it's weekend! duuuh. I know I shld say sth to her about this, but, hmm, I think I can still afford to be generous for now.

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Post time 21-8-2022 07:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 20-8-2022 12:50 PM
lupa lak, yg psl nk jual sanwic or roll tu kan, i think if the taste and portion is good, i think  ...

Sedapnya u makan.

Hmm seronok tgk sandwich roll yg pelbagai ni...not just roti biasa tu..but i rasa nak jual costly i tgk utube korean style...menarikla pulak...mcm telor dadar je ada kobis and cheese and tgkk seleraaa....yeah sekali sekala semalam ajak mak minum ptg orderka. Sandwich ..sedap ada avocado with chicken yg dia potong kecik kecik...adalah herbs dia campur...mak i makan habis....rm25.40 hahaha

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Post time 21-8-2022 07:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 20-8-2022 12:43 PM
ola mod! biasa mod nih, mementang la kite ni marhaen sajork, nk reply pun x ingat dah ye, hehehe.  ...

Hahahaa...banyaklaaa marhaen!

Alaaaaa usually dulu kita kann selalu lepak sini now agak jarang sbb busy...also tgu mood maiii tu jawab. Diet i is doing i dah size M cutting baju tu besar la kot. But i dah lost 10kg bila i ingat balik berat i dulu and now. I ni diet yang yuk je...x hari hari pun...i cut my portion je...also kurang nasi. Lain lain bedal.

Semalam ingat nak main badminton dgn adam tp hujan pulak so i dgn adam kitaorg main uno ..paksa sinadam tu xnak sia lekat dgn tablet je...bulan 11dia ada trip sekolah ke langkawi..first time la ni trip alone..risau la pulak .sbb adam ni mcm manja je..kang dia bukak je baju dpn kawan kawan dia...also adventurous dia tu ikut imaginasi dia kang mana mana dia i suh dia prove ro me dia dah boleh jaga diri...ada dua bulan lagi dia nak step up i duk remind dia..baju jgn sepah, wallet, no hp i kena ingat, alamat rumah apa what to do if dia lost ke apa....and i suh dia diet jugakk

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Post time 21-8-2022 07:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 18-8-2022 07:08 PM
ada ja laa tp bertenggek kat benang igers n bloggers sana kat bod personaliti media sosial.. semin ...

Ohhhh kaka x masuk sebab x faham...pastu mcm koding all apa citer mj? Hows life? Apa plan cuti sekolah nnt? Eh bila cuti sekolah? Kaka depa lantik jd ijk ibu bapa...hahahah just sbb i suka komplen...but so far satu apa i xbuat...mcm poyo je pibg ni semua...boring pulak i...sekolah kita ni aktiviti pun nak ada carta organisasi eh? Haritu i duk bantah halau penjaja kat x ramai agree dgn i..depa ni pikir anak sendiri je..ko educatela anak jgn beli jajan...yg betul betul jual like karipap ice cream malaysia tu biarla depa pun cari duit utk anak depa...sediakan je la tempat ..mybe cara i pikir x sama

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Post time 22-8-2022 11:56 AM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 21-8-2022 07:14 AM
Sedapnya u makan.

Hmm seronok tgk sandwich roll yg pelbagai ni...not just roti biasa tu..but i r ...

korean sanwic ni mmg nmpk sedap and senang je nk buat but den tak try lg. sbbnya, dia mmg telur with shredded cabbage and sometimes carrots, pastu kt roti dia sapu jem strawberry, plus gula selain ketchup and mayo. so i can't really imagine having something sweet with my omelette toasts. tp yg dah cuba rata2 kata sedap. maybe one of these days i will give it a try. should you try it first b4 i do, pls share ur review ya

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Post time 22-8-2022 12:06 PM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 21-8-2022 07:22 AM
Hahahaa...banyaklaaa marhaen!

Alaaaaa usually dulu kita kann selalu lepak sini now agak jarang s ...

wow, 10kg is a lot, ok. Congrats! Chukahae! mksdnya berkesan la diet tu. Dah M dah shld be ok la kan? Ke nak turun ke S? den rasanya skrg ni ntah2 3XL ke hapa adik den salu pesan, ikut la yg mkn suku2 separuh tu. i ckp kt dia klu ikut tu, bab separuh tu buh yg fatty, x menjadi jgk

mak aiii, rejim latihan kendiri punya la awal, boleh je adam tu, don't worry too much ok. nnt bkn xleh nk check on him kan? make sure he always have his phone with him la, reachable at any time by mama dia


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Post time 22-8-2022 03:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 21-8-2022 07:26 AM
Ohhhh kaka x masuk sebab x faham...pastu mcm koding all apa citer mj? Hows li ...

salam petang kaka!! patut la x pernah tgk uols kat benang situ.. x faham rupanya.. ok ok, tak pe.. tp kalau nak tau, boleh tanya i kat sini. lg pun, i cuma baca gossip okg yg i kenal. yg x kenal, i skip je..

life as usual sampai la hujung bln ni. 3rd sept ada cuti sek seminggu. balik la png weekend tu..

iols lg teruk, attend meeting pibg kalau online je. kalau offline, kirim salam je la.. lmbt lg nk sampai.. masa pkp je la ada online.. lain masa, i complain kat cikgu je..

knp nak kena ada carta organisasi ehh? stressnya lahai.. more action, less plan please..

pasal u bantah halau penjaja kat sekolah tu, i x terpikir mcm u ckp tu.. i agree kalau jual makanan mcm donuts, sandwich, kuih ke kann.. or even ice cream/air minuman....yg i x agree jual snek mknn yg processed tu kan.. entah la sekolah2 ni.. selalunya sbb makcik kantin bantah sbb affect sales depa. tp depa pun tak jual selain waktu rehat..

kdg tu ada parents yg complain sbb anak2 sakit perut lps beli snek2 tu semua.. ni apa yg i dgr la dr wa grp.. kdg penjual pun tolong la jaga kebersihan.. bdk2 yg beli, kena la ada rasa tanggungjawab tu. jgn la jual asal boleh je.. mentang2 la bdk2 tak tau apa2..

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Post time 23-8-2022 07:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 22-8-2022 03:50 PM
salam petang kaka!! patut la x pernah tgk uols kat benang situ.. x faham rupanya.. ok ok, tak pe.. ...

Good Morning ....baru habis bebel dgn adam before gi sekolah buku buku dia main sumbat je...i check terus pepagi kena marah. Muka manyak masam hahahaha...pastu xnak peluk pegi sekolah...

Entahla nape kena ada chart, ini pengerusi ini setiausaha..gitulah sistem sekolah kita forever.

I suggest gak sediakanlah tempat so depa boleh menjual and improve. Then i cakap mana budak x beli if canteen menu sama sejak 20tahun dulu..then i cakap kita patut educate and fahamkan anak kita knp xboleh makan jajan bukan pasang banner gedabak sbb depa wont bother...entahla mj i bebel je la..hahaha so i pun rasa i xlayak join oibg ni sbb i kaki betah manjang..cikgu pun boring

How u handle mj anak anak tu...salutelah..i sotang pun kecoh...nak ini nak itu lupa itu lup iji...kasut sekolah hitam tapi dah jadi color coklat sbb lumpur hahha....

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Post time 23-8-2022 07:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 22-8-2022 12:06 PM
wow, 10kg is a lot, ok. Congrats! Chukahae! mksdnya berkesan la diet tu. Dah M dah shld be ok la k ...

Hehehehe mekasih. Tp lama tuuu nak xs

Alaaa u diet jari je...u need to eat properly so ur body immune kat develop and improve better ok

Tu la sbb xpenah let go so i over worried la. Adam tu manja so dia mcm x cukup mature bab jaga barang barang i tgh fix his attitude yg suka main letak je mana mana barang..kadang mcm kejam pulak i ni..dia lupa sidai towel i suh dia naik balik sidai...dia x off lampu i suh dia naik balik...haihhhh

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Post time 23-8-2022 07:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 22-8-2022 11:56 AM
korean sanwic ni mmg nmpk sedap and senang je nk buat but den tak try lg. sbbnya, dia mmg telur wit ...

Definitely  you will be the first since me is lazy on this..esp cooking. Hahahaha tapi tu la tengok depa buat tu best tgk...nnt sche tepek tau! Today sarapan apa? How are u ? Sihat x ?

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Post time 23-8-2022 07:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 20-8-2022 01:32 PM
mannnnn, I just got a text from a colleague, wanting to discuss work right now. am a bit annoyed cos ...

xpelah be good , no harm being good. Cuba recall when u at her place dulu...haaaaa am sure involved staff u and am sure ada yg u x sengaja contact on weekend hahahah kira ni amal jariah laaaa...a favor gitu

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Post time 23-8-2022 12:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 20-8-2022 12:33 PM
bila den masuk je, nmpk benang ni kat bwh2, hehehe. agaknya mmg kita je kot yg nyembang sini  

t ...

ada jual date syrup kat mbg. pastu dulu2 selalu jumpa kat aeon esp kat rak yg clearance tu sbb dah 50% off cos nk dekat expiry date..
kalau blend terus kurma dgn susu, tak heavy sgt rasanya tp guna medjool dates la sbb lembik2 n manis..
kalau date yg kering keras tu tak rasa nnt.
i even pernah pki pisang ranum, sedap jgk.

i rasa boleh la pki microwave convection tu. dulu2 i nk yg tu laa tp kena veto dgn laki tiri.. dia kata mhl pastu i ni bkn nya pandai baking.. adoiii setepek i kena!

u main2 la dgn microwave tu.. even airfryer pun boleh.. cuma kena adjust ratio la kan.. try mug cakes ke.. i ni malas.. nnt tak jadi, satu kena gelak pastu x de sapa nk mkn.. rugi bhn je..

kalau u takut dry, kena buat method bath la.. letak cake tin atas tray yg u letak water. ni i tgk kat afc la..

abih dah extraordinary lawyer tu… i skrg hbskan shooting stars tu.. lg dua epi.. mengekek i gelak sbb ada pelakon penthse buat cameo.. adoiii! mcm reunion pun ada depa nih! yg villain tu dgn yg jd yb keluar as cameo..ahakss! sorry ehh kalau u tak tgk penthse.. mesti u x tau sapa yg i maksudkan

ala beb, i x tgk pun kat astro go drama ni.. i pi cari kat telegram.. tp tahan la tgk indo punya sub.. kdg kelakar jgk baca sub indo.. diaorg lg jujur bg subtitle sbb theirs lg masuk dgn context dialog n jln cerita..

kalau eng, diaorg olah sampai lain jd maksud tu.. b4 this, i tgk kat astro go pastu, ada ke astro pi cut scenes last2 tu n terus start next epi.
i angin laa then pi cari kat telegram, haa bole pun tgk scene tu, depa x cut.

lps ni nak try tgk today’s webtoon.. i kena tgk yg light2, kalau tgk heavy drama nnt x enjoyable sbb hari2 stress

sabtu ahad baru ni ada kl cup.. so i suruh la anak i tanya latest about that injured boy tu.. team bdk tu pun join masuk n sama grouping. rupanya dia pun dah x main bola dah.. same status dgn bdk korea tu yg dlm team kitaorg..  berani sgt gaya tackle bola tu smpi injured.. adoii.. rugi la skrg..

hujung minggu ni x de apa2.. rest la sblm liga suparimau start season b bln dpn.. i ni dah lama tak brisk walk.. ptg2 dah hujan, pagi2 pulak ngantuk.. cemana tu? hahaa! jaga mkn je laa..

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Post time 24-8-2022 01:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tiber je nampak benang ni. iols just interested nak tau mana Sarah? What happened to her?

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Post time 24-8-2022 07:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
LadyCarefree replied at 24-8-2022 01:27 AM
Tiber je nampak benang ni. iols just interested nak tau mana Sarah? What happened to her?

Dia sihat je insyaallah, busy la tu sekarang ni agaknya

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