Shopping for Ladies & Gentlemen - Apa2 Yang Korang Beli
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k.. tadi after werk.. i went to collect my werking bag.. cos my old one has already worn out.Just a normal simple bag..
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Reply #861 SweetCandy's post
that you call simple? buntang biji mata hane
how much you bought it SC? |
Reply #861 SweetCandy's post
Wat u mean collect SC? Salvatore Ferragamo seyyy..... |
Reply #858 luntur's post
Wah dalam banyak2 ini yg paling best ...... yummmmmyyyyyy .... |
Reply #860 SweetCandy's post
SC pakai credit card ni memang boleh bawak padah. Tapi asal kita tau jgn terlebih belanja ok la. And the trick is to clear your bill in full every month. Chic suka charge credit card ni to collect points. Bila dah banyak points tu boleh la redeem vouchers for shopping ke makan ke. And when it's time to pay annual fees, you can always call the bank to waive it. Threaten to cancel the card and go to another bank if they don't. Tapi selalunya they do coz it's very competitive these days |
Reply #861 SweetCandy's post
simple? tngk brand mau tau... |
Reply #857 LoLiPoP's post
Loli pong dah TERbeli gak... |
Reply #858 luntur's post
nyampah... sedap nampak
nak cikitttttttttt |
Reply #865 chicsee's post
icic.. chicsee. dats wat i penah dgr org2 ckp to collect points. actually ingatkan taknak apply.. then pk2 balik.. ada the gd point of having credit cards. like wat u say.. for collecting points & redeeming vouchers.tks for sharing chics.
[ Last edited by SweetCandy at 19-12-2007 05:33 AM ] |
Just to share w Hane, Holmes & Chicsee.. i buy this bag cos to me it has a vintage look. so when i saw this bag.. quickly i grab it..according the lady yg i kenal tu.. she infact says these bags were selling very fast. There were other colours, black, white & brown. So i chose the brown one.. more earth to me..hehehe |
Reply #871 SweetCandy's post
it is vintage indeed...  |
Reply #795 LoLiPoP's post
by the way, semalam kat Guess boutique Raffles City, aku nampak this bag, aku berkenan sangat..usual price $208, now going for $105 je..50% off siot...seriusly aku berkenannnn sangat..tapi masih dalam tahap pikir memikir nihh..aku pun tak tau if this bag is this season ke last season ke dah takde dalam season..ni ha gambar dia

sejak minggu lepas aku terpikir kan beg ni.....so akhirnya aku decide that yes I will get it...mintak瞝ah masih ada...dan if masih ada..mintak |
[quote]Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 19-12-2007 10:18 AM 
sejak minggu lepas aku terpikir kan beg ni.....so akhirnya aku decide that yes I will get it...mintak瞝ah masih ada...dan if masih ada..mintak |
Reply #870 SweetCandy's post
Sc suka kaler brown kan..
V..tell me ah... PM plis |
Reply #865 chicsee's post
Chic..aku plak prefer guna NETS...esp pasal bukan duit lam acc aku yg diorg potong..hahaha... |
Reply #871 SweetCandy's post
tul tu SC.. mak hom pernah pesan..kalo nak beli barang & berkenan ngan barang tu.. tak leh delay.. beli jerkk... kalo tak barang tu dah takde... org lein yg beli gitu..
(tu pong kena tngk bajet gak le kan...) |
Reply #857 LoLiPoP's post
pandai boss Loli kasi hadiah ekk.. cantik bag tu.. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara