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I wanted to take some time and do a more detailed reading addressing some questions in the original post and making a little more fluid sense of the recent events and the actions regarding the MH17….
Q. How is the MH370 related to this event? Was the Malaysian government / authorities knowledgeable of what was happening?
A. I see the MH370 being taken over by an Asian group that I have later put together (though physical characteristics of military and personnel around the plane after it was diverted and landed) to be a combination of Chinese and/or Malaysian government / military. (There is some underground allied plan going on that I am still sorting out. Malaysia wants to be in solid with China as China begins to emerge as the new superpower.
I sense some kind of a deal was made.??).When the MH370 was taken I kept seeing ET involvement, cloaking, very different and very advanced technology being used to “hide” the missing MH370 plane. I then determined that ETs may have been involved, but the bigger clue was the technology or intelligence stolen was in reality something that seemed advanced and more technologically advanced than anything ever seen or used before.
The ET inference (I saw over and over) was taking me down the path of the technology taken, which was the much bigger clue. In my “mental dictionary” when I see ETs I think of higher level thinking, mental communication, telepathy, etc- and I feel the “universe” was trying to make me understand the magnitude of this technology (physical and human based knowledge) on board the MH370.
(I much later understood that the people on board the MH370 formed a private group developing this very high-tech technology… truly it was some of the passengers that were the asset and not the plane itself; however, the plane ended up being part of the plan as well.).
After the MH370 was taken , it was “hidden” and guarded on the Great Cocos Island where it was prepared for its next mission (the end goal being to get the technology back to the main country in disguise either on board or attached to the plane). Time after time I saw the plane as guarded and people doing work… I would see wires pulled out, soldering being done etc… The plane was guarded, felt protected and the energy was stressful and intense.
I saw many references to the islanders while focusing on this plane (I see they were somehow protective or concerned for these distraught MH370 passengers). I saw many times a group of passengers with the islanders in the central part of the island where there village was… as if some of the passengers were able to escape and were being helped??? (still not sure but I definitely saw a group living with them). I also got images of native trees, fruit, spiders, etc… I feel fairly confident they were located on Great Cocos (or within miles of there) during this “prep work.”
In a recent post I felt the energy surrounding the MH370 had changed, as if the plane was separate from the people (I think some – like a group of 5 or less did escape and hide with the islanders). There was a big disconnect of energy. As I focused on it I saw the MH370 passengers in holding. They weren’t being treated great, but they had the basics of what they needed (food, water and a cot to sleep on).
It looked as though they were in some kind of a warehouse in a desert?? The temperature is very hot and dry. The building is huge and I keep seeing them looking up at the 20 foot ceilings with tiny windows surrounding the top perimeter of the building. It feels detrimental to the passengers to go further with that, so I will stop there…
Q. Why were the MH370 passengers kept alive?
I get they still proved to be of value. A small group of individuals aboard this plane had important information and had knowledge of (what I get) “earth changing” defense weaponry. As China rises to a superpower, this defense is essential, and drastic measures would be taken to keep it safe. China feels ruthless and obsessed with getting the upper hand in this defense weapon.
Q. How did the swap of the “prepped” MH370 and “old” MH17 occur?
A. I see during a moment of down time with the MH17 Chinese military (possibly Malaysian, but I get a stronger energy from the Chinese government) flew the old MH17 to the Great Cocos Island and flew the MH370 (painted up like the MH17) back into circulation. People boarding the MH17 were really on the MH370 in disguise and didn’t know any different.
Q. Was this a false flag or did it really happen? Did people lose their lives?
A. Yes, there was loss of life. People on board the (disguised MH370) MH17 were killed in the explosion.
Q. What happened prior to the plane going down? What was going on with the pilots?
A. I get the pilots were the normal pilots. They were not military and were not suspecting of anything being unusual when they took off, and even began their flight. Then I get something unusual happened during the flight, and either their instrumentation was off, not calibrated, or they realized something wasn’t reading right (direction, altitude, etc). The plane was directed into a war zone, which was then shot down.
In the background I see someone else flying this plane like a remote control. I get the feedback the pilots were getting at the time was somehow false, but something different was occurring. (For example they were told there were in one location based off the instrument panel, when reality they were somewhere else). The objective was to get the MH370 (disguised as MH17) back into the country.
Q. Who shot down the plane and why?
A. I get that during the entire time the US was searching for the missing MH370. The talk of it crashing was false and a distraction. As soon as the US got word of the MH370 being missing a red flag went up because there were some powerful / important people on the flight. Even though no intel came in beforehand regarding the plot of the MH370, the US soon put it together once the plane was missing. Diego Garcia base was frantic trying to find this missing plane. I get that the US military had an idea of where the plane was, but couldn’t “see” (still putting this together) it to retrieve it.
The US military (with the support of the Ukraine) finally gained some useful chatter once the “swap” of planes occurred. The plane was being tracked, and once it was over the “war zone” it was confirmed that this technology was either on board or a part of the plane- possibly even being tested remotely but failed. (I get a strong impression that they plane was flown into the warzone remotely and on purpose to test the effectiveness of the “new” technology and failed.) It was a tough decision, but the US and Ukraine couldn’t risk the Chinese gaining this technology and or modifying / enhancing it to strengthen their position.
Q. What are they going to do with the real (original) MH17?
A. I see two paths with this. If this first mission went successfully they would use some scrap off the original MH17 and plant it in the ocean and call it MH370 wreckage. It was a way to dispose of the real MH17, end the MH370 story and give the families of the MH370 some closure. Now that this mission failed, I see them trying to revisit this plan and try to figure out a way to use the MH17 to do what the modified MH370 could not do.. I get this plan is being created and evolving currently.
Q. Where to do we go from here? What’s going to be said?
A. First, I get that Russia will be made to be the scapegoat in all this. It will enhance the current tensions with Russia and the Ukraine. It will also help strengthen the Ukraine’s position in the world with regard to allies and other country’s support. Many things will be said that won’t add up. There will be twists and turns to the story that will not resonate as true, or even logical once they are pondered.
The questions I am still trying to sort out and gain some clarity:
Why did I get such intense images of ET interference?
Why did I sense they were in a parallel time? Was all of this related to this superb technology that was about to be released? And that is all I have at this time. Thank you. Narrated reading available on YouTube.