Mati-mati ingatkan Songyu the best vocalist, rupa-rupanya Woohyun dan Hoya pun not bad. Especially Hoya-lah, gotta give him props for being able to sing the Be Mine chorus live.
Aku tengok Sesame Player tue, macam scripted ajer...tak real. Tak best aku tengok. Hopefully they do Idol Army...aku suka format show tue.
cuba pm kak hadiff.. akak dpt harga dari hadiff yg boi kasik
RM 86 - standard edition
type A & B RM 116 each...
utk lebih detail cuba tanye kak hadiff yer...
akak tak beli pon wpon dlm track tu ada dvd la.. making laaa...
disebabkan harga dia membunuh....
INFINITE Dongwoo interview on Hanryu Pia 30th November issue – published in Japan,23rd October
woohyun and dongwoo... woohyun jd interviewer
Woohyun: Speaking of girlfriend,if you were girl,then who do you want to go with among INFINITE members?
Dongwoo: I wanna say “Nobody”. (LOL)
Woohyun: Though I chose Sunggyu hyung,I was fed up with his scolding on me….
Dongwoo: Ah! I decided. I choose L. He’s never bothering me. (LOL)
Woohyun: Oh hey,in first episode of this interview,L told something for me to ask Dongwoo. “Why does Dongwoo put so many stuffed toys on small bed?”
Dongwoo: Ahh~. L always claims “Cramped!” But our CEO took out 20 out of my 22 stuffed toys. Then he put them in his house,car…(LOL) I just want to keep all gifts by my side. Anyway I was lack of concerning for room mate…. L,I’m sorry.
Woohyun: By the way,your room mate L is worst untidy sleeper. Have you never been suffered by him sleeping in same bed?
Dongwoo: Yep~. Once I woke up since I was punched. I usually never be awake once I fall asleep,but that made my eyes opened. (LOL)