Reply #919 Atomic_Omnikid's post
amende yg potong stim?  |
Reply #920 LimpBizkutMerri's post
itula pasal....nk tuka rupe tu cm power...tp bile tgk power die, opponent kene lawan ngn diri diowang sendrik...rase cm kuase ampeh lak  |
Reply #922 lin_okinawa's post
hope renji n ishida ok ler....kihkihkih. |
dannea This user has been deleted
ulangan bleach di TV3
apsal banyak kali ulang hah episode bleach kat tv...
mase tue aku tgk dah lawan byakuya....
aku tgk balik ichigo baru dapat kuasa shinigami |
Reply #923 carrim7's post
musti ok punye...bleh dikire hero dlm cite tu
hero mane bleh mati  |
Reply #927 lin_okinawa's post
nell tuh best tuh!
walaupun pelat tetap power!
boleh sembuh kan injury ngn ludah aka air liur..... |
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muke macam hampeh si octavia tuh...tapi power dia seram siot... |
Reply #928 carrim7's post
a'a...part tu mmg lawak....
die letak air liur die kt espada sekor tu kan
aku igtkn die memain ludah kt espada tu  |
Reply #930 lin_okinawa's post
tu ler...espada tuh pun horror ngn nell nyer skill ler.... |
Reply #931 carrim7's post
tu tkpe lagik...,aku plg lawak yg espada tu nk tunjukkan diri die
siap terpeleot lagik kt atas kayu tu
pastu expect ichigo n nell terkejut bile die dtg
nk terkejut mendenye...dh die terpeleot awl2  |
weih la.. laju gak korang kat sini ek... xde lak citer pasal grimjaw eh... |
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grimjaww tunggu hari kene sembelih oleh noitara espada..... |
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Reply #934 GRINDSAKHTANIC's post
tp dh konfem ke si grimmjow tu dh mati....
cm tk je...aku lak maleh nk p check kt tenet psl grimmjaw nye condition..
same ade die dh mati atau idop ats pagar.... |
Reply #933 acquiller's post
ko nih...pasai grimmjaw tuh..kena tunggu ichigo win dulu baru tau nasib die ler. |
Chapter 289 : Discussion
skang ni match utk setiap watak agak sengit gk la...since renji & ishida kene lawan ngan klon diowang n ichigo plak cm dh kehabisan tenaga utk lwn ngan noitora...
even if he borrowed power from his hollow side, i dont think it will help much...i'm talking about ichigo yer....sbb wpon mmg ternyata yg kuasa ichigo sbnrnye lebey hebat dr kuase ulquiorra, but that was when ichigo was struggling with his more powerful hollow side...espada plak has a release, cam yg ditnjk oleh espada lain time lawan ngan setiap shinigami n geng ichigo tu.....once they release, ichigo loses his advantage over them....tp memandangkn die hero...aku tk rase la die akan mati ke ape ke...but still, i'm hoping ichigo has sumthing up his sleeve he can use to wipe out noitoro with....perhaps a cero or a different bankai technique....
bile tgk pd chapter yg lps, nmpk cm nell menyorok...i think nell is somehow goin to affect ichigo's battle with noitora...ramai owang predict yg nell mgkn akan cube slmtkn ichigo with her mysterious attack or sumthing....manela tau....bile nell mule attack, pastu nell kene teruk ke ape ke...tros ichigo bengang sbb nell injured....so die pn change into his vizard form
same cm jln cite sblm2 ni la kan.....marah aje tuka wajah
as for renji n ishida...i think ishida already has a plan...in the last panel of their fight bleh nmpk si ishida ni sengih je....aku assume he got sumthing figured out about aporro a.k.a espada pakai spek......kalo yg ni "battle of intelligence", i think ishida will win.....lgpon kite tk tau ape perkembangan kuase die lps die dh berlatih ngan bapak die sblm die p hueco mundo tu....
buat mase ni aku rase disadvantage skang ni berade di pihak renji n ishida sbb kuase diowang bleh disekat bebile mase oleh aporro.....lgpon plak, kalo lwn ngan klon sendrik ni, they n their clones know exactly what the other will do and when....kalo naseb diowang baek, mgkn squad soul society akan dtg....sbb ramai shinigami yg dtg berkumpul kt kedai urahara skang....kot kot plan nk p hueco mundo tlg diowang ke ape ke.....
huhuhuhuhu tu cume andaian aje...papehal kite tggu ajela chapter 289 
[ Last edited by lin_okinawa at 30-8-2007 09:20 PM ] |
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Originally posted by lin_okinawa at 30-8-2007 09:15 PM 
skang ni match utk setiap watak agak sengit gk la...since renji & ishida kene lawan ngan klon diowang n ichigo plak cm dh kehabisan tenaga utk lwn ngan noitora...
even if he borrowed power fro ...
macam tau jer engko.... |
Reply #938 GRINDSAKHTANIC's post
kn aku dh ckp...tu andaian
bace ler bebtol kt bwh tu  |
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Originally posted by lin_okinawa at 30-8-2007 21:15 
skang ni match utk setiap watak agak sengit gk la...since renji & ishida kene lawan ngan klon diowang n ichigo plak cm dh kehabisan tenaga utk lwn ngan noitora...
even if he borrowed power fro ...
analisis skali lagi...happy merdeka   |
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