SNSD and f(x), both SMEntertainment's popular girl group, were chosen to be Cyon's new cellphone models! What kind of phone? When is it releasing? Find out afterthe jump!
The new phone is the 4th edition of the Black Label Series of LG Cyon. Most of you should know them as a common name called Chocolate phone. They will be models for this new edition of Chocolate phone. The picture below is the 3rd edition of Black Label Series;
LG has stated, the reason for choosing SNSD as their new model, isbecause of the different colors each members show. Their ability tolook great in any fashion style was another reason.
The reason for choosing f(x) was, contrary to SNSD's cute, pure, andlively image, they show a charismatic and strong image that will helpshow the new phone's charm.
The phone is expected to be released end of this month, and the commercial to be on air starting in October.
Take a look at the commercial of one of Black Label phones, though it is not certain if it is the newly released phone or not. credit: phonedaily
kaka zel~
sejak ble taec nampyeon mung.. me ingat nickhun
amber ensem T__T
err nk komen hasan kat leher amber tuh.. scorpion kah??
setomboy2 amber jgnla buh scorpion kat situ.. sedey me tgk
baju amber senget sbelah.. nak sexhy gak akak amber hahahaha~
muke luna time nih nak iras plakon yg blakon cite wolf2 tuh.. ape tajuk dia ntah~
aishiiiii...mane ade tgk bkn luna suke ngan taec *motip*
me rasa sore ledo ke sape x cukup kuat bab kira hana tul set sblm bow*bole x me wat speku cam ni*
tpaksa me bukak balik yt tu....tukang kira tu rasa mmg luna x denga sbb tgh pusing tgk MC...bkn taec je tgk sulli bow pon x serentak ngan vic-am-krys
fans dok jerit ngan kuat...
pandai la dorg yg wat citer nih....saja la nak jual paper wat citer cam tu *mcm la kita beli wakakaka*
nih link yt WG masa live chat tadi...dak soompier kata...dorg minat f(x)
i re-watched it (00:10:34) and it was SunYe who said "there has been alot of girl groups coming [pause] f(x)!, LUNA, she's so cute" lol
and Sohee sang Lachata 3:24 onwards
aishiiiii...mane ade tgk bkn luna suke ngan taec *motip*
me rasa sore ledo ke sape x cukup kuat bab kira hana tul set sblm bow*bole x me wat sp ...
just_aku Post at 15-9-2009 13:41
tp leh nmpk dlm gif tu luna dok pokes sungguh2 kt taec
sepenuh ati jiwe dan rage die pndg
xde la nk anti fan ke hape
me ok je xkisah pong...tatau la org len
An entry by Amber before her debut which she uploaded @ MyChurch.
Note: MyChurch is a free christian social network
Canoga Park CA
God is the center of my life, im not perfect but i try to be the best for Him,
i want to praise and give back to Him through my singing, although im
not the best i trust He'll help me as my life goes on. its not my time to shine, but His.
love praising my God, day and night, trying to live for him 24/7,
with Him all things are possible, with Him i can do anything.