@ Thanks Kittie chan for the wonderful info .. hehe tak nampak lagi info cam ni kat mana2 . nampaknye Shun dah mendahului Pi dan Jun dlm thn baru ni utk dapatkan Toma .. hihi :p
@ limau - tak ikat ...
im_comey Post at 9-2-2010 13:46
@ casper - sometimes ada sub, ada gak yg tak de sub .. try buka link tuh, klu mmg cuma utk member, bagitau im .. im akan bagi terus link ke MU/MF diorang k ..
By the way, maybe there are many people who wants to be a cast of an injured victims in the "Code Blue" (laughs).
It seems, I have some nonsense fantasy in my head. I suffered severe injuries and Yamashita Tomohisa carry my body to the inside of doctor helicopter. Then, when the atmosphere is as if I'm not going to be saved, then I would say "you are a doctor, save me! ", And grabbed Yamashita's clothes. Fantasy in my head, stop there alone (laughs)
Toma talk about K8
I quite often go to foreign countries, if it was for work. I ever went to Australia to shoot a show together with Yoko (Yokoyama Yuu) and Hina (Murakami Shingo), but what I remember the most was when I went with (Shibuya) Subaru to Thailand.
The show's plan was "Going to the mountain Hebi and catch a big snake". We look really scared either when the camera was on or off.
I stayed in the same room with Subaru and I wanna take a shower, when I opened the door, I see there are two giant frog who was sitting in front of me (laughs). Big noise happening! Because we are so scared, we showered together and before going bed we put an earphones to each our ear and listen to the song Blue Hartz.
Because it was difficult, so we still remember it until now, and become a pleasant journey.