one tree hill ( contain spoilers) ~S7 Aired: 9/14/2009 (pg 36)
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dh start nak wat benda merepek la ni kan producer oth ni...huhuuh |
dh start nak wat benda merepek la ni kan producer oth ni...huhuuh |
poning eh aku tgk citer OTH nih...
nk leyton blek!!!!! |
aku ske gler brulian akan get back together...nasib la alex tetiba nampak bnda tu...so alex couple ngan alexander plakk..heheh |
musim baru x bestttt
xder leyton......die org lah penyeri siri ni
dari 1st season aku tgk....
akhirnyer leyton.....bersatu.....hepi sgt2.... |
alaaa sedey aaa eps latest nih...mak Hales blk kpg..
bley plak si Alex hook-up ngn Alex |
latest epi was directed by hales aka bethany |
haaa...muncul pon Sarah nyer look-alike...
abislaa Quinn pasnih... |
bad news OTHillerss....:cry:
the fate of 1-3 hill on TV is yet 2b determine!!
One Tree Hill and Life Unexpected: According to insiders, it's highly likely that only one of these series will survive. Given that Life just started, the CW suits are giving it a bit more time before making the call. OTH has been averaging 2.5 million viewers on Monday nights (the same as Smallville, but Smallville faces less pressure on Fridays). Life Unexpected has been holding on to OTH's audience fairly well—thanks in part to ever-dropping rival Heroes, which just wrapped its season early.
BTW...Life Unexpected tu best tau!!!aku dok follow...ala2 Juno meets Gilmore Girls... |
aku nk oth ekkal.....season br ni dh ckp bes compare to previous season...jgn la ada laie citer fave aku kena cancel...ckp2 la ugly betty smpi season ni jer..xnak la oth terima bnda yg samaaa...huhuhuhu |
aku x tau la naper aku suker sgt ngan season 7 ne..sdgkn aku ne fans 4 leyton..tp bleh plak aku trima dorg takder kat cni..hehehehe..
aku suka quinn & clay..cute couple..serius!! |
kasi up sket!
aku da tgk sekali imbas epi 19 kuar isnin aritu... pesal hale tanak bgtau nate... sedey ar |
quinn da tau sape pompuan aka tennis player itu... clay baru tunjuk gmbr late wife die kt quinn |
haley meraung tu psl mak dia ker atau dia pregent..aku kompius part tu..
aku dh agak dh mamat pelakon tu mmg sj jer berlakon n ckp vid dia ngan alex tu....dh agak dg bnda ni.. |
hales peknen ke? abehtu yg die bgtau nate keputusan negatif tu mende?
aku rase hales cenggitu sbb baby ngan the late lydia kot
teringat ayat hales: i have to call my mom...
emosi hales terganggu
mase jadik sarah nmpk cun jer bile jadik katie kecunnannye tarak... 'i do' angan2 jek la |
what a shocked ending!!i didn't see that one coming!!  |
ari ni kuar season finalekan..per la jd kt haless...sian gler2 nagn dia laaa |
Reply 977# Wyn
another shocking finale perhaps...pesal skrang finale kebanyakkan series cam shocking jerrr.....huhuhuhuhu |
Reply 979# graxier06
u haven't watch it?mmg shocked..huhuhu..unpredictable last scene.. |
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