Reply fida75
sekarang wat dengan bank mana kak?
rasenya kena tengok lock in period, kalau da abe ...
syaiful Post at 20-12-2011 10:02 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
loan dgn maybank, lock in period 3 thn (start 2004) dh abes sbb tu BLR naik..
asben wat loan dgn RHB, BLR dia manten even lock in period dia dh abes gaks.. jadik klu terminate loan tu boleh dpt reimbursement la; tp bila kira tang dividen tu cam sayang lak nak stop...
form termination dh isik cuma lum submit je lagik
skrg tgh pening dh start loan baru ke atau manten; klu loan baru monthly installment kurang sket kot |
Reply 961# fida75
owh... buat jer lah baru, pas amek dividen kali nie
submit new loan application
hope it answer ur curiosity... so next year dapat lah 11 bulan nye dividen... minus 1 month sebab Jan baru masuk kan |
mmg pun duit dividen tu dh byk berjasa settle loan kete, loan rumah, g melancong, etc...
fida75 Post at 20-12-2011 09:35 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
ini laa selalu nya punca masaalah asb loan nie...
the idea was for the asb dividend to pay-off the asb loan... except in the first year...
lepas tu biar on auto mode sampai habis.........
loan kete, loan rumah bayar mcm biasa...
melancung etc... bila ada duit lebih...
kalau amik loan untuk bayar loan lain nie akan jadi mcm never ending story... not a very good idea ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Post Last Edit by fida75 at 20-12-2011 12:52
ini laa selalu nya punca masaalah asb loan nie...
the idea was for the asb dividend to pay-of ...
aarie Post at 20-12-2011 11:50 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
memang betul la camtu... even masa 3 thn tu gigih xmo cek brapa dpt dividen dgn niat kumpul sampai berkepuk tp tewas jua akhirnya, bukan untuk joli katak tp utk settle kan yg lebih memerlukan... cam loan study (xde la surat dri mara sampai tetiap bln), loan kete dh abis so x risau dh takut bank tarik klu x bayo, & loan rumah leh tido lena sbb utang dh sikit/nak abis & klu jadik apa2 insya-Allah leh wat full settlemnt & g melancong tu reward utk diri la kekdah nye... ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
ic..tina kira expert jgk la dlm bidang nie ek.. mesti kene pkai modal byk & gaji pn besar jgk kn ...
lostnfaun Post at 20-12-2011 06:51 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
expert tue tidakla, tapi boleh la sket sket....
i first bought my property masa memula kerja dulu..gaji masa tue takla besar mana pon.....backed by minat bofren (now husband) yg minat dgn property jugak.
speaking of modal, one must bite a bullet now, or never. susah2 dahulu senang2 kemudian, insya allah..... |
Reply 966# tina^^
tina dah 10 tahun ker melabur dalam ASB
8.8%... kalau gitu, a fair deal I think...
sebab ader compounding interest dan modal asal tak luak compared to UT
tapi biase arr investment, don't put all egg in 1 basket
diversified skit, so kalau boleh ader UT, ASB, property, stock etc...
gitu ker ur investment, Tina.. |
Reply tina^^
tina dah 10 tahun ker melabur dalam ASB
8.8%... kalau gitu, a fair deal I think.. ...
syaiful Post at 20-12-2011 14:39 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
bila dh dpt dividen ASB nie apa yg perlu kita buat dgn duit tue? just biarkan dalam ASB atau ada cara lain utk kita gain more profit? |
Reply 968# lostnfaun
for me, yang tak expert nie biarkan ajer
sebab akan ade compounding effect
leh google untuk tengok kesan compound effect nie
ini lah yang wat kita digalakkan melabur awal... sebab compound effect nie akan gandakan wang kita dengan banyaknya |
Reply lostnfaun
for me, yang tak expert nie biarkan ajer
sebab akan ade compounding effect
le ...
syaiful Post at 20-12-2011 15:59 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
tapi kalau dividen yg dapat nie utk serve bulanan lasb thn dpn plak mst xdpt compound interest tue kn? |
Reply 970# lostnfaun
memang lah, kalau mampu bayar guna duit sendiri lah instalment amaun
tapi pada yang tak mampu, takper lah juz guna buat bayaran pinjaman jer
katakan wat pinjaman 200k selama 25 tahun
bayaran bulanan rm1200/bulan
tahun pertama keluarkan rm1200 x 12 bulan = rm14400
lepas tu kita juz guna duit dividen untuk bayar pinjaman tersebut
maka 25 tahun kemudian dengan bermodalkan pelaburan awal rm14400 tersebut
kita dah dapat rm200k dalam akaun, tu terjamin lah kiranya... still untung
kalau kayo takyah wat pinjaman ASB
lagi cepat masyuk, ganda-ganda duit pelaburan kan
gune ajer duit sendiri...
rm200k n compound interest every year, tak keluarkan selama 25 tahun
dapat berjuta tuuu...
tengok pada matlamat pelaburan anda macam mana
kalau ikut ramai Ustaz, jangan wat hutang untuk melabur
guna duit lebihan saje... tapi nie pendapat masing-masing
kita yang buat & tanggung, boleh jadi benar dan salah... |
to inspire uols on how small money can make bigger money, baca The Edge minggu nie.
ada cerita dlm tue how property investor start small with his 2,000 cash in hands made his first RM200,000 and soon after RM2million earnings in property.
that person is a commoner like us too.
this week punyer article provide many good write up yg boleh give some insights....enjoy the reading..... |
Reply tina^^
tina dah 10 tahun ker melabur dalam ASB
8.8%... kalau gitu, a fair deal I think.. ...
syaiful Post at 20-12-2011 14:39 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
i had "invested" in ASB since i was 12. my father open it for me....
back then i still remembered, the average dividend hovering around 12% ..... |
Reply 973# tina^^
kagum, saya start at age of 23 jer , about 2 years backhuhu... mak ayah x celik pelaburan lak
so belajar sendiri pas kerja n ade duit sendiri |
Reply 972# tina^^
read the edge... awesomewanna find a copy at our corporate dept tomorrow
seems an interesting story, learn from success of others |
loan dgn maybank, lock in period 3 thn (start 2004) dh abes sbb tu BLR naik..
fida75 Post at 20-12-2011 10:11 AM ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
macamana nak tau lock period dah abis...? bank akan imform kaaaa |
to inspire uols on how small money can make bigger money, baca The Edge minggu nie.
ada cerita d ...
tina^^ Post at 20-12-2011 18:30 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
mesti byk ilmu dia kn, dh kira pakar la nie...![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif)
mcm mana dgn modal 2k bleh jadi sampai 200k..kagum betul la... |
macamana nak tau lock period dah abis...? bank akan imform kaaaa
hiriko Post at 21-12-2011 14:21 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
biasanyer ada dlm surat perjanjian tu, klu maybank & rhb 3 thn, cimb x pasti sbb x wat loan kat ctu |
the idea was for the asb dividend to pay-off the asb loan... except in the first year...
lepas tu biar on auto mode sampai habis.........
aarie Post at 20-12-2011 11:50 AM ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
hm... boleh tlg explain tak? |
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