Post time 4-7-2020 09:18 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
lilyluna replied at 4-7-2020 09:03 PM
well iols bukak thread ni bukan untuk menyindir sesiapa. bahkan bukan utk merasa diri lebih muli ...
Penyakit makan luar ni dah jadi satu normal dalam masyarakat kita, cuma antara pandai makan atau pecah rahsia jer. Dah kahwin tapi sibuk cari skandal sana sini. Apa tujuan mereka berkahwin pun kita boleh jadi hairan.
Kita nak bagi nasihat pun malu sebab mereka sendiri tak segan silu kongsi rahsia mereka makan luar. Apa yang penting kita lindungi rumahtangga kita sendiri daripada anasir penzinaan ini.
Kalau mereka ambil tahu betapa besarnya dosa dan hukuman bagi seorang yang makan luar, adakah mereka masih sanggup untuk buat benda tu lagi?
adehh masuk Matrix philosophy pulak dalam thread nih.
pada sapa yang tak tahu apa maksud Red Pill,
mai tengok video nih.
bila faham maksud nya, u will make peace with reality.
this world is just an illusion.
a test. for everyone.
movie ni, pada sape yang faham maksud tersirat,
looking for a meaning and purpose in life,
it's mind blowing.
pada yang tak faham, it's just another silly sci-fi film.
Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. - Morpheus
Post time 4-7-2020 10:06 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
capiloton replied at 4-7-2020 09:59 PM
masa ni i dekat IPT dah, umur 21 tahun.
Nak buat camne, istilah red pill pun datang daripada movie ni. Kalau nak hurai pasal red pill, blue pill, tak sah kalau tak sebut pasal movie legend ni.
Post time 5-7-2020 08:16 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
green~tea replied at 1-7-2020 11:32 AM
iols rasa those yang sleep around hidup mereka seolah tiada kebahagiaan, tiada keberkatan,..
1. o ...
Nak sambung nombor 5... i knew few men yang micropenis tp rata sleep around... bukan sbb si lelaki yg mengaku, tp the girls yang meluahkan kat i sbb jadi mangsa lelaki micropenis tp suka sleep around.... i wonder why bila manhood kecil, dia jadi lebih gigih memperdaya wanita... maybe they're good with words?
i ada bukak thread kat bod perubatan utk mengupas masalah micropenis ni.. punca, rawatan & what else can they do kalo dilahirkan camtu....
Benda a guidelines jer pun..
Each person have their own character which is different to others.
Ada tu bercampur2 sifatnya. Not only focus on just one character jer..
Macam yg ko cakap..sume sifat perempuan yg kau tau in your hand ker..poket ker..
but in reality bila ko kahwin..atau dah sayang ngan girl tu..
then ada problem btwn u and ur couple...
apa yg ko tau ni ttg female nature ni kadang dah tak valid nak solve problem tu..
sebab ini bukan tentang kau sahaja..tapi juga tentang dia...
Ko berusaha nak solve dgn cara yg ko tau..tapi dipihak dia lain pula..
Contoh macam beta or alpha..tak boleh nak cakap..ko ni beta ke..alpha ker..
bila ada masalah, tak boleh lah nak solve cara alpha atau beta...
sebab ada waktunya ia bercampur2 karaktornya.
masa ni guna kebijaksanaan akal.
tapi aku percaya..setiap orang ada root karaktor yg kecenderungan ke mana..
perempuan di alam percintaan..tak sama ketika di alam perkahwinan..
begitu juga ngn lelaki..
kalau ko rasa nak lah..
whatever is it..good sharing lah info ko ni..
aku tgk matrix ni dedulu..tapi bukan jiwa aku citer gini..
so..paham gitu2..sudahnya malas nak faham..
ok, i'll be glad if someone can prove me wrong
not with empty words, but her action.
macam aku cakap, aku relate with past relationship.
benda yang akan datang, i have no expectation.
i'm open for everything, masih lagi meet people casually.
kalau ko rasa nak lah..
no thanks. i love my freedom, peaceful and quiet life
i dun need emotional rollercoaster to feel alive.
" no thanks. i love my freedom, peaceful and quiet life
i dun need emotional rollercoaster to feel alive."
Your reply last paragraph atas tu..
tu jer dah menunjukkan kau berfikiran negative pada perempuan..
seolah semua perempuan beremosi yang bukan2..
so..kau jumpa lah mana2 bagai..
kau khatam lah ilmu kau pill pil ker..mgtow ker..ntah..
apply kan apa ilmu yg kau tau..
tapi kalau mindset ko still fikir perempuan ni banyak songeh..
memang lah set2 perempuan gitu gak yg kau jumpa..
aku yakin masih ada jer perempuan yg ok..faham..
sebagaimana ada juga lelaki yg baik hati yg masih single...
micropenis? you mean a penis with an erect length of 2" or less right?
i wonder how these guys could sleep around, he has deep pockets or something? i would usually say size doesn't matter...much...unless it's a micro dick. Their tool won't be able to please, at least vaginally, a women, unless of course they're like an oral genius. I'm intrigued.
Post time 6-7-2020 12:05 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 6-7-2020 12:16 PM
yprat replied at 6-7-2020 09:34 AM
micropenis? you mean a penis with an erect length of 2" or less right?
i wonder how these guys ...
bg women, micropenis is 3 inch and below.
Hell yeah!!! Size does matter for us yachhhh!!
Tp kalo terlahir kecil, my friend yg ada small asset pernah kasi tips about there's this good product mcm massager vibrator with suction i lupa nama...
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That definitely looks like a clit stimulator, and honestly, a man who has to use such a tool is sad...i empathize with them. But hey, you have to work with what you have right.
3 inch is really sad, i'd say a minimum of 4" is required to give any sort of pleasure to a woman. But i think girth matters more than length.
eh tak lah.. ini gambar yang kawan tunjuk... husband sheols micropenis, so dia bg tips camni utk mereka yang senasib LOL, mmg husband dia yang pakai utk please dia... acctually byk toys lain dia cerita, tp yang ni paling best dia ckp.. i blom beli this.. not required kotttttt.... BTW kawan i ni tak sleep around, tp dia sempoi je cerita the way she enjoyed it...