sambung crita......
sampai di grindelwald wa sempat shopping rantai lembu..key chain dan semestinya survey jam..harga kat sini kire berpatutan tp better kat burcherer sbb lebih byk pilihan..ramai cakap kedai MANOR murah..byk pilihan..
duk hanya setgh jam sambil menikmati sceneries..ada mountain +salji..nampak dekat sgt..frust le jugak sebab impian ke swiss igtkan dapat main snow .dah jejak pun kira ok lar..apakandaya allah tak makbulkan permintaan ku.ac,kami pergi ni pun sbb my asben kursus kat sana..so jadual agak ketat..kami hanya ada beberapa hari free dan travel ke satu tempat ke tempat lain for visiting dan kursus di sana.
bayangkan kami angkat naik turun beg,naik train,shuttle bus,taxi..bersama anak2..bulan puasa plak tuh..
driver bus tu dah cakap kena turun dah sbb trip bas tu yg paling last..
so,apalagi capai beg bawa anak2 masuk dan bas pun bertolak..
bile bas dah bergerak tu baru perasan one of my fren takdak dlm tu,apalagi gelabah la memasing..hp gua line maxis..member gua tu line celcom..bile send msg duit dah telan abt rm20..tp sending msg failed..CHAITT!!gelabah punya pasal wa contact wa punya sepupu dr malaysia suh call member wa ni..
tp last tak dapat le jugak..
kami tawakal hopefully dapat jumpa member kami tadi kat interlarken..jam dah menunjukkan pukul 6 ptg bermakna kami ada masa lebih stgh jam utk berbuka puasa..tunggu lah kami kat info centre interlarken abt 30 min..kalau tak jumpa juga terpaksa lah kami angkut beg trus ke zurich (hotel tempat kami menginap)hopefully dia akan ke sana jugak..
dan alhamdulillah jumpa jugak akhirnya..katanya die dah nampak kami naik bas tadi..so, die ambil bas yg second ..
jam 6.45ptg..kami bertolak dr interlarken ke zurich flughafen tuk balik ke hotel.bile dah naik train kami hanya duduk tempat memasing...bile someone nak check tiket kami agak terpinga kerana rupanya tempat yg kami duduk adalah tiket kelas 1.sebenarnya tiket chf 95 swiss pass one day yg kami beli tadi hanya layak utk kelas ke 2..tp takpe sbb pakcik tu baik..die just check dan pergi..
children pulak free (under 16) tp mesti ada org tua yg ikut!!tu yg untung kat swiss....... |
sambung crita pasal line maxis dan celcom rupenye member gue dah tukar line sana..beli prepaid sana kena register dan tunjuk abt CHF50..dapat kredit hanya CHF 20...senang katanya nak contact company kat sana..
oh ya,
kami hanya berbuka puasa di atas keretapi..dah bawak siap2 jadual semayang cari kat internet..
sementelah itu,makan je lah apa2 yg patut corissant,roti (yg ni kurang elok sbb agak keras),air coklat,potato chips dan buah grapes..yum yum!!nak beli atas train harga berlipat ganda..bayangkan sekeping coklat lindt harga kat coop tu abt chf1 tp atas train cecah chf 5.fresh orange lak harga abt chf 5 kat coop hanya chf2..so be carefull..kalau nak jimat kena prepare beli awal2..
kalau kat mesia haramle nak jamah benda2 ni..tp bile kat swiss secara automatik jadi tak cerewet..tibai aje ape2 yg patut asal perut kenyang.. |
dr interlarken ke zurich perjalanan hanya memakan masa 2 jam..mungkin di sebabkan route lain dan non stop to zurich-zurich flughafen..so apalagi terlena kami seketika di buai mimpi..
dah sampai ke zurich flughafen kami naik free shuttle bus menuju ke hotel utk tido dan berangkat pada hari esoknya ke negara leichestein...........
sebelum tu sempat bersahur nasi +sambal daging+ tuna cili pedas cap ayam brand ..
wa mmg dah standby periok kecik awal2 no..senang sok2 nak masak utk berbuka ke bersahur ker..
[ Last edited by kucing_surender at 12-5-2006 12:25 AM ] |
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Originally posted by kucing_surender at 11-5-2006 10:26 AM
ni pulak gambar kat mane ???:geram:
Lucerne , the Lion Monument
[ Last edited by faraway at 11-5-2006 11:31 AM ] |
Originally posted by faraway at 12-5-2006 12:24 AM
Luezern, the Lion Monument
wa tak sempat pergi tempat ni..:hmm:
byk sgt tempat cantik sampai jadi tamak nak redah semuanya..masa plak kurang..jadi ikut kaki jer mane nak pergi.. |
Originally posted by kucing_surender at 11-5-2006 11:16 PM
lawa sungguh woii!!! hang snap sendri ini gambar kaaa??:love:
Memang amik sendiri... dari Campione d'Italia (bandar seberang tasik Lugano). 2 bulan dok kat situ. Kira dah mahirla area situ... nanti ek try citer .. gambar pun belambak2 kat Lugano.
Luzern (Lucerne) pun aku gi jugak... Dari Lugano ke utara kena melalui terowong San Gottardo (macam kat highway Ipoh). Terowong tu merentasi Banjaran Alps.. panjang dia 17 Km (bukan meter yek.. Kilometer) Dalam terowong tu ajer dekat 30 minit. Kawan citer terowong tu mampu memuatkan seluruh penduduk Swiss kalau berlaku gempa ker, perang nuklear ker perang dunia ke-3 ker... siap kat dinding dia boleh bukak buat simpan bekalan makanan utk semua penduduk).. tepikir plak..manala aku nak lari kalau kat Mesia...
Meh usha jap...

ha.. yang dekat dgn Lugano tu Campione d'italia.. sebenarnya wilayah Itali dlm Swiss.. tapi penduduk dia dpt gaji dlm Swiss Franc... Kira kaya sikit la dr rakan2 Itali diorang.
Bellinzona ada 3 castle kurun ke-7.. jadi World Heritage.. best gak situ.
Ketiga2 tasik aku dah pusing dgn kereta... Tasik Maggiore (terbesar), Tasik Como (Itali), Tasik Lugano.
Kat Tasik Como ada villa si George Clooney.. aku lalu dah depan rumah dia.. bot dia boleh terus masuk bawah rumah.. Yg gossip kata si Bradd Pitt dan Angelina Jolie nak kawin kat rumah si Clooney kat Itali tu.. kat situla.. Lake Como.. view jgn cakapla... cantik sangat2 sbb tasik dan banjaran Alps... mana leh lawan.. (kenapa aku rasa rindu sgt nih... sebak sebak.. emotional sungguh) |
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Ni dia nak masuk Terowong San Gottardo. Gambar diambil dari utara menuju ke selatan (time nak balik dari Luzern ke Lugano).

I did try local specialty FONDUE kat restoran ni for lunch... 2 types:
1. Roti cicah dgn melting cheese &
2. Fruits -epal hijau, pisang, apricot dll- cicah dgn melting chocolate...

Originally posted by TipinTakTipu at 12-5-2006 07:33 PM
Memang amik sendiri... dari Campione d'Italia (bandar seberang tasik Lugano). 2 bulan dok kat situ. Kira dah mahirla area situ... nanti ek try citer .. gambar pun belambak2 kat Lugano.
Luzer ...
:geram: waduh kau lebih adventerous weii..aku ni main kejap2 jerk..biarla lebih 3 minggu dekat europe..actually gambar byk tp byk muke kiter..so tak bleh la expose kang ada yg nak ngorat lak :siok: (perasan!!)..
best betul weihh..2 bulan kat sana habeh kau makan ape yer ?taakkan lar asyik buah dan lake fish..tak boring ker..?
harapnye satu hari nanti dapat ku jejak tempat george clooney tu.. jeles betul weii..
mesti lawa giler!! |
alang2 tu tipin kau tak ke milan (italy ker)..tempat ni mmg tersohor utk fashion.sronokkan kalau ade guider yg tahu pasal swiss..kite org jln ari tu terpinga2 gak..tp di sebabkan swiss negara yg tak sibuk..w/pun adakalanya sesat tp alhamdulillah allah permudahkan segalanya..
tipin,bila lagi kau nak pergi?edit la more picture tu kalau ada :-) |
Milan pegi gak.. 3 mlm kat situ.. gambar ada .. ada.. jap yek... |
The Principality of Liechtenstein lies on the East bank of the Rhine between Switzerland and Austria. With a total area of 160 sq. km and about 34,000 inhabitants, Liechtenstein is one of the smallest states in the world. Where does the prosperity come from? The prosperity of the country is due on the one hand to its favorable geographical location, a neutral area like that of Switzerland, so that the two World Wars did not cause much damage to the small country. On the other, the modest size of the country meant that its infrastructure could be effectively developed at a relatively low cost.
Since the country does not have to finance and maintain an army, a large road and rail network, an outsize administration, etc., tax revenue on a percentage basis can be kept at a low level which in turn constitutes a tax paradise for companies from all over the world. It should not be forgotten, however, that only 100 years ago Liechtenstein was one of the poorest countries of Europe and this circumstance has made its inhabitants tough, hardworking and resourceful.
How do I get to Vaduz?
Car:Liechtenstein lies on the German-Italian motorway axis and is an excellent stop-over for relaxing, for a rest or simply for enjoyment when traveling.Rail:The nearest stations are at Buchs (SG) 6.2 km, Sargans 15 km and Feldkirch 20km from Vaduz. There is a convenient postal bus service to Vaduz from these places. See below for information on bus routes. Air:The nearest international airport is Zurich-Kloten (about 130 km or 1? hours from Vaduz). From Zurich, you can take the train to Sargans and then the bus to Vaduz (see below for information on bus routes).
If you come by car, take the motorway in the direction of Chur; in Sargans you follow the signs in the direction of St. Margrethen and Liechtenstein. There is an exit marked Vaduz on the N 13 motorway N13.Bus:Information on the bus system in Liechtenstein such as routes, prices, etc. can be found on the web page of Liechtenstein Bus Anstallt LBA. |
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Jarak Swiss-Italian border dengan Milan is a mere 45 minutes' drive, connected with good highway. Since Switzerland is not one of the EU, the border check agak strict, dalam berpuluh2 kali aku lalu ulang-alik crossing the border (in a friend's car), ada la sekali sangkut kena tanya bnyk dan diorng silap kata kena ada Visa. Siap check dgn komputer lagik... Long-story makes short, lepas jugak. (The problem is there is no arrival stamp in my passport (Paris airport mistake)
People living in Southern Swiss prefer to shop in Italy where the price is cheaper. So crossing the border is sort of everyday routin. Even aku gi tengok wayang pun kat Como. Yang tak best nya ialah English movie cakap Italian with no subtitle... buat2 paham jerla... Italian claims to have the best movie translation in the world, meaning words keluar sama dgn bukak mulut.. (apa panggil ntah..)
I went to Bergamo (an hour from Milan). The Old city is great. (Itali mmg penuh dengan old city) and old means kampung2 medieval kurun ke-12 masih ujud. Bnyk yg aku pegi.. . rumah rapat2 dan sunyi jek. Dekat France pun bnyk tapi tak sebanyak di Italy. Seronok ronda keliling kampung, feeling the ancient era..
Kat Bergamo ada airport. Ori del Sario.. aku amik budget flight dari Paris (Ryanair) turun kat sini la... Ni Bergamo.. old town kat atas bukit di kelilingi tembok. Bawah bukit new town..

Near Bergamo.. Monza.. ada litar F1 (cam Sepang). Di Monza ada satu Duomo (Cathedral) Il Duomo di Monza. Here's the pic...

Dalam Duomo ni ada benda penting dlm sejarah Kristian... paku yang menyalib Jesus Christ dibuat crown (diameter:15cm dan tinggi:5.3cm). Bukan the whole crown tu paku, tapi ada sedikit bahagian crown tu. Here's the pic:

And of course, Milan... one of Fashion capital.. lawa-lawanya orang kat sini.. aku pegi sini early January... so still dlm Christmas / New Year mood...
The center is PIAZZA DUOMO, which is of course the Duomo (Cathedral). Milan is well-connected dgn underground dan tram.Ni Piazza Duomo...

Tengah renovate..

Tempat shopping dia bernama Galleria Vittorio Emanuele kat area Piazza Duomo tu la.. Said to be the world oldest shopping mall..

Masuk ke dalam tu..

Kawan bawak masuk shopping pegi tingkat atas dia... nampak gini..

Jalan lagi keliling piazza tu ada great buildings seperti the world-famous Teatro alla Scala (Opera theatre)

Depan Piazza della Scala tu ada Leonardo's monument. Tp sebab bnyk gambar aku kat situ.. tak dapek la teman nak tunjuk kat sini..
Now.. the famous shopping area... Via Montenapoleone (Via maksudnya Jalan).. Penuhnya manusia kat jalan tu ..shopping dan melihat2 display latest fashion design... you name it.. Prada, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana... said to be the center.
Kat Milan juga ada Lukisan Leonardo .. The Last Supper... kat Santa Maria delle Grazie (church).
Seminggu sebelum balik aku pegi (in a friend's car) ke Mediterranean.. Cote d'Azur.. lagi panjang cerita... ikut highway.. Milan - Alessandira - Genoa - San Remo -Monaco - Monte Carlo - Nice - Antibes - Cannes... kalu ngko pun rasa cam tak nak balik ... |
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teramat menarik!!!citer la lagik ..ape salahnye ko tempek je gambo ko nooo..gue ari tu mmg nak pergi tipin tak sempat sgt sbb timing tak cukup..igtkan italy ni dekat jer,drive satu jam from zurich dah sampai..rupanya jauh jugakk..
tringat cite sorang makcik atas train..puas la kami tanya nak pergi rome macammana dia tak paham2..
last2 baru die pick up.....ooohh roma..........
baru le paham....so dgr die citer sikit2 jer lah.. |
org2 milan lawa maksud ko dr segi penampilan fashion ker?@ tubuh die rang kecik2? |
Aku pegi gak Lake Orta.. Ada pulau kecik ada kampung lama.. Naik bot 5 minit je...

Pemandangan sekitar plak cenggini...

Camner la rasa tak nak balik... |
Originally posted by kucing_surender at 14-5-2006 06:59 PM
org2 milan lawa maksud ko dr segi penampilan fashion ker?@ tubuh die rang kecik2?
Ropa pun lawa, fashion pun lawa... tapi yg tak lawa pun ada gak... camner ek... |
Luftaufnahme Schloss Vaduz
[img] [/img]
There are no Customs formalities between Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Entry points via Switzerland are at the Swiss frontiers with Italy, France and Germany. The regulations for entering the country are therefore the same as in Switzerland. Entry via Austria at the Liechtenstein / Austria frontier. Our currency is the Swiss franc. All the shops cater for tourists and it is possible to pay with other European currencies or in dollars in most stores.Liechtenstein is a member of the EAA (European Economic Area) and of the United Nations.
With the seat of the Princely Family, the Government and Parliament (known as the Diet), Vaduz is the capital of Liechtenstein. In the center of Vaduz, there is the Liechtenstein Museum of Art (since Fall 2000) and numerous attractive shops. The lively capital with its new pedestrian precinct is a good place to relax in the friendly street caf? and offers a host of cultural attractions. The new Museum of Art, the Postal and Postage Stamp Museum, the small private art galleries or the Ski Museum will give the visitor an idea of the variety of the country.
The sports facilities of Vaduz also offer something for every taste.In addition to one of the biggest open-air swimming-pools of the region with a 60m slide, indoor tennis courts, squash center and outdoor tennis courts in the middle of an idyllic wooded landscape, a modern football stadium, a minigolf course and an attractive network of paths for walkers and cyclists have been built in recent years. Along these paths, you can have an enjoyable walk or ride to the Haberfeld recreation center and other beauty spots around Vaduz.The unique Christmas illuminations throughout the town center, also on 14 December 2003, are a splendid setting for the well-known Christmas Market. Already traditional events are the annual Open Air Cinema is held in the Rhine Park Stadium and the magnificent fireworks display of the National Holiday on 15 August every year. Likewise in the summer months, various festivals and markets are held in the town center or on the Town Hall Square. These include the annual fair, the Farmers? Market, the Flea And Antique Market and so on. "Vaduz with a bang", the grand NewYear? Eve party in the St?tle district, is another great occasion, not forgetting the gastronomic highlights in the Vaduz Restaurants.
To obtain as many impressions of our country as possible during your visit to Vaduz, you can also take a ride around the town with the Vaduz Citytrain. The various routes will show you the variety of our capital. Modern businesses and rural scenes side by side. During the trip, you will receive up-to-date information on our country in 14 different languages.
Citytrain Vaduz Liechtenstein Tourist OfficeSt?tle 379490 Vaduz Tel. +423 / 232 14 43Fax +423 / 392 16 18 touristinfo@liechtenstein.lihttp://www.tourismus.li |
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