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Author: MamaAlya

[MERGED] Bincang2 ttg Delexia,Autism,Hyperactice etc..

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Post time 28-9-2005 01:22 PM | Show all posts
Dari apa yg norsha baca pun pesal hyperactive kids mcam kat article kat atas tu lah.
The kids susah nak pay attention..seems to be labelled as dreamy n lazy in class.
Kalau toddler tu...hyperactive kids selalu lambat sikit nak bercakap coz they are absorbed in their own world, never bother to listen n learn.

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Post time 28-9-2005 05:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by norsha at 28-9-2005 01:22 PM
Dari apa yg norsha baca pun pesal hyperactive kids mcam kat article kat atas tu lah.
The kids susah nak pay attention..seems to be labelled as dreamy n lazy in class.
Kalau toddler tu...hyperacti ...

oo..gitu ke norsha?

my son dah two years old tapi masih dok cakap bahasa german..:stp:

bila agaknya yang derang boleh bercakap yek..?

my MIL and FIL dah risau soh bawak pi specialist pasal lambat cakap..:stp::stp:

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Post time 29-9-2005 06:03 PM | Show all posts
Memang betul pun budak hyperaktif ni lambat pandai cakap.  My cousin umur 5 tahun pun masih pelat lagi.  Mula2 kita orang ingat dia kena kejutan bahasa, sebab dia lahir kat Australia.  Umur 1 tahun baru balik sini.

Dia ni memang betul2 hyperaktif.  Sampai masuk kelas terapi dan makan ubat.  kesian gak, kecik2 lagi dah kena makan ubat, tapi kalau dia x makan ubat, teruk memang x boleh control.  Masa dia umur 2-3 tahun dia dah boleh panjat grill pintu sampai atas.  My other cousin x suka main ngan dia.  Kasar sgt.  Pastu x faham apa dia cakap.

Tapi sekarang nie dia dah Form 1 rasa macam dah o.k sket.  Tak lah hyper sangat macam dulu. Mak dia yg dulu kurus kering sebab penat jaga dia pun, dah nampak berisi.

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Post time 29-9-2005 06:08 PM | Show all posts

your cousin tu belajar nya macam mana?

adakah dia beri sepenuh perhatian pada cikgu atau tidak?

academic achievement dia macam mana..? normal cam budak2 lain ke?

tapi kronik gak la sampai kena makan ubat..

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Post time 29-9-2005 10:14 PM | Show all posts
Dia ni memang betul2 hyperaktif.  Sampai masuk kelas terapi dan makan ubat.  kesian gak, kecik2 lagi dah kena makan ubat, tapi kalau dia x makan ubat, teruk memang x boleh control.  Masa dia umur 2-3 tahun dia dah boleh panjat grill pintu sampai atas.  My other cousin x suka main ngan dia.  Kasar sgt.  Pastu x faham apa dia cakap.

       my son currently 16 mths old....... masa dia 1+ yr old dia dah start panjat grill rumah sampai atas.........memang tersangat aktif yang amat.......especially on weekend when mama & abah is with him all the time.......during the day he just sleep for an hour and then continue playing until nite time......some people kata he might be hyperaktif........but i prefer to use the words "active".....if you let him on his own, dia memang suka panjat tangga, but like adult and holding on the hand rail........
      but looking from the bright nite, he can sleep until morning with occasional request for milk in the middle of the nite.......kalau mengantuk sangat, siang ke malam ke, dalam kereta ke, panas , sejuk.......dia bantai jer tidur....
rarely batuk or demam..........his life is just about running and having who am i to complain......

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Post time 30-9-2005 09:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by norsha at 28-9-2005 01:22 PM
Dari apa yg norsha baca pun pesal hyperactive kids mcam kat article kat atas tu lah.
The kids susah nak pay attention..seems to be labelled as dreamy n lazy in class.
Kalau toddler tu...hyperacti ...

betul la..nosha..apa ckp tu budak hyperactive/active...mulut dia org ni berat,kalau berckp pon bahasa ala jerman gitu...:cak:
pergerakan mereka tangkas..pantang lepa...krg berminat pd benda yg memerlukan tumpuan...

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Post time 30-9-2005 09:13 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nashra at 28-9-2005 05:08 PM

oo..gitu ke norsha?

my son dah two years old tapi masih dok cakap bahasa german..:stp:

bila agaknya yang derang boleh bercakap yek..?

my MIL and FIL dah risau soh bawak pi specialist p ...

my son dulu umor 3 thn baru bole ckp betul2....tapi bila dah bole bercakap letih lak nak melayan cakapnya..mcm bertih jagung...kalau tidak bahasa jerman..dia la..uaaa...uaa.....:cak:

sekrg ni dah tadika...tak larat cikgu nak melayan pertanyaan..mula2 dulu risau juga takut dia tak bole belajar dgn baik...sekrg semuanya beransur baik..alhamdullilah...

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Post time 30-9-2005 10:21 AM | Show all posts
hmm.. anak aku is hyperactive and inattentive... talks a lot.. news of the world.. satu sekolah akan tau kalau hari tu aku pakai baju baru warna hijau ke merah ke..sapa yg bagi..etc. .etc.... pastu suka kacau org..pastu byk tanya.. arghhh

semalam aku ajar dia iqra' for the first time.. sebab monday nanti dia nak start kelas iqra' kat nursery... aku introduced the first two huruf... Aa and Ba (that's how they teach iqra' kan...terus sebut tak payah eja kan??)..lepas tu dia straight buleh sebut aa and ba for the whole page... wow...we were pretty amazed... then... bile aku suh dia buat another round.. dia dah start bile aku bising2 sebab dia dah start merepek... "mama...tutup la buku ni..kite baca buku biru pulak laa"

adik dia plak sibuk nak baca sama... so i put her on my lap and started to show her alif and ba - suh dia sebut Aa, and Ba.. next thing yg lain2 dia terus sebut sendiri aku tak payah sebutkan utk dia.. bapak dia siap terberenti makan kejap... tp...3 lines aje dia betul...the fourth line and seterusnye..dia terus buat2 tak kenal and start mengarut! tp aku maafkan je la sebab dia kecik lagi....

parents to ADHD kids kene byk sabar..... even the simplest routine pon... kalau kene bagitau tiap2 hari..u just do it coz they only remember things and facts that they choose to remember

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Post time 30-9-2005 11:20 AM | Show all posts
Pasal tread nie teringat guru taska anak Has beritahu ramai guru taska berhenti kerja dan selalu tukar-tukar guru sebab tak boleh tahan dengan ramai murid-murid dalam taska tu kebanyakkannya jenis yang hyperactive......termasuk anak aku ada dalam taska tu....jangan kata anak aku malah guru-guru dah melebelkan semua murid lelaki dalam taska tu kebanyakkannya hyper.......kenapa lelaki sahaja yang dilebelkan begitu kenapa anak perempuan tidak ramai yang hyper???????........

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Post time 30-9-2005 11:29 AM | Show all posts
Question: My preschooler seems hyperactive. Could she have ADHD?

Answer: Preschoolers are an active bunch. And because they have lots of energy to burn, many of them are just like your daughter, always on the go. That's why traditionally doctors reassure parents not to worry about hyperactivity at this age, and have rarely diagnosed children under the age of 5 with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). (A spate of news articles and research studies have recently reported that more children under 5 are being diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed medications such as Ritalin and Prozac to help them cope. But most experts continue to believe that it's a mistake to prescribe medication to preschoolers, especially since the side effects of these medications haven't been well studied in young children.)

If your child's activity level is causing you concern, speak with your doctor about it. You can also help her find as many outlets as possible for her abundant energy. Schedule frequent visits to the playground so she can run and climb to her heart's content. If you're indoors, turn on the radio or pop in a CD and get her dancing. You may want to join in the fray yourself (dancing, after all, increases the heart rate and keeps limbs loose, a plus for both adults and children). And if you can't play with your child

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Post time 30-9-2005 11:30 AM | Show all posts
dak laki slalu aktif kan...ngk anak caregivernyer asyik ckp no physical activities..kenakalannya menjadik2...

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Post time 30-9-2005 12:43 PM | Show all posts
taken from - dah cube pendekkan


1. Consistency is important as they don't cope well with changes .  

2. ADHD kids have two kinds of time...plenty and none. They don't organize their time well - so break their tasks into small components.

3. in class - put them in front.kalau righthanded, letak belah kanan katdepan might help better.

4. They are very easily distracted - so avoid  loft classrooms or many children put together at one big desk (ni macam kelasaku zaman dulu2 je..mmg pon akutak leh pay attention... asyik nak main baling2 kertas kat kawan2 je)

5. Use colors and shapes  to help them organize.

6. Try to provide a quiet study area, free from distraction, when seat work is required.

7. Try to work within the child's attention span. Keep changing the type of classrooms frequently and the child can continue to work productively.

8.Remember, these children have a tendency to get people around them fighting. Try to avoid getting into "blaming mode", either as a parent or a teacher.

9. Many of these children are VISUAL learners. Try making things more visual or tactile and they may grasp them better. Instead of memorizing words, ask them to " make a movie in their head and play it back".

10. Don't worry if you feel do their parents and so do the kids. Just don't take their behavior as personally directed , because it isn't in most cases.

YG paling PENTING bagi aku le..... PUPUK LA KESABARAN YG KUAT DLM DIRI IBU BAPA...'s really challenging i tell u!

[ Last edited by Delifrance at 30-9-2005 12:44 PM ]

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Post time 30-9-2005 02:50 PM | Show all posts
Kalau anak lelaki hyper itu adalah lazim sebab kalau lemah-lembut mak bapak jugak yang susah nak beri dia aktive balik.....bagi aku yang firstime dapat anak dapat yang hyper nie banyak mengajar aku tentang kesabaran dan senantiasa berjaga-jaga baik dirumah mahupun luar rumah......penat tak ada langsung dalam fikiran anak-anak jenis nie...kalau demam teruk barulah diam....aku suka jenis anak yang hyper nie sebab senang nak suruh buat kerja-kerja yang berat-berat....bila aku suruh tolong cuci bilik air dia akan sental dinding bilik air tu...suruh dia tolong mama mop lantai dia akan mop lantai....tolong kemas semua mainan yg dia selerakkan tu kena keras sikit arahan tu...kalau kita cakap lemah-lembut dia pantas menjawab.....

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Post time 1-12-2005 09:27 AM | Show all posts
ija..yg ini ker?

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Post time 1-12-2005 10:31 AM | Show all posts
yup honey... thnx sooo much :love:. bukan ape my sis kene babysit hyperactive during school holiday nie. highly paid, bayaran perday. father dia tak nak admit yg son dia ni ADHD and still send him to public school. his mom want something for him. so my sis mintak i gather as much as info to help his mother.

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Post time 2-12-2005 09:22 AM | Show all posts
fuh baper per day..fuh..jager2..jgn kasik dia makan gula byk sgt..kang lotih  ler...igt anak angkat pakcik kite dulu..mmg hyper..dak hyper dia tak baper pk logik ke haper kan..dah asiik pedajal gue..ngan duit gue dia songlap tanpa disedari...

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Post time 2-12-2005 01:51 PM | Show all posts
my sis citer budak tu bila nengok movie kat tv... mase start jer dia excited lebih, kuar la semua fuyooooo!!!..... wahhhhh!!! pas tu tak sampai 5 min. dia nguap luas2.... "kita ngantuk la.. nak tidur", terus masuk bilik landing atas katil dia...... skang dia dah 8 thn tapi masih tak bleh kenal huruf. cakap siapa pon dia takmo dengar except my sis. ntah ape spell my sis put on him tak taulah :lol

bayaran dia RM100/day from 8.30 - 5.30, driver dorang pick-up my sis. 2 - 3 days a week. during school holiday jer la sbb mase tu takde sorang umat pon sanggup nak jaga dia, hatta mak dan makcik dia sekali pon.

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Post time 2-12-2005 02:28 PM | Show all posts

if ur sister is keen in getting more info about all these special kids -ADHD..dylexic etc..

buleh tgk kat these links:  and

or join ADHD support group:

kidzgrow is organizing a workshop: Understanding Children with Learning Difficulties

Time: 11:00am - 12:30pm on Saturday the 3rd of Dec 2005
Venue: KidzGrow @ Sri Hartamas
5, Jalan Sri Hartamas 7, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Henner Wenkhausen, Physiotherapist
Programme Consultant, KidzGrow Singapore

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Post time 6-12-2005 02:26 PM | Show all posts
aisehman.... terlambat lak bukak thread nie. kalo idak bleh dia join workshop tu.... takpe, bleh beri dia link tu utk dia join

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Post time 6-12-2005 02:45 PM | Show all posts
Anak buah dilla baru berumur 7 tahun adalah kanak2 Dyslexia. Aiman tidak tahu membaca tetapi amat fasih berbahasa inggeris. Keajaiban satu anugerah yang tuhan berikan pada anak ini. Astro Chanel 63, 61 adalah program Favourite Aiman. Saban hari tidak pernah jemu. Bila disekolah Aiman sering menjadi kemarahan guru-guru yang mengajarnya. Tapi kini alhamdulillah Aiman sudah ada peningkatan baru selepas kakak dilla memasukkannya ke sekolah DYSLEXIA bertempat di kuala lumpur. Bayarannya agak mahal tapi sekurang-kurangnya Aiman dapat belajar dengan baik dan happy. Disamping guru-guru yang terlatih dan yang penting sabar menghadapi karenah kanak2 ini.

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