nk join jgk!!
due date : 04/01/2008
anak yg keberapa : 1st
brapa lama tunggu : 3bln...
nmpknye baby petite mendahului dr yg lain....mintak2 la aku bersalin masa new year.... mesti ramai mommies yg jeles.....  |
Psl time off for maternity check up tu, maybe I baca masa kat UK..tgh tunggu lawyer confirm..nanti dh confirm I will paste here ok? |
Reply #80 flip_flop's post
flip, awal2 pun red takut jugak.. tapi red check kat internet and minta advise org yang pernah preggy they say its normal coz uterus makin membesar.. nt to worry lah flip.. flip kena banyak berehat yer.. i was advised smpai kandungan 4 mnths mesti tak leh active langsung.. i think dah sampai end of 2nd trimester dah boleh exercise sikit2.. tapi mild ones lah. All the best to u flip  |
Reply #81 petite_adry's post
bestnyer kalau dapat new year's baby |
Reply #83 red_borris's post
thanks red ...flip try to stay positive jer skarang nih..cuba gak halang fikiran yang bukan2...heheh yang penting, 2nd trimester nanti, nak start excersise sikit2...la ni tak bergerak langsung...tak nak lar naik weight yang tak perlu sepanjang mengandung nih...karang lepas bersalin, takut susah nak buang lemak pulak |
Reply #85 flip_flop's post
hehe samer lah kiter flip.. harap2 berat red tak naik sangat.. kalo tak sure susah kurus.. but i was told kalu rajin breast feeding berat memang cepat turun.. lepas 3 mnths baru leh exercise.. |
Reply #27 red_borris's post
aah terharu biler nampak heart beat tu.. hubby pun ade time tue...
lily still ade morning sickness tapi xterukla.. muntah pun sikit2... |
Originally posted by nakal14022004 at 17-7-2007 12:37 PM 
nak join gak la.... nakal sama ngan genz... tarikh period n due sama... 9 Feb 2007 tp semalam p check Edd dah berubah skit...7 february lak... nurse cakap anggaran dalam 2 minggu la... tarikh tep ...
nakal.. lily pun mula2 dr ckp due 9/2/08.. tapi biler dh ukur baby dr ckp 11/2/08 pulak...kalu bole nk awal sikit.. xsabar nk dpt baby.. heheheh |
nak kongsi citer dgn korang nie... dah dkt 12 weeks lily peknen ni.. first time lily muntah smlm.. tapi yg teruknye lily muntah time driving.. nasib baik time tu kat traffic light.. kalu x, xtau camner... dah la tu bukan sekali.. 4 kali.. nasib baik dh ready plastic bag.. kalu x, abisla keta... |
Originally posted by lily_bobo at 18-7-2007 05:41 PM 
nak kongsi citer dgn korang nie... dah dkt 12 weeks lily peknen ni.. first time lily muntah smlm.. tapi yg teruknye lily muntah time driving.. nasib baik time tu kat traffic light.. kalu x, xtau ...
takyah la drive buat masa ni...
nanti bahaya kat u and your baby.... |
Wah ramai nya ahli untuk 2008 ~ meriah gituk! |
huwarghhhhhhhhhhhhhh nak daftar gak!!
bb # : 2 (1st is 10mos)
baper lame tunggu? : huwarrrrrrrrrrrrr accident!!! tapi rezeki alhamdullilah!!
gestational age : 6wks (tapi aku dah cam 3 bulan peknen)
edd : 11 March 2008 |
Originally posted by mamapotter at 19-7-2007 09:25 AM 
huwarghhhhhhhhhhhhhh nak daftar gak!!
bb # : 2 (1st is 10mos)
baper lame tunggu? : huwarrrrrrrrrrrrr accident!!! tapi rezeki alhamdullilah!!
gestational age : 6wks (tapi aku dah cam 3 bulan ...
congratsss mama!!!!!!!! itu namanya rezeki...(klu x silap saya mama penah miscarriage kan sblm ni)...
allah gandakan lagi la tu!!!!!!!!! |
Originally posted by GubRa_80 at 19-7-2007 09:27 AM 
congratsss mama!!!!!!!! itu namanya rezeki...(klu x silap saya mama penah miscarriage kan sblm ni)...
allah gandakan lagi la tu!!!!!!!!!
alhamdulllah! thanks gubra!!
yes before dapat ashmaan dah 5x miscarriage!! hopefully this time smooth
tapi mencabar gak ler...ms dah start, nausea segale rase lembik kekadang tapi kene gagah gak bangun sbb nak jage hero sorang tu....mase peknen ashmaan tak larat tido jerk ingat nak makan aper drive jer cari now uwaaaaaaaaa betul2 mencabar!!! |
Originally posted by sejuknya at 18-7-2007 06:13 PM 
takyah la drive buat masa ni...
nanti bahaya kat u and your baby....
nk buat camner sejuk... lily kena gak drive g keje.. xde alternative lain nk ke opis... nasib baik smlm xmuntah.. |
spidernfly This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Ariys21 at 18-7-2007 05:23 PM 
Check labor law..
ni je yg i jumpa kat labour law....
takde pulak dia cakap pasal pregnancy check up. i think pregnancy check up is atas budi bicara or companies policy....
A female employee is entitled to maternity leave for a period of not less than the eligible period of 60 consecutive days and maternity allowance in respect of the eligible period.
Maternity leave period may commence anytime within 30 days before her confinement but should not be later than the day immediately following her confinement.
A female employee is qualified for maternity allowance if she fulfills certain conditions. She shall have less than 5 surviving children and has been employed for at least 90 days in the 4 months immediately before her confinement.
Where a female employee is employed on a monthly pay rate, maternity allowance is based on her monthly wages. Otherwise the maternity allowance is the ordinary rate of pay for one day or RM6 per day whichever is higher for 60 consecutive days.
Maternity allowance shall be paid in the same manner as if such allowance is wage and is payable not later than the 7th day after the last day of any wage period.
A female employee is not entitled to rest day and paid sick leave benefits during maternity leave.
source: http://www.lawyerment.com.my/library/doc/empl/hr/1000000-8.shtml |
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