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Author: kimora

boss from hell (jahanam hell...)

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 Author| Post time 23-12-2008 12:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ude1804 at 22-12-2008 09:54 PM
bos aku pun mcm vavi..aku siap doa kalau die da xjadi bos aku,nanti aku wat kenduri kat sirau...masalahnye bile masa tu..aku da xlarat nak pretend baik dpn die..arrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggghhhhhh ...

ha ha aku suka gelaran 'vavi' ko ni....ya lah aku slalu brazam bila dia dah tak jadi bos lagik, tergolek dot kat longkang pun aku tak nak amik pedulik.....lately ni kepala hangin dia ngan aku makin menjadik...kengkadang aku rasa dia saja arik pasal supaya aku give up  n boleh letak favourite officer dia kat position aku. bila pikir cam ni, aku ras tanak mengalah...tapi pikir kan sakit ati kenaa marah2, jam tu jugak aku rasa nak transfer...pegi la cari oficer mana yg bleh tahan ngan krenah dia ni...serrrrrba tak kena...

sekali tu aku travel dgn dia. masa kat vip lounge, dah nak masuk isya, so aku nak jamak lah maghrib n isya, senang tak yah jamaq on the way balik umah..dia bising ..buat apa la nak rushing smayang..kita ni musafir balik umah bleh jamak...setau aku bila dah sampai umah dak tak leh jamak. kena buat tengah jalan..mula2 aku ikut kan je. tapi pikir2 apa lah aku ni takut kat bos kalah kan takut kat aku minta diri since flight pun lambat ;agi..balik dari smayang dia bebel lagi apa nak sibuk2 smayanng tuhan dah balik kelonggaran bla bla..malas aku nak bersoal jawab dgn org bebal maam tu...lantak la..kesetiaan ku ada limitnya cewah...

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 Author| Post time 23-12-2008 12:23 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wekwek1 at 19-12-2008 08:06 AM
gilerk la bos ko tuh :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
sunguh sabar jer ko ngn dia....

memang lah wekwk oii..member2 aku semua tanya camana lah aku bleh bertahan dgn dia. coz dia ni bukan bleh maintain baik dgn oficer lama-lama....mula2 ok la..dah lama skit mula la dia cari kelemahan kita...sapa2 yg ada peluang bekerja rapat dgn dia akan berada dkm kedudukan tak selamat becoz dia suka carik keburukan n kelemahan sahaja..yg baik tak nampak..or memang dia membuta kan hati..n dalam banyak ocasion aku rasa dia ni 'big buly' la..macam kalau dia tau kelemahan kita dalam public speaking, walau pun desk work kita bagus dia tetaaaap nak paksa kita buat yg kita tak suka tu...

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 Author| Post time 23-12-2008 12:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sok_suci at 20-12-2008 06:08 PM
bos ko tu bodh tak profesional....

ko santau je dia tuh..

itu lah sok suci oii..kalau la aku bleh jadik otomen kejap..aku bawak dia terbang then aku gayut dia kat pokok kelapa...:@

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 Author| Post time 23-12-2008 12:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sok_suci at 20-12-2008 06:08 PM
bos ko tu bodh tak profesional....

ko santau je dia tuh..

terpos 2 kali la plaks..

[ Last edited by  kimora at 23-12-2008 12:31 AM ]

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Post time 23-12-2008 01:15 PM | Show all posts
saiko boss ko ni kimora! :@
kadang-kadang haku pelik dgn boss yg suka muncung2..maki2..moody2..
diaorg ni x sedar ke yg mcmlah dia akan jadi boss sampai bila2..
kalau dia pencen ke, tua ke nanti..
yang bawahan ni akan naik..

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Post time 23-12-2008 01:18 PM | Show all posts
ni aku copy paste...haha

Dear God, I beg U..

Give me the wisdom to understand my Boss..
Give me love to forgive him/her..
Give me patience to understand him/her deeds..

But Dearest God, Dont Give me Power..

Because, if you give me power..i'll break his/her head!!!!!!!!! :@ :@

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 Author| Post time 25-12-2008 11:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by stapler at 23-12-2008 01:18 PM
ni aku copy paste...haha

Dear God, I beg U..

Give me the wisdom to understand my Boss..
Give me love to forgive him/her..
Give me patience to understand him/her deeds..

But ...

tq tq stapler...akan ku print n tepek at sebelah pc ku....

satu lagi aku nak share pasal bos dari neraka ni, adalah menjadi kepantangan tok nek dia kalau staff amik cuti kamis, jumaat atau isnin selasa yakni kapit sabtu dan ahad...ya lah bagi yg kampung jauh2 tu masa tu la nak cuti panjang skit, nak2 kg kat kelantan ke trengganu or nun di utara or selatan...even kalau nak gi holiday kat langkawi or cameron pun we need more than 2 days kan..bukan la selalu..tapi menjadi kedengkian dia la macam tu...sampai org keja private pun pelik dgn sistem cuti kitaorg...kilang pun ada time shut down dia...kalau dah amk cuti hari rabu or selasa satu hari nak gi mana.....g chow kit je bleh la.....

ada sorang pengarah tu dah booking tiket air asia ke luar negara satu famili. tu pun dah check betul2 date tu tak de program kritikal yg dia perlu handel. kiranya kalau dia tak de dlm 2 hari tu pun oficer lain bleh handle...taaaaapi oleh sebab satu meetign je, kena cancel the whole trip..padahal jabatan tempat aku keja ni bukan la involvekan hal2 keselamatan negara ke, disaster ke ...rasanya kalau jabatan ni tak de pun tak terjejas pun ekonomi dan keselamatan negara...saja dengkiiiiiiiiiiii......

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Post time 26-12-2008 10:08 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 kimora's post

wajib mintak tukar depatment...
i applied it to myself since i had a sucker as my bos and a few other a$$hole attitude collugue and it works!!
i am happy now in a new department...

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Post time 26-12-2008 10:10 AM | Show all posts
hmm pasal cuti tu kan..lebihkurang je perangai kat tmpt lama aku...
cam cilaker..siap dengki2 lagi kalau org amik cuti..ek ele dia pun ade cuti gak sama cam aku..nak dengki ape..ko (bos) pun apply jela cuti...bodoh bangang!

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2008 07:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lolaxpdc at 26-12-2008 10:08 AM
wajib mintak tukar depatment...
i applied it to myself since i had a sucker as my bos and a few other a$$hole attitude collugue and it works!!
i am happy now in a new department...

maamana la aku nak tukar department lola oii..bos aku tu adalah bos segala bos aka ceo kat cni. jabatan ni pula close service, makna nya kita org tak eh transfer ke ministry lain...kena laaa tunggi dia pecen or aku yg pencen dulu hu hu........

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2008 07:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lolaxpdc at 26-12-2008 10:10 AM
hmm pasal cuti tu kan..lebihkurang je perangai kat tmpt lama aku...
cam cilaker..siap dengki2 lagi kalau org amik cuti..ek ele dia pun ade cuti gak sama cam aku..nak dengki ape..ko (bos) pun app ...

memang dengki yg amat2..macam 2 januari ni kan jatuh kpd ari jumaat. so ramai la nak aply cuti bleh dpt long weekend n yg jauh2 tu dah plan nk balik kampung tgk mak ayah n sedara mara or spend time dgn anak2 selepas laaama tak bercuti (memang susah nak dapat). tapi sesajaaaaa je dia but management meeting hari tu...mentang2 dia dah takde kg, sesuka je buat org kuciwan merana.......:@

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Post time 29-12-2008 03:43 PM | Show all posts
ni mesti ko rasa aman..cuti panjang..
melainkan boss ko kaco ko jugak..

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Post time 29-12-2008 03:55 PM | Show all posts
smlah dngn bos aku ...pepagi aku dah kln marah +maki2
dulu aku nak benti dia x kasi...:@ pujuk memacam...bila aku stay kt sini sll dok maki hamun mencarut2 bagai

yg aku bengang tu aku dpt Mc sbb keguguran...pttnyer 2 aku plak pk kesian kan diaa ku amik 1 weeks jer...pastu selang beberapa hr tu aku ada appoiment ngn Doc Pakar so aku cuti lah tok hr tu...  esok nyer aku samapi je ofis dia siap cakap g...soh aku berenti cari keje G*****G  je:@...samapi skrg ni dia dok ungkit2 kt bulan ni aku byk cuti...msalah nyer aku cuti sbb x sihat bukan suka2...:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

pastu dia bising2 pasal tetiap bulan ada je yg cuti....masalah nyer cuti tu hak pekerja....suka hati lah nk buat camne ponn...agak2 A/L dah abis potong jelah gaji abis cite..........:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

[ Last edited by  iza1983 at 29-12-2008 03:58 PM ]

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Post time 29-12-2008 04:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zagzigzug at 13-12-2008 12:50 AM
btul laa kim. bos hanjing aku tuh time pale hotak dia mereng, dia maki x hengat dunia..2 minit lepas maki bole lak pangey org tuh balik n ckp elok2..mcm xde paper yg berlaku jek..2minit lagik gil ...

aku sokong statment ni

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2008 10:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by iza1983 at 29-12-2008 03:55 PM
smlah dngn bos aku ...pepagi aku dah kln marah +maki2
dulu aku nak benti dia x kasi...:@ pujuk memacam...bila aku stay kt sini sll dok maki hamun mencarut2 bagai

ksiaaan kat ko iza..bos aku pun cenggitu..dah la nak amik annual leave susssah, kalau mc ke or even kiat mc dtg keja dlm keadaan sakit pun dia tetap kutuk..macaaaam la dia tak penah sakit. selalu dia kata sakit2 tu its all in your mind...makna nya kita yg nak sakit, dah takdir kita nak sakit, nak buat camana...bukannya nak tunjuk simpati, dikutuk2 nya kita ni, tak fit la..malas exercise la...riak sungguh..tu yg kengkadang bukan nya nak doa tak baik kat dia, tapi mintak tuhan tunjuk je yg dia ingat dia power sangat bleh lwan takdir. lagi satu dia selalu ungkit officer yg dia bagi naik pangkat..macam rezeki org dia yg control...takbur!!!!

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Post time 31-12-2008 11:57 PM | Show all posts
Saje nak share ngan korang:

Bad Boss Blues

by Robert Half International

Building good rapport with your boss is essential to your career success. After all, he or she decides which projects you take on and how quickly you advance. But not all workers see eye-to-eye with their supervisors. Here are some common types of managers and tips for working with each of them.

The Box of Chocolates
As with selecting a bonbon from an assortment, you never know what you're going to get with this boss. The manager may confide in you one day and turn a cold shoulder the next.

Your Coping Strategy: Remain calm when interacting with this type of boss. When this manager is on edge, limit communication to email unless a matter is urgent. Do everything you can to ease this person's stress level, which may be driving his or her mood swings.

The Bully
This boss has a consistent disposition: overbearing. This type of supervisor also tends to be gruff with others and is easily frustrated.

Your Coping Strategy: Deal with this person by standing up for yourself. In fact, this person may do a complete 180 once he or she is convinced you're up to the challenge of working together. If your manager continues to bully you, however, move on.

The Control Freak
This person wants to know every detail of every project. He or she also has trouble delegating tasks, and may not give you very challenging assignments.

Your Coping Strategy: Trust is usually the issue, so try to build it. Start a log that details the status of your current projects and steps you've taken to ensure quality work. The more confident your manager is in your abilities, the less controlling that person is likely to be.

The Mute
This manager lets staff members "figure things out on their own." Because this person relies on email -- and works behind closed doors -- you rarely have the opportunity to clarify ambiguous messages.

Your Coping Strategy: Don't be afraid to ask questions, even if through email. If a topic becomes so complex that you begin shooting messages back and forth, your boss may eventually request an in-person meeting. If the conversation goes well, he or she may even realize verbal dialogue can be an efficient mode of communication.

The Best Friend
This person is afraid to set standards because he or she wants to be liked by everyone. This manager frequently relinquishes responsibility for the sake of friendship, compromising the team's ability to function.

Your Coping Strategy: Enjoy the occasional lunch out, but keep a professional distance and support this person when he or she exerts authority. Once your boss understands leadership is needed, he or she may feel more confident in the role and be more active in managing you and the rest of the team.

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Post time 8-1-2009 01:30 PM | Show all posts
bagus gak artikel nih..
whatever it is, hidup macam roda kan..
kalau jadi boss eksyen, sekarang belagak lah habis2an..:@
sok lusa, dah x jadi hapa2..masa tu baru tau  

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Post time 8-1-2009 02:59 PM | Show all posts
macam2 versi korang tak suke kat bos.aku pun ada versi aku sendiri
tp biasanya kalau aku menyampah dgn bos, so utk pujuk hati aku sblm kul 5pm (time balik) aku layan forum je

lagi beshhhh
lagi2 kalau ada forrumer yg gila gila macam ziana2006 yg kuat merapu tu
syok betul kalau borak dgn dia

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Post time 8-1-2009 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by stapler at 8-1-2009 01:30 PM
bagus gak artikel nih..
whatever it is, hidup macam roda kan..
kalau jadi boss eksyen, sekarang belagak lah habis2an..:@
sok lusa, dah x jadi hapa2..masa tu baru tau  

ini pglmn aku nak share sket
kat kompeni aku nih, ada sorang bos melayu muslim
perghhhh..perangai dia kemain sombong berlagak tahap dewa
bykler aku nak citer psl dia
tp in short, dia mmg sombong, berlagak, x hormat muslim lain, suke maki hamun orang lain, suke buka aib org depan public etc
so, one day, family member dia meninggal
as usual, AJK surau kompeni akan htr email kat sume muslim staff baca Yasin lps asar (ni culture kompeni aku, jk ada kematian di klgn family staf)
so, lps asar tu, perghhhhhh sume blah lepas jemaah asar sbb...paham2 sendiri le
perghhhh malu siol org tua tu
lps tu dia trus resign
kesimpulannya, w/pun seseorang tu bos, jgn suka2 nak jatuhkan org lain. Tuhan byr cash noksss

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Post time 8-1-2009 03:08 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1 kimora\ catat

bos ko pmpn yee...hmmmm biasa la 2

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