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Author: muun

Ruang BoRak WarGa AC ~ UcApaN Selamat HaRi RaYa <mari kita bermaaf2an>

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:06 PM | Show all posts
laki limau nie kasik hint die dah berpunye ke???
amyhisashi Post at 23-8-2010 12:03

    apa??? apa???? uwawawwawawawawaaww..kat nie???

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:09 PM | Show all posts
laki limau nie kasik hint die dah berpunye ke???
amyhisashi Post at 23-8-2010 12:03 PM

huh?? maner, maner??

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by amyhisashi at 23-8-2010 12:16

kia, limau

ni ha....

Boys’ Twitter Updates

* for 190810 *

Via @Heedictator
@BoA_1105 &#49324;&#51652; &#51096;&#51684;&#46992;&#45348; &#12619;&#12619;
TRANS: @BoA_1105 Cropped the photo well &#12619;&#12619;

Via @special1004
@ShinsFriends &#50668;&#51109;&#49324;&#51652; &#45320; &#49444;&#47532;&#51064;&#51460;&#50508;&#50520;&#45817; &#12619;&#12619;&#12619;
TRANS: @ShinsFriends Seen your photo when you are dressed as a woman, thought you are Sulli &#12619;&#12619;&#12619;

Via @Heedictator
&#50669;&#49884; &#51652;&#51221;&#54620; &#45224;&#51088;&#45716; &#51216;&#49900;&#50640; &#49552;&#51676;&#51109;&#51012; &#47673;&#50612;&#51456;&#45796;?&#50500; &#47579;&#45208;&#45348; &#51060;&#44144;&#12619;&#12619;
TRANS: Definately a true man will make jjajangmyeon for people for lunch, ah this is delicious &#12619;&#12619;

Via @special1004
&#48120;&#49828;&#53076;&#47532;&#50500; &#51652; &#51221;&#49548;&#46972;&#50472;&#44760;&#49436; &#45236;&#44032; &#51060;&#49345;&#54805;&#51060;&#46972;&#45716; &#48169;&#49569;&#51012; &#48420;&#45796;..&#12619;&#12619;&#44048;&#49324;&#54633;&#45768;&#45796; &#51221;&#49548;&#46972;&#50472;^^
TRANS: Saw on TV that Miss Korea winner Jung Sora sshi says that I am her ideal type.&#12619;&#12619; Thank you, Jung Sora sshi^^

Via @Heedictator
&#52524;&#50689;&#54616;&#47084; &#44256;&#44256;?
TRANS: going to filming, gogo

Via @ShinsFriends
@Heedictator &#51648;&#44552;&#51060;&#49884;&#44036;&#50640; &#50612;&#46356;&#44048;&#50857;??? &#52264;&#53440;&#44256;&#44032;&#45716;&#44144;&#47732; &#49900;&#49900;&#53440;&#54028; &#44256;&#44256; &#54840; &#12622;&#12622;
TRANS: @Heedictator Where are you going now?? If you taking a car, go to ShimShimTaPa GoGo Ho&#12622;&#12622;

Via @Heedictator
@ShinsFriends &#46972;&#46132;&#45716; &#54869;&#49892;&#55176; &#49900;&#49900;&#53440;&#54028;&#44032; &#51697;&#51060;&#45908;&#46972;
TRANS: @ShinsFriends ShimShimTaPa is definately a jjang radio

dari sini sampai bawah....

Via @Heedictator
&#52828;&#44396;&#44032; &#49373;&#44220;&#50612;.. &#44540;&#45936; &#47784;&#46160;&#44032; &#48708;&#48128;&#47196; &#54644;&#51452;&#44600; &#48148;&#46972;&#45768;&#44620; &#45572;&#44400;&#51648; &#47568;&#54616;&#51652; &#50506;&#51012;&#44172;.. &#44536;&#45285; &#51060;&#54644;&#54644;&#51452;&#44256; &#51025;&#50896;&#54644;&#51500;&#51004;&#47732; &#54644;.. &#45216; &#50883;&#44172; &#54644;&#51452;&#45716; &#49324;&#46988;.. &#51060;&#45768;&#49500;&#51060;&#46972;&#46020; &#50024;&#50556;&#54616;&#45208;….
TRANS: I have a friend.. But alot of people wants me to keep it a secret, so I shall not say it.. Just hope that people can support and understand.. The person that can make me smile.. Should I write in short-form….

Via @BoA_1105
@Heedictator &#47956;&#44032; &#49688;&#49345;&#54620; &#45252;&#49352;&#44032;….
TRANS: @Heedictator Smell something suspicious

Via @ShinsFriends
@Heedictator &#50669;&#49884; &#50640;&#51060; &#44536;&#47000;&#46020; ….. &#50689;&#49828;&#44032;….&#44536;&#47100; &#46160;&#48264;&#51704; &#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;
TRANS: @Heedictator This is also ….. Then Youngstreet….Is the second &#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;

Via @ryeong9
&#49352;&#48317;&#50640; &#47673;&#45716; &#47932;&#54924;&#50752; &#49352;&#50864;&#53888;&#44608;~~^^ &#45824;&#48149;&#51060;&#45796; &#12619;&#12619;
TRANS: Early in the morning eating Mulhway and fried prawn~~^^ This is Daebak&#12619;&#12619;

Via @Heedictator
@ShinsFriends &#47956;&#49548;&#47532;&#50556; &#50689;&#49828;&#45716; &#45817;&#44540; &#48764;&#50556;&#51648;~ &#45236;&#44736; &#46972;&#46132;&#44228;&#51032; &#47784;&#47000;&#49884;&#44228;&#46972; &#52397;&#52712;&#50984; 60%&#45336;&#50612;~ &#45236; &#46972;&#46356;&#50724;&#45716; &#46972;&#46356;&#50724;&#44032; &#50500;&#45768;&#50556; &#44284;&#54617;&#51060;&#50556;
TRANS: @ShinsFriends What are you saying Youngstreet isn’t counted~ My radio’s listening rate is left with 60%~ My radio isn’t radio, it is a science

Via @Heedictator
@BoA_1105 &#45320;&#54620;&#53580; &#51236; &#47676;&#51200; &#49548;&#44060;&#49884;&#53020;&#51460;&#44172; &#49324;&#51652; &#48372;&#45236;&#51480;&#50556;&#44192;&#45796; &#49324;&#51652; &#49373;&#44592;&#47732;~?
TRANS: @BoA_1105 Will introduce to you first, should show you the photo, if there is~

Via @ShinsFriends
@Heedictator &#49800;&#53412;&#47532;&#44032;&#44536;&#47100;&#44852;&#51648;&#12619;
TRANS: @Heedictator KTR is just like that right&#12619;

Via @Heedictator
@ShinsFriends &#49800;&#53412;&#47532;&#45716; &#47952;&#50556;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#50620;&#47480; &#51088;&#51088;~ &#45212; &#47560;&#49912;&#51648; &#48155;&#45716;&#45796;~ &#50669;&#49884; &#51652;&#51221;&#54620; &#45224;&#51088;&#45716; &#47560;&#49912;&#51648;&#47484; &#48155;&#51004;&#47732;&#49436; &#53944;&#50948;&#53552;&#47484; &#54616;&#45716; &#47588;&#47141;&#51064;&#46319;~
TRANS: @ShinsFriends What is KTR&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;Faster go sleep~ I have a message/ received an sms~ Definately a true man, the charm of tweeting while receiving sms/message~

Via @Heedictator
“&#44536;&#49324;&#46988;” &#51008; &#50864;&#47532; &#47784;&#46160;&#47484; &#50948;&#54644; &#48120;&#44417;&#51004;&#47196; &#45347;&#50612;&#46160;&#44192;&#50612;~&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#52828;&#44396;&#54620;&#53580; &#47928;&#51088;&#44032; &#54616;&#45208; &#50772;&#45716;&#45936;.. &#48960;&#47197;&#45228;&#45208;&#12641;&#12641;^
TRANS: “That person” for everyone,lets’ put it/ hide it in the maze ~&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;Friend sent me a message/sms.. Has it been revealed&#12641;&#12641;^

Via @Heedictator
&#51060;&#51473;&#53944;&#47017;&#51068;&#51648;&#46020;.. &#51221;&#47568; &#50668;&#51088;&#52828;&#44396;&#44032; &#51080;&#45716;&#45936; &#51060;&#47088;&#49885;&#51004;&#47196; &#45210;&#50500;&#49436; “&#47952;&#50556;~&#12619;” &#46972;&#44256; &#49373;&#44033;&#54616;&#44172; &#47564;&#46308;&#50632;&#51648;&#47564; &#49892;&#51228;&#47200; &#51652;&#51676; &#50672;&#50528;&#47484; &#54616;&#44256; &#51080;&#51012;&#51648;&#46020;!!&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#44867;&#51086;&#46308;&#51060;&#50668; &#53076;&#45212;&#51060; &#46112;&#44163;&#51064;&#44032; &#47784;&#47532;&#53456;&#51221;&#51060; &#46112;&#44163;&#51064;&#44032;! &#51068;&#45800;&#51008; &#54056;&#50416;&#12619;&#12619;
TRANS: Could be double trap.. Perhaps already had a girlfriend but used this method to make everyone think “What is this~&#12619;” But isn’t accurate to say that currently in a relationship!!&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619etals you all are going to become Konan or Detective Moli! Pass first&#12619;&#12619;

Via @ShinsFriends
&#50500;&#48176;&#48520;!!!! &#47784;&#46160;&#47784;&#46160; &#44415;&#45208;&#51079;!!!!!
TRANS: Ah so full!!!! Everyone goodnight!!!!!

Via @BoA_1105
@Heedictator &#12619;&#12619; &#50669;&#49884; &#50668;&#51088;&#50500;&#45776;&#51460;&#50508;&#50520;&#45796;!!!!!!!!! &#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#45824;~~~~~~&#48149;!!!! &#51096;&#51088;&#50836;^^ &#55148;&#49692;&#50728;&#45768;^^
TRANS: @Heedictator &#12619;&#12619; Definately I know couldnt’ be a woman!!!!!!!!! &#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;&#12619;Dae~~~~~~Bak!!!! Sleep well^^ Heesun unnie^^

Via @Heedictator
@BoA_1105 &#50669;&#49884; &#45320;&#48150;&#50640; &#50630;&#45796;! &#50724;&#48736; &#51652;&#51676; &#50668;&#51088;&#52828;&#44396; &#49373;&#44596;&#44144;&#47732; &#52629;&#54616;&#54644;!!&#46972;&#45768;~ &#50136;&#44032;&#47532;&#47564;&#53372; &#49692;&#49688;&#54620; &#45236;&#46041;&#49373;~
TRANS: @BoA_1105 Definately know me best! Have to congrats me if oppa really has a girlfriend!!The sister as pure as the mandarin fish~

Credit: @BoA_1105, @Heedictator, @ShinsFriends, @special1004, @ryeong9
Translated by: minoko2440 @
Photo of Shindong as a girl credited as tagged
Take out with full credits and DO NOT ADD YOURSELF TO THE CREDITS

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:18 PM | Show all posts
emm..kalo ko nk tahu

orgnyer ..aku laaa

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:20 PM | Show all posts
emm..kalo ko nk tahu

orgnyer ..aku laaa
limau Post at 23-8-2010 12:18

tade maknanya!! u punye r/ship dgn heenim dah lame kantoi..ini baru punye..

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:25 PM | Show all posts
kia, limau

ni ha....
amyhisashi Post at 23-8-2010 12:15 PM

wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... a'ah la. dr twitter dia tu, nmpk mcm skg dia tgk dating some one... i wonder who's the lucky girl!!

ceh, perahsan x hingat la ko...

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:32 PM | Show all posts
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... a'ah la. dr twitter dia tu, nmpk mcm skg dia tgk dating some one... i wo ...
rukiaichigo Post at 23-8-2010 12:25

tapi kan..lepas aku baca byk2 kali..terase mcm gambar tue yg dimaksudkan...sbb boa kate kat bawah tue... i knew it, it's not a woman..

tapi tatau la..kalo gambo tue stakat nak kaberina..sbb heenim ckp kalo betul die ade, nnt die nak kenalkan dgn boa..

tadi tgk tweet pic wookie, laki ko nampak mcm dah sihat jer..beso sengih die..

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:35 PM | Show all posts
nnt heenim jadik cameo dlm mv sistar...mmg mabeles mamat nie...
dgn kete beso, kot silver...

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:38 PM | Show all posts
tadi tgk tweet pic wookie, laki ko nampak mcm dah sihat jer..beso sengih die..
amyhisashi Post at 23-8-2010 12:32 PM

tngu & lihat jer la pasal kes heechul ni. dia pun bukan nyer betul sgt kan...

aku tgk time sm town concert pun dia mcm dah siaht skit. tp time concert tu rs nyer hujan, so maybe x sihat betul2!! wei, tepek sini skit gmbr laki ai tu... aku xleh bukak twitter la...

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:39 PM | Show all posts
nnt heenim jadik cameo dlm mv sistar...mmg mabeles mamat nie...
dgn kete beso, kot silver...
amyhisashi Post at 23-8-2010 12:35 PM

wah, yeker? biler nyer mv tu nak kuar??

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:41 PM | Show all posts
br tgk gmbr dr twtr kyu... wah, dia bergmbr dgn jung woosung time kat back stage sm town concert...

and mmg nmpk la kyu mcm dah sihat skit...

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:44 PM | Show all posts
tngu & lihat jer la pasal kes heechul ni. dia pun bukan nyer betul sgt kan...

aku tgk ti ...
rukiaichigo Post at 23-8-2010 12:38

mmg..mamat tue bukan betul..ntah2 die sibuk hint pasal die jadik cameo tue..
suker la tgk smtown punye official goods...memasing ensem...

cr: as tagged, weibo, HAE_GIRLS, huy_m, sinmun91, TwELFs [twitter]

aler, aku x jumpe la pic tue..aku ganti dgn yg nie..

motipp aku rase heenim lagik merembes dari taemin...

cr: as tagged, weibo, HAE_GIRLS, huy_m, sinmun91, TwELFs, KyuhyunBiased [twitter]

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:45 PM | Show all posts
wah, yeker? biler nyer mv tu nak kuar??
rukiaichigo Post at 23-8-2010 12:39

coming soon kot....pic teaser dah kuar dah sikit...heechul drive keto beso, pastu anto awek sampai depan rumah..
very the gentleman gitu..

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:51 PM | Show all posts
and nmpk gmbr dr twtr wookie, dia snap gmbr kyu tgh men piano dr blkg... haila, permandangan kyu dr blkg pun sgt la indah....

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:54 PM | Show all posts
mmg..mamat tue bukan betul..ntah2 die sibuk hint pasal die jadik cameo tue..
suker la t ...
amyhisashi Post at 23-8-2010 12:44 PM

nnt kalo ko jumpa gmbr tu, ko bg aku link nyer ek...

aku pun suka gak goodies smtown tu. yg gmbr muka2 dorg tu, bromide ker??
even dorg simple jer pakai t's putih, still lg nmpk gorjes kan...

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:54 PM | Show all posts
and nmpk gmbr dr twtr wookie, dia snap gmbr kyu tgh men piano dr blkg... haila, permandangan kyu dr  ...
rukiaichigo Post at 23-8-2010 12:51

putih betul la die tue....
jauh beza dgn changmin.....

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Post time 23-8-2010 12:57 PM | Show all posts
nnt kalo ko jumpa gmbr tu, ko bg aku link nyer ek...

aku pun suka gak goodies smtown tu. ...
rukiaichigo Post at 23-8-2010 12:54

kan??? betul2 innesen punye pics tue..ngadap muka derang ari2 pun tape...

lagi 5 minit..then aku off tido..nak release tensen...

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Post time 23-8-2010 01:00 PM | Show all posts tido dulu..
petang nie mungkin x masuk...ade ceramah..angkut beg terus....

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Post time 23-8-2010 01:02 PM | Show all posts tido dulu..
petang nie mungkin x masuk...ade ceramah..angkut beg terus....
amyhisashi Post at 23-8-2010 01:00 PM

orait, amy... selamat tido. selamat mendgr ceramah kul 3ptg nnt & selamat berbuka...

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Post time 23-8-2010 01:26 PM | Show all posts
nak tido kejap jugak la.....

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