Golongan Homoseksual/ Gay Muslim (merged: Muntz, spinning_gasing)
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petikan daripada sebuah laman web ttg menjadi gay dan muslim...
For Salman Husainy, an autumn drive four years ago was the moment of truth. Sitting in the passenger seat of his sister Shaheen's car, he blurted out what he'd long known but kept hidden.
"I'm gay," Husainy said. Shocked, Shaheen bumped into the car in front of her. The minor accident didn't cause any damage, and Shaheen parked the car on the side of the road so they could talk. "Are you sure? We don't have any gay people in our community," Shaheen said.
Like most Muslims, Shaheen had never imagined that someone praying beside her at the mosque could be gay. Since Islam teaches that homosexuality is wrong, gay members often keep their sexual orientation in the closet.
Gay Muslims aren't the most visible group, but they also aren't insignificant: Of the one to three million Muslims living in the United States, an estimated 10 percent are gay. Some, like Husainy, have come to terms with their homosexuality. For others, confessing their sexual orientation remains a distant dream. They fear shaming their family and losing respect at their mosque.
"Honestly, I do feel that it's wrong," said Sheikh Mustafa during a web chat. Mustafa is a gay Muslim living in Singapore. "Islamic teaching prohibits gay activities. I'm trying to be straight to be close to Allah. I'm praying very hard."
Iftekhar Hai, Director of Interfaith Relations for the United Muslims of America, says that homosexuality is unnatural. He points to a verse in the Quoran where the prophet Lut says "For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing."
"According to the scripture, there's no doubt," Hai said. "It's not right and proper."
Gay Muslims look for alternative interpretations to Islam's view on homosexuality. One gay Muslim is training to be an imam, or religious scholar, in Washington D.C. He prefers to go by Abdala because other Muslim scholars don't know he's gay. Abdala hopes to use his education to help fellow gay Muslims come to terms with their sexuality.
"I'm training to be an imam so I can provide a better service of how to live in this society," Abdala said. Abdala does not believe that the Quoran condemns homosexuality. He explains that in the religious text, men are punished 'for raping and abusing other men' not for engaging in consensual sex.
"I've always challenged scholars because they're heterosexual and that's why they interpreted it that way," Abdala said. "I think I'm breaking new ground."
Still, Abdala acknowledges that he hasn't been open about his homosexuality in training. His instructors have said that being gay is going against good ethics and morals. He worries that coming out would impede the training process and hurt his chances of graduation. If Abdala doesn't graduate, he won't be able to offer religious services to other gay Muslims.
Abdala has good reason to worry. Traditional Muslim scholars don't accept alternative interpretations to the Quoran. Hamza Yusuf, a Muslim scholar at the Bay Area's Zaytuna Institute, condemns those who try to find new meaning in the holy text.
"If one considers it acceptable in Islam [to be gay], then he or she is not considered to be a Muslim by consensus of the scholars," Yusuf said. "On this I know no debate whatsoever."
Gay Muslims, unable to turn to religious leaders, look for alternative support networks. Messages posted on Al-fatija, a support group and web site for gay Muslims, reveal the complexities of being gay and Muslim.
"Looking for a Lesbian friend and maybe marriage," reads the heading on one personal from a gay man seeking a show marriage. "I'm in a four-year relationship with my partner whom I love dearly, but there is also my family who is on the other side pushing for marriage," the author writes. "I feel like a rag doll in the middle of a tug of war, and for all of you who are in the same boat, you know what a difficult position this puts us in...I've come to realize that I cannot be the only one in the world in this predicament. So if you are a lesbian Muslim in a similar situation, I'd love to talk to you, and maybe we could help each other out."
Muslims feel obligated to marry and produce children. The traditional family structure emphasizes extended family, and Islam advocates populating the world with more Muslims.
"The pressure builds because you're supposed to extend this family," said Ghalib Dhalla, a gay Muslim and author. "There's a lot of cherished hopes that I can't consummate."
Since many gay Muslims remain in the closet, they are an elusive group. When asked for a number, gay Muslims throw out ten percent (the estimate given to gays within the general population), but all admit that it's tough to pin down. At an Al-fatija conference in San Francisco last year, about 250 gay Muslims attended. Many spoke of Al-fatija communities in their own towns. The group can't be used as a measuring tool, however, since Al-fatija members are only one portion of the gay community. Joining requires a level of personal acceptance that some gay Muslims haven't achieved.
Personal experience doesn't reveal much more. Unlike race, religion isn't obvious to someone cruising the gay night scene. When Dhalla visits a Los Angeles gay bar, he'll nod to fellow South Asians. Are they Muslim? Dhalla doesn't know, and doesn't care.
"Gay culture is not so much about religion as much as what appeals to you visually," Dhalla said. Many gay Muslims prefer a low profile, and they aren't about to announce their religion and background at a bar or club. When Arslan Durrani spies fellow South Asians at gay bars in San Francisco's Castro district, they often avoid him. "They want to be anonymous," Durrani said.
Salman Husainy no longer wants to be anonymous. He spent his early years in Pakistan, where his only introduction to gays was the hijras: hermaphrodites who dress in women's clothing and perform at weddings. Hijras are both ridiculed and feared in Pakistan. Laughing behind the performers' backs is okay, but beware of angering one of them; the entertainers can give curses or blessings at birth ceremonies and weddings.
Beyond the hijras, gay relationships are kept in the closet in Pakistan. Section 377 of the Pakistani penal code says that two men practicing intercourse can be stoned to death, but the rule is rarely implemented. More often, gays are ostracized from friends and family.
It wasn't until college at UC Irvine that Husainy managed to accept his own homosexuality. Not long after, he decided to confront his family. After initial shock -- and that minor fender bender -- Shaheen provided needed moral support. "If that's what you are, stand up for it," Shaheen said. Shaheen was easy. His parents were another matter. He decided to prepare them for the news. Husainy showed his family a Lifetime movie about Greg Louganis, the Olympia diver who was gay and had AIDS. He told his parents that he was interning at an AIDS center in Orange County. "You have to be careful with those kinds of people," his mother said.
On Thanksgiving weekend, Husainy carefully scripted an introduction to his announcement. When he sat down with his parents, though, the script went right out the window. "There are all sorts of people," Husainy said. "I'm gay." His parents asked what that meant, and Husainy tried to explain. His mother was horrified. "You need to go to the mosque every day and pray," she said. "We should have never brought you to America. You got this disease."
His father stepped in. "Wait," his father said. "Husainy is our son. We must learn."
Learning came gradually. Husainy went back to college. When his parents called, they avoided the topic. Husainy always brought it up. "How are you doing?" he'd ask. "Do you want me to send you literature?"
On another visit home, his father pulled him aside to talk. "There are so many diseases out there," his father said. "You need to be safe."
"Are you talking about safe sex?" Husainy asked, incredulous. In the Muslim community, safe sex conversations aren't the norm. Husainy assured his father that he protected himself. His father was relieved, and Husainy was encouraged that he'd brought it up.
"From that day on, it was more open," Husainy recalls. Inside his parent's household, Husainy could be gay. "At least he's not disabled," his father reasoned.
At the mosque, it was a different story. His parents worried that their son would bring the family shame. "Have a low profile," they urged him. "Don't go to gay pride parades. Don't get on TV."
Husainy has followed their wishes. He doesn't advertise his homosexuality at the mosque. Close friends know, but the mosque's leaders do not. Husainy feels lucky. He estimates that among South Asian gays he knows, half are out and half are still closeted. He won't encourage someone to come out to his family, though.
"It's up to the individual," Husainy said. "If they feel that they won't be thrown out of the home. They need to assess that."
As Husainy sits in his Los Angeles office and looks at an old picture of himself - closeted, unhappy and overweight -it's obvious how far he's come. Now, he counsels women on welfare at a mental health clinic, and his colleagues all know that he's gay. As his coworkers prepare to head home for the night, he sticks his head into the hallway. "Alice, let me see the dress! You look hot, honey!" he says, doing a little dance move. Stepping back in the office, he explains, "She's going clubbing tonight and she's wearing the black dress."
He flips through the photo album, and his eyes linger on a picture of himself and a young man reclining on a couch. "I just started dating him," he says. I note that he's cute. "I know!" he says gleefully. "I am so excited!" At that moment, he sounds like anyone starting a new relationship, giddy with the promise of new love. Salman Husainy is gay and Muslim, and he's okay with it. His family, though reluctantly, has become okay with it too.
Husainy has achieved acceptance within his family, but the larger Muslim community might be another story. To most straight Muslims, being gay is just plain wrong.
"I've been told by my Muslim friends about how sinful homosexuality is, but I never think it's true," said Abdul Razak Kollikathara, a gay Muslim from San Jose. As a religious scholar, Hai knows the Muslim community. He says that being gay is a taboo among Muslims, and attitudes aren't likely to change. "Ninety-nine percent of Muslims feel that it's wrong because the Quoran says so," Hai said.
Abdala, the gay Muslim training to be an imam, counters that most Muslims have only been exposed to narrow viewpoints on homosexuality. "They're unable to think for themselves," Abdala said. "There's a blind following." With more exposure and education, Abdala feels, Muslims could see the Quoran's take on homosexuality in a different light.
Some gays remain skeptical that Islam will ever accept homosexuality. Oakland resident Arslan Durrani believes that gay Muslims are a bunch of hypocrites. Durrani is gay, and while he was raised as a Muslim, he has denounced his faith. "Where in the Quoran does it say that it's okay to suck dick but wrong to eat pork?" Durrani said. "It's just the usual bull**** you get from people trying to reconcile their homosexuality with spirituality."
Durrani grew up in Pakistan and came to the United States at age 22. He says that in Pakistan, sex among men is common, but they don't label themselves as gay. As long as the men marry and have children -- fulfilling their duties -- they can sleep around on the side.
Ghalib Dhalla explained that it depends on who is administering the sexual act. "If I get blown, I'm not gay," Dhalla said.
Durrani began to realize that he was more attracted to men than women in high school. He tried to ignore the feelings and remained a devout Muslim, praying five times a day. He believed that he had a sickness that needed to be cured.
When Durrani started college in Pakistan, he met a couple of professors who were atheists. He started reading the works of atheist authors, and realized that all those years of praying and crying to God hadn't done anything for him. Durrani's parents were beginning to pressure him about marriage, and his father tried to pair him with a cousin who lived in Austria. "That'd be a nightmare," Durrani said. "I'm not about to make a huge sacrifice, and I'd also be ruining a girl's life because I could never love a girl."
Durrani left Pakistan on his own at 22, and in eight years, he hasn't been back. He received asylum in the United States. As attorney general, Janet Reno added a clause to immigration law which offers asylum for those who will be prosecuted in their home country based on their sexual orientation. Durrani says that he'd feel threatened in Pakistan because he's vocal about his homosexuality and his atheism.
"I could be beheaded or hanged," Durrani said. "If I said something blasphemous and a mob killed me, they can't be held accountable."
Durrani hasn't told his parents that he's gay or that he's an atheist. He has no immediate plans to do so. When he confessed his sexual orientation to two educated friends in Pakistan, they were horrified.
"If my friends, who are highly educated and from my generation, find this difficult to accept, my god, my parents? Who are in their late fifties and not very educated?" Durrani said. Telling his parents that he's an atheist would be even worse. "Even if I'm leading an immoral life and sleeping with boys, there's hope," Durrani said. "But with this, I'm giving God the finger. It would hurt them that their son is going to hell."
The divide between Durrani and his parents is tough, but Durrani says that being in America makes it easier. Many of his American friends aren't close to their extended families. Durrani is active in Trikone, a support network for South Asian gays, and often engages in religious discussions with fellow South Asians. He says that he's given up trying to convince his Muslim friends that what they're doing doesn't make sense. "They don't want to give up their desires but they want to hold onto the security blanket of God," Durrani said.
Durrani has rejected Islam, but he faces the same obstacles as religious gays in coming out to a Muslim family. Gay Muslims must consider not only themselves, but also how their homosexuality will reflect upon their families.
San Jose resident Abdul Razak Kollikathara hasn't told his family that he's gay, and he worries about how the news would affect them. He hashes out the problem over a latte and pot of tea in a Palo Alto coffee shop one evening. Although Kollikathara is unemployed at the moment, he dresses stylishly in a button down and slacks, blending in well with the cafe's yuppie after-work crowd.
Sipping his coffee, Kollikathara explains his background. He grew up in a Muslim family in India, and all of his siblings are in arranged marriages. His sisters married very conservative men. Kollikathara believes that if he came out to his sisters and their husbands found out, it could be grounds for divorce.
"The problem with coming out is the shame that it'd bring to the family," Kollikathara says. Honesty is important, but so is family. Kollikathara stares into his coffee, wanting answers for a question that has no easy solution. "Maybe I could come out to my sisters and say don't tell your husbands," he ponders. Moments later, he changes tracks. "Coming out -- it's just not worth it."
Iftekhar Hai welcomes the reporter into the front hallway and waits while shoes are slipped off. It's evening, and his house smells of spicy Indian food. A group sits cross legged on the floor of the living room, singing and strumming sitars. Hai whispers that his wife is one of the singers, and she comes here every week for her music lesson. The Quoran lesson takes place in a room down the hallway. He has brought along two copies of the book, and the beginner-friendly text includes an index which lists "homosexuality" and provides page and verse numbers. To Hai, each verse stands as proof that being gay is wrong.
Halfway through the lesson, the woman of the house brings in a tray with Indian tea and baklava. Her head is covered with a pink shawl. She smiles, says nothing, and leaves the tray on a table. Hai rejects the baklava because his doctor has warned against sugar, but reaches for a tea cup. As he sips the tea, creamy from added milk, Hai explains that most homosexuals were abused when they were young. When they age, they become abusers themselves.
"That is the norm," he says. "You see, gay men lack the confidence to screw a woman good." Iftekar Hai has never counseled a gay Muslim, and he doubts that anyone would admit such transgressions to a religious leader. "What would be the reason?" he asks. "Islamic people aren't ready for this kind of thing."
On a recent Saturday night, a group of South Asian gays have gathered for a Trikone potluck. Platters of rice, chicken curry, dumplings, and chips and salsa cover the dining room table. "We try with the food," one of the men laughs, noting the lack of culinary- proficient women at such celebrations.
Traditional gender roles are still accepted by these decidedly untraditional men. Wine is poured into plastic cups, and bottles of beer are passed around. When plates are scraped clean, the lights are dimmed and a CD is popped into the stereo. A popular Indian song sounds from the speakers. Kollikathara hops out of his chair and whips off his black leather jacket to reveal a tight white sleeveless t-shirt. He walks over to a slim South Asian man, takes his hand, and leads him to the center of the living room. The two dance close as the rest of the men cheer from their sofa seats.
After a brief intimate dance, Kollikathara is ready to get the party started. He ignores bashful protests and yanks men from the chairs and onto the dance floor. Pretty soon, inhibitions are gone, the music is rocking, and the South Asian gays are dancing and laughing. Here, it's okay to be gay and Muslim. No explanations needed. No tears, no lost dreams, no cries that you're going to hell. Just music, friends, and people who understand. |
nur_amin This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Muntz at 25-12-2005 09:44 PM
ini satu persoalan yg menarik. adakah sama berdosa melihat aurat wanita pada lelaki heterosexual dgn melihat aurat lelaki pada lelaki homoseksual? aku rasa ini sesuatu yg menarik utk dibincang.
Ya...berdasarkan penerangan yang terperinci dalam buku Bahaya
Homoseks ( Liwat) ini, menyatakan hukumnya adalah sama...berdasarkan bukti peristiwa yang dinyatakan untuk keterangan lanjut anda
sendiri boleh dapatkan buku tersebut....
pada permulaan pembacaan saya terhadap buku ini memang ader
rasa kesangsian terhadap fakta yang diberikan tetapi setelah saya
bertanya kepada yang lebih arif dan katanya boleh digunapakai sebab
penerangan dlm buku ni melibatkan perbincangan dan buah fikiran
4 mazhab yang utama, para sahabat Rasulullah, Tabii'n di samping
hadis dan juga firman Allah s.w.t yang ader hubungkaitnya dengan
isu yang dibincangkan... |
nur_amin This user has been deleted
Bagi saya posting ttg rentetan hidup bagi seorang gay adalah agak
touching bila baca cerita tu rasa macam berada di oversea
pulak...fakta yang dinyatakan adalah berbentuk kajian kes psikologi
yang dikategorikan sebagai sains sosial masyarakat...apa yang saya
faham susana kehidupan gay ini memang mengalami tekanan drp
pelbagai pihak dan dia perlu kuat menghadapinya, di sebabkan
masalah tersebut ader di antara watak dlm cerita sanggup menukar
agama demi mencari suatu kehidupan yang free tujuan
utamanya adalah untuk membebaskan dirinya drp belenggu masalah...untuk menuruti hawa nafsu....
Cuma bagi saya watak yang ditonjolkan oleh Husainy sahaja agak
berbeza dan setiap satu watak tersebut kita boleh buat
perbandingan. Cerita ini boleh dijadikan iktibar kepada kita.Yang pasti golongan gay/lesbian adalah dikategorikan sebagai golongan yang
* Suasana berbeza dilihat di Malaysia di mana golongan gay ini masih
tidak berubah walaupun usaha berkali-kali oleh pihak Mastika dan juga badan agama bagi membanteras aktiviti mereka dilakukan berkali-kali. Majalah Al-Islam Januari 2006 juga membincangkan perkara yang
sama di mana khunsa di kategorikan kepada dua; khunsa semulajadi
bermasalah dr segi fizikal dan jiwa yang ader dua alat kelamin dan
khunsa yang bermasalah dr segi mental dan jiwa ..hanya khunsa yang digolongkan kepada kategori yang pertama sahaja boleh menukar
jantina. Memang saya bersetuju.Diri saya adalah golongan kedua.
WHI juga ader membongkarkan isu tentang transeksual ini dengan
menjemput 2 tetamu khas seorang maknyah transeksual dan seorang
lagi straight gay bagi membincangkan isu ini dijemput juga seorang
kaunselor tempatan yang berpengalaman dlm mengendalikan
golongan gay ini untuk memberikan kaunseling...pada keseluruhannya memang saya berpuashati terhadap aper yang dibincangkan dan
kaunselor tersebut mengatakan terapi @rawatan yang dijalankan
memakan masa bertahun-tahun untuk pemulihan bagi golongan ini,
dan memerlukan jangkamasa yang panjang. |
they r human
and nice people..
hmm.... |
yg sy pernah bc..
Setdknya, ada 3 hukuman berat terhdp pelaku homoseksual:
Pertama; Dibunuh.
Pr ulama mengatakn, "Dalil atas hal ini adlh bhw Allah SWT menjdkn Hadd (hukuman) ats org yg membunuh jiwa manusia diserahkn kpd pilihan wali dr korban; dibunuh @ dimaafkn ttp pelakunya harus membyr denda (diyat) atas hal itu. Namun hal ini berbeda dgn kasus homoseksual. Allah SWT mengenakn Hadd yg pasti (tegas) sbgmn yg disepakati pr sahabat Rasulullah SAW berdsrkn dalil2 dr as-Sunnah yg begitu tegas yg x ada perttgan atasnya, bahkn demikian pula yg dilakukn oleh para shahabat dn al-Khulafa` ar-Rasyidun.
Ke2; Dibakar.
Terdpt riwayat yg valid dr Khalid bin al-Walid RA bhw ia pernah menemukn di suatu daerah pinggiran perkampungan Arab seorg laki2 yg menikah dgn sesamanya layaknya wanita yg dinikahkn. Mk, ia pn mengabarkn hal itu kpd Abu Bakar as-Shiddiq RA. Lalu beliau meminta pendpt pr sahabat yg lain, di antaranya 'Ali bin Abi Thalib RA yg mengambil pendpt yg sgt tegas. Ia mengatakn, "Menurutku, hukumannya dibakar dgn api." Mk Abu Bakar pn mengirimkn balasan kpd Khalid bhw hukumannya 'dibakar.'
Ke3; Dilempar dgn Batu Stlh Dijungkalkn dr Tempat Yg Tinggi.
'Abdullah bin 'Abbas RA, "Perlu dicari dulu, mana bangunan yg paling tinggi di suatu perkampungan, lalu si homoseks dilempar drnya dgn posisi terbalik, kemudian dibaringi dgn lemparan batu ke arahnya." Ibn 'Abbas mengambil hukuman (Hadd) ini sbg hukuman Allah SWT atas homoseks.
wassalam.. |
Originally posted by carpet at 26-12-2005 06:06 PM
yg sy pernah bc..
Setdknya, ada 3 hukuman berat terhdp pelaku homoseksual:
Pertama; Dibunuh.
Pr ulama mengatakn, "Dalil atas hal ini adlh bhw Allah SWT menjdkn Hadd ...
Hairannya tulisan yang dimula dan diakhiri dengan perkataan 'salam' tapi di tengah-tengahnya penuh berisi kebencian dan keganasan.
Tak ada bezanya dengan sumpah seranah, cuma bersalut gula. Manusiakah ini |
Originally posted by rami_ayyash at 29-9-2003 04:17 PM
Memang tidak dapat dinafikan disekeliling kita ramai kengkawan kita yang nalurinya menjurus kepada suka kaum sejenis, biler kiter jumper orang cenggini dikalangan kiter apa yang patut kita buat?:stp:
...apa yang patut kita buat???...hmmmm...pada aku...senang jer...either ko terima atau tolak kehadiran mereka nie...dan to me..there is no right or wrong answer here sebab your choice is your prerogative...apa2 pun keputusan yang korang buat korang kenalah deal and live with it...
...so...kalau korang nak terima...terimalah....tu hak korang...kalau korang nak tolak....tolaklah...tu pun hak korang...
....tapi...as for me...aku rasa it is very important untuk kita ingat yang kita nie hidup bermaysarakat...dan masyarakat yang kita hidup bersama nie terdiri daripada bermacam bangsa...agama...dan lapisan manusia...dan...mana2 kita pi pon...the situation is the same...
...to me...gay nie pon manusia jugak...dorang nie pon ada jugak contribute to the society...dorang kerja macam kita jugak per...sumbangan dorang terhadap negara memang tak dapat kita nafikan...cuma kelakonan dan kemahuan sexs dorang jer yang berbeza...nie citarasa masing2...dan memang citarasa dorang nie bertentangan dengan adat dan hukum ugama...but hey...tu antara dorang dengan tuhan dorang...masing masing punya hal...yang penting...kita semua bley hidup aman damai...dan tak gadoh2...
...tapi...kadang2 tu...aku terpikir jugak...eeerrr...sorry arr if i sound so crude...but just want to ask you guys something...you guys yang konon2nya straight pple lah....where do you think gays insert their dicks when they are engaging in their sexual relationship???....yeap....the same s-hole that some of you normal pple like to do...and how about blowjobs???....yeah...im sure some of you normal and straight pple have done it too and love that too rite....hmmmm....interesting to note that actually you normal pple do have something in common with the gays....
...bottomline...sudahlah tu...jangan terlalu mencarik keaiban orang lain...cariklah aib kita sendiri dan perbaikilah mana yang patut...so...i would just leave them alone with their private bisnis...cos really...its none of my bisnis....
Originally posted by Normala17 at 26-12-2005 07:41 PM
Hairannya tulisan yang dimula dan diakhiri dengan perkataan 'salam' tapi di tengah-tengahnya penuh berisi kebencian dan keganasan.
Tak ada bezanya dengan sumpah seranah, cuma bersalut gula. ...
bkn sumpah seranah...sy cuma mengemukakn apa yg tlh sy bc...lgpn..yg sy kemukakn itu adalah hadis
diharap cik mala x slh tafsir dgn apa yg sy cuba sampaikn... |
BHAI-SUCI This user has been deleted
Originally posted by blackmore at 26-12-2005 08:34 PM
...apa yang patut kita buat???...hmmmm...pada aku...senang jer...either ko terima atau tolak kehadiran mereka nie...dan to me..there is no right or wrong answer here seba ...
I agree with U.. yg paling aku tk paham jenis yg tk ngaku gay, kutuk2 gay, screwing women but don c any fault in screwing men too.. to them it's just purely physical n dat comes back to ur pt wats the diff. btw them n de gays |
Originally posted by BHAI-SUCI at 26-12-2005 09:15 PM
I agree with U.. yg paling aku tk paham jenis yg tk ngaku gay, kutuk2 gay, screwing women but don c any fault in screwing men too.. to them it's just purely physical n dat comes back to ur pt ...
...biasalah Bhai...sapa nak ngaku kelemahan diri sendiri???...dah namanya manusia...hehehe:cak: |
nur_amin This user has been deleted
Untuk Blackmore dan BHAI-SUCI bagi saya pula, sepatutnya kena la
ader perasaan ingin membantu mereka rasanya tak payah la
mempersoalkan tentang mereka yang tak mengaku gay ni,
buang karen jer...simple je perbetulkan sahaja aper yang tak betul
masa saya belajar dulu aderla kawan yang ader awek saya rasa rimas
pastu saya tanya kat dia macamana dgn kau ni? ...:stp:pastu dia kata
bergantung pada niat seseorang saya pun rasa pening kepala, tak
tahu nak cakap aper lagi... dan yang jenis gay pula bila suruh
insaf dia tak nak... banyak bagi alasan...dah beratus-ratus kali
nasihat...bagi saya kedua-dua golongan ni sama sahaja...seolah-olah
dah sentuh benda haram jadi payah nak bawa mereka supaya
mencintaiNYA, biar mereka tahu bagaimana rasanya mencintai
Allah s.w.t yang memerlukan mujahadah yang tinggi dan kesabaran...
jangan ingat nak seronok je..yang penting nya aper sumbangan kita
nak sedarkan mereka janganlah pandai mengata sahaja...contoh
yang terdekat tu lihat MASTIKA yang sanggup membanteras masalah
sosial di kalangan remaja Melayu Islam...
Baru adil semua kena mujahadah melawan hawa nafsu... |
Originally posted by nur_amin at 29-12-2005 10:45 PM
Untuk Blackmore dan BHAI-SUCI bagi saya pula, sepatutnya kena la
ader perasaan ingin membantu mereka rasanya tak payah la
mempersoalkan tentang mereka yang tak mengaku gay ni,
buang karen jer. ... ...nur_amin...baca balik posting aku...dan fahami betul2...
...lagik satu...bukan aku takmo bantu...tapi...macam ko cakap..bukan senang nak bantu orang2 yang camnie...ada masa ke???...seriously...aku tak de masa...dan...aku tak mo commit myself to something yang aku sendiri kurang faham...tak guna kalau aku bantu sekerat jalan jer...dan aku give up bila new problems crop up...nie hanya akan result in a negative impact to that person yang aku nak bantu...
...so...aku punya point...daripada aku kutuk dorang nie sebab cara hidup dorang yang bercanggah ngan ugama...ada baiknya aku hormati dorang dengan pendirian dan cara hidup dorang...macam aku cakap...tu antara dorang ngan tuhan dorang...especially bila aku sedar yang diri aku sendiri dan amalan2 aku nie semua belum tentu diterimaNya ke tidak...tawakal jer lah...:cak: |
nur_amin This user has been deleted
Originally posted by blackmore at 30-12-2005 03:12 AM
...nur_amin...baca balik posting aku...dan fahami betul2...
...lagik satu...bukan aku takmo bantu...tapi...macam ko cakap..bukan senang nak bantu orang2 yang camnie...ada ...
saya dah fahami mesej kau tu...salah kau juga sebab drp ayat yang
kau taip tu macam main2x jer...itu la sebab nya saya telah salah
sebenarnya maksud saya bukan nak bantu mereka sepenuh masa,
aper yang saya maksudkan adalah contohnya masa kau sembang
dengan mereka , kau secara tak langsung cuba cungkil pengalaman
hidup mereka,secara tak sedar mereka akan ceritakan dan
kemudian kau nasihati la mereka terpulangsamada mereka boleh
terima @sebaliknya janji tugas dah selesai, sebab kewajipan setiap
org Islam jika mampu kena nasihat ke arah kebaikan, itu jer la yang
saya buat masa belajar dulu lebih drp tu memang saya x mampu
tapi aper yang saya perhatikan semasa belajar dulu lelaki ader geng2x@jemaah tersendiri ader yang jenis brutal macam ko, ader yang
sentimental, ader yang pondan, ader yang ahli masjid, ader yang
jenis fleksibel , ader yang jenis skema, ader yang jenis urban,
ader yang jenis yang saya sendiri tak tahu nak kelaskan,
sebab masa belajar dulu saya suka memerhatikan org, menyelidik...
setiap drp geng2x @jemaah ni berbeza-beza,saya tak kawan dgn
pondan sahaja saya dah pernah join kesemuanya...sajer nak
tambahkan pengalaman hidup,ader gap blok pemisahsetiap drp
kumpulan ni tapi bila saya buat macam tu saya rasa :gila::gila::gila:
itu la sebabnya payah nak bergabung dan membantu...masing2x ader
ideologi tersendiri... contoh terbaik tu macam PAS dan UMNO la... |
Originally posted by amorist at 30-9-2003 20:16
Kita ambil direct dari Quran sajalah:
1. Punca:
"Dan (ingatlah) ketika Lut berkata kepada kaumnya: "Sesungguhnya kamu benar-benar mengerjakan perbuatan yang am ...
Dah terang terang Allah swt melaknati perbuatan terkutuk ini tapi sayangnya mereka masih mengatakan naluri mereka memang begitu... Pada aku ini naluri syaitan yang direjam yang akan senantiasa menyesatkan manusia...
Kalau korang perhatikan rupa ruap mereka yang baik homo atau nyah semua tak berseri malah ada yang rupanya sangat lebam dan tak bercahaya ada juga bila dah tua rupa mereka sangat menyeramkan. Mereka sepatutnya go for counselling dan dekat kan diri kepada tuhan dan berdoa insyaallah perasaan yang diganggu syaitan tu akan luput dan hilang. |
klu ikut posting sy yg lepas...sy mmg setuju ngan hukuman bunuh..
tp elok jg klu mrk2 ni diberi kaunseling...yg penting..diorg sendiri mesti rs nak berubah..
then lakukn yg berikut:
1. segera bertaubat kpd Allah SWT..
2. menjauhi dr bergaul ngan lelaki yg tingkah lakunya spt pompuan(pondan)..
3. menlakukn ibadah wajib dgn ikhlas dn teratur..
4. melakukn ibadah sunat spy nafsu dpt dibendung..
wassalam.. |
Originally posted by nur_amin at 30-12-2005 02:52 PM
ader yang jenis brutal macam ko...
...me brutal??? *gulp*.. |
nur_amin This user has been deleted
Terima kasih bagi yang memberikan pendapat...
Bagi saya tabligh boleh menyatupadukan kesemua clik@jemaah
yang saya nyatakan diatas di mana saya dapat melihat pelbagai
jenis manusia yang join jemaah ini bukan setakat yang jenis lelaki
lembut sahaja tetapi yang dulu sikap tak berapa baik bila join tabligh
mereka lebih banyak beramal dan telah ader kesedaran ini
berdasarkankepada pengalaman hidup mereka yang telah diceritakan
kepada saya tak semestinya mereka ni asalnya baik...saya terharu
sebab merekaboleh terima saya tanpa ader rasa curiga atau sangka
buruk...saya bersyukur pada Allah s.w.t...tapi tak semestinya
jemaah tabligh sahaja, sebab jemaah tabligh pun ader kekurangan,
biasa la tu...
selain itu untuk menginsafkan diri perlu melibatkan diri dlm pertubuhan Islam, selalu ke masjid, dengar kuliah seboleh-bolehnya catatkan,
banyakkan baca buku agama, tanya kepada yang lebih arif tentang
masalah yang dihadapi...lagi pun tak rugi bekalan kita juga untuk ke
Insyallah akan terbuka pintu kebaikan...
*bagaimana pula dengan proses rawatan kaunseling @ psikitri saya
pun tak berapa tahu mengenainya...:stp: |
BHAI-SUCI This user has been deleted
Originally posted by nur_amin at 29-12-2005 10:45 PM
Untuk Blackmore dan BHAI-SUCI bagi saya pula, sepatutnya kena la
ader perasaan ingin membantu mereka rasanya tak payah la
mempersoalkan tentang mereka yang tak mengaku gay ni,
buang karen jer. ...
awak salah faham maksud saya.. Im referring to org2 hypocrite yg ostracize kaum2 gay tapi prangai sama jer jantan pun diorang sebat. There are men out there yg makan luar ngan jantan lain walaupun dah berumahtangga but they dont see themselves as gay cos to them it's just sexual pleasure. I'm not saying tht they shld admit tht they r gay but if their actions are the same as the gays, they have no right then to judge the gays. |
Originally posted by nur_amin at 26-12-2005 03:03 PM
Bagi saya posting ttg rentetan hidup bagi seorang gay adalah agak
touching bila baca cerita tu rasa macam berada di oversea
pulak...fakta yang dinyatakan adalah berbentuk kajian k ...
bagi aku, walaupun sekuat mana pendedahan ttg masalah gay di malaysia nie, org susah nak terima dan menganggap ini isu sensitif. masalahnya di malaysia nie, ramai yg masih tak open. tapi ada bagusnya jugak. kalau kita tengok cerita2 berunsurkan psikologi gay spt beautiful minds dan philadephia, mmg kita dpt tengok bila pendedahan pasal gay nie terlalu meluas, maka org mudah tersalah membuat perhitungan. org akan fikir, kalau rapat dgn lelaki nie.. kalau buka baju.. kalau camnie camnie... itu gay. tapi nasib baiklah di malaysia tak begitu. ada yg open, tapi keterbukaan minda diorang tak dibawa ke media massa.
aku takder masalah menerima golongan gay.. atau yg mempunyai perasaan terhadap kaum sejenis. TAPI, aku tak menyokong langsung perbuatan mereka spt melacur mencari jantan, buat seks bebas dsb. bagi aku, kalau org tu takleh makan ayam, kita takleh paksa diorang makan ayam. biarkan mereka dengan naluri semulajadi mereka. lagipun mereka byk menyumbang kepada dunia kreatif spt fesyen, seni memasak, IT dsb.. yg memerlukan seseorg itu berfikiran "dua jantina". kita lihat dari segi positif, jgn asyik pandang gay nie negatif jer. macam menipu jugak.. kalau kita menipu utk menutup keaiban org, atau atas kebaikan, maka itu sesuatu yg tak negatif. sama jugak dgn gay nie. |
Originally posted by blackmore at 26-12-2005 08:34 PM
...apa yang patut kita buat???...hmmmm...pada aku...senang jer...either ko terima atau tolak kehadiran mereka nie...dan to me..there is no right or wrong answer here seba ...
i definitely agree with you. takder manusia yg perfect kat dunia nie. kalau kita str8 pun, tapi dosa tinggi melangit, kita jauh lebih teruk daripada gay yg sentiasa menunaikan perintah Allah. am i right? ada sbbnya Allah cipta diorang nie.. dan buktinya ada di sekeliling kita. mereka mendominasi segenap bidang kreatif. |
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