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Author: Truth.8

Muslims have no idea why Jesus was born.......

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Post time 22-4-2013 05:52 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 22-4-2013 05:45 PM
thats what your quran says...we have proof that Jesus is Divine.....I never doubt that..

yes, that's what our Quran and Hadith says. So we have the answers on our part.

Which means that this thread's topic "Muslims have no idea why Jesus was born......." is misconception and wrong altogether, Muslims DO KNOW WHY JESUS WAS BORN.

In other words, we have answered your allegations based on your thread's topic.

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Post time 23-4-2013 09:31 AM | Show all posts
gunblade712 posted on 22-4-2013 05:49 PM
Thank you.

If water and steam and ice is not the same as your definition of God, then it would ...

Come on lah muslim, you understand what i'm try to convey here ? Read also my other post before jumping to your conclusion. .....Like i said before, the water, ice and steam thingy just to ease your undestanding of God's nature and it is of course not the ultimate representation of God.

On the nature of God, as muslims believe, just a physical being (testified by your br sam 1528). He repeatedly query about how possible is that Father+Son+Holy Spirit = 1 ????

Ok, again i think i have to teach you all muslim a very simple matematic, in material physical world, any 3 physical tangible things will be added up to be 3, eg;    1 apple + 1 apple + 1 apple = 3 apples        sam + gunblade + beachboy = 3 muslims......This is simple matematic which even little kids wll be able to solve....

But, according to Christian belief, God is not a physical being, and being a non-phyical being which is not confined by quantum of physic, do you think that Father + Son + Holy Spirit still = 3 Gods ????   Definitely not !

Think....think ! Use our God given celebral neuron to reason !


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Post time 23-4-2013 10:51 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 23-4-2013 09:31 AM
Come on lah muslim, you understand what i'm try to convey here ? Read also my other post before ju ...

We are talking about simple mathematics. If there's 3, there's 3. There can't be 3 but 1. THIS is VERY SIMPLE mathematics.

We do not say God is a 'physical'. Na'uzubillah! Menjisimkan Allah itu di tolak oleh Ahli Sunnah Wal Jama'ah.

First, you gave us a metaphor. When we asked you about the metaphor, you told us that it is to help but not really can be applied to the concept of Trinity. You're confusing those who're following. Can or can not your metaphor be applied to your concept of Trinity?

And now, you're telling me that God cannot be applied to any physics concept, which is true. Hence, you're telling us that the same God that created the Heavens and Earth in 6 days, went through the process of embryology (minus the sperm + ovum process) and came down to Earth through the birth canal of a Jewish lady. Or, is there something's missing with what I am to understand here?

I AM thinking, and my thoughts rejects the idea that the Almighty Creator came down to Earth through the birth canal of a lady, when He can speak to Moses without going through the process which doesn't befits His Majestic.

So, please enlighten us; if Jesus and the Creator are One; does this means that God went through the birth canal of a Jewish lady? Kindly advice us, bro.

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Post time 23-4-2013 12:24 PM | Show all posts
gunblade712 posted on 23-4-2013 10:51 AM
We are talking about simple mathematics. If there's 3, there's 3. There can't be 3 but 1. THIS is  ...

Again two muslims with two version of God's believe in physical being of Allah and you refute such claim. So, who among you two is heretic ???

Of the simple mathematic thingy stuff , i'm not going to discuss it further.

Let's now look at Jesus birth from objective & impartial point of view without the subjective intervention from our personal views;

Why do you think that only Jesus's birth was of miraculous virgin's birth( even Islam also believes this) and not other prophets before Him and after Him......even Muhamad  ??? (of course Christians don't believe he is a prophet)

Why He was Resurrected( muslim don't believe)and ascended to heaven (muslim also believe) ???

What so special about Jesus that He had to be of virgin's birth ?? Ascended to heaven ?? Why ???

Even in Islam, you believe that Jesus will come back to judge the world and restore the world to true faith ??? Why Jesus again  and not Muhammad ???

In Christianity, God only create life and not death, this is in harmony with the very first book of Bible to the last book of Bible, Revelation, in which God's ultimate salvation for human beings is through the the Son, Jesus Christ in the form of Last Adam (in flesh)to redeem our transgressed ancestors, Adam & Eve who had chose to betray God and listened to Satan for earthly lust which ultimately led to death, death of course was created by Satan, not God accordng to Bible.

But according to Quran, Allah created death !

The problem now is, according to Bible, Satan created death and not God, so according to Bible and true Christian, Islam's Allah is Satan in Bible who created death !

Who had altered the Holy Scripture to meet his own agenda ??? To a true Christians, it is Muhammad !


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Post time 23-4-2013 03:42 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 23-4-2013 12:24 PM
Again two muslims with two version of God's believe in physical being of Allah and you refute such claim. So, who among you two is heretic ???

Of the simple mathematic thingy stuff , i'm not going to discuss it further.

Ha ha , a racist christian bigot like you , when cornered try your best to lie your way thru. Ok then , show me where I stated that Allah is a physical being. Didn't I ask you to refer to Quran112 for the attributes of Allah. Do you know how to read?

You christians believe that your God is a physical being , you know , the one who came in the flesh. Ha ha

All I am asking , how many Gods in the Trinity. Your God.
- the Father is fully God
- the Son is fully God
- the Holy Spirit is fully God
1 fully God or 3 fully Gods? 1 cannot be 3 and vise versa. This is basic numbers and maths. You don't want to discuss further because you have no answers.

We are not even talking about physical attributes. Nobody ever talked about physical attributes or your so called quantum of physic (which you have no idea what it is). Refer to the hypostatic union of the Trinity. It clearly states that the Father is not the Son nor the Holy Spirit , the Son is not the Father nor the Holy Spirit , the Holy Spirit is not the Father nor the son. Therefore if they are different then how many God(s) is / are there?

Its about time you realise that when you lie , you will be exposed. Are you not embarrassed? Ha ha

The bible have been altered even before Prophet Muhammad(saw). We don't even know who were the authors of the Gospels of Mark , Luke , Matthew & John. Paul never met , walked and talked to biblical Jesus. Its just a compilation of heresay. Suddenly to you the NT becomes a revelation from your God. Ha ha ....
Last edited by sam1528 on 23-4-2013 03:55 PM


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Post time 23-4-2013 04:21 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 23-4-2013 03:42 PM
Ha ha , a racist christian bigot like you , when cornered try your best to lie your way thru. Ok t ...

My lecherous ustazy toothless doggy ustazy ran away like a scalded dog last time around and now you want to come back to further embarrass are most welcome !
Your comment from post #22; "Nobody is arguing about God , a physical being(s). You are arguing on a strawman. "
Ooops ! Suddenly my lecherous ustazy is having dyslexia.....what ? You don't understand what you have written ?? Don't tell me you are going back to edit your post of #22.....

Your low level dirty trick fool no one but your fellow muslims.

Allah + Muhammad + sam1528 = 3 evil beings because all three are physical beings......

Father + Son + Holy Spirit = 1 God bcause they are not physical beings.....

The authors of the 4 Gospels in Bible never met and never walked with and talked to Jesus ??

Quran is just a horrible edited version of Torah and New Testament by a 7th century illiterate pseuo prophet called Muhammad ?

Which one is more believable ? I'm sure every honest person who love the truth knows the answer.

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Post time 23-4-2013 05:23 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 23-4-2013 12:24 PM
Again two muslims with two version of God's believe in physical being of Allah and ...

Brother, what you're trying to do is for us to compare the prophets. We are not allowed to compare prophets as we believed that all prophets were given miracles suitable according to their time, to aid their mission. Moses a.s. was given the miracle of the staff, and parting of the Red Sea, all in Allah's Will, due to the fact that during his time, sihir was used widely.

During Jesus's time, medicines and doctors were the talk of the town. You're awesome if you know medical knowledge. Hence he was given miracles accordingly; he raised the dead, he gave life to clay etc, all in Allah's permission.

The miraculous birth of Jesus Christ is no more than a miracle Allah have choose to give to His prophets :
He said, "Thus [it will be]; your Lord says, 'It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter [already] decreed.' " (Surah Maryam : 21)
I can't answer about why he was resurrected coz you know that we do not believe that he died. About his miraculous birth, I've explained it above. About his ascension to the Heaven, here's what the Quran says :
[Mention] when Allah said, "O Jesus, indeed I will take you and raise you to Myself and purify you from those who disbelieve and make those who follow you [in submission to Allah alone] superior to those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return, and I will judge between you concerning that in which you used to differ. (Noble Quran; 3:55)
Again, the ascension of Jesus the son of Mary cannot be used to prove anything nor it can be used to say that he's superior to Muhammad or any other prophets : Moses a.s. spoke to Allah on Mount Sinai. Muhammad s.a.w had the Night Journey. We, the Muslims, totally believe that whatever miracles given to Jesus Christ is nothing but a mukjizat, to help him with his mission. Again, if the birth of Jesus Christ is soooo miraculous that it can be used as prove of his 'divination', then Adam doubled this miracle; he was without father nor mother. Adam a.s came into existence without having to go through the birth canal of a lady. This alone, compare to the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ, is much better. Imagine, a slimy baby, covered in blood and placenta, the weak and fragile, that a single drop would actually kill the baby, is to be said as the Creator. Na'uzubillah!


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Post time 23-4-2013 05:46 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 23-4-2013 04:21 PM
My lecherous ustazy toothless doggy ustazy ran away like a scalded dog last time around and now you want to come back to further embarrass are most welcome !
Your comment from post #22; "Nobody is arguing about God , a physical being(s). You are arguing on a strawman. "
Ooops ! Suddenly my lecherous ustazy is having dyslexia.....what ? You don't understand what you have written ?? Don't tell me you are going back to edit your post of #22.....

Your low level dirty trick fool no one but your fellow muslims.

Allah + Muhammad + sam1528 = 3 evil beings because all three are physical beings......

Father + Son + Holy Spirit = 1 God bcause they are not physical beings.....

The authors of the 4 Gospels in Bible never met and never walked with and talked to Jesus ??

Quran is just a horrible edited version of Torah and New Testament by a 7th century illiterate pseuo prophet called Muhammad ?

Which one is more believable ? I'm sure every honest person who love the truth knows the answer.

Ha ha , let me reproduce the argument in full so that you will realise that you comprehension is really rubbish. On top of it , you are trying to lie your way thru. Bit part of my post#22 :
Nobody is arguing about God , a physical being(s). You are arguing on a strawman. We are referring to the doctrine of Trinity where the Father , the Son , the Holy Spirit are distinct personalities or persons. The doctrine of Trinity asserts the following

In response to your post #18 , bit part :
Now, back to the Trinity God, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are not the physical beings as they are not limited by the quantum of physic, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. (Revelation 22:13).

Am I talking about Allah or your God , the Trinity? Am I talking about the Trinity being a physical being or persons of the Trinity? Aiyoo , you call yourself an intellect , a scientifically literate and a medical professional? Can you now explain just what am I referring to? Allah or Trinity? Is it physical or the different personalities? No wonder I have a hard time trying to figure out why you are whining about Allah being a so called physical being. Appears that your comprehension is worse than a primary school kid. Ha ha , I told you that I can easily catch and expose your lies.

Do you now know why I stated that I an starting to have pity on you? Why do you want to lie? This is not the first time I caught you lying. Are all racist christians bigots , like you are liars? Appears so. Ha ha

Can you now tell me just who were the authors of the gospels of mark , luke , matthew and john? When did they met , walked and talked with biblical Jesus? When did Paul ever met biblical Jesus? Ha ha

Ok then , what is your evidence that the Quran is an edited version of the OT / NT? The Quran corrects the bible.

Take a simple example. The Quran states that Prophet Isa(as) was a messenger of Allah. Biblical Jesus never claim to be God. In fact he admitted that he was sent by God , only one true God , and dying for your sins was never in his jobscope as his had finished his work by glorifying God ,  joh17:3-4
3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
4 I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do

Oops , you are in trouble
Last edited by sam1528 on 23-4-2013 06:21 PM


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Post time 24-4-2013 11:50 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 23-4-2013 05:46 PM
Ha ha , let me reproduce the argument in full so that you will realise that you comprehension is r ...

Am i debating with a shameless liar or a pseudo illiterate mad man who pretend to not undertand his own writings ???

The answer is clearly BOTH !

"Nobody is arguing about God , a physical being(s). You are arguing on a strawman. "

Above sentence clealy means that you are not arguing that your Allah is a physical being ! Can you even understand what you wrote ??? Obviously you are just shamelessly try to lie your way i said before, lecherous doggy ustazy, you can RUN but you can't HIDE !

Refer back to the verses i quoted your br gunblade on divinity of Jesus.

Your quoted verses from Bible really further jeopardise your ignoramus status here.....try harder next time !

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Post time 24-4-2013 12:14 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 24-4-2013 11:50 AM
Am i debating with a shameless liar or a pseudo illiterate mad man who pretend to not undertand his own writings ???

The answer is clearly BOTH !

"Nobody is arguing about God , a physical being(s). You are arguing on a strawman. "

Above sentence clealy means that you are not arguing that your Allah is a physical being ! Can you even understand what you wrote ??? Obviously you are just shamelessly try to lie your way i said before, lecherous doggy ustazy, you can RUN but you can't HIDE !

Refer back to the verses i quoted your br gunblade on divinity of Jesus.

Your quoted verses from Bible really further jeopardise your ignoramus status here.....try harder next

Ha ha , this is utter rubbish from you. This shows you lack basic comprehension and you are trying to lie your way thru. Why are you so scared to quote the argument in full? Let me help you. Bit part of my post #22
Nobody is arguing about God , a physical being(s). You are arguing on a strawman. We are referring to the doctrine of Trinity where the Father , the Son , the Holy Spirit are distinct personalities or persons. The doctrine of Trinity asserts the following

Am I talking about Allah or the Trinity? Ha ha , I pity your parents. They work so hard to provide education for you. Look at your basic comprehension. Its worse than a std 6 kid.

Waaah? Biblical verses that addresses the divinity of biblical Jesus? None so far. Don't tell me you going to talk about the 'I AM' statement. "I AM' does not mean divinity.

Biblical Jesus admitted that he has a God , a one true God. Therefore he was / is not God. Simple as that. Ha ha


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Post time 24-4-2013 03:44 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 24-4-2013 12:14 PM
Ha ha , this is utter rubbish from you. This shows you lack basic comprehension and you are trying ...

This lecherous toothless doggy ustazy is now behaving like a unrepented habitual liar who is now listlessly clinging to his poorly fabricated doggy lies........poor effort doggy snack for you

Everybody knows that you are lying and now you want to desperately engage in damage control ???

What make you think that habitual liar muslim like you even qualify to discuss Jesus divinity ???

You better start pondering now why your Allah created death just like Satan created death as mentioned in the Bible.....

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 Author| Post time 24-4-2013 03:49 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 23-4-2013 09:31 AM
Come on lah muslim, you understand what i'm try to convey here ? Read also my other post before ju ...

Think....think ! Use our God given celebral neuron to reason !
muslims cannot think again...they brain already poison

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 Author| Post time 24-4-2013 03:51 PM | Show all posts
gunblade712 posted on 22-4-2013 05:52 PM
yes, that's what our Quran and Hadith says. So we have the answers on our part.

Which means th ...

thats what the  quran says....than dont come around  and attacked the  Bible is corrupt...because the Bible is not corrupt it how peoples understand the verses...

muslims like you never understand the Bible because u peoples not bothered to read with open heart


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Post time 24-4-2013 04:14 PM | Show all posts
I must agree with Truth8 as the birth name of the messiah is to mean "God is with us" or emmanuel  and the given name to Jesus was Yeshua or "He saves" or "He is salvation" or "God is salvation".

The divinity of Christ has been re-visited many times by Christian thinkers as well as those who wish to disprove it.

Even if you take the context from the Quran, it is unmistakable the special role of Isa in Islam. Even though many muslims play down his signifincance by saying "he is just another prophet". Not true.

For even in the Quran, the virgin birth of Jesus is enshrined. Not to mentioned the many miracles that Isa performed in his lifetime.

To say he is a mere prophet is an understatement.

For given in the Quran, in his death (or non death ) Allah decides to take him whole into heaven (his resurrection??)- where no other prophet past or future has been given such a privilege.  Not even Prophet Muhammad.

And as you know, the Quran also says Jesus will come again at the end of times - a definite acknowledgement of the special place given to Jesus.

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 Author| Post time 24-4-2013 07:43 PM | Show all posts
nightlord posted on 24-4-2013 04:14 PM
I must agree with Truth8 as the birth name of the messiah is to mean "God is with us" or emmanuel  a ...

How you my brother? long time no news from you...

Yes, Jesus not only Messiah but was final message that God came to testify another Superme and love to us....
there will no  other prophet after Yesus...
even if there is a another prophet after Yesus ...he will be anti christ ...denying Yesus divinity and others...

Last edited by Truth.8 on 24-4-2013 07:45 PM


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Post time 24-4-2013 09:07 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 22-4-2013 01:36 PM
kan kau kata kau faham Injil ???

Terlalu banyak ayat-ayat dalam Injil yang merujuk Isa sebaga ...

post la kalau berani.......aku xnak "merujuk"....aku nak "isytihar".Nabi Isa isytihar kata dia ni anak tuhan.............yang merujuk tu,para pendeta nasrani yang memandai-mandai...........

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Post time 24-4-2013 09:13 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 22-4-2013 01:47 AM
Injil??? tak pernah dengar pun...
cuba tunjuk ada ujud Injil....bukti???

ko xyah citer panjang la..nabi Isa turun ke bumi nanti,ko tunjuk la bible bahasa omputih ko tu kat nabi Isa.....confirm Nabi Isa AS tak mengaku kau umat dia


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Post time 24-4-2013 09:40 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 24-4-2013 03:44 PM
This lecherous toothless doggy ustazy is now behaving like a unrepented habitual liar who is now listlessly clinging to his poorly fabricated doggy lies........poor effort doggy snack for you

Everybody knows that you are lying and now you want to desperately engage in damage control ???

What make you think that habitual liar muslim like you even qualify to discuss Jesus divinity ???

You better start pondering now why your Allah created death just like Satan created death as mentioned in the Bible.....

Ha ha , damage control? Appears that I've again expose your lies and deceit. My full argument per post#22 :
Nobody is arguing about God , a physical being(s). You are arguing on a strawman. We are referring to the doctrine of Trinity where the Father , the Son , the Holy Spirit are distinct personalities or persons. The doctrine of Trinity asserts the following

You in your intellectual dishonesty (in layman terms .... lying) truncated the argument to :
"Nobody is arguing about God , a physical being(s). You are arguing on a strawman. "

Whoops , all the sudden you claim that I admitted that Allah is a physical being. In my original argument , I argued about Allah or the Trinity? Ha ha .... it is so easy to expose your deceit and lies.

I have proven time and time again with references to world reknown bible scholars and the pertinant biblical verses that biblical Jesus was / is not divine. He admitted he had a God. It is logical then , biblical Jesus was / is never God. You still have not challenged me on this one.

BTW , the biblical definition of 'eternal life' is in joh17:3
Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

It is a testification of faith that
(1) there is only 1 true God
(2) biblical Jesus was sent by the 1 true God

Ha ha , biblically speaking 'eternal life' does not mean live forever in paradise. It is to testify that there is 1 true God and biblical Jesus was sent by him (the 1 true God) ie. biblical Jesus was a messenger of God ...... the true Christian syahadah .... not the celup christians aka Pauline Christians. You know , Paul , the corruptor of the teachings of biblical Jesus.

Huh? To christians like you Satan created death? Satan cannot create anything. It is just a creation of Allah. However Paul met Satan on his way to Damascus in which he claimed it was biblical Jesus (acts9:1-7). Paul saw a bright light. However in 2cor11:14
And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light

Did Paul met satan in which he mistook being the apparation of biblical Jesus? I would say yes. What say you .... ha ha


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 Author| Post time 24-4-2013 09:42 PM | Show all posts
cmf_BeachBoys posted on 24-4-2013 09:13 PM
ko xyah citer panjang la..nabi Isa turun ke bumi nanti,ko tunjuk la bible bahasa omputih ko tu kat ...

saya tak pernah dengar injil atau isa...siapa orang nya


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Post time 24-4-2013 09:55 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 24-4-2013 09:40 PM
Ha ha , damage control? Appears that I've again expose your lies and deceit. My full argument per  ...

Hey pseudodyslexic pathological liar lecherous doggy, no need to further expose your stinky necrotic VD infected birdy anymore, nobody will believe you except the equally retarded muslim brethrens of yours....

Why you worship Allah when he is obviously a satan according to Bible ??? since only satan associated with death !

Why you adore satan agent Muhammad when his behaviour truly reflecting this ???

It is confirmed now hardcore muslim like you are worshipper of Satan in the guise of Allah !


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