Edisi: Something that We are not told in Islamic country through Media
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bluehedgehog posted on 6-8-2014 02:56 PM 
Ada jg porumer di sini yg terang2 sokong isis...gua x mau sebut namanya la...
bg depa janji seagama ...
Ramai sahaja forummer2 itu sis,
hari itu bukan main lagi sokong ISIS sampai di kafir2 kan akak.
Ujung2 nya jilat najis sendiri.
Juga ramai orang Han tak berdosa di potong kepala macam haiwan di Xinjiang, tapi tiada laporan di media utama. Tapi bila China gomen take action, semua lompat keluar pulak mengutuk China menindas muslim.
That was a phrase I saw few years back on the internet, not all xxxxxx are terrorist, but all terrorist are xxxxxx. there must be something wrong.
bangcak posted on 6-8-2014 11:01 PM 
isis berjuang utk islam tu nampak bagus.
tapi yg tak bagusnya part buat kejam kat civilian.
Ada satu perkara yg i rasa amat pelik.
Saya rasa saya tak pernah dengar bhw orang kristian kata berjuang demi kristian, tak pernah dengar buddhist kata berjuang demi buddha, dan lain lain juga tak pernah. Apa sebabnya?
v(T.T)v posted on 6-8-2014 03:11 PM 
That was a phrase I saw few years back on the internet, not all xxxxxx are terrorist, but all terro ...
Itulah alasan normal yg akan di beri ummah sunni kaki denial ini sis,
bila ada moslems yg jadi terrorist dan dan sahaja mereka nafi kan yg terrorist itu bukan moslems,
sama lah macam abang bimbo seko lagi itu, dan dan sahaja kata nya penganut nya bukan agamanya,
sambil menyalahkan yahudi yg sah2 tiada kena mengena dgn terrorism yg dilakukan moslems sunni.
last2 reply benda merapu yg tak difahami langsung.
akak hanya mampu senyum sinis sahaja.
nak pilih had mana,
Syiah dah diharamkan,
Sunni ni ish ish... tak tahu nak kato
walaupun AjibGor suh contohi depa....
Hanafi yg ramai kat China ok kot?
Lama tak dengar Islam Hadhari , hampir lupa,
Pak Lah sila kasi revaif balik....
Rasa pelik juga dgn org di dlm forum ni....
Malas nak tag sesapa so aku buat secara general.
Sebut isis...sbb ada perkataan islam.. Gigih sgt nak kaitkan dgn agama islam.
Sedangkan..... Isis ni kira pukul rata kat semua org. Kalau kata dia perjuang islam, why dia keluar statement nak musnahkan kaabah.??
Taliban ciptaan cia. Mungkin isis ciptaan kgb? Or maybe ciptaan syiah?
Sebab.... Jika sampai hendak memusnahkan kaabah dah bukan pejuang islam dah tu.
To those yg dok rempit mengutuk islam... Fahami lah islam.
Yg mmg islam kat dlm ni...tapi dah terkeluar dari landasan.. Kembalilah ke pangkal jln.
X pyh nak tabur2 petrol kasi bakar. Contohi sifat nabi muhammad saw.
Peace. |
kalau betul agama Islam itu mengajar keganasan seperti yg dipropagandakan oleh media n para forumer pemfitnah, kat dalam dunia ni dah takde non-muslim
kat malaysia ni rakyatnya 100% muslims, takde non-muslim sebab habis semua kena sembelih
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Isis dpt Dana daripada Iran.yg kena bunuh org Islam. Harap maklum. |
Badut.Sarkas posted on 5-8-2014 10:06 AM
ye la ye la.. ISIS bukan isele
cakap ja bukan Isle, habis citer diorang ni. kalau kapir yg buat, kluar la kata2 mengerunkan: mencemar nama Islam, mengHINA Islam... maka Islam tidak boleh dicabar. ambil tindakan! berpusu2 demo gila.
tapi dgn ISIS yg potong kepala, mana diorang berani |
KUALA LUMPUR - Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Najib Razak, menyampaikan komentar kontroversial di hadapan partainya, UMNO. Dia menyerukan agar partai UMNO meniru keberanian yang ditampilkan kelompok Negara Islam Irak dan Suriah (ISIS) di Timur Tengah.
“Sebagai contoh, ketika seseorang berani untuk bertempur sampai mati, ia bahkan bisa mengalahkan tim yang jauh lebih besar,” katanya mengagumi keberanian ISIS.
ISIS merupakan kelompok sempalan al-Qaeda, yang ingin mendirikan negara Islam meliputi Irak dan Suriah. Kelompok itu telah diklasifikasikan sebagai organisasi teror.
Warga Malaysia sendiri ada yang bergabung dengan ISIS. Di mana pada bulan lalu, seorang warga Malaysia yang bergabung dengan ISIS melakukan bom bunuh diri yang menewaskan 25 polisi Irak. Tak berselang lama, polisi Malaysia menangkap tiga orang di Malaysia yang diyakini terkait dengan kelompok teror.
"Apakah kita setuju atau tidak (dengan ISIS) itu adalah masalah lain, kelompok ISIS dengan kekuatan hanya 1.300 orang, bisa mengalahkan tentara Irak yang jumlahnya 30 ribu. Empat, lima jenderel berbintang tiga atau empat berjalan selama hidup mereka, melompat keluar jendela di malam hari,” kata Najib menceritakan keberanian militan ISIS di tengah peringatan ulang tahun ke-20 cabang UMNO
Najib mengatakan ISIS bisa mengalahkan kekuatan yang lebih besar tanpa rasa takut. Selain mengambil sisi keberanian ISIS, Najib juga menyerukan anggota partai UMNO untuk menerapkan lima kebijakan lain, yakni ketaatan, kesetiaan, persatuan, keunggulan dan ketulusan.
”Loyalitas tidak hanya harus ke partai tetapi untuk negara juga, berani menghadapi tantangan. Kita harus memiliki kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan perubahan dan mengikuti perubahan di media sosial dan teknologi,” ujarnya, seperti dikutip Malaysian Insider, Selasa (24/6/2014). |
Iraqi Christians are raped, murdered and driven from their homes – and the West is silent
For the first time in 1,600 years, Mass is not being said in Mosul: an ancient culture has been wiped out in a matter of weeks. It's a war crime that, strangely, no one seems to want to talk about.
Mosul is the second-largest city in Iraq and the place where many Christians believe Jonah was buried. Since the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Isis) rode into town, their faith has been forced underground. Bells have been silenced, the hijab enforced with bullets. Tens of thousands fled after being offered an unattractive choice: convert, pay a religious tax, or be put to the sword. The levy was unaffordable. According to one local news agency, Isis troops entered the house of a poor Christian and, when they didn’t get what they wanted, the soldiers raped the mother and daughter in front of their husband and father. He committed suicide out of grief.
Having driven away the worshippers, the Isis fanatics are now trying to extinguish the physical legacy they left behind. A centuries-old church has been burned to the ground; Jonah’s tomb has been desecrated. Isis wants to create the Islamic equivalent of Year Zero, a brave new world with no evidence of Christianity, women’s rights, democracy or even that most subversive of instincts, human pity.
It might seem like this revolution has nothing to do with us in the West, but that's more than a little naive. The genocide of local Christians did not begin with Isis but with the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Prior to the conflict, there were 1.5 million “Chaldeans, Syro-Catholics, Syro-Orthodox, Assyrians from the East, Catholic and Orthodox Armenians” in the country – living, of course, under the tyranny of Saddam Hussein, but living nonetheless. Today, their number has dropped to just 400,000. Religious violence peaked in the first four years of the invasion and then declined dramatically after the US-led surge. There was a hope that President Nouri al-Maliki would live up to his initial promise to protect religious minorities. But the rise of Sunni opposition to the Shiite regime in Baghdad sparked a second phase of persecution against Iraqi Christians.
Over the border came Isis, a particularly virulent strain of Islamism previously incubating in Syria’s civil war. Bashar al-Assad’s refusal to surrendered power in Damascus has destabilised the region yet further (the use of gas weaponry has a tendency to court opposition) and his own Christians have found themselves trapped in the middle of an internecine Islamic bloodbath: it was one year ago in the northern Syrian city of Raqqa where Isis first experimented with its instruction to “convert, pay a tax or die”. The Syrian patriarch of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church has estimated that perhaps 25 per cent of his country’s 2 million refugees are Christian.
The West’s direct intervention in Iraq created Hell on Earth for its Christian citizens, while the West’s lack of action in Syria (out of deference to its failings in Iraq) has permitted a regrouping of Islamist forces and the opening of a second front against Christians. The lesson is: “either leave other countries alone or, if you must intervene, do so with consistency and resilience”. The consequences of going in, messing things up and then quitting with a weary shrug are terrible for those left behind.
Yet, having been so intimately involved in the collapse of Iraq, the West is now bizarrely silent about events in Mosul. The streets of London fill with thousands marching against Israel’s military operation in Gaza; the West rails mightily against the Russian separatists in Ukraine. But of Iraq there is nothing. Why?
It could be that no Westerner wants to return to Iraq, that politicians fear that even discussing the country will lead voters to fear yet another invasion and yet another bloody occupation. Or it could be that we feel embarrassed about the very idea of Christians as a persecuted minority. The reporter John Allen argues that Westerners have been trained to think of Christians as “an agent of aggression, not its victim” - so we're deaf to pleas for help. That opinion is supported by Ed West in an excellent e-book, and its consequences have been condemned by religious leaders here in the UK. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks has compared the suffering of Middle East Christians with Jewish pogroms in Europe and reminded everyone of the words of Martin Luther King: “In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” It would indeed be awful to think that the West might remain silent as violence rages purely out of a failure to recognise that Christians can be victimised, or out of a reluctance to cast aspersions on certain brands of Islam. It would make this the first genocide in history to be tolerated out of social awkwardness.
The West’s response to Mosul is worthy of contempt: if we won’t speak out for Christians, who will? But any disgust at our own moral cowardice should be balanced by admiration for the Iraqis who continue to bear witness to their faith in a land that moves closer and closer to outlawing it. Their resilience illustrates the difference between fundamentalist Islam and Christianity: the former is a religion of killers, the latter is a religion of martyrs. And for those of us who share the faith of the thousands fleeing Mosul, Jesus's own sacrifice offers hope – a reminder that victory is guaranteed for those who endure: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." Whatever your faith, please pray for the Christians of Mosul. |
Gua nampak sama aja Pas dan Isis ni |
SissySembah posted on 6-8-2014 10:00 PM 
Coba sis tanya ajaran mana mereka ikut? rasa2 nya apa mereka jawab?
ada tak jawapannya macam ter ...
Kan dia orang ni memang tak ada perasaan kasih sayang sesama manusia. Bila benda buruk yang terrorisat buat mereka akan kata itu bukan orang Islam yang buat. Sepatutnya dia orang kena perbetulkan perbuatan yang dilarang Oleh agama Islam bukan menafikan yang terrorist tu bukan orang Islam. Kalau asik menangkis kebenaran macam tu macam mana orang agama lain nak yakin dengan orang Islam. Orang agama lain bukan bodoh tak kenal yang mana orang Islam dan bukan Islam.
Christian Father Commits Suicide After ISIS Members Rape Wife and Daughter in Front of Him Because He Couldn't Pay Poll Tax
A Christian father who watched his wife and daughter get brutally raped by members of the militant group, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) because he couldn't pay them a poll tax in Mosul, Iraq, killed himself under the weight of the trauma this past weekend.
A report from the Assyrian International News Agency said ISIS began enforcing Islamic laws in the northern Iraq city which they overran on June 10.
Dr. Sallama Al-Khafaji of the Iraq High Commission for Human Rights said the incident happened on Saturday after ISIS began asking Christians in Mosul for a poll tax.
"In one instance, ISIS members entered the home of an Assyrian family in Mosul and demanded the poll tax (jizya). When the Assyrian family said they did not have the money, three ISIS members raped the mother and daughter in front of the husband and father. The husband and father was so traumatized that he committed suicide," said the report.
"The Christians have told me that they cannot pay this tax," Dr. Al-Khafaji told AINA, "and they say 'what am I to do, shall I kill myself?'"
Four Christian women were also reportedly shot dead by ISIS members because they were not wearing veils.
U.S. officials told CNN that they believe ISIS now has about 10,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria and the group has been functioning as an "increasingly capable military force."
According to a spokesman for Iraq's counterterrorism service, two senior ISIS members – an Algerian militant named Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and Abu Hafsa, self-styled governor of Tikrit – were killed late Monday during airstrikes in Tikrit, famous for being the hometown of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Iraqi Kurdish President Massoud Barzani and other officials on Tuesday and Barzani painted a dire picture of security.
"We are facing a new reality and a new Iraq," Barzani told Kerry.
Barzani told CNN Monday that it may now be time for Kurds to push for their independence from Iraq because the country was crumbling.
"Iraq is obviously falling apart," he said. "And it's obvious that the federal or central government has lost control over everything. Everything is collapsing – the army, the troops, the police." |
When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion
-Robert Pirsig-
if God exists, then man is not free, if man is free, then God does not exist
- Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre -
runung-runungkan dan fikir-fikirkan dan sulamat buramal
give a man a fish and you feed him for a day
teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime
teach a man a religion and he will starve to death praying for a fish

Kerajaan Indonesia haramkan Isis, dan i rasa ia adalah rumors yang Obama caught to fund Isis. Memakutkan tul cara mereka... |
bila baca berita2 tu..cuba sahihkan dulu...orang suap ko terus telan je....
1-berita2 dari dailymail uk, cnn, al jazeera, (basically mainstream news outlet based in UK and US) mmg awal2 aku tolak
2-kebanyakan makam2 di iraq ni nampak macam masjid..so cuba check balik yg kena musnahkan tu masjid betul ke, makam??
3- ISIS bunuh wanita dan kanak2?? ada buktinya??
4-ISIS bakar gereja?? I don't think so..
http://conflictantiquities.wordp ... thedral-propaganda/
propaganda & FITNAH mcm ni dah biasa sgt la skrg...takkan laa tak faham-faham..
up sikit laa...lemahnya korang ni??
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