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Author: owen81

All About Perth, Australia Part IV

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Post time 13-9-2015 04:47 PM | Show all posts
Artemesiaa replied at 13-9-2015 12:33 PM
Sebab tu kalau nak sewa kereta ada eloknya ambik gambar kereta yang nak kita sewa tu dulu sebelum mu ...

Ye betul tu, good tips. Saya hari tu tak ingat langsung nak snap picture before ambil. Yang serahkan kereta tu pun org msia, budak sarawak.
Saya drive dekat 1.5k kilometers...tu yg boss dia call tu...tanya samada kami masuk ke Pinnacles bawak kereta masuk dessert tu.....bila pikir balik..memang kerja gila....saya dan suami took turn driving.....tapi most of it I yg drive.....

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Post time 14-9-2015 05:47 PM | Show all posts
saya plan nak pegi perth bulan november ni dalam 6pax...cuaca time tu mcm sejuk - so baju sejuk kena bwk..

itinerary saya

1st day - arrival perth airport at 2.20pm and terus ambik motorhome kat britz before 3.30pm. sewa slm 5 hari..
Lepas tu terus pegi bunbury Glades Caravan Park.. Tido situ smlm

2nd day - Check out and pergi Busselton dan Augusta sahaja... Lps tu patah balik terus ke Fremantle Woodman Point Holiday Park..stay 2 nights

3rd day - Pegi lancelin (sand boarding)- pinnacles - cervantes (kalau sempat)

4th day - Jalan2 kat Fremantle..terus masuk perth city and tido kat City stay Apartment

5th day - perth city dan hantar motorhome before 3.30pm...time ni x tau nak pegi mana..

6th day - flight 6am balik ke kl..


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Post time 17-9-2015 05:41 PM | Show all posts
nurulshidah replied at 8-9-2015 02:27 PM
nak tanya... next year nak ke perth berdua .. untuk sewa keta ada mane2 company yg terima debit card ...

sorry, menyampuk...saya nak ke perth on 3 april n mrs....kita group nak? 1st. time ,blankinfo....

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Post time 18-9-2015 10:09 AM | Show all posts
vivitar replied at 14-9-2015 05:47 PM
saya plan nak pegi perth bulan november ni dalam 6pax...cuaca time tu mcm sejuk - so baju sejuk kena ...

bawa light jacket pun dah okey.. sbb dekat CBD dan pinnacles tak sejuk sgt. bussleton dan augusta sejuk lah..tapi masih boleh tahan dengan jaket nipis.


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Post time 20-9-2015 02:17 PM | Show all posts
Bebaru ni aku akhirnya memijakkan kaki ke benua Australia. Dah lama dah teringin nak ke down under, tp asyik tak berkesempatan. Aku mulakan penerokaan benua aussie ni dengan kota Perth. Mulakan dgn yang sederhana dulu, biar next time ke Aussie rasa lebih excited untuk terokai kota yang lebih happening seperti Sydney dan Melbourne. OK gatal tgn nak share skit pengalaman aku di Perth, capital of WA.

Hanya dengan 5 jam suku perjalanan, dah boleh sampai ke sebuah negara orang putih! Selama ni pergi ke Europe je. Nak sampai Eropah yakni definasi negara orang putih makan masa 12 ke 13 jam kejung dlm kapalterbang, dengan timezone berbeza plus the jetlags. Tapi kali ini hanya tempoh masa 5 jam, eh eh dah sampai negara mcm Europe! Wow, dekatnya….! Timezone pun sama. Hehe..

Terus aku tersedar yang Perth is  this close, the nearest “western city” to Nusantara. Negara orang putih cuma a stone away je dari tanahair. Memang tahu, tp bila rasai sendiri pengalaman tu barulah mcm it make realization. Next time kalau aku nak take a short quick vacation to western city with mediterranean weather ala ala California, just go to Perth. I will definitely  come back to Perth again, in the future. Sesapa yang nak migrate ke Aussie, pilih la Perth, less crowded, and pretty, and relatively close to Malaysia, which mean short journey and cheaper flight ticket.  

Trip ke Perth ini berkonsep santai dan main redah aja. Beli tiket MAS pun tebus mata point Enrich miles. Aku tak buat preparation sgt, cuma book hotel dan apply visa, apply visa pun kat website (mahal) sebab pandai2 sendiri je, tak sempat nak baca forum. Oh ya aku juga cari info how to get into the city from airport. Sampai city, pandai2 lah nanti, aku fikir public tranport kat OZ mesti bagus, so takyah risau, pandai2 la nanti tu dh sampai sana. Mood malas tahap gaban nak pikir pasal percutian ke Perth, entah kenapa. Percutian tangkap muat je, asalkan dpt pijak kaki ke bumi OZ dan menghirup udara segar di sana, dah cukup.

Sehari sebelum berangkat, pergi beli makanan dlm tin/paket, periuk nasi kecil, sumbat baju-baju dlm luggage, there I go, off to Perth. Sampai perth nanti pandai-pandai la nak terjah, plan just nak cover city of Perth dan nearby town i.e. Fremantle, or etc wherever reachable by train by day. I could say I am quiet skillful and handy about travelling, I am confident with myself to handle and what to do or go when the time comes, so I am not worry. It’s kinda fun to reach a new places and you got no clear idea what to do and go, sounds crazy tapi challenging.

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Post time 20-9-2015 02:18 PM | Show all posts
Kat airport, urusan immi berjalan lancar. Takde tanya apa pun, sekejap je dia tgk skrin komputer then dia terus cop passport. Tak belek2 pun. Keluar ambik luggage, then beratur kat declaration line masa nak keluar pintu main exit. Dlm yellow form tu tanda siap2 ada bawak makanan. Tapi airport officer tak bukak luggage pun, cuma kena beratur dgn beberapa orang yang lain utk inspcetion oleh anjing pengesan dadah. Cuak jugak masa tu, mana la tahu kot ada sesapa nak pedajal. Keluar airport ambik free shuttle bus ke terminal 3 or 4, utk ambik bas Transperth ke city. Tambang 4.50 dollar.  

Aku turun kat downtown satu stesen sebelom final terminal busport esplanade. Aku stay kat Hotel The Royal, 5 minutes away from Hay Street Mall. Hotel ni ok la, lokasi strategik. Dekat dgn bustling scene shopping area. Nak cari makanan halal pun ada, i.e Ispa Kebab, dan nak ke northbridge pun dekat juga. Kat northbridge ada resto Indonesia. Dan paling penting ia dekat dgn Stesen Tren Perth, just across the street.

Pada aku Perth city is beautiful! I’ve been to many cities around the world, I must say I am in love with beauty of Perth. Maybe sebab selama ni aku gi Eropah, Middle East and East Asia, jadi bila first time tgk Aussie, nampak kelainan dari Eropah. Cuaca berbeza, tumbuh2an pun berbeza. Geaoraphically location setting Perth mmg terbaik. Aku terbaca kat forum ni ada forumer cakap kalau compare dgn Sydney dan Melbourne, Perth punyer natural setting paling cantik, aku agree je walaupun aku sendiri x pernah g lagi sydney or melbourne tp ada la tgk foto dan google earth, hahah..

First, sbb Perth sit on the banks of Swan River yang agak besar mcm tasik, air kebiruan. Then towards the coastfront, the river has more stunning looks. Kedua, Perth ada sebuah huge beautiful park, i.e. Kings Park. I must say ini park paling stunning pernah aku lawat. I liked it. It just not an ordinary park, it is a park sit on top of hilly area with a stunning panoramic view of the city and swan river! Where else in the world you got a city park like this?  Like no others.  With all the aussie species of bushes plants that carefully well-maintained, and not to mention the tall shady gum trees.

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Post time 20-9-2015 02:18 PM | Show all posts
Edited by azre at 20-9-2015 03:13 PM

Rumah-rumah di Perth cantik2, mcm style mediteranean mix with english. Then kat umah kat subrub pun cantik, simple tp bersih. Tenang je. Cuaca pun tak sejuk sgt mcm Eropah. Aku tak suka cuaca yang sejuk sgt, tak syok. Cuaca kat Perth just perfect, nyaman with sesekali chilly breeze.

It was winter month, 2 hari pertama aku sampai the sky was blue, bright and shiny days, temperature mild chilly and easy breezy, just perfect. Suhu sekitar 8 deg ke 18 deg. Sejuk jugak la waktu pagi, keluar asap kalau bercakap, bila dah noon hingga petang, cuaca dlm 18 degree. Tapi masuk hari ke-3 , thick grey cloud appeared on the sky. Gloomy! Dah tak best mcm dua hari pertama. Hujan renyai2, nak ambik gambar pun dh tak cantik. Sungguh berbeza suasana compared dengan bila langit biru.

Perth best dan cantik bandaranya. Bangunan modern nampak elegen. Bangunan lama European style yg cantik2 pun banyak, dan ada keunikan beberapa bangunan seni bina agak rare yg aku jumpa hanya di perth seperti The Royal Hotel ni, mcm style banguann bandar cowboy kat US. Hehe. Skit2 lah.  Public transport mcm bus transperth, cat, train transperth , semua efisyen dan precise. Aku byk spend masa di perth city dan suburbs dekat2 je. Malas nak drive gi jejauh buat masa ni, sebab travel sorang apa kejadahnya nak drive ke far south haha.

Liburan santai dan laidback je. Sempat gi Frementle, adorable seaside town. Tenang je, tak crowded, at certain part mcm bandar hantu pun ada, jumpa sorang dua manusia je. Maybe aku take road yg tersasar. Later in the evening, i spent  my time watching sunset at the beach, sambil melayan kerenah beberapa kanak-kanak orang asli australia. These kids with their father tengah berseronok tepi pantai, and i was there taking photo of them doing acrobatic actions on the soft sands. First time dpt tengok orang asli Aussie...haha. And I touch Indian Ocean.

Oh ya, dtg ke Perth reminds me again about the friendliness of mat salleh. Mereka sangat ada etika sapaan, even masa naik bas pun akan ber hai hai antara penumpang dan driver. Begitu juga cashier kat kedai2. At least they say hi or smile. Even masa aku duduk kat bangku di Kings park pun beberapa orang putih yang jogging melintasi aku say good morning and have a nice day kat aku. Lovely, membuatkan aku rasa org Perth sungguh welcoming and friendly! Sweet sangat mereka towards strangers, Asian pula tu.


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Post time 20-9-2015 02:19 PM | Show all posts
Perth dikelilingi park dan esplanade di sekitar city, dan sangat ideal untuk ada trek menunggang basikal. Boleh dikatakan sepanjang2 kawasan Swan River/Perth Water akan ada trek basikal, sebab kawasan2 tebingan hanya di wartakan untuk kawasan rekreasi. Beruntung warga Perth sebab tinggal di bandar yang ada trek basikal yang tip top.

Kat freo makan kat kailis, seperti yg korang suggest dalam forum ni, tp aku x order fish and chip, aku ambik BBQ Platter, nafsu kemain. Main order je tak tanya harga akibat keterujaan, aku expect dlm 30 ke 40 dollar je, rupanya ambik ko sampai 79 dollar! Kalau aku tahu ia semahal itu, tidak lah aku order at first thought. Aku akan aku order fish and chips je. Tapi x pe lah, no regret. sekali sekala, bila lagi nak merasa. Bukan selalu dtg Perth, tp agak terkilan sbb rasanya just so-so je, plain grill. Tak outstanding pun. Ada ikan, sotong, lobster, di grill. Then cold prawn, dan cold oyster. With chips and salad. Hmm…ok lah kot. Maybe tak kena dgn tekak aku. Aku expect dia masak bubuh la herbs and some spice, or baked with cheese on top, tp just totally plain grill.

Apa lagi aku sempat makan, corica apple strudel apa ke nama dia, besarnya rupanya benda tu, tgk dlm gambr mcm kecik. Sedap lah, makan 3 hari baru abis. One of the day aku gi Mandurah naik tren Transperth. Memula tu aku cari apa aktiviti nak buat kat Mandurah, I just needed one reason to go there. Then aku dpt idea nak g sana makan coklat kat Churro, kat Perth pun ada kot kan, tak sure sgt? X pe lah, lagipun nak gi journey jauh skit lebih kepada nak tgk scenery kat suburb juga sebenarnya along the way. Mandurah cantik juga, ada lagoon yg besar, dan jernih airnya boleh nampak dasar. Siap ada dolphin melompat2, just sit on the bench kat esplanade, I am lucky boleh nampak kelibat beberapa ekor dolphin bermain-main, beberapa kali gak. Fantastik gak la sebab dolphin tu  wild dolphin living in their natural habitat.  Sempat gak makan fish and chips kat salah satu resto kat situ. Then ambik cruise dpt tengok canals vetican style tempat rumah orang2 kaya dan kawasan2 habitat burung2. Kat tgh lagoon lagi senang nampak dolphin, datang dekat dengan boat.

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Post time 20-9-2015 02:20 PM | Show all posts
Hari-hari terakhir spend time kat Perth je. Gi Perth Zoo yang 5 minit bus ride from esplanade. Not too bad for a quick look, aku cuma nak tgk kangaroo, koala, wombat dan Tasmanian devils, yang lelain, tak minat nak tgk. Wombat is like koala married with pig, dpt anak wombat!!…hahaha. Boleh la Perth Zoo ni, sekadar nak lepas hajat tgk beberapa jenis binatang native Aussie tu, tp kalau gi Caversham sure lagi best kan. Baru aku tahu, kangaroo ni byk jenis, dan ada kangaroo yang jenis duduk atas pokok! Bukan koala, tp kangaroo. Then, sempat gi WA museum. My travelling rule, I have to do at least one museum. Dpt tahu the past of the city akan beri lebih appreciation ttg sesuatu tmpt. WA museum is free entry.

The day before balik malaysia, went to Kings Park again. I love it here in Kings Park. I shall say that Kings park is gorgeuos! One morning, I woke up at dawn, and went outdoor, got myself a cup of hot coffea and egg burger at Hungry Jacks, then took a walk from the city to Kings Park. I saw peoples cycling, walking and jogging along the way. At Kings Park, I just sit on a bench facing the calm beauty vista, enjoying the delightful view and the sounds of the birds chirping, feel the chilly breeze on my face, take a deep breath of fresh morning air…that was a perfect relaxing vacation the way I wanted to. Kalau mat salleh, mereka enjoy the morning scene in the tropical island of Bali or Phuket they call paradise, I,  on the other hand, call their home paradise. Grass is always green on the other side.  

Jalan-jalan santai terokai park yang besar tu, one moment I found myself sitting on the grass surrounded by aussie wild flowers at terraineous bushland, overlooking the city and perth waters. Pelbagai jenis spesis burung2 jinak main-main kat bawah dan terbang dari pokok ke pokok. Aku suka tengok the various species of aussie native plants.  Kings Park bushland garden memang dijaga dan di maintain dengan rapi. It is like living museum of the native plant. Memang cantik sungguh bushwalk area ini, berjalan-jalan santai, aimlessly sambil menghirup udara segar bugar, mmg syok. Kalau nak berkelah pun seronok kat area bushland ini. On the way back, aku ambik canapoy walk dan glass walk. Best. Aku spend the whole morning until noon lepak kat Kings Park yang sangat besar tu. Kalau korang dtg Perth and you have luxury of ample time to kill, boleh la spend berjam jam sini, lepak2 sambil makan, then jalan lagi, then rehat2 kat atas bangku di tepi2 path tgk view atau pokok2 kat bushes garden yang bunga berwarna warni, then jalan lagi. It is a nice place to relax. King’s park Is a huge botanical park. Kpd yg suka nature and plants, mmg syok.

Korang yang travel sewa kereta jelajah bandar2 lain di WA lagi beruntung, dpt tgk natural wonders mcm pinnacles, wave rock, the gap, bergambar kat tgh-tgh empty road in the middle of nowhere. Bestnya. Aku hari tu carik gak pakej gi Pinnacles balik hari, tp mahal sgt, 160 dollar onwards. Takpe lah next time boleh dtg lagi, travel naik kereta pulak. Perth memang world class city with high standard of living quality. Tak overcrowded, calm and peaceful, dan pretty setting. What else you could ask for more?

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Post time 20-9-2015 06:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by lionsleepin at 20-9-2015 06:06 PM
azre replied at 20-9-2015 02:20 PM
Hari-hari terakhir spend time kat Perth je. Gi Perth Zoo yang 5 minit bus ride from esplanade. Not t ...

Nice trip report. Thumbs up!!!

Perth is nice. Dekat gila kannn. 5 jam dah sampai tempat omputih. Tak sempat kematu.

Kalo ada peluang i nak gi lagi (kalo currency oke). . Tapi nak gi relaks lah. Aritu quite rushing here and there. Sebab i tak sewa kete. Naik bus/train je. Plg jauh i gi freo&mandurah. Hehehe.

Hidup diorang rilex. Betul2 quality life. Kul 5 balik keje, family time. Takde benda nak tensen sgt. Jalan clear. Taxi pun i tak jumpa. Haha. Unlike us asian countries. HAhhahh. Kije sampai malam. Huhu.  Tapi one thing la i tak larat bab tutup kul 5 tu. malam tak tahu nak visit mana. Sana sini tutup sudah. Hihi.

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Post time 21-9-2015 11:19 AM | Show all posts
holaa.baru balik..after 8 hari kt sana..sejuk menggigil2..sampai beli coatn gloves kt sana.. 2 hari before balik baru start panas... mmg best la sana..laid back city.. tapi kalau dok lama mmg boleh mati kutu... nak besarkan anak2 sesuai..sempat cover fremantle, caversham, malaga, rockingham, innaloo etc.. shopping x best sgt sana.. just beli corelle 3 set..beli souvenir, chocolate, fruits, sayur2 bawak! inshaAllah melbourne pulak..

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Post time 21-9-2015 04:14 PM | Show all posts
tapirbiru replied at 21-9-2015 11:19 AM
holaa.baru balik..after 8 hari kt sana..sejuk menggigil2..sampai beli coatn gloves kt sana.. 2 hari  ...

u beli correlle kat mana?


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Post time 21-9-2015 05:24 PM | Show all posts
abbey replied at 21-9-2015 04:14 PM
u beli correlle kat mana?

kat big W... hand carry je 3 kotak..heheheh

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Post time 22-9-2015 08:45 AM | Show all posts
tapirbiru replied at 21-9-2015 05:24 PM
kat big W... hand carry je 3 kotak..heheheh

wah kelas u hand carry je...
murah sgt ke or lebih kurang langkawi je?

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Post time 22-9-2015 10:19 AM | Show all posts
abbey replied at 22-9-2015 08:45 AM
wah kelas u hand carry je...
murah sgt ke or lebih kurang langkawi je?

dlm rm150.. husband i la carry...kih3..dia ckp ni last la jalan2 beli pinggan mangkuk bagai..lain kali nak beli bawak sendiri..

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Post time 22-9-2015 12:13 PM | Show all posts
tapirbiru replied at 22-9-2015 10:19 AM
dlm rm150.. husband i la carry...kih3..dia ckp ni last la jalan2 beli pinggan mangkuk bagai..lain  ...

murah la jgk tuh...
hihi tu la, time beli mmg best... nk bwk lain citer...


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Post time 22-9-2015 02:39 PM | Show all posts
bestnye la kalau dpt keje sana..4 taun cukup laa

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Post time 27-9-2015 04:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
me too baru balik khamis br ni. 2 hari terakhir stay kat perth city. panas yg amat terik. cecah 31°c... rasa mcm lg panas dr mesia. kulit ku terbakar...

trip kali ni agak rushing sbb ada 5 hari je solid. pastu cover smpi albany. tp kat albany frust sbb the gap & natural bridge tutup for renovation smpi end of this year....

apa pun i enjoy the trip. stay kat yha augusta, mr darren bg ikan tuna fresh free kat kami... mmg sedap masak walau hanya letak garam je... perghhh...
ada rezeki nak repeat lagi utk juz relax2 je...

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Post time 27-9-2015 04:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
after all mmg jimat la ke sana berbanding klu nak g negara omputih lain. nak g europe, ntah bila tahun mampu so, perth is one of the best option utk visit negara mat salleh. jarak pun xjauh, flight pun tak lama.... boleh ni nak migrate sethn dua. cuma, mlm2 mmg mati kutu la. nak p mana pun xtau sbb bandar mati.... kl ni smpi siang pun blh klu nak jln. ha3... no wonder depa suka mai kl...

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Post time 28-9-2015 08:49 AM | Show all posts
gdah replied at 27-9-2015 04:24 PM
me too baru balik khamis br ni. 2 hari terakhir stay kat perth city. panas yg amat terik. cecah 31° ...

panas ke sana? nak ke sn oct ni...
klu bwk jaket biasa je ckp ke?

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