A site attributed to a separatist leader suggests rebels may have shot down MH17, but it has since been taken down and details remain unclear. It features a comment saying "We just downed an An-26 near Torez. It's down somewhere near Progress mine," which suggests rebel forces may have believed the passenger jet to be a Ukrainian military transport plane. The page, on the VKontakte social network, is attributed to Igor Girkin, who goes by the nom de guerre Strelkov and is the self-proclaimed military commander of the rebels. The page has been posting for rebels affiliated with Strelkov for weeks, and has some 130,000 followers.

The post continues "We had warned them not to fly in 'our sky'" and says "here is video confirmation of the "downed little bird." The linked video is the same as that used in media reports on the crash. The post also says "a residential sector was not caught" and "Innocent people were not harmed." Rebels have previously shot down an An-26 jet on 14 June, killing 49 Ukrainian military servicemen.