Originally posted by thrussardi at 11-1-2009 23:17
Ni rumput rumah saya, beli kat sg buloh. Gambar ni diambil selepas 2 minggu di tanam. Alhamdullilah so far ok jer rumput ni, cantik.
http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn80/thrussardi/rumah/IM ...
Salam thrussardi,
Bagus laaa kalau tiada ghumput liar.
Tapi miker hendak lah melakukan daily, weekly, monthly maintenance.
Tak bley cilok...............
Selalunya ghumput liar ini akan kelihatan within 3-6 months.
Salam |
Balas #1000 thrussardi\ catat
cantik..awk tnam sendiri ker?
tanam sekeping2 tu ker?cepat lak .. 2mgu dah npk hasil.. |
Originally posted by biscuit_merie at 13-1-2009 05:55 PM
cantik..awk tnam sendiri ker?
tanam sekeping2 tu ker?cepat lak .. 2mgu dah npk hasil..
A'ah tanam sekeping-sekeping 2X1 kaki. Hari2 siram, mmg kawasan tu pulak kena cahaya matahari..itu yg naik cepat. |
Originally posted by thrussardi at 13-1-2009 18:13
A'ah tanam sekeping-sekeping 2X1 kaki. Hari2 siram, mmg kawasan tu pulak kena cahaya matahari..itu yg naik cepat.
Sila beri gambar dan laporan selepas 6-10 bulan ia di tanam, thrussardi. |
Howdy ada gak menanam rumput kat area rumah...dulu masa mula mula nak beli payah nak buat pilihan antara carpet dan pearl....akhirnya ambil pearl grass.
Memang nampak cantik tapi bila dah subur..sekarang nampak rumput tu di campurkan dengan cow grassnye benih...ada setengah part nampak benar cow
grass isssshhhh.... ni halaman belah belakamg ingat nak tanam cow grass je dah.
Masa menanam pun howdy buat sendiri ....Tarah tanah tu..bubuh pasir, ratakan..akhirnya tanam sendiri. Nak suruh contractor..mak ai dari 3K ke 5K....dah lah baru pindah...dan banyak lagi nak beli..so terpaksalah buat sikit sikit....akhir menjadi..dah setahun pun...tapi akhir tahun lalu Howdy tak bubuh baja so dah nampak kemarahan sikit....
Cam ner nak attach gambar..sesapa boleh tolong beri panduan tak?
[ Last edited by howdyhood at 14-1-2009 11:03 AM ] |
kat tanah tu dah tanam pokok, kalo kita racun rumput, akan ada efek tak kat pokok yang kita tanam..
nak racun rumput guna racun apa?
buleh tak sapa sapa ulang tayang nasihat penanaman rumput..
rmput sedia ada kena racunh.. kalo tak nbuh racun, kita just korek 3 inci dan terus buang tanah tu buleh tak |
Originally posted by wardatulhamra at 10-2-2009 09:53 AM
kat tanah tu dah tanam pokok, kalo kita racun rumput, akan ada efek tak kat pokok yang kita tanam..
nak racun rumput guna racun apa?
buleh tak sapa sapa ulang tayang nasihat penanaman rumpu ...
Pokok apa? Pengalaman saya ..pokok tak mati .Rumput mati. Tapi kena tahu pokok apa yang terkena racun tu ? |
Originally posted by wardatulhamra at 10-2-2009 09:53
kat tanah tu dah tanam pokok, kalo kita racun rumput, akan ada efek tak kat pokok yang kita tanam..
nak racun rumput guna racun apa?
buleh tak sapa sapa ulang tayang nasihat penanaman rumpu ...
Kesan nya bergantung kpd:
1. jenis pokok (kecil or besar)
2. racun ghumput or lalang tidak memberi kesan yg banyak terhadap pokok yg besar spt manggis, durian, rambutan, jambu, limau
p/s utk membunuh pokok besar, miker bley gunakan racun yg lebey kuat . Yakni Kelas IIA. (di sapu sekeliling batang + minyak diesel)
owh..masalahnya pokok tu, manggis dan jambu pun baru tanam.. kalo takde efek senang le kita nak menyuruh asben kita buang je..sakit hati lak tgk..
lepas racun, kira kita korek tanah tu terus atau bagi rumput mati dulu.. sebab tanah tu dah buh racun, takut tak efektif pulak..erk.. tlong kasi tunjuk ajar |
Originally posted by wardatulhamra at 11-2-2009 11:37
owh..masalahnya pokok tu, manggis dan jambu pun baru tanam.. kalo takde efek senang le kita nak menyuruh asben kita buang je..sakit hati lak tgk..
lepas racun, kira kita korek tanah tu terus a ...
Yang pasti............jangan ler racun 'direct' ataih pokok manggis n jambu tu.
Kalau setakat keliling..............insyaallah no hal. |
Originally posted by hanis00 at 7-2-2006 11:23 AM
paling senang rasanya cow grass kut...
cow grass actually is not easy to maintain, yet it is the cheapest one. usually we grows this cow grass in the large area. but for tose who have extra money i think pearl grass or japanese grass is ok la. |
TYPES OF TURF Click photos for larger view.
St. Augustine is a turf grass widely adapted to the world's warm, humid (subtropical) regions. It is believed to be native to the coastal regions of both the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean. In Florida, St. Augustine is the most common planted turfgrass in urban, coastal areas. It can be grown in a wide variety of soils, but grows best in well-drained, fertile soils. To produce an acceptable quality lawn, St. Augustinegrass requires WATERING and FERTLIZING.
ADVANTAGES - St. Augustinegrass produces a dark to blue-green, dense turf that is well adapted to most soils and climatic regions in Florida. It has good salt tolerance and certain cultivars will generally tolerate shade better than other warm-season turfgrasses. St. Augustinegrass establishes from sod quickly and easily. Several different types of St. Augustinegrass sod and plugs are available from garden centers and sod installers throughout Florida.
DISADVANTAGES - St. Augustinegrass, like most turfgrasses, has certain cultural and pest problems which may limit its use in some situations. The coarse leaf texture is objectionable to some people. It requires irrigation to produce a good quality turf, and does not remain green during drought conditions without supplemental irrigation. Excessive thatch buildup can occur under moderate to high fertility and frequent irrigation conditions. It wears poorly, and some varieties are susceptible to cold damage. The major insect pest of St. Augustinegrass is the chinch bug and sod webworms.
Click photos for larger view.
Bahiagrass was introduced from Brazil in 1914 and was originally used as a pasture grass on the poor sandy soils of the southeastern United States. Several varieties have become available for use as lawngrasses. The ability of bahiagrasses to persist on infertile, dry soils and their resistance to most pests have made them increasingly popular with homeowners.
ADVANTAGES - Bahiagrass can be grown from seed which is abundant and relatively inexpensive. Once established, these grasses develop an extensive root system which makes them one of the most drought tolerant lawngrasses. Bahiagrass produces a very durable sod which is able to withstand moderate traffic. In addition, bahiagrasses have fewer pest problems than any other Florida lawngrass, although mole crickets can severly damage it.
DISADVANTAGES - Bahiagrasses have a relatively open growth habit and the tall unsightly seedheads that are produced continuously from May through November. The prolific seedheads, plus the very tough leaves and stems make bahias difficult to mow. The coarse texture of several bahia varieties reduce their visual quality. Bahiagrasses are not well adapted to soils having high pH (alkaline soils) and grow poorly in areas subject to salt spray. They often appear yellow in spring and fall due to lack of iron and they can be seriously damaged by insects called mole crickets. Bahiagrass has low tolerance to most currently available postemergence grass herbicides. This makes weed control difficult in bahiagrass turf.
Click photos for larger view.
Bermudagrass is planted throughout Florida primarily on golf courses, athletic fields, tennis courts, and bowling greens. They are primarily used in areas where fine-textured, high quality turf is essential for sports activities, and maintenance budgets are adequate. Bermudagrass is native to Africa where it thrived on fertile soils. Today, most of the bermudagrass used for turf in Florida are hybrids of two different species.
ADVANTAGES - Bermudagrass produces a vigorous, light to dark green, dense turf that is well adapted to most soils and climatic regions in Florida. Bermudagrass has excellent wear, drought and salt tolerance and is a good choice for ocean front property. It establishes rapidly and is competitive against weeds and, depending on the variety, is available as seed, sod or sprigs.
DISADVANTAGES - Bermudagrass has a large number of cultural and pest problems which restrict its use in many Florida situations. It is not suitable for most home lawns because of the need for restricted use pesticides to control nematodes and insects. It also requires the most maintenance for an acceptable apperance of any Florida turfgrass. |
kt atas 2 ada la maklumat yg julia nk kngsi. tp klau tuan punya tanah nk tau lebih bnyak mklumat, boleh la cari kt internet. cari je pasal 'turf grass', mesti bnyak info yg berguna |
bgs gak ade tread ni, actually sye ni landscape arkitek. tp keje asyik design landscape ngan buat proposal plan aje. stakat ni tk penah pegi lapangan tgk org buat keje. mklumla keje ngan developer nih kite cuma buat keje kite aje. bab pg lapangan ni org lain punye keje la..2 yg bab tanam mnanam ni tak expert sngat la..tp ngan adanye tread ni bnyak la gk dpt ilmu tmbahan. syabas kpd tuan tanah.. |
Reply #1014 julia5094's post
sebagai landscape arkitek takder ker ilmu nak dikongsi bersama atau takder ker buat design urk warga Cari ni? hehe rasanya boleh kot minta pendapat kan kan kan.... |
Originally posted by julia5094 at 12-2-2009 02:54 PM
bgs gak ade tread ni, actually sye ni landscape arkitek. tp keje asyikdesign landscape ngan buat proposal plan aje. stakat ni tk penah pegilapangan tgk org buat keje. mklumla keje ngan developer nih kite cumabuat keje kite aje. bab pg lapangan ni org lain punye keje la..2 yg babtanam mnanam ni tak expert sngat la..tp ngan adanye tread ni bnyak lagk dpt ilmu tmbahan. syabas kpd tuan tanah..
Bab tanam menanam ni biasanya horticulture.. tapi as a landscape architect.. perlulah tau the basic kan.. |
Originally posted by julia5094 at 12-2-2009 02:33 PM
cow grass actually is not easy to maintain, yet it is the cheapest one. usually we grows this cow grass in the large area. but for tose who have extra money i think pearl grass or japanese gr ...
Bagi I pulak... cow grass is easy to maintain.. gunakan purely cow grass... tak macam pearl gras... akar dia pendek2.. so rumput asing yang akar lebih panjang ke dalam akan ambil tempat kalau tak jaga betul2.
2006 I pernah tanam pearl... sekarang ni banyak rumput2 asing ambil alih... tapi I biarkan saja... kalau nampak rumput asing tu panjang.. i upah org potong. Dan kalau tanah tu nampak keras.. I cangkul2 sikit... nanti pearl u akan subur balik... dan sekarang ni i cebak2 sikit untuk biakkan kat kawasan belakang rumah. Pearl grass ni sesuai kalau tempat yang ada shade (teduhan).. dia tak boleh terdedah terus pada cahaya matahari. |
takde ke sesapa kat sini nak rekemen kontraktor utk tanam rumput ni? kitaorg tgh cari org utk buat keja dr mula sampai penanaman rumput siap.. tak larat nak buat ada baby kecik ni.. rumah saya end lot.. |
Originally posted by Airis at 25-2-2009 06:44 PM
takde ke sesapa kat sini nak rekemen kontraktor utk tanam rumput ni? kitaorg tgh cari org utk buat keja dr mula sampai penanaman rumput siap.. tak larat nak buat ada baby kecik ni.. rumah saya en ...
Kalau kami kat sini buat konsortium tanam rumput, awak nak amik tak. NG boleh jadi projek manager kot.. Aku kerja mencangkul dah lah.. Janji mashuk.. |
Balas #1018 Airis\ catat
airis dok mane? kalu klang saya ade contact no kontraktor buat rumput tu. dia dah buat kat rumah saye..puas hati la. umah saya intermediate .. |
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