Alice Troughton [Episodes 1, 2, 12, & 13]
Alex Pillai [Episode 6]
Justin Molotnikov [Episodes 7, 8, & 9]
• Gemma Jones will be in the opening episode of Series four. She will be playing the The Cailleach the gatekeeper to the spirit world.
• Phil Davis will play The Gleeman an old world Circus-master in episode three. The character will arrive in Camelot to attend Prince Arthur's banquet and is supposedly hiding a dark secret.
• Lindsay Duncan will play Queen Annis in series four.
• Zee Asha will play a character called Audrey in series four.
• Steven Hartley will play a character called Caerleon in series four.
• Sarah Beck Mather will play Vilia, a water nymph.
• Charlene McKenna will play a character called Lamia in series four.
• Trevor 'Zig' Byfield will play a character called Goron in series four.
• Emma Tainton will play 'servant to Merlin' in series four.
• Agravaine will be one of the main 'baddies' this series.
"[...]You know what happened at the end of the last series? Morgana, Morgause, a big battle - obviously Camelot won. So we tidy up that and I become a presence at court. Quite a dark and brooding presence.[...]I wouldn't call myself evil - in fact, we're not allowed to use the word evil - but I would call myself misunderstood. Only by Arthur. Actually, after 20 minutes you know exactly that [my character is] a baddie, but you're not allowed to say it too much, and obviously Arthur doesn't know. It's only Merlin and Gaius who really suspect, and really only Gaius at the beginning as well.[...](On his relationship with Arthur) He's avuncular. He tries to give him the best advice he possibly can. The truth is, he would run Camelot in a very different way if he had a chance. It's not that he dislikes Camelot, he'd just run it in a very different way. It's sort of the old guard - Arthur's so much the new guard - the old guard coming in. With some strength, I think. I think he's definitely a force to be reckoned with."
• The tag-line for series four will be 'The Darkest Hour is Just Before The Dawn'. Originally 'The Search For Emrys'. Source: SFK Article
• The first two episodes (two-parter) will focus on Morgana's revenge. Source: SFK Article
• There will be a lot more action/adventure quests this series. Source: SFK Article
• The Arthur/Gwen/Lancelot triangle won't be like Mallory's version. Source: SFK Article
• We will learn about the legend of Emrys. Source: SFK Article
• A huge part of series four is whether Merlin's magic will be found out. Source: SFK Article
• Merlin's alter ego 'Dragoon' will become part of series four. Source: SFK Article
• There are bigger reasons as to why Merlin can't reveal his identity in series four. Source: SFK Article
• Uther legacy is important to the show and there are supposedly some exciting stories concerning Uther where he makes some interesting choices and some unexpected choices.
• Katie has shot a lot of scenes with Nathaniel Parker (Agravaine) and none with Gemma Jones and Phil Davis. Source: Digital Spy at YouTube (0:30 - 0:58)
• Morgana's scenes will mainly be separate from the rest of the characters but she should still be interacting with them. Source: Digital Spy at YouTube (2:17 - 2:58)
• Series four is supposed to be the most grown up series yet. Source: Digital Spy at YouTube (3:52 - 4:43)
• There will be a power shift between Uther and Arthur. Source: Digital Spy at YouTube (0:53 - 1:18)
• There should be plenty of 'darkness' ahead.
• Gwen and Merlin's friendship will still be present in series four.
• A few places mention that the name of the two-part opener of series four is 'The Revival Of The Witch'. There is no confirmed source for this information though.
The picture above is of the actress who is said to play the character who is a ' servant to Merlin '. Now, does this mean that Merlin actually gets a role change similar to what Gwen is apparently getting with the new clothes and being in the stands for Arthur in season four, or is she a servant to him because of Emrys ? Also, looking at her picture I was getting a serious Freya vibe from her so maybe casting her was intentional to make the connection to us and also Merlin ?
There is a picture going around of Lancelot now dressed in black and talking with the evil sisters, so maybe the rumours of Lancelot faking his death so he can go deep undercover behind enemy lines seems be true ?
There is a picture going around of Lancelot now dressed in black and talking with the evil sisters, so maybe the rumours of Lancelot faking his death so he can go deep undercover behind enemy lines seems be true ?
Rasa baru hari tu speku ngan Kuceng yg sumthin's going on between Lancelot ngan Morgause. We speculate that Lancelot is Morgause's love interest....
The picture above is of the actress who is said to play the character who is a ' servant to Merlin '. Now, does this mean that Merlin actually gets a role change similar to what Gwen is apparently getting with the new clothes and being in the stands for Arthur in season four, or is she a servant to him because of Emrys ? Also, looking at her picture I was getting a serious Freya vibe from her so maybe casting her was intentional to make the connection to us and also Merlin ?
Ni nak ganti Nimueh ke? Sbb in original legend, Nimueh is Merlin's love interest and not Freya (watak baru kan?). Since, sorang dah meletup , sorang dah kalu , dia bakal mengganti?