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Author: plamsat

[Tempatan] penumpang air asia dilarang menaiki pesawat di vietnam

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Post time 24-5-2013 08:43 PM | Show all posts
noor2 posted on 24-5-2013 03:02 PM
i terpikir gak...satu hari nanti aku terhempas agaknya bersama kapal terbang ni... dah selalu sa ...

dlu kan ke ada pesawat merpati airlines ke apa, kat indon, terhempas sal ada penumpang yg guna gadget2 elektronik....

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Post time 24-5-2013 09:17 PM | Show all posts
faraway1 posted on 24-5-2013 06:39 PM
kalau 10 K orang cam u kata bye bye AA
happylah ramai orang, kurang saingan masa zero fare :laugh ...

Bukan? Tak payah nak berebut beki tiket zero fare but then kakak felda pprt umno  itu hanya harap kan waran gomen jah pun naik mas, kalau bayar sendiri? Silap silap dok hadap juga berebut beli tiket airasia tika promo.

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Post time 24-5-2013 09:28 PM | Show all posts
noor2 posted on 24-5-2013 02:44 AM
mana ada flight delay sebab tunggu penumpang vok....depa akan ikut waktu..ada tak de tetap pintu a ...

ada, me pernah naik masa dari moscow ke sochi, rusia..
pintu semua dah tutup eh tetiba dibukak balik dan serombongan orang masuk..
me cam ''what'', so masa pramugari sibuk bagi keterangan
pasal keselamatan, orang masih lalu lalang lagi...


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Post time 24-5-2013 09:40 PM | Show all posts
faraway1 posted on 24-5-2013 09:28 PM
ada, me pernah naik masa dari moscow ke sochi, rusia..
pintu semua dah tutup eh tetiba dibukak ba ...

Itu atas dasar budi bicara pilot kot? Aerobridge dah terik belum?
saya pun pernah sgt drama tertinggal flight, silap bajet waktu furthermore sakit perut sinnggaj berak kat gas station on the way ke airport pelbagai, saya sampai kat gate betul betul pesawat baharu katup pintu. Memang sangat malang tika itu, bertimpa timpa malang nya, and 2 days later my mother passed away.
dah la masa saya tgh tunggu next flight petang itu, jumpa ada makcik tgh tunggu flight sbb nak visit sedara meninggal di penang etc, so telling sgt tika itu apa akan berlaku 2 days later.

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Post time 24-5-2013 09:47 PM | Show all posts
faraway1 posted on 24-5-2013 09:28 PM
ada, me pernah naik masa dari moscow ke sochi, rusia..
pintu semua dah tutup eh tetiba dibukak ba ...

owhh.....ada juga ya dah macam bas pulak

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Post time 24-5-2013 09:48 PM | Show all posts
Vokuro posted on 24-5-2013 09:40 PM
Itu atas dasar budi bicara pilot kot? Aerobridge dah terik belum?
saya pun pernah sgt drama terti ...

nak gelak pasal singgah berak tu vok...

takziah pasal kehilangan orang tersayang....


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Post time 24-5-2013 09:50 PM | Show all posts
oni313 posted on 24-5-2013 08:43 PM
dlu kan ke ada pesawat merpati airlines ke apa, kat indon, terhempas sal ada penumpang yg guna gad ...

owhh..naudzubillah...cemana depa dapat tahu?


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Post time 24-5-2013 10:02 PM | Show all posts
noor2 posted on 24-5-2013 09:50 PM
owhh..naudzubillah...cemana depa dapat tahu?

Rasanya sebab weather,  inexperience crew and pilot xikut normal procedure..


© AirSpace Images
The fatal crash of a Xian MA60 aircraft operated by Indonesian carrier Merpati Nusantara in 2011 has been attributed to the crew's failure to adhere to standard operating procedures and their loss of situational awareness.

The aircraft, registration PK-MZK, was operating on the Sorong-Kaimana route on 7 May 2011. As it was preparing to land, the weather at Kaimana was overcast with showers, says a final report from Indonesia's National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC).

The poor weather had reduced visibility around the airport to just 2km. Although the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) and Merpati require a visibility of 5km for a visual approach, the crew ignored this requirement. Kaimana is also not equipped for instrument approaches.

During the flight, the co-pilot was acting as pilot-in-command. When the aircraft was on final approach, however, the pilot took command of the aircraft. The reasons for this are unclear, but the NTSC says the change may have "[increased] crew workload at a critical phase of flight."

As the aircraft approached the airport, the pilot asked the co-pilot three times whether he could see the runway. The co-pilot replied that he could not.

At 376ft (114m) pressure altitude, the crew decided to let the aircraft climb and perform a go-around. As the aircraft passed 537ft pressure altitude, the torque of its left and right engines were increased to 70% and 82% respectively.

© AirSpace Images
Upon reaching 550ft pressure altitude, the landing gear was retracted and its bank angle increased to 33 degrees to the left. This grew to 38 degrees, after which the aircraft rapidly descended into the sea, killing all 19 passengers and six crewmembers.

The NTSC attributed the rapid descent to a high bank angle, the retraction of flaps to zero, engine torque, low airspeed and the aircraft's nose-down pitch. The crew also lost situational awareness as they peered out the window attempting to locate the runway.

The NTSC report cited the pilots' inexperience with the MA60. The pilot had just 199 hours on the type and the co-pilot, 234. Merpati's safety division requires a pilot to have 250 hours on a type to be considered an "experienced pilot".

The NTSC said the pilots failed to conduct an approach briefing and landing checklist. It also found that communication between the two was limited.

One possible issue the NTSC pointed to was the use of non-standard English aviation language in both the flight crew operations and aircraft maintenance manuals.

NTSC recommends that Merpati Nusantara review its training procedures, as well as improve aircraft documentation and manuals.

Generally, it recommends that the DGCA review the adequacy of airline training, crew pairing policies and safety management systems
Last edited by claxicaa on 24-5-2013 10:03 PM


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Post time 24-5-2013 10:04 PM | Show all posts
ingat lagi tak kawan saya yang komen kat blog mazidul suruh dia tanya mengapa kakak tu masih nak melawat vietnam walaupun anak masih belum sembuh?  kawan saya kata lagi komennya tidak diterbitkan, walhal dia  tidak pun mengguna bahasa kasar sedikit pun.

aku pun tgk la juga blog mazidul, pencetus utama kes ini. rata2 yang komen semua yang hentam Air asia.  tak sangka, mazidul pun bersifat mcm fakezura yang hebat mengefake seperti dlm forum gossip tempatan.  tiada langsung komen dari sebelah pihak yang nak tahu alasan ibu itu.

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Post time 24-5-2013 10:08 PM | Show all posts
claxicaa posted on 24-5-2013 10:02 PM
Rasanya sebab weather,  inexperience crew and pilot xikut normal procedure..

source: http://www ...

owh. tq......kira nya bukan faktor cuaca saja...termasuk crew n pilot ...

penumpang jadi mangsa,....


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Post time 24-5-2013 10:13 PM | Show all posts
xanderz posted on 24-5-2013 10:04 PM
ingat lagi tak kawan saya yang komen kat blog mazidul suruh dia tanya mengapa kakak tu masih nak mel ...

memang la, komen yang ok je dia akan approve. so that dia nampak betul sebab semua orang sokong dia..


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Post time 24-5-2013 10:14 PM | Show all posts
itulah bahana book tiket murah seawal mungkin, bila tiba time nak pergi, tetiba ada aral melintang, terus redah saje sebab rasa rugi tiket dah beli.

bukan makcik ni saje, kawan aku pun banyak camni. walaupun kerja menimbun tapi tetap nak pergi melancong sebab dah book tiket lama katanya. sudahnya kita la tinggal sorang2 kat ofis kena setelkan kerja2 yang urgent. betapa tak adilnya manusia ini.

itu takpe lagi, siap ada yang sanggup tinggalkan ahli keluarga yang sakit semata2 sebab dah book tiket awal, tapi taknak kansel sebab RUGI. so tinggal la orang yang sakit tu kat sepital tanpa keluarga lain di sisi sebab yang lain "terpaksa" pergi melancong kerna tiket sudah beli. Ada juga manusia yang sayangkan melancong dari keluarga sendiri. kadang aku pun tak paham dengan mereka2 ini.

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Post time 24-5-2013 10:26 PM | Show all posts
guesswho09 posted on 23-5-2013 10:30 PM
suka komen truly ni...

Thank you Puak puak yang kehulu ke hilir hina makcik ni pun, set set ambil AirAsia jer. Ader ati nak bongkak lahar orang sampai sebut kalau miskin tak payah melancong hahahahah macam la dorang tu set urban sangat.

Kita tak kata Makcik ni betul tapi yang lain tak yah la bongkak sangat. I bet they themselves do not know some of the rules when visiting other countries/flying. You start somewhere then you get better at it.

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Post time 24-5-2013 10:28 PM | Show all posts
ekmal_sorrow posted on 23-5-2013 10:21 PM
" Paling lucu dorang kata dah airline murah jangan harap la service tip top. I tak faham apa mak ...

Hahaahhhaa spot on! Airbohsia!!

Mana dia belajar entah, kalau murah tak perlu layan orang elok elok. Apa punya mentaliti.

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Post time 24-5-2013 10:30 PM | Show all posts
DARSITA posted on 24-5-2013 03:10 AM
That's my points!

I would blame the airline, they made it past security already (KLIA).

iBlame the mom oso

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Post time 24-5-2013 10:32 PM | Show all posts
hanalisa posted on 24-5-2013 10:14 PM
itulah bahana book tiket murah seawal mungkin, bila tiba time nak pergi, tetiba ada aral melintang,  ...

nanti ada pulak salahkan company yang buat sales tu. napa pulak buat jualan murah tiket time tu plak . hehehe

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Post time 24-5-2013 10:34 PM | Show all posts
DARSITA posted on 24-5-2013 03:53 AM
Kan ke mencegah itu lebih baik dari mengubati?  kalau staff tu buat kerja betul betul Puan Malan ...
kalau staff tu buat kerja betul betul Puan Malang ini sudah tentu tidak terkandas di Vietnam. Sudah tentu tidak ada penumpang yang akan dijangkiti penyakit ini kerana satu pesawat dgn anak Puan Malang.

ya, memang salah staff LCCT, tetapi kalau makcik tu dapat bawak surat kebenaran doktor untuk flight kan aman? kain dapat beli, kapal terbang dapat naik, orang lain selesa, Malaysia tak berpecah dua, blog mazidul rating iklan tak naik, forum CARI rating iklan tak naik, thread ni kurang page view, semua orang hidup sentosa bila makcik tu awal-awal lagi dah bawak surat doktor

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Post time 24-5-2013 10:35 PM | Show all posts
mamarayyan2010 posted on 24-5-2013 04:00 AM
Sy pernah gak disoal siasat dari ground smpailah oleh ketua pramugari gitu..kaedahnya bila badan ana ...

tak nak tengok kilauan emas, ASTRO nak ganti dengan AF baharu

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Post time 24-5-2013 10:37 PM | Show all posts
Vokuro posted on 24-5-2013 07:40 AM
Itu atas dasar budi bicara pilot kot? Aerobridge dah terik belum?
saya pun pernah sgt drama terti ...

tak da aerobridge pun jenis jalan ke plane
ala ala taraf pprt cam plane AA tu...
pramugari pun tenang aje kot dah biasa kot
dengan sikap russia...

kami pernah kanselkan travel so balik rumah direct
sebab my mil tenat, tapi ada insurance, so insurance cover
dan setahun kemudian guna duit yang dapat dari insurance tu
kami pegi balik negara yang terpaksa dikanselkan itu...


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Post time 24-5-2013 10:44 PM | Show all posts
perang_saudara posted on 24-5-2013 10:34 PM
ya, memang salah staff LCCT, tetapi kalau makcik tu dapat bawak surat kebenaran doktor untuk f ...

sih ish ish
bukan salah mak cik tu dia tau anak demam tapi masih mahu pergi melancong..

tapi salah airasia sebab buat promotion tiket murah pegi vietnam


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