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Author: mysr01

[The BRF] Istana Bawang 12: The Markle Debacle and Other Stories

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Post time 12-1-2020 01:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
armin replied at 11-1-2020 11:37 PM
I rasa BRF bagi je deyol pindah canada tp still bagi allowance sebab dah malas nak mengadap muka meg ...

That is how I think too.

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Post time 12-1-2020 02:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
delia3003 replied at 11-1-2020 06:54 PM
Naive ye ler yg komen pasal heret dgn meret quitting royal family sbb privacy dan nak stepping out o ...

Golongan naif nih banyak kat tl twitter iols. Siap ada golongan woke twit gambar meghan senyum lepas tuh caption "when you manage to destroy a dynasty". Iols mcm err.... Ok...meghan tu nobody without brf. For sure nanti nak merch pon jadi mahal sbb connection dgn brf. Haiyooo...these people baca byk sgt romance novel

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Post time 12-1-2020 02:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by delia3003 at 12-1-2020 03:46 PM

Sape2 tolong paste kan tweet ni kat sini? Tak tau macam mana nak paste tweet guna mobile. Thread interview terbaru Samantha pasal isu latest meret. First time tgk Samantha ni bercakap. Boleh tahan articulate jugak dia ... 63660444364800?s=19

Jumpa youtube version


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Post time 12-1-2020 02:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by delia3003 at 12-1-2020 02:53 PM
lilylulu replied at 12-1-2020 02:02 PM
Golongan naif nih banyak kat tl twitter iols. Siap ada golongan woke twit gambar meghan senyum lep ...

Diorang boleh survive dgn kes Diana yg jadi kesayangan ramai, setakat si semeg ni apalah sgt. Tapi rasa kalau diorang tak dengar suara rakyat, tak strip title heretmeret dan biarkan heremeret dapat apa yg diorang nak, tak mustahil rakyat UK nak tukar UK jadi Republik lepas QE takde. Bubai monarchy.

Iols boleh faham kalau PC in dillema, lepas Diana mati, mmg dia try jadi bapak yg baik kat anak2 dia. Lagipun PH ni still high profile royal walaupun 6th in line sbb putera kpd King-in-waiting, bila PC jadi King nanti , org boleh gunakan PH utk apakan2 monarchy kalau biarkan dia bebas tanpa royal protection. Royal protection, makna title HRH dia tak hilang, kalau strip semua, PH kena byr security sendiri.  

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Post time 12-1-2020 04:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tukar je lah UK jd republik. Hangin pulak iols dgn BRF ni kes si hanat lahanat ni pun susah sgt nak handle. Iols syak QE pun dh ada sikit2 dimentia.

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Post time 12-1-2020 05:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by delia3003 at 12-1-2020 05:37 PM
finn replied at 12-1-2020 04:57 PM
Tukar je lah UK jd republik. Hangin pulak iols dgn BRF ni kes si hanat lahanat ni pun susah sgt nak  ...

Susah kot, heret tu darah daging diorang, si meret tu iols yakin diorang tak kisah. Makin naik tocang ler diorang lepas dapat apa yg diorang nak dan diorang takkan stop, apa pulak stunt yg 2 mangkuk tu akan buat in future. Kalau betul ler diorang akan create high rank 'commonwealth role' kat 2 mangkuk tu kat Canada, wah suker ler meret, disembah ratu kat sana guna royal status. Meret tak nak supporting role, dia nak main role je, maklum zaman jadi retis sendu dulu tak merasa semua tu

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's 'threat of a no-holds barred interview': Couple's confidante Tom Bradby says they could go public if they don't get their way over Megxit - amid fears they would brand royal household 'sexist and racist' ... ter_impression=true

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Post time 12-1-2020 06:16 PM | Show all posts
dlm cnn report kata QE nk ade meeting dgn BP..isu heretmeret..tunggu what's next..

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Post time 12-1-2020 07:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I berangan sehari dua b4 bday M tu, Kate announce preggy 4th or maybe twins ..terus xde h&a dlm line utama pewaris crown

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Post time 12-1-2020 07:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
delia3003 replied at 12-1-2020 02:29 PM
Sape2 tolong paste kan tweet ni kat sini? Tak tau macam mana nak paste tweet guna mobile. Thread int ...

Meg is truly a selfish person

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Post time 12-1-2020 07:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by delia3003 at 12-1-2020 09:14 PM

Delusional soksex stans kata BRF perlukan heretmeret more than heremeret need them. Royal firm will split kalau lose herenmeret Ya ampun, sah bbnu yg tak tau apa2 pun psl BRF selain dpd dok puja heretnmeret So, kalau 2 mangkuk tu masih kekal dgn gelaran dan privilege sambil buat sesukahati depa, maka makin mendabik dada ler pemuja2 2 mangkuk hayun tu ... 16747332104194?s=19 ... 16260197306368?s=19

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Post time 12-1-2020 10:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Wija replied at 12-1-2020 12:12 AM
Betul..kalau anak sendiri harus la ke mana saja nak bawak...nak merching 7th in the line

Takut org perasan bukan anak betul kot. Kalau anak dia comel mesti nak usung sana sini

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Post time 12-1-2020 10:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
huehue replied at 12-1-2020 01:27 AM
Imagine kena nasi kangkang meggot yg dengar dengar selalu garu miss v  Mesti powerful nasi ka ...

Euww geli. Tp memang power habis la gitu haha

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Post time 12-1-2020 10:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
becir replied at 10-1-2020 11:43 PM
Paling xboleh blah ada article cakap masa Charles decide nak kawen ngan lady d, Camilla and anothe ...

Sape2 boleh cerita x why charles kahwin dgn diana? Bkn brf yg arrange ke? Tp kenapa dia pilih diana kalau dia cinta mati dgn camilla pulak? And brf yg arrange kenapa Queen E xsuka pulak diana

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Post time 12-1-2020 11:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
delia3003 replied at 12-1-2020 02:46 PM
Diorang boleh survive dgn kes Diana yg jadi kesayangan ramai, setakat si semeg ni apalah sgt. Ta ...

Ni yg dikatakan telan mati mak luah mati bapak nih. Nak tak nak prince harry tetap tak boleh hidup mcm org biasa. Buang title sekalipon Tetap perlu kawalan ketat. Tak bagi allowance kesian kat cucu sendiri. Bagi allowance cucu tak sedaq diri. Selfish betul maggot nih

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Post time 13-1-2020 12:27 AM | Show all posts
delia3003 replied at 12-1-2020 07:51 PM
Delusional soksex stans kata BRF perlukan heretmeret more than heremeret need them. Royal firm will  ...

Sussex stans bukan tahu cerita pun. Sebab tiba tiba viral heretmeret nak keluar brf. Padahal statement tu quit senior royals je, bukan mmg putus sedara buang title walaupun iolls menyampah statement acah acah tu. So theyolls dgn yakinnya relate dengan cerita diana pula.
Lepas tu adalah yg kata walaupun heret dikenali sebagai airhead, clumsy etc tapi sebenarnya heret lah yg paling wise sbb defend his family from the toxic brf. Katanyaaaaaaaaa. Wise lah sangat.

Kalau dia jadi independent, belum tentu lagi dia boleh buat duit banyak dengan menengokkan gaya heretmeret tu. Awal awal bolehlah buat duit thru merching brand sussex, guna duit foundation. Lepas lepas tu terus who are yus jelah heretmeret tu. Jangan nak fefeeling diana sangat. Diana tu favourite royal. Meanwhile meggot mereng tu punyalah ramai haters. Boleh ke kumpul karats banyak banyak bertahun tahun nak make sure ada customer barang sussex theyolls tu. Fashion meggot pun hauk jahhh. Tok laki dia si heret tu pun baju berkedut. Lookbook theyolls layak masuk tong sampah jah.

Heretmeret dedua sejenis tak ada keyakinan diri kah sampai nak buat brand pun kena pakai nama sussex. Sussex kan dapat dari brf. Tak malunya pakai nama yg orang bagi

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Post time 13-1-2020 12:30 AM | Show all posts
lilylulu replied at 12-1-2020 11:47 PM
Ni yg dikatakan telan mati mak luah mati bapak nih. Nak tak nak prince harry tetap tak boleh hidup ...

Walaupun iolls harap si harry pun sama kena buang terus dari brf, tapi sebenarnya mmg susah sebab banyak faktor kena kira. I harap sangat kalau si harry heret tu mmg jahat, biar dia kena house arrest jah, apa pun tak boleh buat. Yalah kalau dah kata nak buang tak boleh, banyak risiko. Tapi house arrest kalau dalam palace idokler seksa pun . Kalau mmg heolls kononnya mangsa seperti skippy cakap, okaylah i boleh kesian. Tibah sangat mcm iolls pula yg BRF

Tapi si meggot tu i harap dapatlah dicampak jauh jauh.

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Post time 13-1-2020 12:32 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 13-1-2020 12:34 AM | Show all posts

Untung dapat kahwin putera raja, boleh tolong melobi. Kalau maintain Z list actress jah, apa pun tak dapat. Hasil mendaki katil produser pun  tak membantu bila acting meggot very the kayu kayan

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Post time 13-1-2020 12:36 AM | Show all posts
offwhite replied at 12-1-2020 06:16 PM
dlm cnn report kata QE nk ade meeting dgn BP..isu heretmeret..tunggu what's next..

I nampak dkt tumblr someone said 13th ni ada press release dari BRF re the issue. Later on kalau i jumpa the receipt i share balik

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Post time 13-1-2020 12:45 AM | Show all posts
Kemain lagi acik tom ni backup sussexes

The Times: Harry and Meghan’s escape from the poisonous palace

By Tom Bradby
There was a small twist in the story of Harry and Meghan’s announcement last week that gives an indication of just how poisonous and frankly Machiavellian the modern House of Windsor has become. The young couple, newly returned and refreshed from their six weeks away, wanted to meet other members of their family and officials to discuss their plans to work towards becoming financially independent in a newly slimmed-down monarchy.
Harry was asked to put pen to paper with some ideas for discussion. He was reluctant, on the grounds that such documents normally leak.
He was persuaded and did as he was asked. The document, or its details, was shortly afterwards leaked to The Sun. And then, once he had gone ahead with an announcement anyway, palace officials claimed to have been blindsided by it.

The role of the press is perhaps symbolic (not that anyone is quibbling with The Sun — it was a good scoop), because it lies firmly at the heart of the rift between Harry and Meghan and the rest of his family. The young couple believe themselves to be taking a moral stand against the repeated hypocrisy of the tabloid press. Their argument is that if they, with all the privileges of position, power and fame, don’t do something, then who will?
Some of the rest of the family agree with their analysis, but they part ways entirely with the couple on the solution. They appear united in believing that, while suing one or more newspapers might — at best — result in a famous victory, the royal family as a whole will never win the war and that to try is madness. Better to just take it on the chin.
Harry’s father, in particular, appears keen to make sure the newspapers are on side, which is not surprising, really, given that he may one day soon ascend to the throne and has not been universally popular in the course of his life.
In other circumstances, this division of approach to the media might have been smoothed over, but it is a symptom of a deeper rift within the family itself.
It is quite hard to know who is right and who is wrong in this, and foolish perhaps to even try to decide. Some other members of the family say Harry and — particularly — his wife come across as extremely difficult. They feel they have done their absolute best to create space for the newcomer.
Harry and Meghan, on the other hand, find some other members of the family (with the exception of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh) jealous and, at times, unfriendly.
The fallout began at the time of the wedding in 2018. Really damaging things were said and done. The atmosphere soured hard and early, but few meaningful attempts were made by anyone to heal the wounds.
It is pretty clear to me from conversations with both sides that this exit could suit everyone, at least in terms of narrow self-interest. But there is no doubt Harry and Meghan feel they have been driven out.
Much of this was swirling in the background of the documentary I made with the couple in Africa last October, which contributed to it being among the most psychologically complex few weeks of my working life.
Since the couple were accused of having complained about their own lot in the programme, while surrounded by poverty and neglect, I should probably explain that the blame — if that is the right word — lies mainly with me.
The documentary was my idea, and they were consistent from the start in wanting it to be primarily, and preferably entirely, about their work in Africa. I said that, worthy as that was, I thought it would be odd for the public to tune in for an hour and discover nothing of how the past year had been for them personally. It took a great deal of persuasion to get them over the line.
That said, they are far from naive and certainly knew what they were doing. When I look back, I feel they probably got on the plane to Africa without being entirely certain as to what they would or wouldn’t say to me.
Indeed, I think they only finally made up their minds after a long and private heart-to-heart I had with Harry, overlooking a river at the Halo Trust bush camp in Angola. I’d describe the results — his admission that he had not got over his mother’s death; Meghan’s revelation that she was really struggling with the limelight — as qualified honesty.
And I suspect the purpose was twofold: to prepare the ground for exactly the announcement we saw last week, and to act as a pressure release valve, in the hope that this, of itself, might alter the dynamic within the royal family.
Certainly, when I inquired if Meghan was “OK”, I took her reply — “Thanks for asking, as not many people have” — to refer to the family itself, rather than the public or the media.
When I got back, in many conversations, I repeated the same mantra; that I hoped the couple would take some time off and that, in the interim, everyone might take a deep breath and step back from the brink. And I was far from alone in these sentiments. Most people who had known and worked closely with William and Harry over the years felt the same and relayed similar messages.
My understanding is that William did try, but the impression I have, for the moment at least, is that things have gone too far to be retrieved.
So how is this new world going to work, without dragging the entire royal family into a series of controversies? Can you be a bit in and a bit out? As I understand it, they will definitely continue to support their charities — which doesn’t require royal status — and they would like to continue to assist the Queen, particularly in her work with the Commonwealth.
They appear philosophical about the prospect of losing their titles and becoming, in the end, entirely self-funded. They believe the question of their protection is a matter for the British state to decide.
They do not seem particularly clear yet on how they will support themselves. They have told colleagues they will wait to see what comes up, though they both went into the marriage with a fair amount of their own money; quite a lot of it, in Harry’s case (from his mother).
If I had to guess (and I’m genuinely only guessing), I’d say Meghan might take on a few big roles as a brand ambassador and do some work in television as an executive producer, perhaps on programmes that promote the causes and charities she has long been interested in (like the series on mental health with Oprah Winfrey on Apple TV that was announced some time ago).
I imagine Harry will probably concentrate on the voluntary work he has done over the years — the Invictus Games, Sentebale — and if he were to step into the commercial space, I suspect it would be an area that already interests him, such as eco-tourism.
The couple tell friends they believe this is a positive step that can pave the way for all future younger royals, including Charlotte and Louis, Prince George’s younger siblings. If Prince Charles and William want a slimmed-down monarchy, Harry clearly believes he and his wife need to make the best of it.
It’s a beguiling idea, but it’s not going to be easy. They are keenly aware of the potential to be accused of abusing their royal, or now quasi-royal, status. The media will, understandably and rightly, be looking at it with a keen eye, and the potential for a string of difficult, controversial stories is obvious.
Yet their departure leaves the royal family with a big and difficult issue all of its own. The plain fact of the matter is that Harry and Meghan appeal to a young, multicultural, progressive demographic that, to put it kindly, is not the family’s strongest suit. It is not just that they might lose this group, but that it could actively turn against them.
To state the blindingly obvious, we just don’t know what comes next. If their co-operation in the ITV documentary was qualified honesty, what would the real deal look like?
I have some idea of what might be aired in a full, no-holds-barred, sit-down interview and I don’t think it would be pretty.
I suspect the royal family would carry British public opinion still — perhaps only just — but its international standing is a key part of its value to the British state. If that were to be tarnished, it could be very damaging indeed.
The days ahead will be challenging. Perhaps one of the few positives is that the entire crisis has pushed Prince Charles and his elder son closer together for the first time in years. Harry might allow himself a wry smile at that. But the family urgently needs a meaningful peace deal with the young breakaway couple, because a protracted war would be very bloody indeed.


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