Post time 8-4-2021 05:30 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
kuihbakar replied at 8-4-2021 12:31 PM
Done borong 'kuih raya'. Bagi saudara mara yang ni kompem abis depa makan
X sabo nak beraye ni tadi teman kolig urusan buat loan...dia belanja lunch nasi ayam penyet...sarap pagi tetiba ada yg bayarkan...nasi lemak telur gedik...
My Uncle Chong at the graveyard during Cheng Meng while burning *joss money*, remarks, "Joss money nowadays look so real, I'm almost reluctant to burn it."
Soon after, his wife calls his mobile, "Hey, I thought you went for Cheng Meng. Why is the joss money still on the table? And what happened to the 60K that I withdrew yesterday?"
Uncle bangs his head against the tombstone and cries till he faints.
Passersby say, "Such filial piety! Hardly see nowadays."
Later that night, his grandfather appears in his dream.
"Grandson, what have you done? What currency have you sent me? I'm now in police lockup here. They're accusing me of using counterfeit money...
Post time 8-4-2021 10:39 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
seribulan replied at 8-4-2021 07:37 AM
Wah...sedap semua tu...nanti list menu2 yang hari ni plak
Harini ada event.. pagi nasi lemak, tp xla pagi sgt.. kul 11 gak baru mkn.. x lunch.. tea time naan garlic n tandoori chicken dinner nasi lauk kari ayam dan sayur campur.. esok cuti nak mkn2 dgn member sambut puasa.. hahaha