Post time 25-9-2021 06:35 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Untuk jadi macam Kate ni, rasanya bertahun2 di grooming baik oleh Royal Family. Selagi tak mencapai standard, rasanya selagi tu tal boleh bersama2 dengan William. Serba boleh Duchess ni compared dengan yang sorang lagi tu.. Batak glamer ja lebih
Post time 25-9-2021 10:15 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 25-9-2021 04:59 AM
Her stylist hates her, obviously!
Kesiaaan.. acah2 prominent yg betul2 doing the deeds padahal nak duit jur. Atleast kate mmg dilantik utk buat charity, lg bagus she is recognized in the commonwealth country. Yg si anu tu kat us jur. Kemahen sindir, service is universal. Yucks!
Post time 25-9-2021 02:17 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 25-9-2021 05:53 AM
Sporty Kate!
Dua hari berturut2 gambar kate cantik2 buat aktiviti outdoor. Nampak fit, fresh, happy, cantik. Tak putus2 pujian org utk Kate. Meanwhile mekgan ill-fitted attire, tak sesuai badan and yes, dia nampak pudgy