i guna toner Aiken jek..murah dan very the long lasting |
Reply 1057# Makeup_Junkie
not yet..... am considering other brands |
i b'kira2 nk gune olay. major concern of my skin:
1. combination : oily t-zone, pipi kering
2. uneven skin tone : kulit muka rasenye 5x lebih gelap dari badan... yuck!
3. umo da masuk 30+ so dah mule ade fine lines dekat dahi - maybe need a lifting product
4. parut jerawat
boleh tolong nasihat ape i patut gune.. dalam hati b'kira2 nak gune olay RMS night cream utk kedut2 ku.. tp nak jugak gune olay white radiance utk cerahkan kulit ku... btw i tengah gune estee lauder ANR... |
Reply 1065# yuna_tsuzuki
Yuna...this is just my advice...better u fix yer problem one by one..which is your first concern, nak putihkan ke nak treat kedut..i think ilangkan parut, because being a moisturiser it moisturises your skin...so after dah ilang parot and putih and all, baru u treat the wrinkles..
just my 2 cents..everything is up to u.
p/s: i have used ANR but i find it too rich for my skin and it doesn't treat what i want..then again, tak sumer kulit org sama |
Reply 1066# mssG
mssG, thanks for your advice.. i agree with u.. i guess my biggest problem is my uneven skin tone due to the exposure to the sun & acne scars, which make my skin looks rough, not to mention that i look older than my real age... i pon dah gune ANR tu dah masuk 2 bulan & still doesnt c any dramatic results .. so, i might go for white radiance then... |
Reply 1067# yuna_tsuzuki
no problem ..however jgn make decision because you influence with what i said, just that for me, ANR tuh i pass to my mum lepas tu...kalau u still bawah 30an, i think u just need wrinkle prevention which means more hydration for your skin..so far white radiance punye moisture level is not bad, but it doesn't make my skin oily..which means balanced and takde plak dpt milia seed due to excess hydration.. |
Post Last Edit by yuna_tsuzuki at 11-11-2010 13:30
Reply 1068# mssG
actually i t'uja nak gune olay ni after reading all those positive testimonials from the forumers... its just that i'm not sure which product that i should use.. jd i nk dptkn advice/recommendation dulu dari kawan2 dkt cni before making any investments on any olay products |
Reply 1069# yuna_tsuzuki
ok..all the best then...based on forumers punye review and my testi sendiri..the old white radiance best...tutup kaler itam and ade kat kotak dia tulisan thai...tapi i amek cream daripada lotion sbb ade yg ckp lotion dpt break out.. |
white radiance tutup kaler hitam tu day or night cream? |
Day cream...rase2 night cream ade...try carik..mssG pakai night cream yg OTE punye.. |
hi all
After 3 days applying olay white radiance cellucent essence, my skin mcm menngelupas sikit-sikit
Ada tak sesiapa yg pernah alami benda yg sama? |
tengah berkira nak beli ote eye cream dan white radiance night creme... |
sesiapa leh bgtau kat KL ni kat mana ada SA@promoter Olay....produk dah abis. urgent nak kena beli |
huhu... help me guys!
muka sweetemp terbakar teruk...(berjemur tengah padang seharian) so nak buat camana ek? nak continue ngan OTE atau kena guna white radiance? huhu....rasa panas kat muka ni tak ilang2 pon... huhu... |
dulu mmg pengguna tegar produk OTE ni...pakai cleanser, krim anti aging 7 in 1 dgn OTE blemish prone skin. mmg ok sgt...kulit pun jadi cerah. kulit sy jenis combination, jadi jerawat on n off ...esp kt dahi n dagu. sy ada sket dark spot / pigmentation kt pipi...dr dulu mmg tak hilang2, dah tak tau nk pakai produk apa. OTE pun tak cukup kuat nk hilangkan. then bila dah lama2, teringin plak nk try brand lain, sbb dah immune dgn OTE..kulit cam gitu jgk.. range olay yg baru2 ni tak try lagi, mgkin dah improve sbb dah ada essence, serum bagai..dah byk sgt, tak tau nk pakai yg mana. teringin nk try regenerist, tp takde trial pack la...tgh usha night cream dia.. |
tengah berkira nak beli ote eye cream dan white radiance night creme...
asz1974 Post at 11-11-2010 16:36
at last ari jumaat lepas gi redah mydin jalan tar sambar ote eye cream (RM38.90) dan white radiance night creme (RM45.00)...baru cuba sekali night creme..tengok le camne risau kalau kulit kering ke...sebab white radiance nie kan lebih kepada kulit remaja...ni kulit dah mature pulak tu...minta2 okay le... |
Reply 1075# izzah_mia
Guardian MidValley ade SA.. |
Reply 1076# sweetemp
guna Aloe Vera dulu utk cool down sunburn..bila kulit dah tak sensitive baru boleh start pakai moisturiser..takot kang lagi terbakar kulit sbb chemical kena dekat yg terbakar tuh.. |
Reply izzah_mia
Guardian MidValley ade SA..
mssG Post at 15-11-2010 14:44
tq mssg tp smlm dah gi guardian one utama...SA xde pun..alih2x pilih jelah sendiri. xtau ah yg dpilih tu sesuai ke tak |
Reply 1081# izzah_mia
kdg2 SA dia pegi makan..kena tanye SA products lain..budak SA tu melayu .... |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki