Mass prayers mark majestic milestone
By Azaraimy HH & Azrol Azmi 
Pehin Datu Imam Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Haji Awang Abd Hamid bin Bakal leading the Isyak Prayer prior to the Terawikh prayers. | 
Members of the public performing the Terawikh prayers. - PHOTOS: AZROL AZMI | 
A curious boy looks around as people perform the terawikh prayers. | Citizens congregated at Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque for mass Isyak and terawikh prayers last nightto commemorate the 40th anniversary of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di Pertuan of BruneiDarussalam's accession to the throne. Among those present were cabinet ministers, dignitaries, governmentofficers and staff as well as the public.The event included Isyak and terawikh prayers and mass Witir, recital of Surah Yaasin and specialthanksgiving prayers in conjunction with the 40th anniversary of His Majesty's accession to the throne.
Similar events were also held in mosques, suraus and religious halls across the country with the focal pointat the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque in the capital.
At the SOAS Mosque last night, the Azan (call to prayer) for the Isyak prayer was aired by Mudim HajiAwang Ahmad Kasra bin Haji Ibrahim, while the mass Isyak prayer was led by Pehin Datu Imam DatoPaduka Seri Setia Ustaz Haji Awang Abdul Hamid bin Bakal, Syar'ie Chief Judge.
The terawikh and witir prayers were led by Haji Awang Mohd Sujairi bin Hj Dullah, Mosques Affairs Officer.
The recital of Surah Yassin was led by Pehin Udana Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Haji AwangBadaruddin bin Pengarah Dato Paduka Haji Othman, Acting Minister of Religious Affairs, and the recital ofthe special thanksgiving doa was read by Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia (Dr) Ustaz HajiAwang Abdul Aziz bin Juned, State Mufti.
The event marked a thanksgiving by the citizens and residents of the country on the 40th anniversary of HisMajesty's accession to the throne.
Meanwhile, today Jumaat prayer will start at 11am with the reading of the Surah al-Kahfi, followed by the'Hajat' prayers before the reading of the doa selamat.
The main congregation of the event will be at the Jame' 'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque in Kiarong.
The event will also be held simultaneously at all mosques, suraus and prayer halls in the country.
Another event to commemorate the anniversary will be held on the same doa today at Istana Nurul Iman.
This event that will start at 9pm will be the Khatam al-Quran for a group of 40 selected readers who havecompleted the reading of the entire al-Quran verses. |
Biscuit maker reports brisk business for Raya
By H BAT 
Some of the biscuits made by Dayang Hajah Mahani. | 
Applying chocolate to biscuits. - PHOTOS: H BAT | Makers of made-to-order Hari Raya Aidilfitri biscuits are now busy making biscuits booked well in advance.One biscuit maker, Dayang Hajah Mahani bte Haji Metassan from Kampong Bengkurong said she receivedmore than 500 orders, including some before Ramadhan.
Dayang Hajah Mahani, who has been making biscuits for more than 20 years, has created some bisciuts ofher own, namely, Cashew Cornflakes, White Fingers, My Heart, Sweet Heart, Tsunami Chocolate andDiamond Chocolate biscuits.
She said among the biscuits that have received numerous orders for Hari Raya are chocolate-based onessuch as Tsunami Chocolate and London Almond biscuits.
She acquired the skill of biscuit-making from her sister 20 years ago.
Dayang Hajah Mahani has opened a small business making biscuits known as MZ Cookies.
With the help of her children, her business is progressing well and receives orders to make cookies forbirthdays, marriage ceremonies and religious events handled by government ministries.
Her company was also chosen to participate in an expo of international delicacies in Tokyo, Japan onOctober 26. She will be exhibiting eight types of cookies, namely, Almond Truffle, London Almond, CashewParadise, White Fingers, Chocolate Ball, Continental Fingers, Viennese Fingers and Oat cookies. |
Indonesian entrepreneurs discuss possible joint ventures in Brunei
By Rosli Abidin Yahya 
Indonesian entrepreneurs sharing a light-hearted moment with PPPMB executive committee members. - ROSLI ABIDIN YAHYAThree members from Kamar Dagang Indonesia (KADIN) Jakarta Pusat discussed possible joint venturesand cooperation with members of the Federation of Brunei Malay Entrepreneurs (PPPMB) at a meeting heldat Kompleks Delima Jaya, Serusop, on Wednesday afternoon.Arriving from Jakarta, the three members of Central Jakarta Chamber of Commerce led by Prof Ir BinsorHariandja were greeted by PPPMB President, Hj Osman bin Hj Omar, and other executive committeemembers.
During the visit, they were accompanied by a staff member from the Indonesian Embassy in BruneiDarussalam.
The three coal-mining industrialists talked about their wish to widen their economic networks, as well asexplore business opportunities in the sultanate.
"Our coal mining fields are being utilised to the fullest to meet the demands of several countries in theregion. However, we wish to open up new mining fields under joint-venture agreements to meet the hugedemand, especially from Northern China," said Prof Ir Binsor.
Hj Osman said that the federation has indeed received enquiries from other countries on supplying coal.
"Since Brunei does not produce coal, we can invest to open up new coalmining fields in Indonesia on joint-venture agreements to meet thedemand. All we need is detailed specifications to see whether itsatisfies theneed of our clients," he said.
The visitors will return to Indonesia on Saturday to prepare the specifications in time for PPPMB to sign amemorandum of agreement with them on October 22, when the federation is scheduled to visit the 22ndNational Merchandise and Commodity Show in Jakarta. |
Property prices in Brunei on the rise
By P MarilynProperty prices in the Asia-Pacific have been booming for the second quarter of 2007, according to indicesassembled by the Global Property Guide.In Brunei, house prices have increased slightly over the past year due to an increase in the cost ofconstruction materials, said one of the real estate agents here.
Valor Property, an established real estate agency in the Sultanate since 1989, told the Bulletin that prices ofproperty overall have increased by an estimated five per cent, due to an upsurge worldwide in the cost ofconstruction materials, such as bricks and steel.
Housing prices started to increase slightly in 2006, but escalated a little bit more this year. The real estateagency also said that prices of land in the country throughout the years have maintained their value, butlocation may further add to a piece of land's worth.
The business areas of Gadong, Kiulap and Kiarong are being touted as the current hotspots in Brunei, andhence, are valued at a higher price. There is, however, a shortage of private land for sale in the nation, saidthe agency.
Nevertheless, according to Global Property Guide, Singapore is leading the charge in Asia with an incrediblehouse price growth of 21.05 per cent for the second quarter of (Q2) 2007, from 6.08 per cent to (Q2) 2006.
Global Property Guide said that this is due to Singapore's booming economy, as its housing market hasrecovered from an eight-year price slump.
In the Philippines, house prices rose by 14.29 per cent to (Q2) 2007 from 8.45 per cent in 2006, due tostrong economic growth and the continued inflow of remittances from Overseas Filipino Workers fuelling thehousing market in the Philippines.
From its recent house price downturn, after a decline of 0.65 per cent in 2006, Hong Kong is well on the wayto recovery, where house prices are up by 8.78 per cent to the second quarter of 2007, despite relativelyhigh interest rates (HK$ interest rates follow the US rates).
The interest rate cut in the US is expected to boost Hong Kong's house and apartment prices further, saidGlobal Property Guide.
Global Property Guide also reports that in six of Japan's major cities, land prices have increased by 7.75 percent, reflecting that Japan has indeed recovered from its 15-year house price downturn.
Meanwhile, Australia's house prices rose by 9.54, after a rise of 6.97 per cent, year-over-year to the secondquarter of 2006, despite the higher interest rates set in November 2006.
Also, New Zealand's house prices rose by 12.10 per cent, despite the Reserve Bank of New Zealand's effortto moderate the recent sharp increases in house prices. At the same time, interest rates on mortgages shotup 10.54 per cent in August last year, reflecting the highest rates seen since 1999.
Unlike most Asian countries, Global Property guide reports that Thailand saw a drop of 3.47 per cent from arise of 3.92 per cent to the second quarter of 2006, as a result of its political turmoil.
Nevertheless, house prices in Asia-Pacific are still heating up compared to previous years, whereasEurope's house price growth continues to moderate. |
31 orphans receive Ramadhan donation
By Liza Mohd & Huraizah Ahmad 
Minister of Health Pehin Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan Dato Seri Seti Haji Awang Haji Suyoi (L) presents a donation to an orphan. - LIZA MOHD | 
An orphan receives a donation from Salambigar Village Chief Haji Nor Hashim. - HURAIZAH AHMAD | Fifteen orphans registered with the Health and Pharmacy Office, Belait District received donations during aceremony at Suri Seri Begawan Hospital.Present as the chief guest was Minister of Health Pehin Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia HajiAwang Haji Suyoi bin Haji Osman, who later handed over the donations to the orphans.
Meanwhile, Suri Seri Begawan Hospital Chief Executive Officer Awang Mohamad bin Haji Abdul Hamid, inhis speech, said the ceremony was an annual event held during Ramadhan, which was aimed at providingorphans with financial support.
Each orphan received $100, contributed by the Ministry of Health, and $40, contributed by the hospital'sReligious Unit.
Meanwhile, 16 orphans from Kampong Salambigar and Sungai Hanching received donations in a ceremonyat the residence of Salambigar Village Chief Haji Nor Hashim bin Haji Nor yesterday.
According to Haji Nor Hashim, the event marked the eighth of such event held annually during Ramadhan.
"We are grateful that we have more kind-hearted donors this year, including those from the non-Muslimcommunity," he said.
Also in attendance at the ceremony was Mukim Berakas 'B' Penghulu Awang Haji Ismail Apong. |
DANA collects over B$27k for orphans
By P. Marilyn 
Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia Awang Hj Abu Bakar (right) receiving the donation from DST Group of Co Sdn Bhd. | 
Pehin Dato Seri Setia Awang Hj Abu Bakar (right) receiving the donation from Institute Tahfiz Al-Quran Sultan Hj Hassanal Bolkiah. | 
Pehin Dato Seri Setia Awang Hj Abu Bakar (left) receiving the donation from St Andrew's School, presented by Dato Paduka Anthony Chin. | 
Pehin Dato Seri Setia Awang Hj Abu Bakar (right) receiving donations from Insurans Islam Tabung Amanah Islam Brunei. | The DANA Pengiran Muda Mahkota Al-Muhtadee Billah for Orphans Fund yesterday received donationstotalling B$27,788.36 from four contributors during a presentation ceremony held at the Yayasan Sultan HjHassanal Bolkiah head office in Jalan Kumbang Pasang.On hand to receive the donations on behalf of DANA was a member of the Board of Trustee, Pehin OrangKaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia Awang Hj Abu Bakar Hj Apong.
DST Group of Co Sdn Bhd donated B$20,000 and was presented by its Chief Operations Officer Hj MarsadHj Ismail.
The gesture is a yearly event as part of the company's charitable act to help DANA.
St Andrew's School donated B$4,963.51, which was five per cent of the total proceeds collected during theschool's jogathon event held last June.
The donation was presented by Dato Paduka Anthony Chin, Chairman of St Andrew's School.
Meanwhile, Institute Tahfiz Al-Quran Sultan Hj Hassanal Bolkiah contributed B$1,430 to DANA, proceedscollected from the institute's walkathon event that was held last June.
The donations were presented by its Deputy Principal Hj Muhammad Mat Lazim.
The fourth contributor was Insurans Islam Tabung Amanah Islam Brunei, which donated B$1,400, presentedby its Managing Director Hj Osman Mohd Zair.
The fund was donated by the public through donation boxes that were placed at the Insurans Islam TAIB'sbranches nationwide from June 1st until September 30th 2007.
The purpose of this donation is to encourage cooperation between Yayasan Sultan Hj Hassanal Bolkiah andInsurans Islam TAIB Sdn Bhd in organising charity events especially for the orphans in Brunei, particularlywith the upcoming festive season.
DANA expressed great appreciation to these generous contributors in extending a helping hand to improvethe life of orphans in Brunei Darussalam.
Also in attendance were the managing director, assistant managing director and senior officers of YayasanSultan Hj Hassanal Bolkiah. |
Rolex and $7,600 reported stolen
By Azlan OthmanA Rolex watch worth $5,000, a laptop, $985 in cash and a bag containing $7,600, jewellery and importantdocuments were snatched by thieves in five separate cases over the past four days, the police said.The incidents occurred at Spg 5 in Jln Gadong, Mumong national housing scheme in Kuala Belait,government office in Jln Menteri Besar, tailor shop in Bangar, Temburong and in Kg Bunut.
Meanwhile, CID police succeeded in detaining four men, including teenagers, in connection with several theftcases of late.
Other criminal cases recorded during the period were one "demoralising" case, one sudden death, two casesof selling illegal firecrackers, one trespassing, five assaults with one man detained, one fraud case with oneman detained and three vandalism cases.
Other cases included one man detained for misuse of drugs offence, one customs case with two foreign mendetained and one immigration case with one man detained. The police also recorded 14 car accidents,including eight car collisions and six self-accidents, with five men suffering minor injuries.
Meanwhile, in view of the festive season and massive traffic jams, the police advised motorists to be patientand abide by the road rules and regulations.
And for those who will visit the cemeteries this weekend, especially along Jln Subok and Jln Residency in thecapital, which is a tradition during the holy month of Ramadhan, the police urged motorists to park theirvehicles properly and not to block the two-way lane.
In anticipation of the expected traffic jam, motorists heading to the capital today were advised to use analternative route. Small children were also advised to cross the roads with care and with the guidance ofparents. The police also urged people to safeguard against thieves preying on people withdrawing moneyfrom ATM machines and going shopping. People were urged not to go to an ATM machine alone, especiallyat night and in secluded areas. |
27 students to participate in exchange programme in Japan
By James Kon 
Ambassador of Japan to Brunei Darussalam with officials from the Japan International Cooperation Centre and the Japanese Embassy. - JAMES KONA total of 27 secondary students along with three officers from Ministry of Education will be participating inthe Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS) Programme in Japan fromDecember 2-12, 2007.The programme is a large-scale youth exchange initiative totalling USD315 million that was made public atthe 2nd East Asia Summit in January 2007 by Mr Shinzo Abe, the then Prime Minister of Japan. Under theinitiative 6,000 youths from EAS members countries (Asean, Australia, china, India, Republic of Korea andNew Zealand) are invited to Japan over the next five years.
The objectives of the programme include to help lay the foundation for a common future vision and solidarityin East Asia in the 21st Century and to promote mutual understanding among the younger generation in theregion through youth exchange. The JENESYS programme consists of Inviting East Asian Youth to Japan,Dispatching Japanese Youths to East Asia and other exchange activities.
The participating Bruneian students and officials will be joining the Inviting East Asian Youth to JapanProgramme (short-term stay) where they will stay in Japan for more than one week and visit sites relevant toJapanese politics, economy, social and cultural affairs as well as local communities.
The students will also exchange views with Japanese youths and citizens during the homestay, camp,school visit, discussions, seminar, student conference and others.
During the 10-day trip, some Bruneian students will also experience life on a farmhouse at Naganuma townduring their homestay.
Yesterday afternoon, the Ambassador of Japan to Brunei Darussalam, Mr Hashimoto Itsuo, hosted aluncheon reception for two officials from the Japan International Cooperation Centre, Mr YoshimichiHirayama, the Director of International Exchanges Division, and Miss Miwa Ito of the InternationalExchanges Division, who have been in Brunei Darussalam to interview students nominated for theprogramme.
The luncheon took place at the residence of the Ambassador of Japan to Brunei Darussalam.
Mr Yoshimichi Hirayama hoped that the programme will be able to promote cultural exchanges betweenyouths in Brunei Darussalam and Japan as well as foster closer relationship for the future generation. |
Marked increase in number of Syariah civil cases
By Rosli Abidin YahyaOnly 37 of the 4,600 civil cases handled by the Syariah courts between 2001 and 2006 will be carriedforward to this year, while 36 of them are still being heard.This was yesterday disclosed by Syariah Courts of Appeal Chief Registrar Hj Mohd Serudin at his office.
"This constitutes only 0.8 per cent of total cases that need to be carried forward to this year, while 0.78 percent of the total cases are still being heard at various Syariah courts," he added, showing documents to backhis claim.
The reason given for the backlog was mainly due to complainants and defendants wanting their cases to beadjourned for various reasons such as to further their studies, to reach a settlement out of Syariah courts.
"All these cases cannot be continued until such time plaintiffs file notices at the Syariah courts that they wanttheir cases to be heard again," he said.
Hj Mohd Serudin was responding to an enquiry by the Bulletin regarding a woman's complaint that her casehad taken a very long time.
She lamented that her claim for child allowances from her ex-husband was previously thrown out, causingher to make an appeal at the Syariah High Court which allows for a retrial.
"Even though the retrial decision is in my favour, I am still waiting for the retrial to commence.
"The longer the case takes, the longer my child is being deprived of sustenance allowance from the father,"she said.
Hj Mohd Serudin said there has been a huge increase in the number of civil cases being filed at the Syariahcourts. The number rose from 673 cases in 2001 to 865 cases in 2004 and 1,115 cases last year.
This shows an increase of nearly 90 per cent in civil cases at the subordinate court between 2001 and 2006.
"I must admit we do need more judges to hear Syariah civil cases to cope with the huge increase in thenumber of cases.
"Cases being filed in July this year could only be heard at the Syariah courts in November.
"Furthermore, the courts need for both complainants and plaintiffs to be present ... and in civil cases, it is noteasy to request for conflicting ex-wives and ex-husbands to be present at a hearing, especially when theyare not forced to come," he added.
He said he has identified 13 areas that could be enhanced to improve efficiency through workshops andtraining of human resources out of "our realisation that we must also take some of the blame for thebacklogged cases". |
New RBA security regulations
By Yusrin Junaidi 
Posters are displayed at every counter.Royal Brunei Airlines has made several changes in security regulations that limit the amount of liquids,aerosols and gels that can be taken through the security screening point. The changes came into effectyesterday.This is for the safety and comfort of all passengers and to ensure compliance with the Civil Aviation Authorityregulations.
The hand carry baggage restrictions are:
* All liquids, aerosol and gels must be carried in containers of no greater than 100ml/3.3oz capacity(approximately 100g in weight)
* All containers must fit comfortably in a transparent, re-sealable plastic bag
* The plastic bag must be no greater than one litre in capacity
* There is a limit of one plastic bag per passenger
* The plastic bag must be removed from carry on baggage and presented to security personnel at thecheckpoint for inspection and separate x-ray screening
* Containers larger than 100ml will not be accepted, even if only partially filled
The new regulations make an exception for medicines and dietary supplements needed during a trip,including baby food.
Under the new regulations, passengers carrying any liquids, pastes and gels in containers over 100ml will beasked to dispose of the items at the departure security checkpoints.
The regulations will be applicable to all departing passengers from the Brunei International Airport.
Members of the public who require more information about the new regulations can visit the LAG counter. |
Donations for 438 Tutong orphans
By Aemy Azlena 
Guest of honour presenting a certificate of appreciation to a representative of a private company. | 
Presenting donations to the orphans. | A ceremony was yesterday held at Seri Kenangan Community Hall in Tutong to hand over donations to 438orphans from the Tutong District in the run up to the Hari Raya festivities.The Orphans Welfare Fund organising committee was able to collect $61, 090.70 in donations, of which$35,040 was split among the orphans aged 18 years and below.
Additionally, $56,940 in donations were handed over by the National Orphans Welfare Funds and BIBD.
Among those to extend donations to the orphans were the National Donations Fund of Brunei Darussalam,Tutong Orphans Welfare Fund and BIBD (Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam).
The donations are aimed at easing financial burden of these orphans in view of the upcoming festivities.
Present as guest of honour was Acting Tutong District Officer cum Tutong Orphans Welfare Fund Advisor HjJamain Momin.
Also in attendance were representatives of Pehin Kapitan Lela Diraja Dato Paduka Goh King Chin and PehinKapitan Cina Kornia Diraja Dato Paduka Lau Ah Kok, who handed out 'ang pows' to the children.
The event opened with al-Quran recital, following which a tahlil and doa arwah were held. Later, thedonations from various private companies were presented to the guest of honour, who received it on behalfof the Tutong Orphans Welfare Fund.
The day also saw the presentation of prizes and certificates to top orphaned students.
Norhafizah Sabtu was awarded for excelling in her studies and becoming the best Primary IV student.
Shurino Yong was awarded for being the 'Pelajar Harapan' among the Tutong District orphans, excelling inthe PSR examinations.
The event continued with a presentation of donations to orphans by the guest of honour, senior officials anddistinguished guests. |
Prayers to mark 40 Years of Monarchy
By Azaraimy HH
Photo: Azrol Azmi Brunei's cabinet ministers and other dignitaries were joined by thousands of citizens in a congregation atSultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque for mass Isyak and terawikh prayers last night to commemorate the 40thanniversary of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam's accession to the throne. |
Accident near Damuan kills one
By Hj Minor Absah 
Car is nearly cut into two after crashing into the tree. | 
Car's engine in a complete mess. - PHOTOS: HJ MINOR ABSAH | A late night accident along Jln Tutong, near the Damuan Recreational Park, killed a Bruneian man in his 30sfrom Kg Rimba, the second fatality in three days. The horrific accident comes on the heels of a similar crashTuesday, very near the scene of the mishap last night, that killed a public servant.Last night's crash happened around 11.30pm, when the car slammed into a tree and nearly split into two.The driver of the car reportedly died on the spot.
So mangled was the car that the Fire and Rescue Department personnel took 45 minutes to retrieve thedeceased from the wreck. |
Judiciary decides on damages, not lawyers
By Azlan OthmanThe President of The Law Society of Brunei Darussalam, Ahmad Basuni HjAbbas, said compensation awards in accident cases are not given bylawyers or litigants but are decided by the members of the judiciary.He said this in response to the $3.6 million compensation and recent point of view by Mr Paul Kong ThyeWei, the Vice Chairman of General Insurance Association of Brunei (GIAB) entitled "Causes of rise in carinsurance premium".
"There is the allegation that the Contingency Fee Regulations have a direct bearing in the amount ofcompensation paid. The fact of the matter is that compensation awards in accident cases are not given bylawyers or litigants but are decided by the members of the judiciary after considering all the relevantevidence," Ahmad Basuni said.
In the point of view by Mr Paul Kong, one of the matters raised has been the introduction of the ContingencyFee Rule in 1994, which is said to have been the major factor that has helped increase insurance claims.
Further it was expressed that there is a flaw in the said rule, namely not requiring the victim to pay a feeunless the lawyers win the case, which has resulted in excessive claims.
With the lawyers taking percentages ranging from 30 to 40 per cent of the awards, it is said that this createsincentives to lawyers to secure as high an award as possible for their clients and higher reward forthemselves, which has led to inflation of claims.
Ahmad Basuni added that the Contingency Fee Regulations under the Legal Profession Act were introducedto give less well off members of the public access to justice.
In the absence of contingency fee arrangements, certain members of society might not be able to seekredress or protection of their rights for fear of the cost of litigation.
The availability of these said regulations further ensures that the contingency fee arrangements between thelawyers and their clients are regulated.
Ahmad Basuni added that the contingency fee arrangements are not used solely for motor vehicles accidentcases but are also used in other types of legal disputes such as defamation, land matters, contractual andcommercial disputes, seeking financial relief and other types of torts.
By reason that contingency fees were introduced to help less better off members of society and in the limitedavailability of state funded legal aid system, the Law Society does not think that the Contingency FeeRegulations should be seriously reconsidered or amended at this point in time.
He also said, the Law Society does not agree that the Contingency Fee Regulations encourages lawyers orlitigants to obtain expert evidence.
"There is nothing stopping insurance companies from obtaining expert evidence in appropriate cases and webelieve that this is generally the advice of our members who act for insurance companies in relation to theseclaims."
The law and practice in relation to accident cases, and the rules for establishing just compensation are thosethat are used and in practice by neighbouring countries and have been found to meet the particular needs ofsociety.
There are more than adequate remedies within the judicial process to deal with fraudulent or dishonest litigants, however, again there is always a question of evidence and proof. |
[tr][td=2,1]Coming together for Raya
[/td][/tr][tr][td=2,1]By NYL
Visiting relatives is a major part of the celebration. - NYLHari Raya is a joyous celebration for Muslims that signifies the end of a month-long fasting period.On the first day of Aidilfitri, Muslims will hold prayers at mosques throughout the country and visit cemeteries to pay their respects to departed family members and loved ones. Upon reaching home, family members will gather for breakfast. This is followed by the noble act of asking for forgiveness from each other for any wrongdoings in the past.
Over the next few weeks, Muslim celebrants will open their doors welcoming families and friends.
The 'open house' concept brings people together regardless of their religion, position or background. This is when people put aside their differences and come together as one.
Scrumptious food and delicacies are served to guests. Favourites include ketupat and lemang served with peanut sauce, rendang and satay. These delicacies are offered at almost all open houses during Hari Raya. Other favourites include serunding (fried grated coconut), nasi kunyit (yellow rice) and chicken in spicy gravy.
During this festive season, you are bound to be invited to someone's house to join in the celebration of joy, togetherness and happiness.
"Open house", after all, is a social event in which hospitality is extended to all.
[/td][/tr] |
[tr][td=2,1]Preparations have brewed for weeks before festival
[/td][/tr][tr][td=2,1]By Yusrin Junaidi & James Kon
Dayang Saadiah with her family. | 
Dayang Hjh Hawa bte Hj Kasim. | 
Shopping for new clothes. | Last-minute shoppers crowded the shopping complexes in Kiulap and Gadong yesterday to prepare for the biggest festival on the Muslim calendar.
"On the eve of Hari Raya, family members, especially mothers and housewives, will be busy preparing food, cakes, sweets, biscuits and other delicacies to be served on the first day of Aidilfitri," said Hjh Hawa Hj Kasim, who was among the hundreds of shoppers who crowded Utama Grand yesterday.
She told the Bulletin that her family has been busy preparing for Raya since last week.
"Today, we only buy what is necessary," she said, adding that they did not want to spent unnecessarily, as they may need to put some money aside in case of an emergency during the festive season.
"We have been looking forward to Hari Raya since two weeks ago," said Dayang Saadiah, a government servant. "Hari Raya is a joyful time, as relatives from across the country will be making visits to each others' houses throughout the festive season."
"It is customary for us (Malay Muslims) to wear traditional attire such as baju kurong and cara melayu," she added.
On the eve of Hari Raya, Muslims will recite the 'takbir', which is held in mosques and suraus throughout the country. There will be congregations reciting the 'takbir' from house to house.
During the festival, it is a tradition for many people to return to their hometowns for family reunions. This is commonly known as "Balik Kampong".
[/td][/tr] |
[tr][td=2,1]Hari Raya greetings from Britain
[/td][/tr][tr][td=2,1]By Amin HosniThe British High Commissioner to Brunei Darussalam, Mr John Saville, sends his greeting to the people of Brunei.
In his message, he said, "On behalf of my family and staff at the British High Commission, I would like to express my very best wishes to all Muslims in Brunei at this special time.
"I am always so impressed with the very strong traditions of hospitality and sharing here, expressed by the custom of open houses for Hari Raya.
"Attending these and celebrating together will, I know, help strengthen further the close friendship and understanding which both our countries have enjoyed for so long. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin."
Meanwhile, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown also sends his greeting to Muslims all around the world for Aidilfitri. "I am delighted to send my warmest wishes to our Muslim communities for the forthcoming celebration of Aidilfitri.
"I know that the holy month of Ramadan has an important and special meaning for the many and diverse Muslim communities all over the world. The period of daily fasting gives you a time to reflect on your lives and faith.
"This celebration is also important for everyone in our country, as it reminds us all of our shared obligation to help those less fortunate than ourselves.
"Islamic art, science, philosophy and thought have enriched our lives over many centuries. And in Britain, of course, our Muslim communities make a huge contribution to all fields of our national life and the United Kingdom's prosperity.
"This is something we can all be proud of. With best wishes at this special time, Eid Mubarak," said the British PM. British Foreign Secretary David Miliband also sends his greeting: "I am pleased to send you my best wishes for the joyous occasion of Aidilfitri.
"I am aware that for Muslims all over the world, it is a day of celebration, fellowship, brotherhood and unity - a day to be thankful for the good things that we receive and for our friends and family.
"The two million Britons who follow the faith of Islam remind me that we are part of a global family. We are linked by more than simply citizenship or religion or geography.
"We are linked by our shared values and the challenges we face together. And so Aidilfitri is also an opportunity for me to remember the friends and relationships we have across the Muslim world.
"On behalf of all my colleagues in the Foreign Office, I would like to wish you Eid Mubarak," said David Miliband in his message.
[/td][/tr] |
[tr][td=2,1]Rendang & Ketupat rule Raya scene
[/td][/tr][tr][td=2,1]By Azaraimy HH & Ahmed Shaheeb
Village Head Hj Alimi and Consultative Council members. | 
Hjh Salmah says be wary of food consumptions. - PHOTOS: AZARAIMY HH | 
Hjh Pasah recounting her experiences. | 
Former nurse Hjh Saritah out and about. | Rendang and Ketupat are synonymous with the Hari Raya celebration and this has stood the test of time. In this part of the world, one could say - what is Hari Raya without them? But not all things have remained the same, especially compared to more than 20 years ago in the pre-independent era.In today's society, people are moving faster and everything has to go according to some kind of schedule. This has somehow made the Raya celebration less exciting.
Decorative neon lights have replaced kerosene bamboo lamps, although a modern alternative of the lamp has become available to buy nowadays. SMS and emails have steadily replaced Raya cards. People also visit their family members and friends in quite a hurry.
A long time ago, each village would celebrate Hari Raya more coercively. Each kampong would hold some kind of activity during Raya with a lot of eager villagers taking part.
Hj Alimi, the Village Head of Kg Burung Pinggai Berakas, recalled how the kampong used to celebrate Raya in a more celebrative way. He said that a long time ago, it was a tradition for the village to organise mass house-to-house dzikirs, usually from the third day of Raya onwards, while visiting neighbours. He said that the activity is still practised, but by a much smaller group, mostly comprising elders.
He thinks that this is mainly because, compared to the past, families are now living dispersedly, especially due to the availability of national and private housing development areas. This is perhaps making it a bit harder for people to come together for Raya.
He added that it is important to preserve and promote activities such as this, which in a way will help with solidarity and at the same time enliven the spirits of family and camaraderie, as well as the celebrative atmosphere overall.
Hjh Salmah Hamid, in her late 80s, is currently taking this opportunity to sell Ketupat casings. She told the new generation to take heed of the new food, which contain ingredients and preservatives that are not only fattening, but also hazards to health.
These days, there are so many varieties of food, mostly industry-based processed ones, like chocolates, sweets, even biscuits and cakes, which contain ingredients that may be harmful if taken excessively.
Kids nowadays take them in gluttonous amounts. That is why we see youths and teenagers susceptible to diseases, she added. So she reminded everyone, especially the kids, to be more cautious of what they eat nowadays, especially given the many readymade cakes and biscuits being sold.
She said that her family also used kerosene bamboo lights during Raya and there were fewer varieties of fireworks, aside from the homemade bedil or firecrackers.
Meanwhile, former nurse Hjh Saritah Hj Suhaili, 50, said that back in her younger days, kids were often seen walking from house to house and that streets were packed with groups of merry children on their way to visit homes.
She also said that Brunei did not have as many TV programmes, therefore kids used to go out more. Now, with the many channels available on television, kids are often stuck at home waiting for their favourite shows to come on.
With the rise in the standard of living in Brunei, there are more cars, too. As such, "You will no longer see so many people walking by the roads." She is however pleased, as this means less hazards and accidents.
Hjh Pasah Abdullah, a stall owner, said that this year's preparation was as usual and not out of the ordinary for her.
She added that she still had to do some last minute shopping for biscuits, although her daughter has been helping her a lot in preparing most of the food, much like how Hjh Pasah used to help her mother in her younger days.
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[tr][td=2,1]Aidilfitri not about expecting 'green packets'
[/td][/tr][tr][td=2,1]By Azlan OthmanReligious authorities have advised Hari Raya visitors, especially children, not to be hopeful of receiving green packets from their hosts, nor label them as stingy, should they not receive one.
The advice was highlighted by the Imams at their Friday sermons yesterday.
"Islam does not prohibit the practice of giving out cash in green packets so long as it does not contravene with the concept of alms-giving. But we must educate our children not to make it a habit in expecting to receive such green packets when visiting houses during Hari Raya," they said
"It must be inculcated in one's mind that the green packet is not a must, hence if the person did not receive the green packet, the host should not be regarded as stingy," they added.
The Imams said Hari Raya should be celebrated in a religious way and should not be tainted with sinful acts. These acts, among others, include wearing indecently, consuming prohibited food and drinks. Such acts only bring about wrath from God.
While thanking Allah for the Hari Raya as a day of victory over a month of fasting for Muslims, they are next encouraged to fast for six days in the month of Syawal, from the second day onwards.
It is appropriate to carry out such fasting continuously. However it is not wrong if such fasting is carried-out alternately and at any time, but within the month of Syawal.
"Let us celebrate Hari Raya, a day of victory for Muslims by obliging to do what has been taught by Islam and strive to perform the highly recommended fasting in the month of Syawal. It is hoped that all pious activities and good deeds receive blessings from Allah."
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[tr][td=2,1]The rush for Raya
[/td][/tr][tr][td=2,1]The rush for Raya
Traffic congestion along Jalan Residency. - AMIN HOSNI | 
Payment counters jammed packed with last-minute shoppers. - JASON LEONG | 
Gadong Wet Market was equally busy with shoppers yesterday. - HAJI MINOR ABSAH | 
Customers exiting a department store. - JASON LEONG | 
Workers unloading soft drinks outside a department store. - JASON LEONG | 
Celebrants queuing to board a boat at a jetty in the capital. - HAJI MINOR ABSAH | 
A girl waits as her parent purchases ticket at the jetty. - HAJI MINOR ABSAH | On the eve of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, all roads and rivers saw an increase in activities as celebrants made their way back home amid the festivities.
Foreign workers in the country also returned to their home countries to spend the holidays with their families and friends, while several border control posts were jammed-packed with people and vehicles.
More than 25 boats were operating yesterday, heading to places such as Lawas, Limbang, Kota Kinabalu and Labuan.
According to boat operator Ampuan Haji Salleh Ampuan Judah, most Temburong residents returned early because of the school holidays.
The Bulletin managed to catch up with a senior citizen, who was returning to Lawas with his family.
He said he was relieved that the boat services were more efficient these days, adding that the journey was only 45 minutes compared to three-four hours previously.
Meanwhile, traffic jams were omnipresence in main commercial areas across the country, including Gadong, Kiulap and Serusop.
Teacher Ramlee Haji Gaffar said he had been able to spend more time with his family of six this year, as well as visit the cemetery to pay respect to his late loved ones and conduct terawih prayers.
Petrol stations were also seen bustling with activity as motorists made a beeline for kiosks to fill up their tanks in preparation for house visits during Raya.
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Category: Negeri & Negara