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 Author| Post time 1-12-2009 01:09 AM | Show all posts
Lloyd’s of London Insures Adam Lambert’s Crotch for $1 Million

Posted on November 30, 2009. Tags: Adam Lambert, AMA, american idol, fcc, inappropriate act, Lloyd's of London, openly gay
Posted by P. Beckert
Lloyd’s of London Insures Adam Lambert’s Crotch for $1 Million

Los Angeles, CA – Lloyd’s of London (Lloyd’s), perhaps best known for its unusual insurance policies on various body parts of the rich and famous, including Tina Turner’s legs, Celine Dion’s vocal chords, and burlesque stripper, Tempest Storm’s breasts, has just announced that it has contracted with singer Adam Lambert to insure Lambert’s crotch for $1 Million Dollars.

A spokesperson for Lloyd’s would not discuss the specifics of the policy other than to state that this policy will help to ensure the safety of Lambert’s privates while he is forced to simulate sex acts on stage.

Asked why he decided to take out this insurance policy, Lambert stated that he and his handlers realized the very real risk of Lambert overshooting his thrust into another dancer’s face, and thereby causing permanent bruising to his member. In addition, they have been advised by Lambert’s doctors that excessive thrusting can eventually lead to penile arthritis, a very painful permanent condition.

Trying not to get too personal, Lambert was asked what precautions, if any, he is taking to assure that his crotch will have a long and successful career in show business. A smiling Lambert responded, “You bet I’m protecting this asset,” he said while grabbing his crotch. “This fella is getting me way more recognition than my voice ever did. I will be having special cups designed to match my outfits. I can’t give out too much information, but suffice it to say, there will be spikes and studs galore.”

A spokesperson from Lloyd’s added, those special cups, together with this insurance policy, will give Adam the peace of mind he needs to just go out on stage and give it his all, no more holding back like at the American Music Awards Show.”

When asked why he wasn’t insuring his lips also, as they will be used as well in the simulated sex acts, Lambert replied, “Actually, we did insure my lips and my tongue, but for a lot less money. I think each one is only insured for the minimum star coverage of $100,000 each. I’ll be using the crotch a lot more than the mouth, so it was decided that at this point in time, there was no reason to over-insure those parts.” He added, laughing, “don’t want to end up insurance poor, you know.”

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2009 01:10 AM | Show all posts
Good morning! Excited to finally meet Ellen! For the record: the insurance policy rumor is hilarious! (untrue)

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2009 11:07 AM | Show all posts

Interviewed by Barbara Walters for "Most Fascinating List"

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2009 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Adam Lambert Vows to “Focus on the Music” After AMAs Controversy

Adam Lambert has finally admitted he was a little rattled by the big reaction to his controversial performance at last Sunday night’s American Music Awards. In a series of tweets posted today on his official Twitter, the American Idol runner-up vowed to ditch some of his spectacle in favor of more attention on his songs. “Goin in a new direction now. Focus back on the music,” he wrote.

“Don’t worry friends: I’m still gonna be me. Always. W/o apologies. Just gonna experiment differently w how I present myself,” he added, concluding, “I’m learning” before thanking fans for their supportive notes over what was “a looong week.” He added his relatively stripped-down performance of “Whataya Want From Me” will air on Ellen DeGeneres’ show tomorrow.

Adam Lambert shocks, Taylor Swift soars: see the 2009 AMAs in photos.

Lambert’s week in the spotlight launched with a racy performance of “For Your Entertainment” at the AMAs, which featured the singer simulating oral sex with a male dancer and making out with his male keyboardist. Some of his performance was edited for the West Coast rebroadcast of the show, but backstage Lambert stood by his performance, telling Rolling Stone any cuts to his song would be “discrimination.” “My goal was not to piss people off, it was to promote freedom of expression and artistic freedom,” he said.

Infamous crotch-rock moments, from Lambert’s AMAs to “Dick in a Box.”

Of the 14 million who viewed the AMAs on ABC, only 1,500 phoned in complaints to the network, but ABC nixed Lambert’s scheduled appearance on Good Morning America, calling the singer unpredictable in a live setting. Lambert instead played two songs on CBS’ The Early Show, and submitted to an interview during which he stopped short of apologizing to anyone offended by his performance. Arguing the AMAs featured many instances of Rated R content, Lambert said, “I think it’s up to the parents to discern what their child is watching on television. Lady Gaga smashing whiskey bottles, Janet Jackson grabbing a male dancer’s crotch, Eminem talking about how Slim Shady has 17 rapes under his belt — there was a lot of very adult material on the AMAs this year and I know I wasn’t the only one.”
Rolling Stone

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2009 11:13 AM | Show all posts
A Tale Of Two Idols' Sales
Posted Mon Nov 30, 2009 4:06pm PST by Lyndsey Parker in Reality Rocks

American Idol winner Kris Allen and first runner-up Adam Lambert released albums only six days apart in November, just in time for Black [Nail Polish] Friday, and inevitably many media pundits and fans alike saw this sales showdown as a "rematch" of sorts after last season's Kris-vs.-Adam Idol finale.

Naturally much fuss is being made about Kris's self-titled album being the first Idol winner's debut release to fail to crack the top 10 in its first week (it debuted at #11, which under normal circumstances ain't too shabby for a new artist), and that Kris Allen had the lowest debut sales week of any Idol champ (his tally of approximately 80,000 beat Jordin Sparks's "low" first-week sales record of 119,000). And likewise, Adam Lambert's sales coup for For Your Entertainment--debuting at #2, with roughly 225,000 units sold--is being (somewhat rightfully) hyped as a smashing success.

But these numbers have to be analyzed closely. Before any detractors assume that Adam "beat" Kris, that Kris flopped, or that Adam was a slam-dunk, several factors should be considered.

Now, I kind of always suspected that Adam would sell more records than Kris, if only because of his higher profile in the media since American Idol wrapped in May. That's NOT to take away from either singer's actual talent, but it's a sad fact of today's music biz that tabloid controversy sells records. Rihanna and Chris Brown promote their albums by doing weepy TV interviews about their assault case and breakup. Janet Jackson shills her new Number Ones best-of package by doing a frank sit-down ABC News interview about her brother Michael's death. Et cetera. So between Adam's Rolling Stone coming-out party, Out magazine scandal, and American Music Awards/Good Morning America controversy, along with any number of other stories that have kept him in the headlines, he was in a position to sell more records no matter what. However, Adam is a much more polarizing figure--people either love or like Kris Allen; people either love or hate Adam Lambert--so I knew nothing was guaranteed, especially since Adam's AMAs performance was negatively received by many. Still, it would have been naïve to think that all of Adam's constant publicity wouldn't help his sales somewhat. As TMZ once recently said in a Lambert piece: "Scandals make careers!"

Second, during the week of Adam's FYE release, Amazon ran a deal so people could buy it for only $3.99...and a three-dollars-off coupon code was also tweeted around that allowed Amazonians to actually purchase the record for 99 cents. Come on, who wouldn't buy Adam Lambert's hyped new record for only a buck? But to my knowledge, no such deal existed for Kris Allen's record, so fans had to pay full-price for his debut. I venture to guess, then, that the people who bought Kris's album were the fans who REALLY wanted it and were waiting for it, while Adam's sales were at least partially padded by curious casual record-buyers, those intrigued by Adam's post-AMAs publicity who figured they'd check out FYE for a couple of bucks and see what all the fuss was about. Again, this is NOT to dismiss Adam's immense talent, the excellence of his album, or his sales accomplishment. I'm completely psyched that he is debuting at #2 this week. I am just pointing out that Kris's sales would have obviously benefitted from a similar Amazon deal. It might have been enough to nudge him into the top 10.

Third, Kris's "disappointing" sales should be viewed in the context of today's marketplace, when hardly ANYONE, not even A-listers, are selling many records anymore. Last year, Alicia Keys had a #1 album by selling only 60,519 copies, almost 20,000 less than Kris sold last week. And it should be noted, the same week that Kris Allen came out, usual huge sellers 50 Cent and Norah Jones released anticipated albums that sold relatively poorly. Fiddy's Before I Self Destruct only sold 160,000 copies and debuted at #5, compared to his last album, Curtis, which sold 691,000 in its first week and debuted at #1. Multiple Grammy-winner Norah Jones's The Fall also debuted at #3 last week with 180,000 albums sold, less than half of what she sold in her first week with her last album, Not Too Late (her previous three albums had all debuted at #1, too). So all sales are suffering right now. Keep in mind that while much ado is being made about Adam's first-week sales of 225,000 (which is indeed impressive), season 5's Taylor Hicks, who is considered by many of be the "least successful" of the Idol winners, debuted at #2 and sold nearly 350,000 units in his debut sales week. (And even that number was outsold by Taylor's season 5 castmate, Chris Daughtry.) And both Adam and Kris's sales pale in comparison to the debut sales of season 2 first- and second-place Idol contestants, Ruben Studdard (400,000) and Clay Aiken (613,000). That would never happen now. Those days are over for pretty much everyone...except for Susan Boyle, of course.

And finally, there are many silver linings here for Kris. He has songwriting credit on nine of his album's tracks (eight co-writes plus one song penned solely by him), compared to Adam's four writing credits. And songwriting royalties are really where the real cash is at for musicians, so Kris stands to make as much money as Adam, or at least quite a nice chunk of change. Additionally, Kris is doing better at radio right now--his "Live Like We're Dying" single has finally cracked the top 20, while Adam's singles have bizarrely not received as much airplay so far--so Kris stands to earn more performance royalties in that regard. And lastly, it seems that more money has been spent on Adam's album promotional campaign, and if that is the case then it will take Kris less time for his record to recoup and turn a profit. I suspect Kris has a David Cook-like career path ahead of him, and will steadily sell records through dogged touring (workmanlike Idol David Cook has quietly sold 1.25 million records that way, playing mid-sized venues).

Again, this blog is not meant to diss either Idol, it is merely intended to shed some light on the situation and pre-empt any Kris-vs.-Adam mudslinging based on sales figures alone. At the end of the day, both Kris Allen and Adam Lambert (as well as fourth-place contestant Allison Iraheta, whose fantastic debut record comes out this week) have their eyes on a longterm prize: actual lasting careers. So as important as first-week sales are, I am a little annoyed that this movie-industry mentality (where it's all about the first weekend's box office, and if a movie doesn't gross millions in its opening week, it goes straight to video) has seeped over to the music business, an industry that should be all about nurturing new artists slowly (even if those new artists got their big breaks on America's most-watched TV show). Ultimately, I think it still remains to be seen if Kris and Adam's first-week sales are indicative of their future success, and I also think that for both of them, one thing is certain: This is just the beginning.

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2009 11:54 AM | Show all posts
More radios are adding WWFM; hopefully single ni meletup


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 Author| Post time 1-12-2009 12:05 PM | Show all posts

Adam Lambert: Maybe AMAs Performance "Wasn't the Best First Impression"

Adam Lambert has been having second thoughts.

After initially writing off his erotically charged appearance at the 2009 American Music Awards as envelope-pushing showmanship, the singer is now wondering whether his performance was more for his entertainment than for yours.

"It was maybe a little too far," the 27-year-old artist admitted during a sit-down with The Ellen DeGeneres Show that airs Tuesday.

"I think in hindsight I look back on it and I go, 'OK, maybe that wasn't the best first impression to make again, the first second impression.' I mean, I had fun up there, I had a good time, my dancers had fun and the band had fun.

"I respect people and feel like people walked away from that feeling disrespected. I would never intend to disrespect anybody. So that was not my intention."

But count DeGeneres among those who believes there's a double standard on TV when it comes to male vs. female sexuality.

"My whole thing is I feel like if you're offended by a show of sexuality on stage, then you should be offended by all shows of sexuality. It should be all forms," the incoming American Idol judge said.

"I think, too, people aren't used to seeing gay man portrayed that way on TV," Lambert agreed. "The gay male image in the media tends to be very clique and safe...I was putting on a character, putting on a persona being this kind of rock star, kind of dangerous kind of guy.

"After seeing one of my favorites, Lady Gaga, tear it apart on stage...She was incredible. I don't know, something came over me and got caught up in the moment and maybe went a little too far."

And perhaps the folks at home just weren't ready to see Adam Lambert's poker face.

Lambert's dad suggested that an apology might be in order, the singer said. But he ultimately disagreed with his pops.

"I was like, 'You know, Dad, I don't feel like I did anything wrong.' It just wasn't maybe the right judgement call. It's a taste thing more than an obscenity thing. I think it's just a taste level."

And he was, in fact, bummed about Good Morning America canceling his scheduled appearance three days after the AMAs.

"I think ABC was a little bit mad at me," Lambert said.

"I don't blame them. I got carried away...They gave me a great opportunity to close the AMAs and I would never want to smack that gift horse in the mouth. I think they were taking a leap of faith having me do that and it unfortunately it didn't work out as we all thought it would."

Hence the "new direction" he's going in, starting with his performance of "Whataya Want From Me" on Ellen.

"Ellen:airing 2m.Singing 'whatya want from me'!," the singer tweeted today. "AMA performance was a one time event. Goin in a new direction now. Focus back on the music...Don't worry friends: I'm still gonna be me. Always. W/o appologies. Just gonna experiment differently w how I present myself...I'm learning.

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2009 12:09 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 1-12-2009 11:17 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2009 11:27 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 2-12-2009 03:01 PM | Show all posts
The Hits Daily Double final sales numbers are in. Here’s how it shook out:

1. Susan Boyle – I Dreamed A Dream – 669,843
2. Andrea Bocelli - My Christmas – 215,002
3. Adam Lambert – For Your Entertainment – 195,974
4. Lady Gaga – Fame Monster (EP) – 181,279
5. Rihanna - Rated R – 180,198
6. Miley Cyrus – Time of Our Lives – 151,653
7. Lady Gaga – Fame – 144,622
8. Taylor Swift – Fearless – 122,848
9. Carrie Underwood – Play On – 114,393
10. Michael Jackson – This is It – 106,050

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Post time 2-12-2009 04:38 PM | Show all posts
Adam in TOP 20 in whole year debut...

Kworb's list

To put things into perspective, these are this year's top debuts:

Susan Boyle 670,000 (HDD estimate)
Eminem 608,000
U2 484,000
Jay-Z 476,000
Dave Matthews Band 424,000
Michael Jackson 373,000
Rascal Flatts 351,000
Lady GaGa 325,000 (HDD estimate)
Carrie Underwood 318,000
Maxwell 316,000
Whitney Houston 305,000
Black Eyed Peas 304,000
John Mayer 286,000
Daughtry 269,000
Kelly Clarkson 255,000
Jonas Brothers 247,000
Bruce Springsteen 224,000
Green Day 215,000
Adam Lambert 196,000 (HDD estimate)
Pearl Jam 189,000
Rihanna 180,000 (HDD estimate)
Norah Jones 180,000
Barbra Streisand 180,000
The Fray 179,000
Paramore 175,000
Keith Urban 172,000
Now That's What I Call Music Vol. 31 169,000
Mariah Carey 168,000
Prince 168,000
Casting Crowns 167,000
Bon Jovi 163,000
50 Cent 160,000
Rick Ross 157,000
George Strait 155,000
The-Dream 151,000
Andrea Bocelli 149,000
Now That's What I Call Music Vol. 30 146,000
Hannah Montana: The Movie Soundtrack 139,000
Hannah Montana 3 Soundtrack 137,000
Tim McGraw 137,000
Justin Bieber 137,000
Jadakiss 135,000
Breaking Benjamin 134,000
Michael Buble 132,000
Trey Songz 131,000
Brad Paisley 130,000
Muse 128,000
Alice In Chains 126,000
Bob Dylan 125,000
Rob Thomas 122,000
New Moon Soundtrack 115,000
Day26 113,000
Glee Vol. 1 113,000
Creed 110,000
Jason Aldean 109,000
Kiss 108,000
Demi Lovato 107,000
Colbie Caillat 106,000
Diana Krall 104,000
Kid Cudi 104,000
Now That's What I Call Music Vol. 32 102,000
Wilco 99,000
Fabolous 99,000
Reba McEntire 96,000
Keri Hilson 94,000
Toby Keith 90,000
Kenny Chesney 89,000
Rod Stewart 84,000
Shakira 83,000 (HDD estimate)
Trans-Siberian Orchestra 83,000
Chrisette Michele 83,000
Ciara 81,000
Depeche Mode 80,000
Kris Allen 80,000
Sting 80,000
Three Days Grace 79,000

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Post time 2-12-2009 09:19 PM | Show all posts
Korang dah beli ke GALAXIE cover adam lambert tu? mak pegi cari smlm tapi belum ada lagi kat sini...ada cover robert pattison siap tulis team...erkkkk team apa dia nih?muahaha..yg mak ingat team jacob jer...aiseyman...tetiba tak ingat

best sgt ker twilight and new moon nih uols?takde semangat pun mak nak tengok or baca buku dia..

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Post time 2-12-2009 09:24 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by lake at 2-12-2009 22:05

soooo adam tak terpilih untuk percalonan best song for oscars?I was sooo looking forward for shut up those people who first saw adam on AMAs and finally realize that he really, really can sing

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 Author| Post time 2-12-2009 10:02 PM | Show all posts
Final 1st week number

SoundScan Final Numbers 198,466

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Post time 2-12-2009 10:21 PM | Show all posts
lake nyah oiii...
ko dah beli blum album FYI neh? aku ada satu extra neh. Td aku belikan tuk kawan aku yg dok kelantan sana (tempat jin bertendang gak tuh... wakakakak) kebetulan kat depan umah aku ni ada 3 keping je lagik, so aku sambar tiga-tiga sekali. 2 aku nak hantar sana. ada lagik satu extra... mau ka tamau?

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Post time 2-12-2009 11:06 PM | Show all posts
lake nyah oiii...
ko dah beli blum album FYI neh? aku ada satu extra neh. Td aku belikan tuk kawan aku yg dok kelantan sana (tempat jin bertendang gak tuh... wakakakak) kebetulan kat depan umah aku n ...
HideGulz Post at 2-12-2009 22:21

nyahhhhhh...mak belum dapat nyah memang nak post menda alah tuh kat kawan bole ler post mak punya sekali kannnnn...ok ler mcm tuh...mak nak ler...asal tak menyusahkan nyah ler...nanti mak email nyah okkk...jap nak cari email nyah kat mana ekkkk

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Post time 2-12-2009 11:11 PM | Show all posts
nyahhhhhh...mak belum dapat nyah memang nak post menda alah tuh kat kawan bole ler post mak punya sekali kannnnn...ok ler mcm tuh...mak nak ler...asal tak menyusahkan nyah le ...
lake Post at 2-12-2009 23:06

sok aku nak gi pos opis pun. ko kasik alamat ko ngan nomot tepon siap nama ko skali la. sok aku pos sekali gus. tak nyusahkan. nnt aku sms ko no akaun bank aku ok

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Post time 2-12-2009 11:23 PM | Show all posts
sok aku nak gi pos opis pun. ko kasik alamat ko ngan nomot tepon siap nama ko skali la. sok aku pos sekali gus. tak nyusahkan. nnt aku sms ko no akaun bank aku ok
HideGulz Post at 2-12-2009 23:11

haaaahhh? nama? nama sebenar ke nama tipu?muahaha..adeh...mak bagi nama emak mak bole?takmo ler nyah tau nama glemer mak...mak dah email nyah tu...lupa lak nak kasi alamat...heheh...jap nanti mak email balik..tenkiuuuu nyahhhh...mak sayang maksud mak, mak sayang nyahhhhhhhhhhh

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Post time 2-12-2009 11:32 PM | Show all posts
wakakaka... mangkuk la ko lake
sukati la ko nak kasik nama sapa. Janji nnt sampai jek kat ko. Kalo tak sampai jgn salahkan aku plak  hokey... wakkaak..
Aku pos dulu cd tu baru ko bayo la. sbb aku tatau rege pos nyer brape. aku tade nye nak cas memahal. aku cas apa yg patut jek

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