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ooO.. maknanya nama kita di hantar ke US untuk di semak la ye.. apa la agaknya derang semak ...
gals2 Post at 9-3-2012 21:55 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
yes kena semakan...nak tgk kita nie clean ke tidak hehehe |
Post Last Edit by naktanya at 11-3-2012 21:33
Dh cek kat farecompare tp offer die mcm mhl skit la. Hehehe. kat MAS xde plak gi ke Detroit/Michigan.
Aiseh. Hari th sy cek kat chepoair - mrh skit. tp xleh plak nak book. xde utk Malaysia kat billing address die. Aiseh.
Nh nak mntk tlog member kat US th belikan utk sya. Sya antar je duit pki western union.
Ckp psl interview nh terigt time interview nh.
Time nak byr kat standard chartered th bleh plak die tnya brp nak bayar. Sya ckp la nk g sana utk vacation/tourism (B1/B2). Die kate die x tau kne byr brp? Ape kejadahnye. Die kate selalu customer yg bgitau brp. What the fish. Hr th sya ade tgk kat website die tp igt2 lupe. Ye la. Sya expect die tau la.Dh mmg keje die. Last2 time kwn die naik atsa cek ngn superior die. Sya dduk n bkk internet kat hnphone cek blk. Nasib baik la jumpe kne byr brp sbb time kwn die turun th - die bg no srh kol embassy tanya sbb superior die pn x tau. Huhuhu.
Pstu time interview kat KL.
Time scan nk msk th die srh ltk segala bende dlm bkas die th termasuk la belt.
Nasib baik seluar th ketat gak.
Di buatnye sluar th longgar mau terlondeh di buatnye. Pastu die srh pakai kat luar. Last2 pakai atas tangga kt luar th. Huhuhu.
Alhamdulillah la pass interview th.
Pstu time balik bleh plak ilang no die bg nak amik balik brg2 kite th. Kene masuk balik. Cr2 rupenye dlm wallet. Huhuhu
And balik opis tnggu nk bgitau bos. Tngguh dkt seminggu lbh. Last2 bgitau bos nk cuti 2 minggu n bos x bg. Aiseh.
Duit dh byk habih nh. Dh la amik cuti smata2 nk g inerview kat Kl th. Last2 bt muka kesian bos ckp nnti die pikirkan. Jumpe blk lps th blm ckp ape2 die ckp 'no'. terpksa la nego2 skit ngn bos nh and bgitau nk g US. Die bleh tnya nape x g Australia or Thailand leh dpt 2-3 org pompuan serentak. (mat saleh. th je la d pikirnye. g Thailand dpt pompuan. die igt Asian girls/women nh cheap gile kot. Tp mmg cheap pn kat Thai th kot. huhuhuh)
Pastu ble nak book tket nh ada counterpart pinoy ckp kalo nk tkr2 flight kat foreign country kene ade visa unless pakai flight yg sama (connecting flight). Th tangguh2 nk beli. Sbb plan nak g naik BMI or MAS ke Heathrow and dr sana tkr flight naik American Airlines g US. N dr US nk blk Mesia igt nk transit kat Dubai.Last2 dh kompem tanya few people payah. |
Reply 537# naktanya
ish naik fenin ku baca |
Yei.. dah balim U.S.. next week vietnam plak.. menono ,mcm nie.. |
Reply 539# saujanaimpian
en saujana, ce citer sket cemana u hangkut corelle n brapa kotak n brapa kena bayau n so on hehe |
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Dh cek kat farecompare tp offer die mcm mhl skit la. Hehehe. kat MAS xde p ...
naktanya Post at 11-3-2012 21:09 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
ooh mahal yer..i ingatkan murah...
i tgk banyak jgk orang yg transit london naik BMI/MAs then naik AA to chicago...cuma transit time singat dlm 2 jam...kena change termnail..fuuh boleh ketinggalan flight mcm nie...bahaya...
good luck for your leave application.. |
Yei.. dah balim U.S.. next week vietnam plak.. menono ,mcm nie..
saujanaimpian Post at 13-3-2012 07:54 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
wow berjalan jer En. Saujana...dh habis jetlag.. |
wow berjalan jer En. Saujana...dh habis jetlag..
HUSSAINTAHIR Post at 14-3-2012 10:51 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Bukan sy yang menginginkanyer.. huhu.. terpaksa sbb keje..
saya lagi suke duduk malaysia sambil makan nasi lemak tercinta.. |
Reply saujanaimpian
en saujana, ce citer sket cemana u hangkut corelle n brapa kotak n br ...
_ina_ Post at 14-3-2012 10:05 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Correlle, kene beli beg yang jenis keras tu.. sbb takut diorang campak2 dlm kapalterbang.. and the most important things, kene letak sticker
"handle with care" tu..
sy naik MAS.. so, sy gune enrich miles card utk dpt option extra few KG.. so xyah bayar extra utk lebey.. kalau 2 corelle 16/piece dlm 20kg + bag..
so sile budget2 |
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Reply 544# saujanaimpian
okeh...tq ...
nak kena budget ni... |
isk..phobia aku nak apply visa us nehhh..... kang rijek tak pepasai...
so mmg tak leh beli tiket skang la gamaknya....
planning nak gi raya tahun ni...maknanya by bulan may or june kena apply dah....or should i do it earlier???? sbb nak beli tiket lagi....
nak buat visa ke jepun jugak...sbb MAS transit tokyo.....ingat nak melepak la dalm 2-3 malam.....tu pon byk cekadak jugak visanyer...tp sib baik free....
isk..malasnya nak pikir!!!! |
kalau ada rezeki, bulan oct ni nak ke new york, ...east coast dan canada. Visa ke US dah ada, cuma visa canada pulak belum apply lagi. Sesiapa yg pernah apply visa canada boleh tak share info ttg proses, interview etc? |
Reply 546# akubest
akubest, ko nak beraya kat sana kah?? |
Reply 547# _ina_
ina.. lg 9 hari kita nk bertolak.. adeh berdebor pun ada excited pun ada hehehhe |
Reply 548# feen79
yeahhhh counting the daysss ![](static/image/smiley/miluegg/car.jpg) |
Saya dah sampai US nie.. texas.. .sape2 ade sini jom jalan2 cari corelle.. lepas office hour.. bini ...
saujanaimpian Post at 5-3-2012 12:44 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
en saujana, ok tak sewa kete? u ambik terus dari airport ke? |
Alamak takut plak.
Cb tgk schedule bwh nh.
Agak2 sempat ke? Tiket dh beli nh. Takut plak tetinggal flight?
Kalo ade luggage camne ek?
Mampos kalo ttingl flighta nd sangkut kat negara org.
Ade sape2 leh bg advise psl Heathrow x?
Malaysia Airlines
| From
Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
11:40pm | To
London Heathrow (LHR)
05:50am | Nonstop
Coach |
American Airlines
| From
London Heathrow (LHR)
07:45am | To
Chicago OHare (ORD)
10:15am | Nonstop
Coach |
American Airlines
| From
Chicago OHare (ORD)
11:40am | To
Detroit Wayne (DTW)
02:00pm | Nonstop
Coach |
Bukan sy yang menginginkanyer.. huhu.. terpaksa sbb keje..
saya lagi suke duduk malaysia samb ...
saujanaimpian Post at 14-3-2012 12:19 AM ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
setakat nasi lemak, memana pun boleh buat
as long as bahannya ![](static/image/smiley/default/bye.gif) |
en saujana, ok tak sewa kete? u ambik terus dari airport ke?
_ina_ Post at 17-3-2012 18:43 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Amik dari airport senang, jgn lupe amik never lost..
Senang gak bawak right hand side nie... cume kene beware traffice light turn left, kekadang a bit confuse. |
setakat nasi lemak, memana pun boleh buat
as long as bahannya
faraway1 Post at 17-3-2012 21:29 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Nanti lain kali, pergi same-same.. sy dah tau sape ble buat nasi lemak nie.. hahhaa ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
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