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Edited by chami at 9-3-2017 07:15 PM
happy family...
yg n i banyak muk lofa...yg sblm ni muka fattah
chami replied at 9-3-2017 07:12 PM
happy family...
yg n i banyak muk lofa...yg sblm ni muka fattah
semua chomel nau dlm niiii |
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Its nice to have her back home soon.
But when she away, there is less untruths thrown in her direction, so that is a big plus point of being away.
MissRiya replied at 9-3-2017 07:56 PM
Love dah nak balik ke
Kasut tu yg tah belikan kt singapore tu kan..kikiki saja tunjuk kasut tu |
chami replied at 9-3-2017 07:12 PM
happy family...
yg n i banyak muk lofa...yg sblm ni muka fattah
Baby tu comeii sgt |
I pun speku kasut beli kat Singapore. Tadi tengok kasut Fattah dalam photoshoot pun mengundang speku juga. Tapi rasanya bukan his favorite blue tod's. Macam warna lain, so tak sure betul ke tidak my spekuan. |
OK dah tengok balik. It is his favorite blue Tod's :-) |
Nenek Ejas : Lama sangat nenek tunggu chami upload gambar nenek ngan Ejas dan Warda, jadik nenek letak le gambar dari album dalam almari nenek tu aje.... |
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ada lah nek...chami pernah letak dulu....oklah ..yg kat nenek tu....masa ejazarda baru sampai..yg ni masa nak balik

MissRiya replied at 9-3-2017 07:56 PM
Love dah nak balik ke
Kasut tods ke? |
mangkok replied at 9-3-2017 08:19 PM
Its nice to have her back home soon.
But when she away, there is less untruths thrown in her dire ...
Haah and Fattah pulak jadi center of the attention . |
Nenek Ejas : Yang tu nenek ingat tapi gambar bukan dengan dua dua sekali.....
Takpe, lain kali nenek posing ngan kukur kelapa, chami ambilkan gambar pulak ya....
Lepas tu gambar kita naik moto pusing kampung, nak? |
Edited by MissRiya at 9-3-2017 09:36 PM
McGojes replied at 9-3-2017 09:24 PM
Kasut tods ke?
yup..hehe..td jumpa kt ig ada org letak gambar both of them pkai kasut tods tu hari ni |
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propose cara cucu nenek ejaz..
'i want to marry her"
Nk jgk sepasang pls. HahAhaha |
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suka suka suka.......hope many happy news will come ...aamiin
mak ai mahalnya
Edited by chami at 9-3-2017 09:50 PM
tak payahlah mengira butir hujan/pasir dah
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