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Author: sue87

[SBS] Secret Garden-Hyun Bin, Ha Ji-Won,Lee Philip

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Post time 4-1-2011 01:13 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1097# nyampuk

heeeeeeeeeee!!!! suka sangat video ni!!!!

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Post time 4-1-2011 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1099# dauswq

aku tgk 1st 30 min. jek epi 16 tp aku leh agak..kalau jyj ada dlm nih..mesti masa dorang perform kat kbs awards show...masa tuh gak citer nih filming ber latar belakang kan tv yg tgh ada kbs awards. kan kan kan

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Post time 4-1-2011 01:30 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1102# Jelita

aku nmpk ade Choi Ji Woo sekalik...:@

yup mmg betul
ketiplar gmbr sbg bukti kt depa2 nih hehe...
mesti ade curious...biler mase lagik JYJ buat cameo

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Post time 4-1-2011 01:39 PM | Show all posts
ak x sggp nak tgk episod mggu dpn.. adoi..

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Post time 4-1-2011 02:42 PM | Show all posts
wei aku saje nk bg teka teki nih...

sape ade perasaan group JYJ (Micky Yoon Chun, etc) buat cameo ...
dauswq Post at 4-1-2011 12:12 PM

hahahahahha ~ aku baca psl benda ni aritu kat hellokpop, ada prg hyperlink kan site ni. aku dok pikir2 la biler nyer dorg muncul dlm SG epi 16. sekali ingat2 balik, time oska g jumpa seul kat luar nak tnjk psl scandal dorg dah keluar paper, mmg ada nmpk board muka JYJ kat latar blkg oska tu. mcm ko ckp, choi jiwoo pun ada jugak, tp aku x pasan saper kat board yg laki sorg tu. ada nmpk lg satu board tu ada gmbr namja group 5 org, maybe bigbang kot. kalo x bigbang pun, ss501...

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Post time 4-1-2011 02:47 PM | Show all posts
fuhh wish ko... dasatttt

apapun aku totap jelous ngan dorang
nyampuk Post at 4-1-2011 11:17 AM

ngaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~ suka nyer la tgk video ni, sgt sweet & sesuai dgn lagu...

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Post time 4-1-2011 03:27 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1101# fa_stellar

aku pon suka.... sweet arr dorang...jelous aku....

ngeri nak tunggu ending citer nih

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Post time 4-1-2011 03:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1106# rukiaichigo

tul² sesuaikan lagunya... i like

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Post time 4-1-2011 04:54 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by langit_biru18 at 4-1-2011 16:57

ss501 & JYJ buat cameo cuma gambor diorg jer. SS501 masa scene yg OSKA jumpa SUN masa scene Sun pulangkan mp3 kepunyaan OSKA kt airport & gambor JYJ kat papan iklan jerr. tul kan..... ops lupa dah dijwp oleh Kak Jel..

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Post time 5-1-2011 08:14 AM | Show all posts
Secret Garden concert doubles as finale shoot


With its popularity soaring, weekend drama Secret Garden is planning an OST concert to be held next weekend, just in time for the drama’s finale. It will be held at the Children’s Park Dome Art Hall on January 15, and will feature performances by artists Baek Ji-young and 4Men, who are both on the soundtrack, as well as actors Yoon Sang-hyun and even Hyun Bin.
The drama’s soundtrack has been selling briskly online as well as offline; the first CD (OST parts 1 and 2) has sold out of its 30,000 copies. The second CD (parts 3 and 4) recorded nearly 30,000 pre-orders as soon as its release date, January 3, was announced. A part 5 is planned, which will feature Hyun Bin’s version of the song “That Man,” which already has two versions in circulation (one being “That Woman”).
My first thought was that it was odd timing to schedule the concert for broadcast night — great way to keep fans from watching, right? — but it appears they’ve got that covered. The concert runs from 8 to 10 pm, after which the roughly 2,000 attendees will be able to watch the 10 pm broadcast live.
The concert will be pulling double-duty, because footage from the Saturday night show will then be used in Sunday night’s finale broadcast. Talk about cutting it close with the live-shoot. (I know it’s common for a drama’s final episode to be shot a day or two before it airs, but I’ll never get over thinking that isn’t CRAZY.)
The pricing has drawn some disgruntled complaints, however, as many feel the 99,000 won price tag is too steep (close to $90 USD). Concert organizers countered by saying the quality of the show will be greater than ordinary pop concerts. (O rly?) But in the end, I suspect enough fans will be happy to pay up to get to see Yoon Sang-hyun and Hyun Bin in person. Via: E Daily & BNT News
Credit: Dramabeans

omo, hebat la. siap buat concert tu... nmpk gaya kalo ending dorg tnjk concert, sah2 la happy ending!!

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Post time 5-1-2011 08:40 AM | Show all posts
baru la abis tgk epi 13 & 14 with subs...adehh!! JW nih..dalam paler takde lain...asik nak skinship, kiss & dot dot dot jek

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Post time 5-1-2011 09:35 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1111# Jelita

kan? best kan..
comey gila ms yg dia kata 'seminggu x boleh kiss?'


oh btw, kan sume org tak suka ngan tracksuit dia..
tp aku suka je
(bias..apa kat binnie sume aku suka)

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Post time 5-1-2011 09:50 AM | Show all posts
koranggg, soft subs utk epi 15 n 16 dah kuar ke?


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Post time 5-1-2011 10:31 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1112# tulip.purple

comey gak masa dia suh RI pindah umah dia tuh

aku pun suka baju tuh....lawak lagik....kete nya seats pun handmade tuh.....stitch one by one....bengang jek bila seats kete dia kena hujan

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Post time 5-1-2011 10:53 AM | Show all posts
tapi HJW x adop kan.. adakah????? jgn....................

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Post time 5-1-2011 11:25 AM | Show all posts
ngaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~ suka nyer la tgk video ni, sgt sweet & sesuai dgn lagu...
rukiaichigo Post at 4-1-2011 14:47

yeaaa dh tgk scene bubble kiss capucino tu keke...
btul le ko ckp... sweet jek... terkedu RI... trs nk pukul JW...
n part aku x leh tahan gelak.... JW jd stuntman wakak.... sabo je le nk tkr baju ngan mamat tu...
scene mati lak blh die g baring atas bdn org len.... lumpur katanya ekke..
pastu motip kekunun x tau director action tu 1 side ngan die haha.... asyik dok slash mamat tu ngan pedang

part yg die g amik mainan oska tu pn lawak gak....
mr choi dh xdok situ.... tau2 suh psg kt umah die keke... pastu suh oska oder leh tgu lg 3 bln haha
kalo aku jd oska mmg sakit ati le melayan JW ni ekek...
tp sedih arr masa JW ckp ngan mak die yg die minat semntara jek kt RI even aku tau arr motip die ckp gitu...



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Post time 5-1-2011 03:07 PM | Show all posts
yeaaa dh tgk scene bubble kiss capucino tu keke...
btul le ko ckp... sweet jek... te ...
moondance Post at 5-1-2011 11:25

apo yg hang tulis tu semua ye lawok tak hinggat den tengok..

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Post time 5-1-2011 03:48 PM | Show all posts
apo yg hang tulis tu semua ye lawok tak hinggat den tengok..
ayie77 Post at 5-1-2011 15:07

gigih die ikut RI ekek...
nk gak join belakon... org dok berlawan die blh dok tercegat jek kt situ...
smpai naik konpius org yg nk lwn die tu.... ntah brp kali menjerit n dok acu2 tombak tu...
JW leh wat bodo je tgk... yg die dok aim direc action tu je wkaka
kene panah.... lmbat mati psl nk cari spot x berlumpur last2 die g baring atas bdn org tu....
gigih gile den gelak wakkaka mengong le JW ni.... geram tgk ego die tu... masa yg sama x leh nk benci ekke

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Post time 5-1-2011 03:53 PM | Show all posts
gigih die ikut RI ekek...
nk gak join belakon... org dok berlawan die blh dok tercegat jek ...
moondance Post at 5-1-2011 03:48 PM

aku pun mmg gigih la gelak time JW jd extra dlm shooting tu... mmg muka x bersalah betul dia dok baring atas org & dok slash2 director tu... daebak la, JW!! mmg bengkek jer org yg kena tindih dek JW & director tu...

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Post time 5-1-2011 04:11 PM | Show all posts
aku pun mmg gigih la gelak time JW jd extra dlm shooting tu... mmg muka x bersalah betul dia dok ...
rukiaichigo Post at 5-1-2011 15:53

mmg muka x bersalah tul le.... selamba jek die bajet dok baring btul2 atas bdn org tu...
x leh tahan tgk muka org tu konpius hahha

yg diorg kuar mkn ramai2 tu pn lawak gak....
skali RI x kasi kt die... ekke psl tu x taste JW... alih2 bila kene suap...
muka len mcm... siap leh gado psl kunyah & telan ekke..

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