Shopping for Ladies & Gentlemen - Apa2 Yang Korang Beli
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The next shoe that I'm buying... (blom sure if its gonabe for pesonal use or save untuk wedding) :
The Varina ballet flats from Ferragamo at $679

* Cekup from Urban newspaper hari ini
Im very interested in the white one wif black ribbons.. tak reti ah pakai kasut kaler2...either black, white or gold shoes colours for me.. |
Reply #1122 gadis_aries's post
ya, G2000 kat Bugis pun tgh sale, tp end of season sale la |
Originally posted by Izzana at 24-1-2008 10:26 AM 
Aries...skgerl....CNY kalau pergi KL kedai bukak ke? Takut semua balik kampung kedai tak bukak. My family cuma intend to pergi Melaka aje this CNY ni.
izzana, dun wory...dah 2 tahun berturut-turut aries pergi KL during CNY....kedai2 kat sana semuanya buka.... |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 24-1-2008 11:03 AM 
izzana, dun wory...dah 2 tahun berturut-turut aries pergi KL during CNY....kedai2 kat sana semuanya buka....
Thks aries, I'll see whether they want to drop by to KL. |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 24-1-2008 10:12 AM 
sk, G2000 ada sales
semalam me pergi Anchorage SC then masuk kedai G2000 nampak dorang tulis "SALE"...then one of my colleague bought one 3/4 pants. Original price is $49 but she only p ...
thanks bagi inform.....My cousin now kat spore....bule ler I kirim....best best thanks....
sini baju baju suits mahal...and the size tak sesuai ada je nak kena alter....dah ler alter potong seluar jek A$25 satu seluar....tak berbaloi langsung
Originally posted by skgerl at 24-1-2008 10:06 AM 
The next shoe that I'm buying... (blom sure if its gonabe for pesonal use or save untuk wedding) :
The Varina ballet flats from Ferragamo at $679
http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a76/skgerl/f ...
wahhhh cantik ler....ferros...mmg one of my favs......hurmmmm teruja banget..... |
Reply #1126 Izzana's post
izzana, selamat bersopping  |
Originally posted by Ratu_Lybeau at 24-1-2008 11:16 AM 
thanks bagi inform.....My cousin now kat spore....bule ler I kirim....best best thanks....
sini baju baju suits mahal...and the size tak sesuai ada je nak kena alter....dah ler alter potong se ...
np, ratu...
mahal eh seluar kat sana....
niari lunch time nak pergi G2000 harbour front pulak tempted to buy long sleeve t.shirts..... |
Reply #1130 gadis_aries's post
kirim boleh..... |
Reply #1131 Ratu_Lybeau's post
Reply #1132 gadis_aries's post
baju suits....3 pasang boleh size 7 |
aries, loli
you gals got any idea til wen G2000 sale is? I interested nak beli either work pants, skirt or both..mine semua haprak, either butang tercabut or skirt berlobang..geram btol.. G2000 sale very muai to buy coz ori price slalu $69-70+, too expensive for me to buy skirt or pants alone.. |
Originally posted by skgerl at 24-1-2008 03:16 PM 
you gals got any idea til wen G2000 sale is? I interested nak beli either work pants, skirt or both..mine semua haprak, either butang tercabut or skirt berlobang..geram btol.. G2000 sale very mua ...
sk, me not sure till when G2000 sale tu...tapi what i know it is up to 70% discount....
the long sleeve t.shirt cuma S$13... |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 24-1-2008 03:39 PM 
sk, me not sure till when G2000 sale tu...tapi what i know it is up to 70% discount....
the long sleeve t.shirt cuma S$13...
wooooooooooo...70% banyakkkkk tu........ |
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Category: Negeri & Negara